HRE :: Volume #9

#887: Victor Emmanuel III

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After Napoleon III annexes the Sadin kingdom, goes into exile in the Victor Emmanuel II of London, with the help of Englander formed Sadin government in exile. 拿破仑三世吞并撒丁王国后,流亡到伦敦的维托里奥・埃马努埃莱二世,在英国人的帮助下组建了撒丁流亡政府。 Afterward the French annexed the Italian surplus areas, for the need of Italian Anti-France movement, Victor Emmanuel II becomes the leader passively. 后来法国人吞并意大利剩余地区,为了意大利反法运动的需要,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱二世被动成为了领袖。 The reason is simple, barefoot does not fear to put on shoes, Victor Emmanuel II of having a thing in the world has with the French dies to knock courage. 原因非常简单,光脚的不怕穿鞋的,一无所有的维托里奥・埃马努埃莱二世有和法国人死磕到底的勇气。 In comparison, several other nation royal courts were different. Although was won the country by the French, but is also hanging the royal crown in name, every year can receive an annuity. 相比之下,其他几个邦国王室就不一样了。虽然被法国人夺走了国家,可名义上还挂着王冠,每年可以领取一笔年金。 Under this situation, although everyone is extremely discontented, has not actually jumped the courage that and French dies to knock, but is practicing dirty tricks secretly. 在这种背景下,尽管大家都非常不满,却没有跳出来和法国人死磕的勇气,只是在暗地里搞小动作。 The initial Sadin independent body only then the English supports, organizing the structure to stabilize as a whole. Afterward expanded becomes the Italian independent body, the situation changed. 最初的撒丁独立组织只有英国人支持,组织构架总体上还是稳定的。后来扩大成为了意大利独立组织,情况就发生了变化。 Austria also becomes the supporter of independent body, were many a donor, a lot became complicate. 奥地利也成为了独立组织的支持者,多了一个金主,很多事情就变得复杂化了。 In 1878, after Victor Emmanuel II dies, the only 9-year-old son succeeded to the throne, a kid naturally did not have the ability to subside the internal contradictions. 1878年,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱二世死后,年仅9岁的儿子继承王位,一个小屁孩自然没有能力平息内部矛盾。 The Italian independent body survives in name only, was divided into four waves gradually, separately is representing the Sadin kingdom, Papal States, Naples and Tuscany four nations. 意大利独立组织名存实亡,渐渐分成了四波,分别代表着撒丁王国、教皇国、那不勒斯、托斯卡纳四个邦国。 The Italian independence movement also therefore fell into the ebb tide, even after the Paris revolution erupts, they follow to stage the revolt, still appears briefly. 意大利独立运动也因此陷入了低潮,即便是巴黎革命爆发后,他们跟着发动起义,也只是昙花一现。 The lion shape wrestles the rabbit, with full power. The European war breaks out to near, Franz naturally must win over the strength that all can win over. 狮象搏兔,亦用全力。欧洲战争爆发在即,弗朗茨自然要拉拢一切可以拉拢的力量。 Although the strength of Italian independent body is weak, but they rallying point in Italian! 意大利独立组织的实力虽弱,但是他们在意大利人中的号召力强啊! Thinks to look, war conducts the critical moment, the Italian soldiers in French armed forces throw up one's job suddenly are not dry, that picture has comedy how. 想想看,法奥战争进行到关键时刻,法军中的意大利士兵突然撂挑子不干了,那个画面有多么喜剧。 Without a doubt, in the Italian independent body the strength most abundant, the influence is biggest, naturally is Victor Emmanuel III the direct descendant Sadin independent body. 毫无疑问,意大利独立组织中实力最雄厚、影响力最大的,自然是维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世的嫡系撒丁独立组织。 Do not look that the Sadin kingdom had been annexed by the French, on the law sovereign were many certain royal crown, but Victor Emmanuel III is European recognized King Sadin. 别看撒丁王国已经被法国人吞并了,法皇头上还多了一定王冠,可维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世才是欧洲公认的撒丁国王。 