HRE :: Volume #9

#891: Qualified bureaucrat

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Because originally the international situation is tense, the grain price of France presented rising sharply, the announcement that the Paris government made at this time aggravated the situation. 原本因为国际局势紧张,法国的粮食价格就出现了大涨,巴黎政府这个时候发布的公告更是火上浇油。 Everyone knows that the French food supply had the problem. Although the French government guaranteed repeatedly, the domestic grain supply cannot be affected, the folk erupted snatched the grain unrest. 所有人都知道法兰西粮食供应出现了问题。尽管法国政府一再保证,国内粮食供应不会受影响,民间还是爆发了抢粮风潮。 For seeking exorbitant profits, the capitalists intentionally are exaggerating the food crisis, suddenly various rumor run all over the place. 为了牟取暴利,资本家们故意夸大粮食危机,一时间各种谣言满天飞。 Subsided the grain price not to say by the mouth on line, other can flicker, flows in increasingly reduces to the grain of France, was actually the indisputable fact. 平息粮价不是靠嘴说就行的,别的都可以忽悠,流入到法兰西的粮食日渐减少,却是不争的事实。 By influence that the grain price fluctuates, Rafael's day does not feel better. In order to subside domestic grain price, Napoleon IV ordered the state farm after the autumn harvested grains harvested, immediately got up to transport returning to homeland. 受粮价波动的影响,拉法埃尔的日子不好过了。为了平息国内粮价,拿破仑四世下令国有农场在秋粮收割后,立即起运回国。 Head who plans as the farm, Rafael is clear operation in overseas farm. The output in account, with the actual production of farm is completely two concepts. 作为农场计划的负责人,拉法埃尔非常清楚海外农场的运营情况。账面上的产量,和农场的实际产量完全是两个概念。 The factor that because the natural condition and bureaucrat manage, causing the grain production cost of overseas farm to stay at a high level, goes far beyond the international grain price. 因为自然条件和官僚管理的因素,导致海外农场的粮食生产成本居高不下,远远超过国际粮价。 Because of the reason of tariff barrier, the external grain inflow must undertake the high tariff, the French grain price has been in the top level. 因为关税壁垒的缘故,外来粮食流入要承担高额的关税,法国本土的粮价一直处于高位水平。 Grain import plant to earn, the bureaucrats will unable to pass with money, naturally knows how should choose. 进口粮食比自己种植赚得更多,官僚们不会和钱过不去,自然知道该怎么选择。 Napoleon IV has cleaned up one time, were many part of face-saving projects, overwhelming majority farms still contributed no work but be undetected because of others. 拿破仑四世清理过一次,也只是多了一部分面子工程,绝大部分农场仍然是滥竽充数。 Acts in a play must make the complete set, the central government is not a fool, if the farm produces 100,000 tons wheat, actually transports 110,000 tons wheat to the home, will definitely be discovered has the issue. 做戏也要做全套,中央政府又不是傻子,要是农场出产10万吨小麦,却向国内输送11万吨小麦,肯定会被发现有问题。 The stupid bureaucrats were eliminated, can remain fishes the gold/metal is the smart people. For seeking exorbitant profits, everyone became the opening up wasteland model. 愚蠢的官僚都被淘汰了,能够留下来捞金的都是聪明人。为了牟取暴利,大家都成了开荒模范。 In the account the farm will open up a lot of lands every year, the grain capacity increases successively, artificially makes a prosperous aspect. 账面上农场每年都会开垦大量的土地,粮食产能更是节节攀升,人为制造出一副欣欣向荣的局面。 Everyone takes the data of fabrication, swindles the fiscal subsidy from the government hand, is engaged in the grain smuggling seeking exorbitant profits. 大家拿着捏造的数据,一面从政府手中骗取财政补助,一面从事粮食走私牟取暴利。 Now is not good, the international grain price rises suddenly, the business that made money, turns into the losing money business now, realized the bureaucrats who the crisis arrives, start to look for the escape route. 现在不行了,国际粮食价格暴涨,原本赚钱的买卖,现在变成了赔钱生意,意识到危机降临的官僚们,纷纷开始找后路。 Recently, Rafael will receive one pile of resignation letters every day, hangs that seal goes. 最近一段时间,拉法埃尔每天都会收到一堆辞职信,很多都是挂印而去的那种。 