WhileflickeringSwitzerland, Austriaalsotakes the similarrepertoireto trickSpain, but the conditionis more excellent, request more loose.
在忽悠瑞士的同时,奥地利也拿着同样的套路去忽悠西班牙,只不过条件更优厚、要求更宽松一些。Although the pressed salted duckempiredeclined, the good and evil is also one in big powers. The odd changesmallmoney pouchcould not buy, bigpriceAustriais not willingto leave.
板鸭帝国虽然没落了,好歹也是列强中的一员。零头小利是收买不了的,大代价奥地利又不愿意出。Therefore can only reduce requirement, does not needthemto dispatch troopsto enter the war. So long as the deploying troopsboundaryaddsto stop upto the French, waits for the general situationalreadydecides, againcomes upto make up the bladeon the line.
所以只能降低要求的,都不需要他们出兵参战。只要陈兵边界给法国人添堵,等大局已定的时候,再上去补刀就行了。If the Frenchwon, whenthatwhatmatterhas not happened, whyshouldwhygo.
要是法国人赢了,那就当什么事情都没有发生,该干嘛干嘛去。Even the military expensesareAustriagivein any case, frontinterest-free loan, to the appearance money of Spanish.
反正连军费都是奥地利给的,前面的无息贷款,就是给西班牙人的出场费。Gains the business that does not compensatesteadily, does not needto be worriedto do business at a loss.
The onlytroubleoffended the Frenchprobably, but the foreign policytransformedbeforeoffended, does not carecomesagainonetime.
唯一的麻烦大概是得罪了法国人,不过之前外交政策转变就得罪了,也不在乎再来一次。Asone in big powers, thissmallmatter, Spaincan lift up.
作为列强中的一员,这点儿小事情,西班牙还是扛得起的。Besideswinning overoutsideSpain , Switzerland, Austriaalsoinotherpublic relationsEuropean countries.
除了拉拢西、瑞两国外,奥地利还在公关其他欧洲国家。Althoughbecause of the relations of geopolitics, thesecountriesis impossibleto enter the war, maybe used for the strongmomentumisgood.
虽然因为地缘政治的关系,这些国家不可能参战,可用来壮声势还是不错的。In comparison, French'sresponsewas much slower. Reallyis not the FrenchMinistry of Foreign Affairswastematerial, is the issue left over by history is too mainly serious.
The exposedCentral Europeanstrategy, caused the vigilance of various European countries, increased the workdifficulty of Ministry of Foreign Affairsdirectly.
已经曝光的中欧战略,引起了欧洲各国的警惕,直接增加了外交部的工作难度。Although the French governmentrepeatedlydenied, the movement that but the expansion of armamentsprepares forcould not deceive people. ComparesFrench'scommitment, everyonelikesto believeoneselfsee.
尽管法国政府一再否认,可是扩军备战的动作骗不了人。相比法国人的承诺,大家更愿意相信自己看到的。Especially after the Englishparticipates, making the situationmore intriguing, manypeopleworried that continental Europeerupts into all -out war, namely: UK , FranceUnionvsRussia , AustriaUnions.
The troubledinternational situation, makingAlexander IIIinSt. Petersburgextremelyworried. To provokewar is not false, butcannotbeabsolutelynow.
Since the Europeansituationis tense, variousstrategic resourcespricesstart the hurricane, turnstimeis not infrequent.
The pricehighczargovernmentalso can only clench teethto buyagain, even must store up, otherwise the Europeanwarreallybroke out, when the time comesisrich, buysdoes not receipt.
价格再高沙皇政府也只能咬牙买,甚至还要多囤积一些,要不然欧陆战争真的爆发了,到时候就是有钱,也买不到货。Byinfluence that the pricerises, recentlyin2-3months, the military expensesexpenses of czargovernmentrapidlyincreased.
受物价上涨的影响,最近2-3个月内,沙皇政府的军费开销急剧增加。Alexander III: „Is Frenchwillingto acceptourmediation?”
亚历山大三世:“法国人肯接受我们的调停么?”Without a doubt, musteasethisdisturbance, the key of issueon the French. So long as the French governmentis willingto give up the Central Europeanstrategy, thiswarcannot hit.
毫无疑问,要平息这次风波,问题的关键还是在法国人身上。只要法国政府肯放弃中欧战略,这场战争就打不起来。Foreign ministerOscar Jimenezshakes the head: „ Accepted, was equal to that has not accepted.
The French governmentcompliesto give up the Central Europeanstrategy, buttheyput forward the condition, wantsseveralcoal mines on Belgium and Germanycessionboundaryto make the compensation.
法国政府答应放弃中欧战略,但是他们提出了条件,要比德两国割让边界上的几座煤矿做补偿。Judging from the present situation, Belgian and German governmentsare impossibleto make such bigconcession. The attitude that Austriais ready to go to war, provided the confidencetothem. ”
从目前的情况来看,比德两国政府根本就不可能做出这么大的让步。奥地利不惜一战的态度,给他们提供了信心。”Quitesomewhat a pre-warsituation, the ally and agreementnational capitalhave the confidence of winning the war, whoinstigatedwhois a grandson.
