HOMD :: Volume #5

#424: Black hole embryonic form

The previous quarter is to ridicule the Zhang Lan's intelligence quotient, next quarter, Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos by pā pā pā hitting the face. 前一刻才是嘲笑张蓝的智商,下一刻,灭霸就是被“啪啪啪”的打脸了。 His face that this lets cannot hang very much. 这让的他的面子很是挂不住。 Becoming angry out of shame, in the Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos eye the ominous light flashes before, observing closely stubbornly was contained Zhang Lan in midair by him, said the last few words: Makes me take a look, you, how also to resist Power of Space!” 恼羞成怒的,灭霸眼中凶光闪现,死死的盯住被他遏制在半空中的张蓝,说出了最后一句话:“让我瞧瞧,你,又是如何抵抗空间之力的!” Then, the Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos that somewhat illusory projection from this Zhang Lan finger, the pitch darkness color luminous spot in his fingertip formation, is then absorbing the strength of Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos projection slightly rapidly, the Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos projection that lets starts dissipation slowly not to see, until finally was absorbed all by that black luminous spot. 说罢,灭霸那略微有些虚幻的投影从这张蓝一点手指,一抹黑色的光点在他的手指尖成型,而后急速吸收着灭霸投影的力量,让的灭霸投影开始缓缓的消散不见,直至最后被那黑色光点尽数吸收完毕。 Instance that also vanishes in Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos, that black luminous spot erupts strength of that powerful attraction suddenly is wants the strength of powerful 100 time of attraction compared with the man-made black hole. 也就在灭霸消失的瞬间,那一个黑色光点猛然爆发出强大的吸引之力那是比人造黑洞要强大倍的吸引之力。 From containing the condition restores the action Zhang Lan not to respond with enough time, the twinkling was drawn in the black hole. 才是从遏制状态中恢复行动力的张蓝还未来得及反应,瞬息就是被吸进了黑洞之中。 Those who make Zhang Lan panic-stricken is, under the attraction of this black luminous spot, his Flying Thunder God Expired unexpectedly! 更让张蓝惊恐的是,在这黑色光点的吸引力之下,他的【飞雷神】竟然是失效了! The offensive comes to be extremely fierce, Zhang Lan tried other means radically without enough time, before the figure is adsorbed the body, by that black luminous spot. 攻势来太过凶猛,张蓝根本就来不及尝试其他办法,身形就是被那黑色光点吸附到了身前。 Before arriving at the black luminous spot, Zhang Lan's figure, God Cloth in the resistance of striving that black luminous spot the strength of attraction, Zhang Lan that lets is being insufficient to force in slightly from this dot. 到达黑色光点前之后,张蓝的身形略微一顿,神圣衣在勉力的抵抗着那黑色光点的吸引之力,让的张蓝不至于从这一个小点被塞进去。 Conceivable, will not definitely leave behind complete Zhang Lan's. 可以想象的,肯定是不会留下一个完整的张蓝的 Saw with own eyes that Zhang Lan resisted black luminous spot the strength of attraction reluctantly, the people before live broadcast all were big relaxing. 眼见张蓝勉强抵抗住了黑色光点的吸引之力,直播前的众人皆都是大大的松了一口气。 Also thinks that is anything at the point of death counter-attack, finally is such is shocking but not dangerous. 还以为是什么“临死”反击呢,结果就是这么个有惊无险罢了。 Only some Zhang Lan slight relaxations, instead have not been the complexion stern is looking at previously the Space Gate direction. 唯有张蓝并没有丝毫的放松,反而是脸色严峻的望着此前空间之门的方向。 Situated in Sage Mode He can feel clearly, absorbs own black luminous spot, in slow and firm pulls that to fuse together the man-made black hole that approaches to oneself. 处于【仙人模式】的他能够清晰感觉得到,吸附住自己的黑色光点,在缓慢而坚定的拉扯着那融为一体的人造黑洞,向自身靠近。 A more terrifying matter is, in the range of black luminous spot, the sign that man-made black hole has not consumed, instead even more expanded the figure. 更为恐怖的事情是,在黑色光点的范围内,那人造黑洞没有丝毫消耗的迹象,反而是越发的壮大了身形。 Looks at this trend... Earth, will be born genuine universe black hole! 看这趋势...地球,将会诞生一个真正的宇宙黑洞! The universe black hole, is in the universe strangest existence. 宇宙黑洞,是宇宙中最为奇异的存在。 It fused the characteristics of space, space, dimension and infinite energy, even/including light will be attracted after the attraction range of black hole, changes to its energy. 它融合了空间、空间、维度和无限能量的特点,连光经过黑洞的吸引范围都会被吸进去,化作它的能源。 