Bern, by the Europeansituationintenseinfluence, the day of Swissthisneutral countrydid not feel better.
伯尔尼,受欧洲局势紧张的影响,瑞士这个中立国的日子也不好过。As „ the Europeanridge „ Switzerland, is not the strategic location that the later generationkeyboardheroesthinkis unimportant.
作为“欧洲屋脊“的瑞士,并非后世键盘侠们认为的战略位置不重要。Just the opposite, Switzerlandsituated inWestern EuropeanCenter, benefitseast toAustria, south toItaly, west toFrance, north toBuddenandWurttemberg, since the ancient timesis the Europeanimportantkey communication line, the strategic position is very important.
恰恰相反,位于西欧中心的瑞士,东接奥地利、南邻意大利、西接法国、北连巴登和符腾堡,自古以来就是欧洲重要的交通要道,战略地位十分重要。Because of the reason of mountainous, Switzerlandhasmanystrategic points, for example: SaintColumbia UniversityandSan Bernardoare the strategic locations.
The Europeanwarbreaks outto near, becomes the center of stormasSwitzerland of neutral country, howto stand in lineto become a difficult problem.
欧陆战争爆发在即,作为中立国的瑞士成为了风暴的中心,怎么站队成为了一个难题。AsBernhard Hammer of rotating president, caught upunfortunately. Onlywhatmadehisgratifiedis the presentvarious countriesoris primarilytempting with the promise of gain, has not forcedthemto stand in linedirectly.
作为轮值主席的本哈德・海默,非常不幸的赶上了。唯一令他欣慰的是现在各国还是以利诱为主,没有直接逼迫他们站队。Thisis the inevitableresult, Switzerlandis easily defensible, there is a famousSwissmercenary, the discerning personunderstood at a glance,thisis an unyielding person.
这是必然的结果,瑞士易守难攻,又有大名鼎鼎的瑞士雇佣兵,明眼人一看就知道,这是一根硬骨头。Under the system of people'sallsoldier, Switzerlandmaypull outUnit 3500000. Although the presentSwitzerlandis a poorskirtsilk, the weaponry of so manyarmiescannot collect.
在全民皆兵的体制下,瑞士还是有可能拉出3500000部队的。尽管现在的瑞士还是一个穷屌丝,这么多部队的武器装备都凑不齐。So long as stood the team, theseissueswere not the issues, the soldier who lawAustriaboth countrieswill not dislikeone's own sidewere many.
可只要站了队,这些问题就不是问题了,法奥两国都不会嫌己方的兵多。Bernhard Hammerexplained: „Minister, Switzerlandis a neutral country, wewill not participate in the Europeandispute.”
本哈德・海默解释道:“公使阁下,瑞士是一个中立国,我们是不会参与欧陆纷争的。”Similarwords, Bernhard Hammerdoes not know that has saidmany, the person but who comesto visit was still continuous.
类似的话,本哈德・海默已经不知道说过多少遍,可是前来拜访的人仍然是络绎不绝。Inmost peopleopinion, his is waiting for a better price, only thenBernhard Hammerwas clear,heis not really willingto allowSwitzerlandto participate in the Europeandispute.
在大多数人看来,他这是在待价而沽,只有本哈德・海默自己清楚,他是真的不愿意让瑞士参与欧陆纷争。Without the means that the family property of Switzerland was really thin. Defends stubbornly the native placealsowith the aid of the placeto benefit the advantage, attended the warto initiate an attack, that can only spellhardly.
没有办法,瑞士的家底实在是太薄了。固守本土还可以借助地利优势,参加战争主动出击,那就只能硬拼了。ToSwisssuchsmall country, participates in the lawAustriadispute, winning the incomewas limited, lostfamily propertyto compensateonly, is completely the gain does not equal the loss.
