HRE :: Volume #9

#890: Snatches the grain

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Tense international situation, not only pushed up the price, similarly also affected the international trade, the volumes of trade of almost all countries are sliding. 紧张的国际局势,不仅推高了物价,同样也影响到了国际贸易,几乎所有国家的贸易量都在下滑。 Especially law Austria both countries at storm center, the loss is most serious. Among law Austria is engaged in the international trade the enterprise, is busy the receiving after dunning credit, and no longer accepts the reservation, needs the cash transaction. 尤其处在风暴中心的法两国,损失最为惨重。法之间从事国际贸易的企业,都忙着催收账款,并且不再接受预订,必须要现款交易。 Without the means that no one knows that the war time will hit. Once became the belligerent country, do not count on that the opposite party paid money. 没有办法,谁也不知道战争时间就会打起来。一旦成了交战国,就不要指望对方付款了。 The contract has no function here, the destructive power of war is astonishing, even if won, the opposite party does not have money payment tail ; If lost were more miserable, never having the winner to pay money to the loser. 合同在这里没有任何作用,战争的破坏力是惊人的,就算是打赢了,对方也没钱支付尾款;要是打输了更惨,从来都没有赢家给输家付钱的。 The country is so, the enterprise is also the same. A truce treaty, can cancel the beforehand all debts. 国家是如此,企业也一样。一份停战条约,就可以抹去之前所有的欠款。 The foreign trade falls falls, the European war breaks out to near in any case, the capitalists have been ready to fight to make the national disaster wealth, does not care about in the foreign trade that son small advantage. 外贸下跌就下跌,反正欧陆大战爆发在即,资本家们早就磨拳擦掌想要发国难财,也不在乎外贸上那点儿小利。 Palace of Versailles, since determined after implementing the Central European strategy, Napoleon IV highly was nervous. 凡尔赛宫,自从确定实施中欧战略后,拿破仑四世的精神就高度紧张了起来。 Turns over to self-confidently self-confidently, failure lesson that but Napoleon keeps, is actually the shadow that in his mind can hardly be removed. 自信归自信,可是拿破仑留下来的失败教训,却是他脑海中挥之不去的阴影。 Asking that Napoleon IV anticipates: Which step diplomatic work proceeded, are how many countries willing to accept our good intentions?” 拿破仑四世期待的问:“外交工作进行到了哪一步,有多少国家愿意接受了我们的善意?” drawing ally Napoleon IV did not count on matter that obviously seeks an impossibility, various European countries will not do. 拉盟友拿破仑四世是不指望了,明显与虎谋皮的事情,欧洲各国根本就不会干。 France does not have enough benefit to buy over everyone to enter the war, the best choice splits up various European countries, does not make them join up in view of France. 法兰西也没有足够的利益收买大家参战,最好的选择就是分化欧洲各国,不让他们联合起来针对法兰西。 Foreign minister Karel Kadlec replied calm: „ Ministry of Foreign Affairs had initially completed the task, we have convinced Portugal, Spain, Holland and Northern European federation remained neutral. 外交大臣卡雷尔・卡德莱茨淡定答道:“外交部已经初步完成了任务,我们已经说服了葡萄牙、西班牙、荷兰、北欧联邦保持中立。 Plan that if the military has not dispatched troops to from Switzerland, then Switzerland also remains neutral in this war. 如果军方没有从瑞士出兵的计划,那么瑞士也会在这场战争中保持中立。 The English is supports our, the Russia person wants to mediate this war, after we reject, the Tsar government is angry, may stand on the side of the Austria advantage. 英国人是支持我们的,俄国人想要调停这场战争,遭到我们拒绝后,沙皇政府非常生气,可能会站在地利一边。 However before the war decides the victory and defeat, the neutrality will first wait and see the situation, after Austria Lijun team defeats, the Russia talent will come out to interfere. 不过在战争分出胜负之前,他们会先中立观望局势,等地利军队战败后,俄国人才会出来干涉。 Possibly will affect our incomes, but will not affect the result of this war. To the Tsar government, powerful Austria benefits does not serve their benefits. 