On, the black hole that Zhang Lan knows is divided into the universe black hole and man-made black hole, its universe black hole is divided into the Devour black hole and space wormhole. 张蓝所知道的,黑洞分为宇宙黑洞与人造黑洞,其宇宙黑洞又分为吞噬黑洞与空间虫洞。 The Devour black hole , can as the name suggests Devour including the ray black hole. 吞噬黑洞,顾名思义的,就是能够吞噬包括光线的黑洞。 One side space wormhole most 22 doublings, can pass the space wormhole, in a short time spans the ultra long-distance range to come out from another wormhole. 空间虫洞则大多数两两成对,可以通过一边的空间虫洞,短时间内跨越超远距离从另一个虫洞出来。 According to the characteristics of space wormhole, on Atlantis is loaded with space jump technology. 按照空间虫洞的特性,亚特兰蒂斯上就装有空间跳跃技术 That is exceeds the speed of light the ability. 那是超越光速的能力。 But now, an embryonic form of Devour black hole is taking shape sky over Liberty Island slowly, and is growing slowly. 而现在,一个吞噬黑洞的雏形正在自由岛上空缓缓成型,并且在缓慢的成长着。 Nearby for stopping the Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos man-made black hole, seems the nourishment of this black hole embryonic form is also ordinary, slowly and drew by the attraction of black hole embryonic form firmly. 一旁的用于阻拦灭霸的人造黑洞,似乎也是这黑洞雏形的养料一般,被黑洞雏形的吸引力缓慢而坚定的拉了过来。 Zhang Lan discovered, no matter how, he anything does not do now. 张蓝发现,不管如何,他现在什么事情都做不了。 The black hole embryonic form not just single absorbs him, the characteristics of its Devour myriad things also included the energy of human body. 黑洞雏形不单单只是将他吸附住而已,其吞噬万物的特性还包括了人体的能量。 chakra of Zhang Lan within the body not by his control, all toward black hole embryonic form Zhongjianyong, is expanding the black hole embryonic form at the same time, the stronger attracting customer interest tears the defense of God Cloth in the attempt. 张蓝体内的查克拉根本就不受他的控制,尽数向着黑洞雏形中间涌去,壮大着黑洞雏形的同时,越加强大的吸扯力在尝试撕裂开神圣衣的防御。 This formed a vicious circle, Zhang Lan's chakra is absorbed even more many, the attracting customer interest of black hole embryonic form on even more, the speed that man-made black hole approached even more is also fast. 这就形成了一个恶性循环,张蓝的查克拉被吸收越发的多,黑洞雏形的吸扯力就越发的强,那人造黑洞靠近的速度也就越发的快速了。 Once the man-made black hole and black hole embryonic form gathers in together, that only feared that is... the formation of universe black hole, will be irresistible! 一旦人造黑洞与黑洞雏形汇聚在一起,那只怕是...宇宙黑洞的成型,将势不可挡! To destroy black hole, even on Atlantis has not recorded these. 想要破坏一个黑洞,即便是亚特兰蒂斯上面都从来没有记载过的这些。 But Zhang Lan suspects, 张蓝猜想, The black hole embryonic form without taken shape, should be able to be destroyed. The premise found to method. 还没有成型的黑洞雏形,应该是可以被破坏的。前提是找到对的方法。 However, now the Zhang Lan whole body is being pulled by the attracting customer interest of black hole embryonic form, cannot move including a finger, even if found the method only to fear that is still is hard to implement. 但是,现在张蓝全身都是被黑洞雏形的吸扯力拉扯着,连一根手指头都动不了,就算找到了方法只怕也是难以实施。 Quick, black hole embryonic form has grown the sufficient intensity, it attracts the customer interest the range to expand again, the sea water in sea level uncontrolled flows in backward toward the space on. 很快的,黑洞雏形的已经成长到了足够的强度,它吸扯力的范围再次扩大,海平面上的海水不受控制的朝着天上倒灌而上。 The black hole embryonic form all comes are welcome, blackhole- like absorbing the sea water massively, which sea water seeming like obtained the energy similar from, the speed of build increase increased again some. 黑洞雏形来者不拒,无底洞般的大量吸收着海水,似乎是从哪海水中获得了能量一般,体型增幅的速度再次增加了些许。 This to Zhang Lan absolutely is not a good news. 这对张蓝绝对不是一个好消息。 Misfortune never singly comes, good fortune never come in pairs. 祸不单行,福无双至。 For example now, the Zhang Lan corner of the eye split vision found a red-gold sound to jump out from the sea water, then flew directly in the Zhang Lan's direction. 比如现在,张蓝眼角余光瞧见了一道红金色的声音从海水之下窜出,而后径直朝着张蓝的方向飞来。 Without a doubt, this previously entered Tony in sea water by the Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos bang. 