The after transporting grain of Napoleon IV made next, does not need Rafael to respond, the farm official was short of 1/3. 拿破仑四世的运粮令下后,不待拉法埃尔反应过来,农场官员就少了三分之一。 The great people travelled, remaining was the small mixed fish that could not be inescapable, the mess pounds in Rafael hand. 大人物都跑路了,剩下的都是跑不了的小杂鱼,烂摊子就砸在了拉法埃尔手中。 Bang a sound, Rafael discarded in the hand that thick one pack of resignation letters, saying ruthlessly: „ Kohl told these damn fellows, wanted to resign, first said this problem solve again. “砰”的一声响,拉法埃尔扔掉了手中那厚厚的一叠辞职信,狠狠的说道:“科尔告诉这些该死的家伙,想要辞职可以,先把这次的问题解决了再说。 Otherwise everyone under was finished together, who their backstages are, I will first deliver them to go to hell before being put in prison. 要不然大家就一起下完蛋,无论是他们的后台是谁,我都会在入狱之前先送他们下地狱。 Which relates to travel while convenient, during a period of one week has not returned, their given names will appear as spy on the warrant for arrest. ” 顺便联系哪些跑路的,一周之内没有返回,他们的大名就会以间谍的身份出现在通缉令上。” Under the cruel methods are not good, the mess erupted at this time, was battered to death sufficiently anybody, Rafael did not have exactly enough, could not carry this pot. 不下狠手都不行了,烂摊子在这个时候爆发,足以砸死任何人,拉法埃尔还没有活够,背不起这个锅。 Although the crisis is serious, has a slim chance of survival. Theoretically, so long as found the way to fill in the grain hole, this crisis can cross. 危机虽然严重,却并非没有一线生机。理论上来说,只要想办法填上了粮食窟窿,这次危机就可以渡过去。 So many years, everyone made a lot of money. Pure economically, puts out part to make up the price difference, can bear. 这么多年,大家都捞了不少钱。单纯从经济上来说,拿出一部分补上差价,还是能够负担的。 Kohl's men's whole face bitter and astringent reply: „ Count, this order, once issues, perhaps the remaining people must be exposed. 科尔的男子满脸苦涩的回答道:“伯爵阁下,这个命令一旦下达,恐怕剩下的人也要跑光了。 The present issue is not money, if pure compensates one, everyone will not run such quickly. 现在的问题不是钱,如果单纯只是赔上一笔,大家也不会跑得这么快。 After all the position of farm may be the lucrative job, money that now needs to pay, in the future can double to fish. 毕竟农场的职位可都是肥差,现在需要付出的钱,未来都可以加倍捞回来。 The key is the present is rich, does not have the place to buy the sufficient grain! 关键是现在有钱,也没地方买到足够的粮食! After the Austria Libyan government sweeps the goods ahead of time, did the monopolist operation in the international market, forbidding the grain to flow in France. 地利政府提前扫货后,在国际市场上搞起了垄断经营,禁止粮食流入法兰西。 Even smuggles is not good, again ox cross/crotch smuggling merchant, does not have the means to smuggle over a million tons grain in a short time, was not discovered. 即便是走私也不行,再牛叉的走私商人,也没有办法在短时间内走私上百万吨粮食,都不被人发现。 We most also pay the high price to hand over small some grain to come back from other country, is unable to complete the task of government. ” 我们最多也就出高价从别的国家转手一小部分粮食回来,根本就无法完成政府的任务。” Listened to Kohl's explanation, Rafael understands finally why some so many officials travelled. 听了科尔的解释,拉法埃尔总算是明白,为什么有那么多官员跑路了。 Is this time matter is too big, caught up in this crucial point, once exposed, the people from various circles could not forgive them. 实在是这次的事情太大,又赶在了这个节骨眼上,一旦曝光了出来,社会各界都饶不了他们。 At this time did not travel, behind did not have the opportunity to run. This year travels in any case easily, so long as outside the rich casual open sea some country hides, when the crest of wave passed then comes back. 这个时候再不跑路,后面就没有机会跑了。反正这年头跑路容易,只要有钱随便外海外某个国家一躲,等风头过了再回来。 Count Rafael cursed angrily: „ Is one group of idiots and idiots! The overseas cannot buy, hasn't been able to buy internally? 拉法埃尔伯爵怒骂道:“都是一群白痴、蠢货!国外买不到,还不能在国内买么? So long as we according to the request of government, transport/fortune returning to homeland the grain of full amount, who will care about the grain where to come! 