HOMD :: Volume #5

#422: Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos attack

Is Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos! 灭霸 But, Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos why will appear here? 可,灭霸的为什么会出现在这里? In the heart has doubts extremely, that side Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos Phantom opened the mouth to speak is not the ringing of ear, but was the news in soul. 心中疑惑万分,那边灭霸幻影张开嘴巴说话了并非耳朵的振鸣,而是灵魂上的讯息。 If not S Rank above person, anything will not hear. 若非s级别以上的人儿,什么也不会听见。 But the news in soul has an advantage, that does not need to be worried about the language the barrier. 而灵魂上的讯息就有一个好处,那就是不用担心语言的障碍。 You, is the law owner, which plane universe?” The Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos words make Zhang Lan look at dumbly on the spot. “你,法则的拥有者,是哪个位面宇宙的?”灭霸的话让张蓝呆立在原地。 He actually knows the universe plane matter! 他竟然知道宇宙位面的事情! Does not know... Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos regarding the first era universe matter, understands many. 只是不知道...灭霸对于第一纪元宇宙的事情,又了解多少。 Moreover, transmits in the news that from Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos, the Zhang Lan sensation to a will, that is similar to the tone of human, can distinguish the opposite party to say the meaning of these words. 而且,从灭霸传来的讯息中,张蓝感知到了一股意志,那是类似与人类的口气,能够分辨对方说这句话的意思。 Show disdain for! 傲视! Right, Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos tone brings showing disdain for decidedly, does not seem to paid attention to Zhang Lan, even... Zhang Lan is in his plate the vegetable/dish. 对的,灭霸的“口气”中带着决然的傲视,似乎一点也没有把张蓝放在眼里,甚至...张蓝就是他的盘中菜罢了。 Told this king, the small and weak law owner, which plane were you?” Zhang Lan did not reply, Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos that lets is very angry, in the tone has an urging, one point of anger. “告诉本王,弱小的法则拥有者,你到底是哪一个位面的?”张蓝迟迟不回答,让的灭霸很是恼怒,口气中带着一份催促,一分怒意。 Zhang Lan still has not opened the mouth to reply, the Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos stance obviously is the enemy non- friend, natural cannot supply any information for the opposite party. 张蓝依然是没有开口回答,灭霸的姿态明显是敌非友,自然不能为对方提供任何的信息。 Let system scan Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos, the obtained information only has one: Marvel plane universe shatter law some owners. 系统灭霸进行扫描,得到的信息只有一个:漫威位面宇宙破碎法则的部分拥有者。 Said simply, is Marvel plane universe Law Fragment Six Great Stones, in which part in the hand of Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos, and fuses for own strength. 简单说,就是漫威位面宇宙的法则碎片六大宝石,其中的部分在灭霸的手中,并融合为自身的力量。 Zhang Lan's enraged Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos silent obviously, he raises up the eyebrow, on the face is filling astonishing malignant influences, on Zhang Lan that the compressed air with overpowering momentum lets some faint stabbing pain, on the shoulder shouldered a mountain probably, heavy. 张蓝的默然不语显然是触怒了灭霸,他竖起眉毛,脸上弥漫着一股惊人的煞气,气势磅礴的压气让的张蓝身上隐隐的有些刺痛,肩上像是挑起了一座大山般,沉甸甸的。 The Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos strength, has exceeded Zhang Lan is too many. 灭霸的实力,早已经是超越了张蓝太多了。 Is only Phantom, can actually cause this big trouble to him, if this changed a will not firm person, feared that has knelt down. 仅仅只是一个幻影,竟然就能够给他制造此大的麻烦,这若是换了一个意志不坚定的人,怕是早已经下跪了。 Rapidness that the Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos imposing manner comes, gone also quick, imitates, if exerts pressure general to Zhang Lan, making him know own strength. 灭霸的气势来的快,去的也快,仿若是给张蓝施压一般,让他知道自己的实力。 Finally asked that your one time, do you, which plane universe belong to?” Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos issued the final diplomatic note. “最后问你一次,你,属于哪个位面宇宙的?”