HOMD :: Volume #5

#423: Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos, this was by Zhang Lan moving the tiger from the mountain.

Damn ants!” Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos got angry thoroughly: Dies to this king!” “该死的蝼蚁!”灭霸彻底的怒了:“给本王去死!” Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos in great anger already, no matter were too many, the palm that empty grasps makes an effort to pinch Zhang Lan not to have the resistance, directly by Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos this attack crumb breastbone. 盛怒中的灭霸早已经不管太多了,虚握的手掌用力一捏张蓝毫无反抗的,直接被灭霸这一攻击捏碎了胸骨。 The breastbone hangnail of disruption enters in the internal organs, a lot of dirty blood spill into the respiratory tract, lets Zhang Lan that can also breathe slightly greeted the misfortune of suffocation. 碎裂的胸骨倒刺进内脏之中,大量的脏血涌进呼吸道,让的原先还能略微呼吸的张蓝迎接来了窒息的厄运。 This is not the normal person will want to feel absolutely. 这绝对不会是正常人想要感受到的。 Even so the position, Zhang Lan bites Yamen as before tightly, has not made blood from finally spout. 即便是如此境地了,张蓝依旧是紧咬牙门,没有让一丝血液从最终喷涌出来。 Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos just likes can see the Zhang Lan's situation similar, does not worry, instead is loosens the hand calmly to wait, enjoys the enemy dead struggling before suffocation. 灭霸恍若能够看见张蓝的处境一般,并不着急,反而是松开手就这么静静等待着,享受敌人死于窒息前的挣扎。 However, Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos is doomed disappointedly. 不过,灭霸注定是要失望的了。 Zhang Lan has not struggled incessantly, instead a dead sign did not have , even if his heart had been pierced, lungs to fill the blood. 张蓝不止没有挣扎,反而一丝死去的迹象都没有即便他的心脏已经被刺穿、肺部充满血液。 Although the physical body died, then but regarding Zhang Lan is only temporary. 肉体虽然死亡了,但那对于张蓝而言只是暂时的罢了。 So long as the physical body also still the hair inventory, depended upon magnanimous EP, Zhang Lan can the infinite rebirth. 只要肉体还尚有一丝的头发存货,依靠海量的能量点,张蓝是可以无限重生的。 But the soul reverse attack, regarding Zhang Lan that having system protects oneself can only be the delusion. 而灵魂反面的攻击,对于有系统护身的张蓝而言只会是妄想。 Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos also discovered this point obviously. 灭霸显然也是发现了这一点了。 Boy, ability a little slightly!” “小子,略微的有点能耐!” Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos changed into the boy the ants, showed regarding Zhang Lan strength approval slightly. 灭霸将蝼蚁换成了小子,彰显了对于张蓝实力略微的认可。 Also is only slightly. 也只是略微而已。 „, Looks at this!” “那么,瞧一瞧这个!” On the Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos fuzzy left hand, a fuzzy purple gem flashes through a bright slightly, be at Zhang Lan of regeneration condition felt immediately such as was hit hard, closed Yamen cannot insist again, „” the blood that puts out the big mouth, is smuggling the internal organs fragment of bulk. 灭霸模糊的左手上,一颗模糊的紫色宝石微微闪过一丝亮光,处于再生状态的张蓝顿时感觉如遭重击,紧闭的牙门再也坚持不住,“哇”的一声吐出大口的鲜血,夹带着大块的内脏碎片。 Even if were so hit hard, Zhang Lan still has not said one beg for mercy. 即便是遭受如此重击,张蓝依然没有说过一句求饶的话。 Coming out that can definitely look from the Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos stance, the opposite party certainly is not a Lord God candidate who is easy getting along with. 灭霸的姿态完全可以看的出来,对方一定不会是一个好相处的主神候选者。 Only feared, this can also be plunderer! 只怕,这也会是一个“掠夺者”! In order to plunder the resources of other Lord God candidates, thus plunderer of rapid growth self- energy. 以掠夺其他主神候选者的资源,从而快速增长自我能量的掠夺者 Previous King of Atlantis- Poseidon, met such plunderer. 