毫无疑问的,这是此前被灭霸轰进海水中的托尼 Zhang Lan has not tried to warn that Tony the black hole embryonic form that the ray can absorb, will obviously not make the sound wave have the condition of dissemination. 张蓝并没有试图警告托尼连光线都能吸收的黑洞雏形,显然是不会让声波有传播的条件的。 That side Tony is also fierce enough, when he who to/clashes responded wants to retrocede time, already late. 那边的托尼也是冲的够猛的,等他反应过来想要后退的时候,已经晚了。 He, entered attracting of black hole embryonic form to pull the range. 他,进入黑洞雏形的吸扯范围了。 Whether place the firepower full plan flies from this, Tony is actually the sorrowful discovery, even firepower full he, cannot stop falls to the direction of black hole embryonic form. 火力全开打算飞离这个是否之地,托尼却是悲哀的发现,即便是火力全开的他,还是止不住的向黑洞雏形的方向滑落过去。 Looks for this trend, only feared that will not need for a half minute, Tony to be adsorbed cave entrance by the black hole embryonic form. 找这个趋势,只怕不用半分钟,托尼就会被黑洞雏形吸附到了洞口。 Then, the issue came, tearing of living black hole embryonic form short distance vibration metal can resist? 那么,问题来了,振金是否能够抵抗的住黑洞雏形近距离的撕扯? This no one knows. 这个没有人知道。 However, after a while will know computation of on super computer according to Fury aerospace depot ship, the survival percentage not over 10%. 不过,过一会儿就会知道了按照弗瑞空天母舰上的超级电脑的计算,存活率不会超过10%。 But the premise of this 10% survival percentage, before is the black hole embryonic form did not have the Devour man-made black hole . 而这个10%存活率的前提,是黑洞雏形还没有吞噬人造黑洞之前。 Also in the meantime, after man-made black hole some time moving, finally was approaches Zhang Lan's position simultaneously, was the position of black hole embryonic form. 也就在此时,人造黑洞在一段时间的挪动后,终于是靠近到了张蓝的位置同时,也是黑洞雏形的位置。 If the black hole embryonic form absorbed the energy of man-made black hole, perhaps Zhang Lan can also support a while, but without a doubt, Tony... 黑洞雏形要是吸收了人造黑洞的能量,张蓝或许还能够撑一会儿,但毫无疑问的,托尼就... This Zhang Lan of letting is very helpless. 这一幕让的张蓝很是无奈。 Why Tony appears each time, will not have the good deed.” “为什么每次托尼出现,都不会有好事。” Still remembers that previously in New York event, the Tony thousand li (500 km) catches up to give Victor to make the charge treasure the matter, then coming clearly into view. 犹记得此前纽约事件中,托尼千里赶来给维克托做充电宝的事情,还是那么的历历在目。 This time, Tony is very good acted as charge treasure work. 这一次,托尼又是很好的充当了“充电宝”的工作。 Believes that Tony this energy storage entered the black hole embryonic form, can contribute a heavyweight chip for the formation of black hole embryonic form. 相信托尼这一身的能量源进了黑洞雏形,能够为黑洞雏形的成型贡献一份重量级的筹码。 When the time comes, to destroy this black hole embryonic form, feared is impossible. 到时候,要是想要摧毁这个黑洞雏形,怕是不可能的了。 After dissecting the clear all reasons, Zhang Lan has to suppress next to decide 解剖清晰所有的来由之后,张蓝不得不狠下一个决定 Huge chakra instills into Zhang Lan within the body from system, continuous chakra spills into, even the chakra of black hole embryonic form in crazy absorber, still guaranteed the chakra time is full. 庞大的查克拉系统中灌输进张蓝体内,源源不断的查克拉涌进,即便是黑洞雏形在疯狂的吸收体内的查克拉,也保证了查克拉时刻是充盈的。 So, Zhang Lan asked unable to transfer the chakra awkward position finally. 如此,张蓝总算是拜托了不能够调动查克拉的尴尬境地。 But after can transfer chakra, 而能够调动查克拉之后 first Open Gate · opens 第一开门·开】 second Rest Gate · opens 第二休门·开】 ... ... seventh Fright Gate · opens 第七惊门·开】 By Zhang Lan the S Rank ability, started the strength promotion after seventh Fright Gate to far exceed the past at this time. 张蓝此时s级别的能力,开启第七惊门后的实力提升要远超以往。 chakra coat that rises crazily was used to fill the black hole embryonic form, it counter-balanced a large part of attracting customer interest, Zhang Lan that lets can move body reluctantly. 狂涨的查克拉外衣绝大部分被用来填补黑洞雏形,其抵消了很大一部分的吸扯力,让的张蓝勉强能够活动一下身体 Even, faint has trend that must work loose from the black hole embryonic form. 甚至,隐隐的有要从黑洞雏形上面挣脱下来的趋势。 When everyone thinks Zhang Lan can escape, unexpected matter, happened! 就在所有人以为张蓝可以就此逃脱的时候,意想不到的事情,发生了!
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