灭霸下了最后的通牒。 Had the shock and awe of previous imposing manner, Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos thinks that Zhang Lan should say. 有了此前气势的震慑,灭霸认为张蓝应该会说了。 However, he underestimated the Zhang Lan's willpower. 然而,他还是低估了张蓝的意志力。 Zhang Lan looked at an opposite party merely indifferently, plan that simply has not replied. 张蓝仅仅只是淡然的望了一眼对方,根本没有回答的打算。 That appearance, making the audience before live broadcast resound in the circus troupe, they looked at the appearance of clown time. 那模样,让直播前的观众们响起了马戏团中,他们看小丑时候的模样。 Touches simply is the same. 简直一摸一样。 This despises, through the news unretentive transmission of soul in the Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos mind this is the Zhang Lan first words response, what a pity is not the answer that he wants. 这一份藐视,通过灵魂的讯息毫无保留的传达到了灭霸的脑海中这是张蓝第一次的话回应,可惜不是他要的答案。 Saw only that Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos Phantom's nostril to expand suddenly some, angry glare diamond observing closely Zhang Lan, believes that was the anger may not certainly uncover in space other aspect Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos at this time. 只见那灭霸幻影的鼻孔突然扩大了些许,怒目金刚般的盯住张蓝,相信远在空间另一面的灭霸此时一定是怒不可揭了。 Since you did not say that and other this king look for you, but... gives back to this king the this king thing before then!” “既然你不说,那就等本王过来找你吧,不过在此之前...把本王的东西还给本王!” Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos also completely understood, understands that Zhang Lan will not tell him any to know, says this king speaks to look for you the aggressive statement, immediately lets the thing that Zhang Lan gives back to his him to want. 灭霸也是看透了,明白张蓝不会告诉他任何自己想要知道的,撂下一句“本王会来找你”的狠话,随即又让张蓝还给他他要的东西。 Subconscious, Space Stone in Zhang Lan casting a sidelong glance hand, until this time is to discover Space Stone that light and shade uncertain ray, looks like an indicating lamp of locator to be the same. 下意识的,张蓝瞟了一眼手中的空间宝石,直至此时才是发现空间宝石那明暗不定的光芒,就像是一个定位器的指示灯一样。 Zhang Lan exploratory raises hand Space Stone to Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos. 张蓝试探性的向灭霸扬了扬手中的空间宝石 Besides it, in your space pocket, gives back to this king together!” The Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos tone does not allow to set otherwise. “除了它,还有一个也在你的空间口袋里,一起还给本王!”灭霸的口气不容置否。 A thinking, Zhang Lan put out Mind Scepter from the system space slightly, hinted toward Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos distantly. 稍一思索,张蓝系统空间中拿出了心灵权杖,向着灭霸遥遥示意了一番。 Right, is they, to this king!” “对,就是它们,给本王吧!” The Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos tone was rarely more moderate, puts out a hand to turn toward the two gems in Zhang Lan hand to beckon, pulls the strength to transmit from Zhang Lan's both hands. 灭霸语气难得缓和了一些,伸手向着张蓝手中的两颗宝石招了招手,一股拉扯力从张蓝的双手中传来。 Now, so long as Zhang Lan loosens the hand, Space Stone and Mind Scepter will fly to the hand of Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos. 现在,只要张蓝松开手,空间宝石心灵权杖就会飞向灭霸的手中。 But... possible? 但...可能吗? No! 不! Is impossible! 绝不可能! Both hands, Zhang Lan directly took in the system space Space Stone and Mind Scepter total, such indifferent is looking at Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos, does not make any expression. 双手一番,张蓝直接将空间宝石心灵权杖全数收进了系统空间,就这么淡然的望着灭霸,并不做任何的表情。 Also does not have the entreaty, is undismayed, will not have to flatter. 既无哀求,也无恐惧,更加不会有阿谀奉承了。 The surface pale like the water, Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos that lets regarding Zhang Lan's plays tricks on angry at the same time, is unable to use the language to divulge anything. 面淡如水,让的灭霸对于张蓝的戏弄愤怒不已的同时,又是无法使用语言宣泄什么。 Believes, no matter he said again many, will not obtain Zhang Lan many to respond. 