此前的亚特兰蒂斯之王-波塞冬,就是遇见了这么一个掠夺者 Both are representing the two extremes of Lord God candidate. 两者代表着主神候选者的两个极端。 Takes the Lord God candidate as food, was confused the eyes by the pinnacle of strength. 一个,以主神候选者为食物,被力量的极致迷惑了双眼。 Is lonely because of one person, longs for that grows with the similar common progress, and aims at this fights against plunderer. 一个,因为一人而孤独,渴望与同类共同进步成长,并以此为目标抗击掠夺者 Now, Zhang Lan and Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos were ordinary just like initial Poseidon and plunderer. 现在,张蓝灭霸就宛若当初的波塞冬掠夺者一般。 What is different, the strong and weak status exchanged. 只不过不同的是,强弱的地位兑换了一番。 Zhang Lan of extremely feeble at this time is a dish in Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos hand, whatever the opposite party acts bashful. 极度虚弱的张蓝此时就是灭霸手中的一盘菜,任由对方拿捏。 But, no matter how Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos attacks, regarding Zhang Lan merely is only suffering of physical body. 但,不管灭霸如何攻击,对于张蓝而言仅仅只是肉体的折磨罢了。 Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos that this lets does not bear very much. 这让的灭霸很是不耐。 Maintains energy very that Space Gate needs to be huge, even he cannot support. 维持空间之门所需要的能量十分庞大,就算是他也不能够一直就这么撑下去。 He is only some law owner and control, is not the law maker. 他只是部分法则的拥有者、掌控者,并不是法则的制定者。 In does not have the means gains any advantage clearly after Zhang Lan, suffering the opposite party actually is also the stance without the response. 在明白没有办法从张蓝身上获取到任何的好处后,折磨对方却也是一副没有反应的姿态。 Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos that this lets also thinks oneself are from. 这让的灭霸还以为自己是自嗨呢。 Very senseless. 很是无趣。 Is planning to process the Zhang Lan's time conveniently, Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos detected that behind has the attack close to the backward science and technology attack! 正打算随手处理掉张蓝的时候,灭霸察觉到背后有攻击靠近落后的科技攻击! Moves aside does not bring to move aside, whatever Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos that attack is close to itself behind, then from his body internal breaks, has shot at the distant place. 躲闪都不带躲闪的,灭霸任由那攻击接近自己背后,而后从他的身体内穿过,射向远方。 This time he is an energy projects, does not have the entity to exist, uses the science and technology attack, cannot attack decidedly. 此时的他本身就是个能量投影,是没有实体存在的,使用科技攻击,是决然攻击不到的。 Bang!” “轰!” Although the bomb the attack Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos, was actually also detonated was Tony long-distance detonated own missile. 炸弹虽然攻击不到灭霸,却也还是被引爆了托尼远程引爆了自己的导弹。 Rides the attack of missile is submerging Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos time, Tony wears vibration metal suit to fly to Zhang Lan, whether place prepares from this to take away it. 乘着导弹的攻击淹没灭霸的时候,托尼身着振金战衣飞向张蓝,准备将其从这个是否之地带离。 Zhang Lan sees this look to open, the anxious wielding arm, opened the mouth to say anything, instead was an age loosen spouted a blood. 张蓝见此眼神睁大,急切的挥动手臂,开口想要说什么,反而是牙口一松喷出了一口鲜血。 Tony has not comprehended the Zhang Lan's meaning, finds the movement that Zhang Lan spits blood instead to accelerate again, full speed is approaching to Zhang Lan. 托尼并没有领会张蓝的意思,瞧见张蓝吐血的动作反而再次加速,全速向张蓝靠近着。 Saw with own eyes that must touch the Zhang Lan's time, an powerful strength shells vibration metal that fiercely, in Tony vibration metal suit back its might destroyed the hardest defenses that rumbles the pit that in fell. 眼见就要触碰到张蓝的时候,一股强悍的力量猛地轰击在了托尼振金战衣的后背其威力都是将那无坚不摧的振金轰出了一个内陷的凹坑。 