可能会影响我们的收益,但不会影响这场战争的结局。对沙皇政府来说,一个强大的地利并不符合他们的利益。 Besides the country of these influence, the remaining Greece and Montenegro strength is a little limited, without the qualifications affects this war, had deep impact by the Austria advantage, has not won over the value. 除了这些有点儿影响力的国家外,剩下的希腊、黑山实力非常有限,没有资格影响这场战争,又受地利影响严重,没有拉拢价值。 The enemy who we need to face truly only then Belgium and German federation and Austria benefit the three countries, the concrete harvest depended on the military to go to the battlefield to take. ” 我们真正需要面对的敌人只有比利时、德意志联邦和地利三国,具体的收获都靠军方去战场上取了。” Can look at Karel Kadlec is the optimist, even by an enemy three, he still determined that French armed forces can gain the victory. 看得出来卡雷尔・卡德莱茨是乐观主义者,即便是以一敌三,他仍然确定法军能够取得胜利。 As for the diplomatic work, can achieve now this is not very easy. Even if there is a help of English, can yield such result in the section time, Karel Kadlec still claims credit really great. 至于外交工作,能做到现在这一步已经很不容易了。即便是有英国人的帮忙,能够在段时间内取得这样的成果,卡雷尔・卡德莱茨也是居功甚伟的。 Belgium and Germany are the goal that France expands, the Austria money pouch France biggest competitor, these three enemies are impossible to go round. 比德两国是法兰西扩张的目标,地利是法兰西最大的竞争对手,这三家敌人根本就不可能绕开。 In fact, the French government has also thought splits up three countries', for example: First annexes Belgium, after the digestion, captures the Rhineland area. 事实上,法国政府也想过分化三国的,比如说:先吞并比利时,消化后再夺取莱茵兰地区。 Very regrettable, hidden does not comply in the secret English, signed Austria of treaty of alliance to benefit with Belgium, similarly will not tolerate this matter. 很遗憾,隐藏在幕后的英国人不答应,和比利时签订了盟约的地利,同样也不会容忍这种事情。 Naturally, if first starts to the German federation, the possibility of Belgian neutrality is very big, after all survives as the small country priority. 当然,如果先对德意志联邦下手,比利时中立的可能性还是非常大的,毕竟作为小国首要任务是生存。 What a pity the geographical position of Belgium is good, must attack the German area, best to encroach upon from Belgium, otherwise must go over hill and dale. 可惜比利时的地理位置好啊,要进攻德意志地区,最好是从比利时借道,要不然就要翻山越岭。 The time of not only delaying is long, but also the success ratio is low. In comparison, might as well even Belgium gets rid of together cost-effective, in their plans also includes to annex Belgium in any case. 不仅耽搁的时间长,而且成功率还非常低。相比之下,还不如连比利时一起干掉划算,反正他们的计划中也包括吞并比利时。 Napoleon IV nods, definitely said: Ministry of Foreign Affairs this time does well, then your work stand firm these countries, making them not come to add to the chaos.” 拿破仑四世点了点头,肯定道:“外交部这次干得不错,接下来你们的工作就是稳住这些国家,让他们别来添乱。” Copes with the Austria three countries alone, France must withstand the war on two fronts the pressure, has other European countries to join again, the weaponry had no way to hit. 单独对付比德三国,法兰西就要承受两线作战的压力,再有其它欧洲国家加入进来,仗就没法打了。 This is not French armed forces cannot hit, really pays attention to both less than so many places. Although French armed forces had mobilized over a million people, but main force original that several hundred thousand, other newly-organized armies also with fighting the running free war are good. 这不是法军不能打,实在是兼顾不到那么多地方。虽然法军已经动员了上百万人,可主力还是原来那几十万,其他新编部队也就跟着打顺风仗还行。 Once conducts many to divide forces, the battle efficiency advantage of French armed forces is not distinct. Elite army, if the quantity is insufficient, will be rubbed in the battlefield. 一旦进行多线分兵,法军的战斗力优势就不明显了。再精锐的部队,要是数量不足,也会在战场上被磨死。 Had not become confused by the oral praise of Napoleon IV, Karel Kadlec analyzes saying: „ Your majesty, we must meet one immediately newly troublesome. 