相信,不管他说的再多,也不会得到张蓝更多的回应了。 As the saying goes, but said that that can only begin. 有道是,说不过,那就只能是动手了。 In the concept of Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos is also so. 灭霸的观念里也是如此。 Finds Zhang Lan to be intractable, is not willing to coordinate itself, in Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos heart raises to kill intent no longer to conceal own killing intent or! 瞧见张蓝软硬不吃,根本不肯配合自己,灭霸心中不由的升起一股杀意或者说,是不再掩饰自己的杀意! Your this damn ants, dare so to play tricks on this king unexpectedly, today this king must make you know fierce of this king!” “你这个该死的蝼蚁,竟然敢如此戏弄本王,今天本王要让你知道本王的厉害!” Saying, Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos puts out a hand to grasp toward Zhang Lan distantly, that side Zhang Lan thought immediately had an invisible great hand to grip own body ruthlessly. 说着,灭霸伸手朝着张蓝遥遥一握,那边的张蓝立时觉得有一只无形巨手狠狠的握住了自己的身体 A sensation of asphyxia floods in the heart. 一股窒息感充斥在心头。 However, even so, Zhang Lan is still nothing's resistance. Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos that this lets stares slightly, taking off/escaping tastes cannot help but: „Are you so how weak?” 然而,即便是如此,张蓝依然是没有任何的反抗。这让的灭霸微微一愣,不由自主的脱口道:“你怎么这么弱?” Red that the Zhang Lan whole face suppresses, has not said any words previously to use Guardianship Stops the load of nuclear bomb not to pass, let alone revolted, even slightly fierce running is impossible. 张蓝满脸憋的通红,却是没有说出任何的话此前使用【守护】制止核弹的负荷还没有过去,别说反抗了,即便稍微剧烈的奔跑都是不可能的了。 Defends Ruin of nuclear bomb, lets its directional blasting, where can be seems like like that simple? 防御一颗核弹的毁灭,让其定向爆破,哪里会是看上去的那般简单? Present Zhang Lan, within the body is void exceptionally. 现在的张蓝,体内空虚异常。 God Cloth not in Sage Mode It is not able to maintain, 神圣衣不在【仙人模式】无法维持、 Mangekyō overdraws, one tomoe sharingan does not have the means to appear, 万花筒透支,一勾玉写轮眼都是没有办法显现、 Instantaneous ultra-large measures chakra to gush out, within the body veins are close in shatter, but also during restore. 瞬间的超大量查克拉涌出,体内筋脉接近于与破碎,还在修复之中。 It can be said that because present Zhang Lan under all sorts of coincidences, exactly is he weakest time. 可以说,现在的张蓝因为种种巧合下,恰好是他最为虚弱的时刻。 But in this time, good skillful unfortunately, Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos appeared in his front unexpectedly. 而就在这一个时刻,好巧不巧的,灭霸竟然是出现在了他的面前。 Now, Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos did not coordinate to display the extremely big anger regarding Zhang Lan's, estimated the opposite party was the law holder is not good to cope, who knows that began discovers 现在,灭霸对于张蓝的不配合表现出了极为大的愤怒,原先还估计对方是法则持有者不好对付,谁知道一上手才是发现 However is a spatial leather bag. 不过是一副空皮囊罢了。 Right now, Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos also had the enormous confidence. 这下子,灭霸又有了极大的信心。 You, give you for the last time the opportunity, hands over the this king thing, and tells all that this king must know, this king can consider that makes you replace that Tang's position.” “你,给你最后一次机会,交出本王的东西,并且告诉本王要知道的一切,本王可以考虑让你顶替那个唐的位置。” „, this king shows mercy, grants you Lord of Earth position.” “哦,本王就大发慈悲,赐予你地球之主的位置吧。” Then, the preparation that Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos good entire to wait for greets Zhang Lan's to entreat, pose suspended for quite a while, is actually discovered that has not estimated begging for mercy. 说罢,灭霸好整以待的准备迎接张蓝的哀求,pose摆了半天,却是发现并没有预想中的求饶。 Looks up toward Zhang Lan, is still such a secondary surface sinks the look of water. 抬头朝着张蓝望去,依然是那么一副面沉似水的神色。 Looks at that appearance, meaning where must compromise? 瞧那模样,哪里有一丝要妥协的意思? Damn ants!” Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos got angry thoroughly: Dies to this king!” “该死的蝼蚁!”灭霸彻底的怒了:“给本王去死!”
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