No matter France is powerful, the royal crown that snatches illegally, the European aristocrats encircle did not acknowledge. This aspect Franz is also claims credit really great, the Lineaments families take the lead to deny Bonapa family's validity to Sadin throne. 不管法兰西多强大,非法抢来的王冠,欧洲贵族圈就是不承认。这方面弗朗茨也是居功甚伟的,哈布斯堡家族可是带头否认波拿巴家族对撒丁王位的合法性。 In a London suburb manor, old few two men are fishing. Can visit two people to be absent-minded, aquatic suspension unceasing was pulled, has not paid attention. 伦敦郊外一座庄园内,一老一少两名男子正在钓鱼。看得出来两人都心不在焉,水上的悬浮物不断的被拉扯,也没有理会。 Austrian minister in London Jonas: Your majesty, the European war breaks out to near, the opportunity in your turning round country's came.” 奥地利驻伦敦公使乔纳斯:“陛下,欧陆战争爆发在即,你复国的机会来了。” Young Victor Emmanuel III shows a faint smile: „ That merely is only the opportunity, the strength of French is still also powerful. 年轻的维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世微微一笑:“那也仅仅只是机会,法国人的实力依旧强大。 Italy wants to break out of France's rule, is very difficult. Only if your country can cause heavy losses to the French in the battlefield, otherwise depends on the strength of independent body, brings death radically. ” 意大利想要摆脱法兰西的统治,还是非常困难。除非贵国能够在战场上重创法国人,要不然就凭独立组织的实力,根本就是送死。” This is the key of issue, is the focus of dispute. 这是问题的关键,也是争议的焦点。 Jonas hopes that the Italian independent body can first stage the revolt, knocks the morale of troops of French, to increase Ao army odds of success in the battlefield. 乔纳斯希望意大利独立组织能够先发动起义,动摇法国人的军心,以增加奥军在战场上的胜算。 Victor Emmanuel III hopes Austria first beats the French in the battlefield, the independent body stages the revolt again. 维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世则希望奥地利先在战场上击败法国人,独立组织再发动起义。 Jonas shakes the head, the vigilance of Victor Emmanuel III, he is the understanding, the relations of King Sadin and Austria were not good. 乔纳斯摇了摇头,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世的警惕,他是理解的,撒丁国王和奥地利的关系一直都不好。 If drove away the French, welcomed Austria, that was the front door goes to the tiger back door to enter the wolf. 要是赶走了法国人,又迎来了奥地利,那就是前门去虎后门进狼了。 Your majesty, in this world does not have the free lunch. Wants not to pay the price, gains the national independence, that is impossible. “陛下,这个世界上没有免费的午餐。想要不付出代价,就获得民族独立,那是不可能的。 I know that you are worried about anything, mood of understanding, but you should know that Austria never treats unjustly the ally. 我知道你在担心什么,也理解的心情,但是你应该知道奥地利从来不亏待盟友。 The commitment that since makes, must support your country to be independent, we will fulfill the agreement. 既然做出的承诺,要支持贵国独立,我们就会履行约定。 However Austria is also fastidious about the inequitable exchange, pays many prices, takes away how much spoils of war. 不过奥地利也讲究等价交换,付出多少代价,就拿走多少战利品。 If you and other general situations have decided to participate again, then we are unable to guarantee the territorial integrity of your country. ” 如果你们等大局已定再参与进来,那么我们将无法保证贵国的领土完整。” This is naked threat, Jonas recognized obviously Victor Emmanuel III impossible and French cooperates, wanting the duplicate/restores country to earn the support of Austria. 这是赤裸裸的“威胁”,显然乔纳斯是认定了维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世不可能和法国人合作,想要复国就必须获得奥地利的支持。 The Victor Emmanuel III complexion big change, pouring the bottom is too young, is unable to achieve the happy anger not to show. 维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世脸色大变,倒底还是太年轻,无法做到喜怒不形于色。 Minister and ensure the territorial integrity of Italian area, is our bottom line! If cannot achieve this point, that has not resulted in discusses.” “公使阁下,保证意大利地区的领土完整,是我们的底线!