没有被拿破仑四世的口头表扬冲昏头脑,卡雷尔・卡德莱茨分析道:“陛下,我们马上就要遇到一个新麻烦。 Minister in Vienna spreads the news, one week ago the Austria Libyan government and Russia person reach the agreement, the direct premium 25% bought out Russian Empire this year the grain that plans to export. 驻维也纳公使传来消息,一周前地利政府和俄国人达成协议,直接溢价百分之二十五买断了俄罗斯帝国今年计划出口的粮食。 Two days ago Austria benefits the foreign minister Wessenberg virtue ministers to conduct the secret meeting in secret compared with the same period, reached an agreement doubtful. 两天前地利外交大臣韦森贝格私底下同比德两国公使进行秘密会面,疑似达成了一份协议。 All sorts of signs showed, this agreement definitely aims at our. If as expected, the three countries must conduct the commodity embargo to us in the near future. 种种迹象都表明,这份协议肯定是针对我们的。如果不出意外的话,三国近期就要对我们进行物资禁运。 Other commodity said that the issue was the coal and grain. Once the three countries implement the commodity to embargo to us, the coal we can only rely on the English, the grain can only try to find the solution from the overseas. ” 别的物资都好说,问题是煤和粮食。一旦三国对我们实施物资禁运,煤我们就只能依赖英国人,粮食只能从海外想办法。” The French government does not have the contingency reserve system of improvement, even if stores up has the grain and coal, that is still a capitalist to make the war wealth, stores up spontaneously. 法国政府没有完善的应急储备体系,就算是储存的有粮食和煤,那也是资本家为了发战争财,自发囤积的。 Individually speaking, perhaps is astronomical figures ; But to a country, that is futile attempt. 对个人来说,或许是一个天文数字;可是对一个国家来说,那就是杯水车薪。 The energy and grain any have problems, will bring the fatal harm, let alone is both has the problem together. 能源和粮食任何一项出了问题,都会带来致命的伤害,何况是两者一起出现问题。 The coal said insufficient fortunately, UK , France are the ally, the London government want law Austria to be mutually wounded now, naturally cannot look that the French because of lacking the coal collapses. 煤不足还好说,英法现在是盟友,伦敦政府想要法两败俱伤,自然不能看着法国人因为缺煤而崩溃。 At the worst takes advantage, sells a sky-high price. The sky-high price coal method people are not useless, previously after withdrawing from the free trade system, France encountered the sky-high price coal retaliation. 大不了就是趁火打劫,卖出一个天价来。天价煤法国人又不是没用过,早先退出自由贸易体系后,法兰西就遭到了天价煤报复。 The grain is not good, Englander is the grain importer, absolutely does not have the ability to support the French. 粮食就不行了,英国人自己都是粮食进口国,根本就没有能力支援法国人。 Naturally, the food production cycle is not long, so long as passed most difficult some time, behind can solve. 当然,粮食生产周期不长,只要度过了最艰难的一段时间,后面就能够解决了。 First Lord of the Treasury Roy Vernon has a big shock saying: „ Premium 25%, was Austria altruistic insane? 财政大臣罗伊・弗农大惊失色道:“溢价百分之二十五,地利人是疯了么? Vienna government money were many not a flower, even if must win over the Russia person, does not need to toss about. ” 难道维也纳政府钱多得没出花了,就算是要拉拢俄国人,也没必要这么折腾。” Because of the European situation intense reason, the international grain price has risen dramatically significantly, at this time again the premium 25%, the grain price of buying was more expensive than one time before. 因为欧洲局势紧张的缘故,国际粮价已经大幅度飙升,这个时候再溢价百分之二十五,买到手的粮食价格比之前足足贵了一倍。 Must know that grain possibly wholesale trading commodities, the total grain output that the Russia person exits every year is 1 million tons is the unit, the price doubles, means that the Austria Libyan government must compensate several million, and even the funds of over a hundred million aegises goes. 要知道粮食可能大宗交易商品,俄国人每年出口的粮食总量都是百万吨为单位的,价格增加一倍,就意味着地利政府要赔几千万、乃至上亿神盾的资金进去。 