颇有几分一战前的情况,同盟国和协约国都有赢得战争的信心,谁怂谁是孙子。AlthoughBelgium and Germany the potentialis weak, but the allyare many! Not to mentionmost countries in Europesupportstheirresist aggression, light/only an Austrianbacking, theyhavewith the energy that the Frenchrefutes.
The compromise, saidsimply. The nationalism of Belgium and Germanyrose, ifreallymade the concessionto the French, the spittle of domestic populace, can the governmentburying.
妥协,说起来简单。比德两国的民族主义都崛起了,真要是对法国人做出了让步,国内民众的唾沫星子,都能将政府给埋了。Belgium and Germanyare unable to yield, the Parisgovernmentis unable to give upsimilarly. Nowwill receive the handhometo lead to the economic crisisimmediately, will unable to do well a timewill comeParisrevolutionagain.
比德两国无法让步,巴黎政府同样无法罢手。现在收手国内马上就会爆发经济危机,搞不好会再来一次巴黎革命。Thought throughall these, Alexander IIIcursed: „DamnEnglish, will playtheseYinmoves.”
想通了这一切,亚历山大三世咒骂道:“该死的英国佬,就会玩儿这些阴招。”Does not need the evidence, from the profitingangleanalysis, knows that cannot withdraw the relationswith the English.
不需要证据,从受益角度分析,就知道和英国人脱不开关系。„Ministry of Foreign Affairsfinds the wayto delay the time that the Europeanwarbreaks outtome, no matteryouusewhat means that combined threats with inducementsandthreaten, mustdelay the warburst timein the second half of next year.”
“外交部给我想办法拖延欧陆战争爆发的时间,不管你们用什么办法,威逼利诱、恐吓都可以,必须要把战争爆发时间拖到明年下半年。”Without means that if the Europeanwarbreaks outimmediately, sawWar in Afghanistan that victory is in sight, becameconfusing.
没有办法,要是欧陆战争立即爆发,眼看胜利在望的阿富汗战争,就变得扑朔迷离了。AlthoughAlexander IIIis confidentto the Russian force, butcannot support the Englishto have money, in the battlefieldcannot winothersto tow.
尽管亚历山大三世对俄军有信心,可是架不住英国人有钱,战场上打不赢人家可以一直拖下去。Without the donorsupports, onlydepending on the wallet of czargovernment, how long may be unable to insist.
没有金主支持,仅凭沙皇政府的钱包,可坚持不了多久。Oscar Jimenezawkwardreplying of: „ Your majesty, this is very difficultto accomplish.
奥斯卡・希门尼斯为难的答道:“陛下,这恐怕很难办到。Ifbefore the War in Afghanistanbreaks out, wereallyhave the strength of interference, canmakeboth sidescalm down, but the Frenchwill perhaps not be convincednow. ”
It is not the face of Russian Empireis not very big, the keyistimeis not right, severalcountry concernedpreparein the expansion of armaments.
不是俄罗斯帝国的面子不够大,关键是时间点不对,几个当事国都在扩军备战。Eruptsfrom the war, whatdifferenceis only a blasting fuse. Does not wantto stop, canstop.
距离战争爆发,差的只是一根导火索。根本就不是想停,就能够停下来的。Delayed the warburst timeto sayeasily, butmustconsider the actual situation! If possible, after the Frenchalsowantsto towto be mutually woundedtoBritain , Russia, begins.
The issueis the Central Europeanstrategyexposedahead of time, does not wait for the French governmentto be ready, has madeit is well known.
问题是中欧战略提前暴露了,不等法国政府做好准备,就已经闹得人尽皆知。Looked that the stance of neighborsexpansion of armamentsknows, ifreallytowedthe second half of next year, perhapsBelgium and Germanyreallycaused2 millionarmies.
看邻居们扩军的架势就知道,真要是拖到了明年下半年,没准比德两国真弄出两百万军队来。Even if 2 millionpigs, is nota short timecankill. So manyarmies, insistedsufficiently the AustrianReinforcementsarrive.
It is not ableto make the breakthroughin a short time, the warwill turn into the battle of attrition. To France, the battle of attritionis a disaster.
The waris imminent, Franzcould not attend to the security. Hidfor a long timearmorandtank, went out of the laboratoryin abundance, formallyentersin the Austrianarmyto serve.
战争迫在眉睫,弗朗茨也顾不上保密了。隐藏了许久的装甲、坦克,纷纷走出了实验室,正式进入奥地利军队中服役。Nothingloathsome, Franzorderedto form6armored divisionsand4tank brigadesdirectly.
It is not Franzdiscriminates against the tank unit, is mainly the tank of thisyear, is the creepingspeeds, the actual combat valueis well below the armored vehicle.
不是弗朗茨歧视坦克部队,主要是这年头的坦克,都是蜗牛般的速度,实战价值远远不如装甲车。Nowtakesv3tank that for instanceserves, the limiting velocity of eachhour, is only12kilometers.