要是做不到这一点,那就没得谈了。” Minister Jonas reminded: „ Your majesty, you are only King Sadin, does not have the qualifications to represent other three nations. 乔纳斯公使提醒道:“陛下,你只是撒丁国王,并没有资格代表其他三个邦国。 In fact, we three representative tables had reached the agreement, what now and you discuss is only King Sadin. ” 事实上,我们已经三国代表达成了协议,现在和你谈的只是撒丁国王。” Nowadays Italy is only a geographic name, what now internationally acknowledges is four nations, Italian independent body that is a small and crude theatrical troupe, does not have any legal sense. 这年头意大利只是一个地名,现在国际上承认的是四个邦国,意大利独立组织那是草台班子,不具备任何法律意义。 Hears this answer, the complexion of Victor Emmanuel III was even more ugly. 听到这个答案,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世的脸色越发难看了。 As the leader of Italian independent body, after he thought drives away the French, oneself are Italian king. 作为意大利独立组织的领袖,原本他以为赶走法国人后,自己就是意大利国王了。 However, the reality hits the face. Jonas told him clearly, this was the impossible matter. 然而,现实非常打脸。乔纳斯明确告诉他,这是不可能的事情。 The Italian independent body could not represent anything, what Austria acknowledged was only Sadin, Papal States, Naples and Tuscany. 意大利独立组织代表不了什么,奥地利承认的只是撒丁、教皇国、那不勒斯、托斯卡纳。 Austria did not acknowledge, Italian king is naturally out of the question. Victor Emmanuel III unusual is unwilling, energy that what a pity he has not gotten angry. 奥地利不承认,意大利国王自然无从谈起。维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世非常的不甘心,可惜他没有翻脸的底气。 He is not willing with Austrian cooperation, below to have is the person wants. Do not think that the independent body members had were aloof from worldly affairs, the person must eat meal. 他不愿意和奥地利合作,下面有得是人愿意。别以为独立组织成员就有多么清高了,人都是要吃饭的。 As king even goes into exile in the overseas, similarly can the life of debauchery, be the following follower on the tragedy. 作为国王即便是流亡海外,同样可以过灯红酒绿的生活,可是下面的追随者就悲剧了。 Even if the net worth is thick, so many years toss about, still consumed similarly ; Poor has looked for the work to go to work in London, depends upon that son subsidy that the independent body issues, starving to death. 即便是身家厚实的,这么多年折腾下来,也消耗得差不多了;家境贫寒的已经在伦敦找工作上班了,依靠独立组织下发的那点儿补助金,早就把人给饿死了。 So many years later, the past hot blooded youngster, had been lived to rub off the outline, the duplicate/restores country is the only opportunity that they turn over/stand up. 这么多年下来,昔日的热血少年,早就被生活磨去轮廓,复国是他们翻身的唯一机会。 Italy, is King Sadin, so long as the ability builds the political power, they can change to become the ruler of keeping aloof. 无论是意大利,还是撒丁国王,只要能力建立政权,他们就能够摇身一变成为高高在上的统治者。 Last straw to grasp, no one will let go. If who kept off everyone's road, who is everyone's enemy, even if Victor Emmanuel III this nominal leader still. 最后一根救命稻草,谁都不会撒手。谁要是挡了大家的路,谁就是大家的敌人,即便是维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世这个名义上的领袖也不例外。 Stopped a while, adjusts the train of thought Victor Emmanuel III to say from now on slowly: Minister, we can think the means diversion French, ability that but has not resisted with French armed forces by our strengths directly.” 停顿了一会儿,调整思绪过后维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世缓缓说道:“公使阁下,我们可以想办法牵制法国人,但以我们的实力并没有直接和法军对抗的能力。” Saw the goal to achieve, Jonas smiled to reply: „ Your majesty, please feels relieved Austria unable the pit friend. 见目的达成了,乔纳斯微笑着回答道:“陛下,请放心奥地利是不会坑朋友的。 After the war breaks out, you only need, in the rear area does the destruction, affected the administrative shipping of French armed forces to be good, did not need on the direct battlefield. 