只要我们按照政府的要求,将足额的粮食运回国,谁会在乎粮食是从哪里来的! Really is not good, in the grain wholesaler hand that first since we cooperate borrows a number of grain emergency, the grain of farm must sell to any case their. ” 实在是不行,先从我们合作的粮食批发商手中借一批粮食应急,反正农场的粮食也是要卖给他们的。” Heart of hearts, Rafael deep despised subordinate these hurried travelling bureaucrats, without dealing with changes ability. 内心深处,拉法埃尔深深的鄙视了一番手下那些匆忙跑路官僚,没有应变能力。 Orders various farms to reorganize a locust plague to report, the material note is more detailed, gives the picture of preparation beforehand enclosed, reported the government together. “命令各农场整理一份蝗灾报告,资料备注详细一些,把事先准备的照片也给附上,一起上报政府。 Remembered, so long as the farm production cut of Algeria and Morocco were good, that side Egypt first do not move, extremely will deliberately be discovered. 记住了,只要阿尔及利亚和摩洛哥的农场减产就行了,埃及那边先不要动,太过刻意会被发现的。 Reduces production and gets no crop, establishes provisionally that about 25%, making the following person do not think oneself clever to me. 减产和绝收加起来,暂定在百分之二十五左右,让下面的人不要给我自作聪明。 Everyone tries to find the solution together, taking advantage, buys, deceives, no matter I entirely, after the fall harvest, each farm at least needs to ship back the stipulation share 30% grain. 大家一起想办法,借也罢、买也罢、骗也罢,我通通不管,秋收后每家农场至少要运回规定份额百分之三十的粮食来。 Remaining looks to give a pretext to me is dragging, after the war breaks out, finding the way to fling the pot to give Austria altruistic. ” 剩下的就找借口给我拖着,战争爆发后,想办法甩锅给地利人。” Gets no crop is completely not possible, if really so, it is estimated that Napoleon IV must kill people. 完全绝收是不可能的,真要是如此,估计拿破仑四世就要杀人了。 Rafael did not have exactly enough, does not want to challenge the Emperor bottom line. Reducing production 1/4 were similar. 拉法埃尔还没有活够,不想去挑战皇帝的底线。减产四分之一就差不多了。 The false report achievements, in the French government are the normal state, everyone is boasting, otherwise does France keep pace with British Austria? 虚报政绩,在法国政府中本来就是常态,大家都在吹牛,要不然法兰西怎么和英并驾齐驱? But makes a false report must have the limit, enlarges 0% more than ten and twenty, everyone can accept ; If rises several times and dozens times, that is unable to endure. 只不过虚报也要有限度,放大百分之十几、二十几,大家都可以接受;要是翻上几倍、几十倍,那就无法忍受了。 Without a doubt, the farm plan of France, the moisture content is several times and dozens times of that some concrete moisture content many, must look at the moral integrity of responsible bureaucrats. 毫无疑问,法兰西的农场计划,水分就是几倍、几十倍的那种,具体水分有多少,就要看负责官僚们的节操了。 In some sense, Rafael's assignment, considered the fairness principle. 某种意义上来说,拉法埃尔的分配,也是考虑到了公平性原则。 The moisture content small farm, the bureaucrats take the benefit to be few, perhaps oneself capacity enough, does not need the massive hemorrhage now. 水分小的农场,官僚们拿得利益少,自身产能没准就够了,现在不需要大出血。 The moisture content serious, or was the farm that on the simple paper surface had, the money been responsible for bureaucrat swallowed, now this/should they bleed. 水分严重、或者是干脆纸面上存在的农场,钱都被负责的官僚吞了,现在就该他们出血。 Also does not lose completely. The grain of turning , the government must pay money, what the bureaucrats lose is only price difference. 况且,也不是完全损失掉。上缴的粮食,政府也是要付钱的,官僚们损失的只是其中的差价。 The hemorrhage is insufficient to have a fracture, to overwhelming majority bureaucrats, is acceptable. 出血又不至于伤筋动骨,对绝大部分官僚来说,都是可以接受的。 After all, what everyone carries is the golden rice bowl, the present loss, can double to fish in the future. Does not need to select the benefit, does brings ruin and shame upon oneself. 毕竟,大家端的是金饭碗,现在的损失,未来都可以加倍捞回来。没必要为了这么点儿利益,就搞得身败名裂。 Yes, Count!” “是,伯爵!” Now what Kohl admires to Count Rafael is full of admiration, such big matter, was given the solution in a few words. 现在科尔对拉法埃尔伯爵佩服的是五体投地,这么大的事情,都被三言两语给解决了。 ...... ……
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