After Napoleon IIIannexes the Sadinkingdom, goes into exile in the Victor Emmanuel II of London, with the help of EnglanderformedSadingovernment in exile.
拿破仑三世吞并撒丁王国后,流亡到伦敦的维托里奥・埃马努埃莱二世,在英国人的帮助下组建了撒丁流亡政府。Afterward the Frenchannexed the Italiansurplusareas, for the need of ItalianAnti-France movement, Victor Emmanuel IIbecomes the leaderpassively.
The reasonis simple, barefootdoes not fearto put on shoes, Victor Emmanuel II of having a thing in the worldhaswith the Frenchdiesto knockcourage.
原因非常简单,光脚的不怕穿鞋的,一无所有的维托里奥・埃马努埃莱二世有和法国人死磕到底的勇气。In comparison, several other nationroyal courtswere different. Althoughwas won the countryby the French, butis also hanging the royal crownin name, every yearcanreceive an annuity.
相比之下,其他几个邦国王室就不一样了。虽然被法国人夺走了国家,可名义上还挂着王冠,每年可以领取一笔年金。Under this situation, althougheveryone is extremely discontented, has not actually jumped the courage that and Frenchdiesto knock, butis practicing dirty trickssecretly.
The initialSadinindependent bodyonly then the Englishsupports, organizing the structureto stabilizeas a whole. Afterwardexpandedbecomes the Italianindependent body, the situationchanged.
最初的撒丁独立组织只有英国人支持,组织构架总体上还是稳定的。后来扩大成为了意大利独立组织,情况就发生了变化。Austriaalsobecomes the supporter of independent body, were many a donor, a lotbecamecomplicate.
In 1878, after Victor Emmanuel IIdies, the only 9-year-oldsonsucceeded to the throne, a kidnaturallydid not have the abilityto subside the internal contradictions.
The Italianindependent bodysurvives in name only, was divided intofourwavesgradually, separatelyis representing the Sadinkingdom, Papal States, Naples and Tuscanyfournations.
The Italianindependence movementalsothereforefell into the ebb tide, even after the Parisrevolutionerupts, theyfollowto stage the revolt, stillappears briefly.
The lionshapewrestles the rabbit, withfull power. The Europeanwarbreaks outto near, Franznaturallymustwin over the strength that allcanwin over.
狮象搏兔,亦用全力。欧洲战争爆发在即,弗朗茨自然要拉拢一切可以拉拢的力量。Although the strength of Italianindependent bodyis weak, buttheyrallying pointinItalian!
意大利独立组织的实力虽弱,但是他们在意大利人中的号召力强啊!Thinksto look,war conducts the critical moment, the Italiansoldiers in French armed forcesthrow up one's jobsuddenlyare not dry, thatpicturehascomedyhow.
想想看,法奥战争进行到关键时刻,法军中的意大利士兵突然撂挑子不干了,那个画面有多么喜剧。Without a doubt, in the Italianindependent body the strengthmost abundant, the influenceis biggest, naturallyisVictor Emmanuel III the direct descendantSadinindependent body.
毫无疑问,意大利独立组织中实力最雄厚、影响力最大的,自然是维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世的嫡系撒丁独立组织。Do not look that the Sadinkingdomhad been annexedby the French, on the lawsovereignwere manycertainroyal crown, butVictor Emmanuel IIIisEuropeanrecognizedKingSadin.
别看撒丁王国已经被法国人吞并了,法皇头上还多了一定王冠,可维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世才是欧洲公认的撒丁国王。No matterFranceis powerful, the royal crown that snatchesillegally, the Europeanaristocratsencircledid not acknowledge. ThisaspectFranz is also claims creditreallygreat, the Lineamentsfamiliestake the leadto denyBonapafamily'svaliditytoSadinthrone.