对瑞士这样的小国来说,参与法奥纷争,赢了收益有限,输了家底儿赔净,完全是得不偿失。AustriabenefitsministerAlley Katzto shake the head: „ State head, do not saysuchabsolutely. Inthisworlda lot, everyonehas no recourse.奥地利公使埃利・德卡兹摇了摇头:“元首阁下,不要说得这么绝对。这个世界上很多事情,大家都是迫不得已。If possible, weare not willingto conduct thiswar, but the Frenchdoes not comply.
The ambition of Frenchbig, youare clear. Ifwedo not standto preventnow, whatevertheyexpandtoCentral Europe, in the futuresurelydeeplybyitsevil. ”
法国人的野心有多大,想必你是清楚的。如果我们现在不站出来阻止,任由他们向中欧扩张,未来必定会深受其害。”Bernhard Hammeris silent, the heart deep placehehas conducted innumerablehad complained., The ambition of French is also the Austriaadvantageindulgesessentially.
本哈德・海默沉默不语,内心深处他已经进行过了无数次吐槽。本质上来说,法国人的野心也是奥地利放纵出来的。Ifwere notAustriabenefitsindulgedsouth the Frenchto swallowItalyin the past, did not have the Frenchempire that todaythisroarsflamboyant, will not naturally have the presentworry.
To turn over to think, saying to be not possible. NowSwitzerlandalsoneeds the Austriaadvantageto force up, otherwise after waiting for the Frenchto annexBelgium and Rhinelandarea, Swissreallydanger.
想归想,说出来是万万不可能的。现在瑞士也需要奥地利顶上去,要不然等法国人吞并比利时和莱茵兰地区后,瑞士就真的危险了。„Minister, containing the Frenchexpandsis truly important, butourstrengthsare limited, reallydoes not have the abilityto mixthiswar.”
“公使阁下,遏制法国人扩张确实非常重要,但我们的实力有限,实在是没有能力掺合这场战争。”Combatisnot possible, this whole lifeis impossibleto enter the war. Contains the action of French, wesupportedon the linespiritually.
参战是不可能的,这辈子都不可能参战。遏制法国人的行动,我们在精神上支持就行了。Bernhard Hammer'srejection, Alley Katzdoes not feelstrange, does not have the solidbenefit, tocontainFrancemerelyexpands, but also is not enoughto make the Swisswork oneself to death.
„ Good, ifyour countryis not willingto enter the war, can the advanceneutrality.
“那好吧,如果贵国不愿意参战的话,可以先行中立。So long aslets loose the checkpointat crucial moments, letourarmiesin the past, fighting methodpeoplewas caught off guardon the line.
只要在关键时刻放开关卡,让我们的军队过去,打法国人一个措手不及就行了。In return, after the waryour countrycanobtain the holepeacefularea. Ifyour countryis willingto dispatch troops, but can also obtain the Savoiearea. ”
作为回报,战后贵国可以获得孔泰地区。如果贵国肯出兵的话,还可以获得萨瓦地区。”Has toacknowledge, the Austriamoney pouchin the interest distributionis natural. Even ifdecidesBernhard Hammer who wants the neutrality, did not pass throughsomewhatmoves.
The holepeacefulareacontainsDoubs, Jura, Haute-Saone and Belfortplaceprovince, the total areaas high as 16202 square kilometers, is equivalent to2/5Switzerland.
孔泰地区包含杜省、汝拉省、上索恩省和贝尔福地方省,总面积高达16202平方公里,相当于五分之二个瑞士。Ifadds on the Savoieareaagain, thatis the territory of mostSwitzerland. Thisis the limit, givesSwitzerlandthem unable to eatagain.
After hesitantmomenttime, Bernhard Hammerresisted the seduction. The benefitis big, thatalsodefeats the Frenchlatermatter, ifin the battlefieldlost, anythingdid not have.