Handles against Tony under that strength, at a quicker speed 90 措不及防的托尼在那一股力道之下,以更加快的速度90 …… …… Found this, more felt uncomfortable, saw with own eyes that distant place Johnny that the Zhang Lan root bit was also the incarnation comes for the fire impact, Zhang Lan has to make to act 瞧见这一幕,张蓝牙根咬的越发紧了,眼见远处约翰尼也是化身为火冲击而来,张蓝不得不做出行动了 A unmanned fighter speed of light appears under the Zhang Lan body, dragging the Zhang Lan's form twinkling to vanish in same place, likes a moth to the flame in the sky Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos toward Space Gate that maintains flushes away. 一架无人战斗机光速出现在张蓝身下,拖着张蓝的身影瞬息消失在原地,飞蛾扑火般的朝着天空上灭霸维持的空间之门冲去。 Meanwhile, since wipes the golden-yellow ray to be bright from the Zhang Lan's forehead, God Cloth again clothing. 与此同时,一抹金黄色光芒从张蓝的眉心亮起,神圣衣再次着装与身上。 After the short reply, at least, his veins had fully restored, has senjutsu chakra to activate God Cloth, completes clothing again. 经过短暂的回复,至少,他的筋脉已经完全的恢复了,才是有仙术查克拉激活神圣衣,完成再次的着装。 After every is separated from body one time completely, God Cloth is needs Zhang Lan's senjutsu chakra to activate, can return to the Zhang Lan's innermost soul, is Zhang Lan provides instantly open Sage Mode Possibility. 每一次完全脱离身体后,神圣衣都是需要张蓝的一点仙术查克拉重新激活,才可以回到张蓝的灵魂深处,为张蓝提供瞬开仙人模式】的可能。 If within the body does not have senjutsu chakra, system EP exchanges system only to exchange chakra. 若是体内没有仙术查克拉的话,系统能量点兑换系统是只能兑换查克拉的。 senjutsu chakra appears in within the body, Zhang Lan decomposes them rapidly, the mental power total spills into the right eye to supplement that sharingan previous consumption, the cell energy is body provides the consumption of rapid restore. 仙术查克拉一出现在体内,张蓝就是急速分解它们,精神力全数涌进右眼中补充写轮眼此前的消耗,细胞能量为身体提供飞速修复的消耗。 natural can unable to be used alone, Zhang Lan can only instill into God Cloth it. 自然能是无法被单独利用的,张蓝只能是将其灌输进神圣衣了。 After the promotion is S Rank, Zhang Lan's responded that the nerve is not, during the speed of light that the average person can imagine marched forward has completed the so tedious step. 晋升为s级别之后,张蓝的反应神经已经不是一般人能够想象的了,光速行进当中就是已经完成了如此繁琐的步骤。 However, is higher-level compared with him much people, is staring at him. 然而,却有一个较之他还要高级得多的人,在盯着他的呢。 No matter Zhang Lan is prepares to make anything, Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos did not plan that made the opposite party achieve wishes. 不管张蓝是准备做什么,灭霸都不打算让对方如愿。 Sees only the Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos putting out a hand right hand, gently grasps, together with unmanned fighter is contained by Zhang Lan that the speed of light went forward in the midair, cannot deposit. 只见灭霸伸手右手,轻轻的一握,正以光速前进的张蓝连同无人战斗机都是被遏制在了半空中,不能存进。 You, what also wants to make?” Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos despises the Zhang Lan that unwise action very much. “就你,还想做什么?”灭霸很是藐视张蓝那不明智的举动。 The Zhang Lan's soul news only has a character: „!” 张蓝的灵魂讯息只有一个字:“呵!” Spreads along with the Zhang Lan's soul news, 10 several unmanned fighter appear directly in Space Gate peripheral, it with huge crowds of people wraps layer upon layer, then detonated antimatter engine directly 伴随着张蓝的灵魂讯息传出,数架的无人战斗机直接显现在空间之门周边,将其里三层外三层的层层包裹住,而后直接引爆了反物质引擎 In a twinkling, man-made black holes the Space Gate package are one of them, even Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos, still came under the enormous impact, the projection on Earth starts some fluctuations slightly. 霎时间,一个个人造黑洞将空间之门包裹在其中,即便是灭霸,也是受到了极大的影响,在地球上的投影开始微微的有些波动。 This is the sign that the energy will soon interrupt. 这是能量即将中断的迹象。
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