不管法兰西多强大,非法抢来的王冠,欧洲贵族圈就是不承认。这方面弗朗茨也是居功甚伟的,哈布斯堡家族可是带头否认波拿巴家族对撒丁王位的合法性。In a Londonsuburbmanor, oldfewtwomenare fishing. Can visittwo peopleto be absent-minded, aquaticsuspensionunceasingwas pulled, has not paid attention.
伦敦郊外一座庄园内,一老一少两名男子正在钓鱼。看得出来两人都心不在焉,水上的悬浮物不断的被拉扯,也没有理会。Austrian minister in LondonJonas: „Your majesty, the Europeanwarbreaks outto near, the opportunity in yourturning roundcountry'scame.”
奥地利驻伦敦公使乔纳斯:“陛下,欧陆战争爆发在即,你复国的机会来了。”YoungVictor Emmanuel IIIshows a faint smile: „ Thatmerelyis only the opportunity, the strength of French is still also powerful.
年轻的维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世微微一笑:“那也仅仅只是机会,法国人的实力依旧强大。Italywantsto break out ofFrance'srule, isverydifficult. Only ifyour countrycancause heavy losses to the Frenchin the battlefield, otherwisedepends on the strength of independent body, brings deathradically. ”
意大利想要摆脱法兰西的统治,还是非常困难。除非贵国能够在战场上重创法国人,要不然就凭独立组织的实力,根本就是送死。”Thisis the key of issue, is the focus of dispute.
这是问题的关键,也是争议的焦点。Jonashopes that the Italianindependent bodycanfirststage the revolt, knocks the morale of troops of French, toincreaseAoarmyodds of successin the battlefield.
乔纳斯希望意大利独立组织能够先发动起义,动摇法国人的军心,以增加奥军在战场上的胜算。Victor Emmanuel IIIhopesAustriafirstbeats the Frenchin the battlefield, the independent bodystages the revoltagain.
维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世则希望奥地利先在战场上击败法国人,独立组织再发动起义。Jonasshakes the head, the vigilance of Victor Emmanuel III, heis the understanding, the relations of KingSadinandAustriawere not good.
乔纳斯摇了摇头,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世的警惕,他是理解的,撒丁国王和奥地利的关系一直都不好。Ifdrove away the French, welcomedAustria, thatwas the front doorgoes to the tigerback doorto enter the wolf.
„ Your majesty, inthisworlddoes not have the freelunch. Wantsnot to pay the price, gains the national independence, thatisimpossible.
“陛下,这个世界上没有免费的午餐。想要不付出代价,就获得民族独立,那是不可能的。Iknow that youare worried aboutanything, mood of understanding, butyoushouldknow that Austrianevertreats unjustly the ally.
The commitment that sincemakes, mustsupportyour countryto be independent, wewill fulfill the agreement.
既然做出的承诺,要支持贵国独立,我们就会履行约定。HoweverAustria is also fastidious about the inequitable exchange, paysmanyprices, takes awayhow muchspoils of war.
不过奥地利也讲究等价交换,付出多少代价,就拿走多少战利品。Ifyouand other general situationshave decidedto participateagain, thenweare unable to guarantee the territorial integrity of your country. ”
如果你们等大局已定再参与进来,那么我们将无法保证贵国的领土完整。”Thisisnaked„threat”, JonasrecognizedobviouslyVictor Emmanuel IIIimpossible and Frenchcooperates, wanting the duplicate/restorescountry to earn the support of Austria.
The Victor Emmanuel IIIcomplexionbig change, pouring the bottomistooyoung, is unable to achieve the happyangernot to show.
维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世脸色大变,倒底还是太年轻,无法做到喜怒不形于色。„Minister and ensure the territorial integrity of Italianarea, isourbottom line! Ifcannot achievethis point, thathas not resulted indiscusses.”
“公使阁下,保证意大利地区的领土完整,是我们的底线!要是做不到这一点,那就没得谈了。”MinisterJonasreminded: „ Your majesty, youare onlyKingSadin, does not have the qualificationsto representotherthreenations.