犹豫了片刻功夫后,本哈德・海默还是抵御住了诱惑。利益再大,那也是击败法国人之后的事情,要是战场上输了,就什么都没有了。From the data on paper surface, Austriabenefits a Fang Mingto get the advantageobviouslygreatly, butcannot support the French armed forcesprestigeto broadcast.
从纸面上的数据来看,奥地利一方明显是大占优势,但是架不住法军威名远播。Napoleonalsounder the disadvantage, beatanti-lawAllied armiesin the past, no oneknowsmiracle that the Frenchcanduplicate the ancestor, Bernhard Hammerdoes not dareto followadventure.
拿破仑当年也是在劣势之下,击败反法联军的,谁也不知道法国人会不会复制先祖的奇迹,本哈德・海默不敢跟着冒险。„Sorry, minister. Ourterritoryto the Frenchdoes not have the ambition, Switzerlandis only a small country, has not thought the expansion.”
“抱歉,公使阁下。我们对法国人的领土没有野心,瑞士只是一个小国,从来都没有想过对外扩张。”Mustreject, ifat this timewere indecisive, passing onwasSwitzerlandpeeps at the territory of France, ifmade the Frenchknow, the Swiss government may be unable to wrap up.
必须要拒绝,这个时候要是优柔寡断,传出去就是瑞士窥视法兰西的领土,要是让法国人知道了,瑞士政府可兜不住。Alley Katzsaid with a smile: „ State head, don't worry. After the war the Frenchcould not take care of oneself, not possibleto demandtheselandstoyour country.
The territory of Frenchhasa large partissnatches, post-waraffirmationmeetingthing returning to rightful owner.
要知道,法国人的领土有很大一部分都是抢来的,战后肯定会物归原主。For example: Variousstate of Italianareawill be independent, theycapture the Hautes-Pyrenees of Spainto needto return, Lorraine, Alsace that invade the Germanarea must return, north......
比如说:意大利地区的各邦国会重新独立,他们夺取西班牙的上比利牛斯需要归还,侵占德意志地区的洛林、阿尔萨斯也要归还,北部的……If your countryworrysecurity problem, Austriabenefits can definitely provide the protectiontoyou, after the warwewill also signoneto contain the treaty in Francetogether. ”
如果贵国担心安全问题,奥地利完全可以给你们提供保护,战后我们还会签订一份共同遏制法兰西的条约。”Listened to the explanation of Alley Katz, Bernhard Hammerwas mentally confused. Iflets the plansuccess that Austriabenefits, the presentFrenchempire, will at least shrinkhalf.
听了埃利・德卡兹的解释,本哈德・海默的心乱了。如果让奥地利的计划成功,现在的大法兰西帝国,至少会缩水一半。So long asvarious countriescanhonor an agreement, Francewill lose the possibility of rising. Even ifNapoleoncomes back to lifeis not good, the neighborswill not make the bigopportunitytohim.
If onlythese, Switzerland is also one in those with vested interests, Bernhard Hammercompletelyhave no reasonto oppose.
如果只是这些,瑞士也是既得利益者中的一员,本哈德・海默完全没有理由反对。Butalong withdividing the bootyat the same time, establishes the Europeanhegemonposition that Austriabenefitted, thiswas notBernhard Hammerwantsto see.
可是伴随着分赃的同时,也奠定了奥地利的欧陆霸主地位,这就不是本哈德・海默想要看到了。Austriabenefitsseems like the human and animalsto be harmlessnow, rarelydoes the matterincontinental Europe, butno onecanbecomeEuropeanhegemonAustriato benefitsimilarlysuchlaw-abiding.奥地利现在看似人畜无害,很少在欧洲大陆搞事情,但谁也不能成为欧陆霸主的奥地利同样会这么安分。If by some chance the situationchanged, the Austriaadvantagehad the idea of Switzerland, theywere dangerous.
万一情况发生了变化,奥地利打起了瑞士的主意,他们就危险了。Let aloneis impossible, buthere the ancestorplace of Habsburgdynasty, almostall previousHabsburgmonarchiesare havinghereidea.