Prime Minister Terence Bourgin shakes the head: „ No, Austria altruistic not insane. They do not snatch the grain, these grain may fall to our hands. 特伦斯・布尔金首相摇了摇头:“不,地利人没有疯。他们不抢粮,这些粮食就有可能落到我们手中。 If as expected, the rushed to purchase grain only has Russia not only, the grain of American countries also by them ahead of time truncation reckless. 如果不出意外的话,被抢购的粮食不光只有俄国的,美洲各国的粮食也被他们提前截胡了。 Could not win us in the battlefield, they naturally must adopt this dirty trick. The cost that they pay also not necessarily has us to imagine is so high. 在战场上赢不了我们,他们自然要采取这种卑鄙手段了。况且,他们付出的成本也未必有我们想象中那么高。 The Russia person, is the American countries, is the debtors who Austria benefits, they can directly conduct deducting as the creditor with the creditor's rights. 无论是俄国人,还是美洲各国,都是地利的债务人,作为债主他们可以直接拿债权进行抵扣。 However they think that this can beat us, took for granted. 不过他们以为这就能够击垮我们,还是太想当然了。 Recently these years, we may not have white being busy at work. The ranch plan is conducted now, every year can provide over a million tons grain for the home, meets the domestic most needs sufficiently. 最近这些年,我们可没有白忙活。大农场计划进行到现在,每年都能为国内提供上百万吨的粮食,足以满足国内的大部分需求。 In time of war, we can also adopt the extremity. The government can summon that the people save the grain, simultaneously releases the temporary bill, forbids to feed the draft animal with the grain, forbids to brew alcohol with the grain...... 战争时期,我们也可以采取非常手段。政府可以号召民众节省粮食,同时出台临时性法案,禁止用粮食喂养牲口,禁止用粮食酿酒…… So long as insists for several months, when we beat the enemy, these issues were easily solved. ” 只要坚持几个月,等我们击败了敌人,这些问题就迎刃而解了。” The grain reserves are insufficient, the overseas cannot buy the sufficient grain, besides thinking means cut-off, what to do but can also? 粮食储备不足,海外又买不到足够的粮食,除了想办法截流之外,还能怎么办? Naturally launched the war ahead of time! 当然是提前发动战争了! France is not does not produce the grain, but delivers the insufficient consumption, is not equal to without grain import, immediately must run out of rice and firewood. 法兰西又不是不产粮食,只不过产出不够消耗,并不等于没有进口粮食,马上就要断炊了。 The domestic grain can also support for several months, so long as before the crisis breaks out won the war, then all issues can be easily solved. 国内的粮食还能够支撑几个月,只要在危机爆发前赢得战争,那么所有问题都可以迎刃而解。 Heard this sad news gloomy, the face of Napoleon IV all of a sudden. 听到这个噩耗,拿破仑四世的脸一下子阴沉了下来。 At this time, he has to rejoice that persisted in promoting the ranch plan, otherwise now wants the tragedy. 这个时候,他不得不庆幸坚持推广了大农场计划,要不然现在就要悲剧了。 The capitalists stored up how much grain he not to know, in any case storage time of a number of grain, usually not over a half year. 资本家储存了多少粮食他不知道,反正一批粮食的存放时间,通常不会超过半年。 On the one hand is the storage time is too long, increased the carrying cost and loss, if there is grain to be unsalable, the new grain changes old grain that is not valuable ; 一方面是存放时间过长,增加了储存成本和损耗,要是发生粮食滞销,新粮变陈粮那就不值钱了; On the other hand is extrusion too much grain in the hand, will take so much floating capital, increases the operation the risk. 另一方面是挤压太多的粮食在手中,会占用大量的流动资金,增加运营的风险。 After pondering a while time, Napoleon IV said slowly: „ Prime minister said well, now we must find the way to save the grain, the government as soon as possible outward the issue announcement. 沉思了一会儿功夫后,拿破仑四世缓缓说道:“首相说得不错,现在我们必须要想办法节省粮食,政府尽快对外发布公告。 Ministry of Foreign Affairs from now on, around the world rushes to purchase the grain, I do not believe that Austria can buy altruistic up the grain. ” 外交部从现在开始,在全世界范围内抢购粮食,我不相信地利人能把粮食买光。” ...... ……
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