乔纳斯公使提醒道:“陛下,你只是撒丁国王,并没有资格代表其他三个邦国。In fact, wethreerepresentativetableshad reached the agreement, whatnowandyoudiscussis onlyKingSadin. ”
事实上,我们已经三国代表达成了协议,现在和你谈的只是撒丁国王。”NowadaysItalyis only a geographic name, whatnowinternationallyacknowledgesisfournations, Italianindependent bodythatis a small and crude theatrical troupe, does not haveanylegal sense.
这年头意大利只是一个地名,现在国际上承认的是四个邦国,意大利独立组织那是草台班子,不具备任何法律意义。Hearsthisanswer, the complexion of Victor Emmanuel IIIwas even more ugly.
听到这个答案,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世的脸色越发难看了。As the leader of Italianindependent body, after hethoughtdrives away the French, oneselfareItalianking.
作为意大利独立组织的领袖,原本他以为赶走法国人后,自己就是意大利国王了。However, the realityhits the face. Jonastoldhimclearly, thiswas the impossiblematter.
The Italianindependent bodycould not representanything, whatAustriaacknowledgedwas onlySadin, Papal States, NaplesandTuscany.
意大利独立组织代表不了什么,奥地利承认的只是撒丁、教皇国、那不勒斯、托斯卡纳。Austriadid not acknowledge,Italiankingis naturally out of the question. Victor Emmanuel IIIunusualis unwilling, energy that what a pityhehas not gotten angry.
奥地利不承认,意大利国王自然无从谈起。维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世非常的不甘心,可惜他没有翻脸的底气。Heis not willingwithAustriancooperation, belowto haveis the personwants. Do not think that the independent bodymembershadwere aloof from worldly affairs, the personmusteat meal.
他不愿意和奥地利合作,下面有得是人愿意。别以为独立组织成员就有多么清高了,人都是要吃饭的。Askingevengoes into exile in the overseas, similarlycan the life of debauchery, be the followingfolloweron the tragedy.
作为国王即便是流亡海外,同样可以过灯红酒绿的生活,可是下面的追随者就悲剧了。Even if the net worthis thick, so manyyearstoss about, stillconsumedsimilarly;Poorhas looked for the workto go to workinLondon, depends uponthatsonsubsidy that the independent bodyissues, starving to death.
即便是身家厚实的,这么多年折腾下来,也消耗得差不多了;家境贫寒的已经在伦敦找工作上班了,依靠独立组织下发的那点儿补助金,早就把人给饿死了。So manyyearslater, the pasthot bloodedyoungster, had been livedto rub off the outline, the duplicate/restorescountryis the onlyopportunity that theyturn over/stand up.
这么多年下来,昔日的热血少年,早就被生活磨去轮廓,复国是他们翻身的唯一机会。Italy, isKingSadin, so long as the abilitybuilds the political power, theycanchangeto become the ruler of keeping aloof.
Last straw to grasp, no onewill let go. Ifwhokept offeveryone'sroad, whoiseveryone'senemy, even ifVictor Emmanuel IIIthisnominalleaderstill.
最后一根救命稻草,谁都不会撒手。谁要是挡了大家的路,谁就是大家的敌人,即便是维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世这个名义上的领袖也不例外。Stoppeda while, adjusts the train of thoughtVictor Emmanuel IIIto sayfrom now onslowly: „Minister, wecanthink the meansdiversionFrench, ability that buthas not resistedwithFrench armed forcesbyourstrengthsdirectly.”
停顿了一会儿,调整思绪过后维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世缓缓说道:“公使阁下,我们可以想办法牵制法国人,但以我们的实力并没有直接和法军对抗的能力。”Saw the goalto achieve, Jonassmiledto reply: „ Your majesty, pleasefeels relievedAustria unable the pitfriend.
After the warbreaks out, youonlyneed, in the rear areadoes the destruction, affected the administrative shipping of French armed forcesto be good, did not needon the directbattlefield.