After calming down, Bernhard Hammercategoricallydeclines saying: „ Minister, Switzerlandis a neutral country, determinedin the Congress of Viennaperiod.
冷静下来后,本哈德・海默断然拒绝道:“公使阁下,瑞士是一个中立国,早在维也纳会议时期就确定了下来。Thisisourfundamentalnational policies, will not changebecause of the change. Thereforeyourproposition is very freely attractive, rejection that butwe can only regret.
这是我们的根本国策,不会因为外界的变化而变化。所以尽管你的提议很诱人,但我们还是只能遗憾的拒绝。Howeveryoucould rest assured that incontaining the issue of France, wewithyour countrystand, today'stalkwill definitely not have the thirdpersonto know. ”
不过你放心,在遏制法兰西的问题上,我们还是和贵国站在一起的,今天的谈话绝对不会有第三个人知道。”Refusesto turn over to the rejection, Bernhard Hammerdoes not wantto offendAustriato benefit. In the heart deep place, hethought that Austriabenefitswill winmostly.
拒绝归拒绝,本哈德・海默还是不想得罪奥地利。在内心深处,他觉得奥地利多半会赢。Withoutso manyreasons, depended onthatplan, Austriabenefitteda moment agohad the advantage.
没有那么多理由,就凭刚才那份计划,奥地利就占据了优势。Although the Frenchare powerful, butcannot support the enemyto be many! Once the Europeanwarbreaks out, Francemustfaceis the internal disorder and foreign invasion.
法国人虽然强大,可是架不住敌人多啊!一旦欧陆战争爆发,法兰西要面临的就是内忧外患。Sees the matter is not possible, Alley Katzhas not continuedreluctantly, beckons with the hand saying: „ Good, your countryis not willingto enter the war, does not forcethroughus.
见事不可为,埃利・德卡兹没有继续勉强,摆摆手道:“那好吧,贵国不愿意参战、借道我们也不勉强。Howeverstemming fromattacking the need in France, after Iwants the warto erupt, your countryin the tradecangive the French the obstacle. ”
不过出于打击法兰西的需要,我希望战争爆发后,贵国在贸易上能够给法国人设置障碍。”Nowhas no meeting of minds, was not equal to that the futurewill have no meeting of minds. Waited foranti-lawAllied armiesto have the advantagein the battlefield, came todrawingSwitzerlandto join a groupagain, many that the difficultymustlower.
现在谈不拢,不等于未来也谈不拢。等反法联军在战场上占据了优势,再来拉瑞士入伙,难度就要低的多。Reallyis not good, at the worstcombined threats with inducements. The small countryis a person with no mind of his own, the so-calledprinciple, is not worth a red centin the face of the survival.
After hesitanta while, Bernhard Hammerreplied: „ Establishmentbarrier to trade, thisdoes not have the issue.
犹豫了一会儿后,本哈德・海默回答道:“设置贸易障碍,这没有问题。Franceis notone in free tradesystem, not suitablefree tradeprinciple. After the warbreaks out, wecanforbid the strategic resourcesto flow inFrance. ”
法兰西不是自由贸易体系中的一员,不适用自由贸易原则。战争爆发后,我们可以禁止战略物资流入法兰西。”Commitmentorally, Bernhard Hammerdoes not have the pressure. The strategic resourcesembargo, mustcome to seeaccording to the actual situation.
口头上的承诺,本哈德・海默没有压力。战略物资禁运,也要根据实际情况来看。If the anti-lawAllied armiesobvious advantage, thatreallyembargoestolaw. Standinginvictorsideis the survivalinstinct of small country, does not needto consider.
要是反法联军优势明显,那就真的对法禁运。站在胜利者一边是小国的生存本能,根本就不需要考虑。Ifboth sidesrefuse to budge, thatforbidsin name, smugglessecretly, the two sidescanconfess the past.
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