战争爆发后,你们只需要在后方搞搞破坏,影响法军的后勤运输就行了,并不需要直接上战场。 For example: The spreads rumor, knocks the morale of troops of French ; Summoned that the Italian do not work oneself to death for the French ; Destroys the path bridges and organization workers to strike...... 比如说:散播谣言,动摇法国人的军心;号召意大利人不要为法国人卖命;破坏道路桥梁、组织工人罢工…… In order to reduce loss, you can also summon that the people non-violent do not cooperate, these contribute. ” 为了减少损失,你们也可以号召民众非暴力不合作,这些都是贡献。” Hears Jonas's explanation, Victor Emmanuel III relaxes, shouted that slogan anything's they most were an expert, the weak area of independent body lies in the military. 听到乔纳斯的解释,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世松了一口气,喊口号什么的他们最在行了,独立组织的短板在于军事上。 So long as the disagreement/not with French fights, in the rear area does the destruction, they can be good. 只要不和法国人战斗,在后方搞搞破坏,他们还是能行的。 Stopped, Minister Jonas also added: „ You to the contributions that this war makes, will decide income that you yield after the war. 停顿了一下,乔纳斯公使又补充道:“你们为这场战争做出的贡献,将决定你们战后获得的收益。 The contribution that so long as makes is big enough, the territory and war indemnity will have. Originally King Sadin and French have the contested territory, you have the opportunity to take carry back. ” 只要做出的贡献足够大,领土、战争赔款都会有的。原来撒丁国王和法国人存在争议的领土,你们也有机会拿回来。” This is not the picture pie, so long as won the war, how their performance, will have the contested territory to delimit the Sadin kingdom. 这不是画大饼,只要赢得了战争,无论是他们的表现怎么样,存在争议的领土都会划个撒丁王国。 Austria has not annexed the appetite in France, after the war the hatred of France and Austria will definitely deepen, even there are possibility dozens years unable to untie. 奥地利没有吞并法兰西的胃口,战后法奥两国的仇恨肯定会加深,甚至有可能数十年都解不开。 For the stability of west line, the Austrian government must weaken France. Besides the Italian area can the independence, France in fact be very stable, analyzed radically not. 为了西线的稳定,奥地利政府必须要削弱法国。除了意大利地区能够独立外,法兰西的本土实际上还是很稳定的,根本就拆分就不了。 Even the resolution, could not need several years still to reunify forcefully, Franz impossible to do not studiously. 即便是强行拆分,要不了几年也会重新统一,弗朗茨不可能去做无用功。 Under this background, besides drawing in the peripheral neighbor carves up together, Austrian government not good way. 这种背景下,除了拉上周边的邻居一起瓜分外,奥地利政府并没有太好的办法。 Carved up also is not only only the land, with the hatred that it follows. 况且,瓜分的也不仅仅只是土地,还有与之伴随的仇恨。 Took the place of French, can only die to knock with the French. Besides holding the thigh of Austria, has no alternative radically. 拿了法国人的地,就只能和法国人死磕下去。除了抱奥地利的大腿外,根本就别无选择。 Nothing hesitant, Victor Emmanuel III replied decisively: Minister could rest assured that we go all-out to give the French to add to the chaos!” 没有任何犹豫,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世果断的回答道:“公使阁下放心,我们尽全力给法国人添乱的!” The condition is excellent, before Victor Emmanuel III, expects is much better, Austria has not had the idea of Sadin kingdom territory. 条件已经非常优厚了,比维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世之前预料的要好得多,奥地利没有打撒丁王国领土的主意。 What only regret is, Austria opposed that he unifies the Italian area, but this issue is not to Victor Emmanuel III big. 唯一遗憾的是,奥地利反对他统一意大利地区,不过这对维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世来说问题不大。 Started to go into exile from the birth, Victor Emmanuel III also had experienced the hardships of life, although young actually not two. 从出生就开始流亡,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世也是饱经沧桑,虽然年少却不中二。 ...... ……
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