战争爆发后,你们只需要在后方搞搞破坏,影响法军的后勤运输就行了,并不需要直接上战场。For example: The spreads rumor, knocks the morale of troops of French;Summoned that the Italiando not work oneself to deathfor the French;Destroys the pathbridges and organizationworkersto strike......
比如说:散播谣言,动摇法国人的军心;号召意大利人不要为法国人卖命;破坏道路桥梁、组织工人罢工……In order toreduceloss, you can also summon that the peoplenon-violentdo not cooperate, thesecontribute. ”
为了减少损失,你们也可以号召民众非暴力不合作,这些都是贡献。”HearsJonas'sexplanation, Victor Emmanuel IIIrelaxes, shouted that slogananything'stheymostwere an expert, the weak area of independent bodylies in the military.
听到乔纳斯的解释,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世松了一口气,喊口号什么的他们最在行了,独立组织的短板在于军事上。So long as the disagreement/not withFrenchfights, in the rear areadoes the destruction, theycanbe good.
只要不和法国人战斗,在后方搞搞破坏,他们还是能行的。Stopped, MinisterJonasalsoadded: „ Youto the contributions that thiswarmakes, will decideincome that youyieldafter the war.
The contribution that so long asmakesis bigenough, the territory and war indemnitywill have. OriginallyKingSadin and Frenchhave the contested territory, you have the opportunityto take carry back. ”
只要做出的贡献足够大,领土、战争赔款都会有的。原来撒丁国王和法国人存在争议的领土,你们也有机会拿回来。”Thisis not the picturepie, so long aswon the war, howtheirperformance, will have the contested territoryto delimit the Sadinkingdom.
这不是画大饼,只要赢得了战争,无论是他们的表现怎么样,存在争议的领土都会划个撒丁王国。Austriahas not annexed the appetite in France, after the war the hatred of France and Austriawill definitely deepen, eventhere arepossibilitydozensyears unable to untie.
奥地利没有吞并法兰西的胃口,战后法奥两国的仇恨肯定会加深,甚至有可能数十年都解不开。For the stability of west line, the Austrian governmentmustweakenFrance. Besides the Italianareacan the independence, Francein factbeverystable, analyzedradicallynot.
为了西线的稳定,奥地利政府必须要削弱法国。除了意大利地区能够独立外,法兰西的本土实际上还是很稳定的,根本就拆分就不了。Even the resolution, could not needseveralyearsstillto reunifyforcefully, Franzimpossibleto donotstudiously.
即便是强行拆分,要不了几年也会重新统一,弗朗茨不可能去做无用功。Underthisbackground, besidesdrawing in the peripheralneighborcarves uptogether, Austrian governmentnot good way.
这种背景下,除了拉上周边的邻居一起瓜分外,奥地利政府并没有太好的办法。Carved upalso is not only only the land, with the hatred that itfollows.
况且,瓜分的也不仅仅只是土地,还有与之伴随的仇恨。Took the place of French, can only dieto knockwith the French. Besidesholding the thigh of Austria, has no alternativeradically.
拿了法国人的地,就只能和法国人死磕下去。除了抱奥地利的大腿外,根本就别无选择。Nothinghesitant, Victor Emmanuel IIIreplieddecisively: „Ministercould rest assured that wego all-outto give the Frenchto add to the chaos!”
The conditionis excellent, before Victor Emmanuel III, expectsis much better, Austriahas not had the idea of Sadinkingdomterritory.
条件已经非常优厚了,比维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世之前预料的要好得多,奥地利没有打撒丁王国领土的主意。Whatonlyregretis, Austriaopposed that heunifies the Italianarea, butthisissueis not to Victor Emmanuel III big.
唯一遗憾的是,奥地利反对他统一意大利地区,不过这对维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世来说问题不大。Startedto go into exilefrom the birth, Victor Emmanuel IIIalsohad experienced the hardships of life, althoughyoungactuallynottwo.
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