以现在服役的v3坦克为例,每小时的极限速度,都只有12公里。Thisis the theoretical value, can runon the flat landwithoutobstacle, in the actual combatcanrun8kilometersspeed, thatisGodblesses.
这还是理论值,在没有障碍物的平地上才跑得出来,实战中能够跑出八公里的时速,那都是上帝保佑。In comparison, the armored vehiclewanted to muchquickly, 50-60kilometersspeedrancasually, limiting velocityas high as 94.7 km h.
相比之下,装甲车就要快得多了,50-60公里的时速随便跑,极限速度高达94.7公里h。Besides the speed, the failure rate of tank are also much more than armored vehicle. The averageruns100-200kilometers, must conduct a service.
除了速度之外,坦克的故障率也比装甲车多得多。平均下来跑上100-200公里,就要进行一次维修。Someso manyshortcomings, the tank can also equip, naturallyalsohasitsuniquemerit.
有这么多缺点,坦克还能够列装,自然也有它独特的优点。Thatanti-punchescompared with the armored vehicle, whendestroys the enemy defensive linefortification, the breakthroughtrench, wire netting and machine gunfirebase, the tank is almost invincible, at leastthisageisso.
那就是比装甲车抗揍,在摧毁敌人防御工事、突破战壕、铁丝网、机枪火力点的时候,坦克几乎是无敌的,至少这个年代是如此。Naturally, canin the infantryandcavalry who in the decisive battlebully the enemy, pressedto be good, was hugeto the attack of morale.
当然,也可以在决战中欺负欺负敌人的步兵、骑兵,一路压过去就行了,对军心士气的打击是巨大的。Inspectsarmored force that came outfreshly, Franzconfident.
视察了新鲜出炉的装甲部队,弗朗茨的心里有底了。Immaturity that veryalthough the armored forcedisplays, the militaryhas not used the experience of armored force, but the enemiesareonegroup of infantries and cavalries!
尽管装甲部队表现的很稚嫩,军方也没有使用装甲部队的经验,可敌人都是一群步兵和骑兵啊!Even ifFranceis good atimitatingto follow, nowplagiarizedstillwithout enough time. Austriadidmore than tenyears of armored force, is nottheirshorttimecanpursue.
就算是法国善于模仿跟风,现在抄袭也来不及了。奥地利搞了十几年的装甲部队,不是他们短时间就能追上去的。Is looking at the armored force that drills, asking that Franzcares about: „How longarmored forcealsowants, canform the battle efficiency?”
望着正在操练的装甲部队,弗朗茨关心的问道:“装甲部队还要多长时间,才能形成战斗力?”Secretary of warFaithRough: „ Armored forceis the new student/lifetechnical unit, before thenwehave not meteverywhere.
陆军大臣费斯拉夫:“装甲部队是新生技术兵种,在此之前我们从来都没有接触处过。Formsfrom the armynow, but alsoless thanonemonth, wantsto form the battle efficiencytruly, perhapsat leasttakesoneyear.
从部队组建到现在,还不到一个月时间,想要真正形成战斗力,恐怕至少需要一年时间。However the enemy who our timesmustfacedoes not have the armored force, whatmustcopeis only the infantry and cavalry of French, trainsagain for 1-2months, canassembleis using. ”
不过我们这次要面对的敌人并没有装甲部队,要对付的只是法国人的步兵和骑兵,再训练1-2月,也可以凑合着用了。”Strong and weakrelative, if the evenly matchedfight, naturallymusttofacein peak condition.
强弱都是相对的,如果是势均力敌的战斗,自然要以巅峰状态面对。But the presentis the armored forceresists the flesh and blood, evennot in peak condition, similarly can still hangto hit.
可现在是装甲部队对抗血肉之躯,就算是不在巅峰状态,同样也可以吊打。Franznods: „ Ourtime is very enough, even the warbroke out, the armored forcedoes not needin first frontline.
弗朗茨点了点头:“我们时间还很充分,就算是战争爆发了,装甲部队也不需要第一时间上前线。According to the normalprogressdrillsslowly, in the next three months, the armored forcewill not have the operational mission. ”
按照正常进度慢慢操练吧,未来三个月内,装甲部队是没有作战任务的。”„Yes, your majesty!”Archduke Friedrichreplied
“是,陛下!”弗里德里希大公回答道Without a doubt, thisbatch of armored forcearein the Austrianarmy the most importantbranch of the services, thisarmynaturallygave the person on one's own sideto direct.
毫无疑问,这批装甲部队是奥地利军队中最重要的兵种,这种部队自然交给自己人指挥了。Everyonedoes not have the command experiencein any case, the objects who evenlearn/studydo not have, needsto startto try to find outfrom the beginning,promotes the young military officer to.
反正大家都没有指挥经验,连学习的对象都没有,需要从头开始摸索,提拔年轻军官是必须的。Underthisbackground, Archduke Friedrichdoes not needto continueto disciplineinEast Africa, directFranzmoves, is orderedto formthisarmoredgroup army.
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