HOMD :: Volume #5

#421: How... is he!

? Thor walked, dragging Loki to walk. ?索尔走了,拖着洛基走了。 After losing Space Stone how he must chapter of Asgard, that was not Zhang Lan needs the issue of concern. 至于失去了空间宝石之后他要怎么回阿斯嘉特,那就不是张蓝所需要关心的问题了。 Turned round to look at one not to have Harry of sound, Zhang Lan to draw out attacks in ground Mind Scepter, flew toward Liberty Island. 回身看了一眼还没有动静的哈利,张蓝拔出一直插在地上的心灵权杖,朝着自由岛飞去。 Once Liberty Island. 曾经的自由岛 Present Liberty Island, is one tumultuous times areas, the ships opens to decide however strikes a reef without doubt. 现在的自由岛,就是一片乱世区,船只开进去定然触礁无疑。 The Space Stone strength writes about this space equipment hangingly above the midair, what stable is Space Gate provides the energy. 空间宝石的力量写到这空间装置悬空在半空之上,稳定的为空间之门提供能量。 Let unmanned fighter that Phantom recalls to dispatch, Zhang Lan also take the trouble to seek for Space Gate safety to install, will wield directly begins Mind Scepter to land the installment to break by smashing with stone around the middle. 幻影召回派遣出去的无人战斗机,张蓝也费神去寻找空间之门安全装置了,直接挥动手中的心灵权杖将空降装置拦腰砸断。 Even Susanoo Release Raikiri Absolute Defense that cannot eradicate, with the Law Fragment support of Mind Stone this same source, very relaxed was discarded the space installment by Zhang Lan. 即便是【须佐能乎】释放的【雷切】都是不能破除的绝对防御,在心灵宝石这同一本源的法则碎片支持下,很是轻松的就是被张蓝废掉了空间装置。 Lost the activation of space installment, the light beam that shoots up to the sky dissipates does not immediately see, Space Gate above sky is also dissipation slowly goes. 失去了空间装置的激活,那冲天而起的光束立刻消逝不见,天空之上的空间之门也是缓缓的消散而去。 Big that too previously Space Gate opened, the speed of closure was not fast, it is expected that wanted to close some time completely. 此前空间之门开启的太大,关闭的速度也并不快,预计要一段时间才能够完全关闭。 Suddenly, Zhang Lan remembered a matter. 突然,张蓝想起了一个事情。 Has not received immediately hangingly in Space Stone of midair, Zhang Lan takes in the system space Mind Scepter, branches out shadow clone, lets its use Flying Thunder God Seeks for Loki. 并没有立刻去收悬空在半空的空间宝石,张蓝心灵权杖收进系统空间,分出一个影分身,让其使用【飞雷神】去寻找洛基 Soon, is five seconds, relieved the Zhang Lan sensation to shadow clone, but in his system space were also many a cube. 不多时,才是五秒钟罢了,张蓝感知到了影分身解除,而他的系统空间中也是多了一个立方体。 Is AllSpark. 火种源 This good thing, unable to make Loki carry off after all, this Optimus Prime they to help oneself, lost Jazz this great general incessantly, several other Autobot have the damage. 这个好东西,可不能让洛基带走了毕竟,这一次擎天柱他们为了帮助自己,不止损失了爵士这一名大将,其他几名汽车人也是多有损伤。 Looks up to the sky, that Space Gate is the closure remains the not many, sees with own eyes on the good closure time, the Zhang Lan right hand caught Space Stone time, he is actually suddenly the complexion drastic change, turns head to look to the direction of Manhattan Island islet. 抬头看向天空,那空间之门已然是关闭的所剩无多,眼见就好关闭的时候,张蓝右手都是接住了空间宝石的时候,他却是猛然脸色剧变,扭头望向曼哈顿岛屿的方向。 In Sage Mode In the sensation, the extremely huge energy is continue gather, if erupts, Ruin Manhattan Island has more than enough to spare! 在【仙人模式】的感知中,正有一股极为庞大的能量在继续汇聚,那若是爆发开,毁灭一个曼哈顿岛绰绰有余! New York, No. 1 air force military base, control center. 纽约,一号空军军事基地,指挥中心。 General white beard sits well in the control tower, on the face the gully is densely covered, closely is staring on the screen the Zhang Lan's micro blog live broadcast. 白胡子上将端坐在指挥台上,脸上沟壑密布,紧紧盯着屏幕上张蓝的微博直播。 When May bravely steps forward, General white beard scolded one ruthlessly: Damn old lady!” 挺身而出的时候,白胡子上将狠狠的骂了一句:“该死的老太婆!” Wanted to extinguish kills Zhang Lan's to be disillusioned. 想要灭杀张蓝的希望破灭了。 Especially also in finding is resurrects similarly a person, after Zhang Lan resurrected Peter, can the vivid action, otherwise May also needs to make contact with a talent completing reluctantly. 尤其是在瞧见同样是复活一个人,张蓝复活了彼得之后还能够生龙活虎的行动,反之还需要搭上一个人才勉强完成。 Result also cannot know. 成功与否还未可知。 General white beard knows, under this Hydra quest of faction he could not complete. 白胡子上将知道,这一次九头蛇下派的任务他完不成了。 Thinks that cannot complete the penalty of quest, General white beard body shivered slightly several, thinking quickly in emergencies thought of another making up means 想到完不成任务的惩罚,白胡子上将身体微微的颤动了数下,急中生智的想到了另一个弥补的办法 Zhang Lan kills undying, then kills other Superhero also yes. 张蓝不死,那么杀死其他的超级英雄也是可以的。 On present Manhattan Island, gathered USA overwhelming majority Superhero, these may be the Hydra's life and death land! 现在的曼哈顿岛上,聚集了美国绝大部分的超级英雄,这些可都是九头蛇的生死大地! General white beard eye one bright: Right, kills them, at least I can also buy make up for one's faults by good deeds, even if the penalty cannot hide, the life preserved!” 白胡子上将眼睛一亮:“对,杀死他们,至少我也能购将功补过,惩罚就算躲不掉,性命是保住了!” Then, now only worried how to lead away Zhang Lan. 那么,现在唯一苦恼的就是怎么引开张蓝 As directs and Zhang Lan related fight commander repeatedly, General white beard knows, if Zhang Lan in same place, then enormously possibly was Manhattan Island exploded, but Tony and other numerous Superhero definitely could not die. 作为多次指挥与张蓝有关战斗的指挥官,白胡子上将知道,如果张蓝在原地,那么极大地可能就是曼哈顿岛炸了,但是托尼等一众超级英雄肯定是死不了的。 Without the reason, General white beard has this feeling. 没来由的,白胡子上将就是有这种感觉。 The deceased people were saved by others, keeps off an attack of nuclear bomb is a fruit? 死人都被人家救活了,挡一个核弹的攻击算个蛋蛋? When General white beard ponders diligently, Zhang Lan that on that day killed pulled out Mind Scepter to close Space Gate unexpectedly. 在白胡子上将冥思苦想的时候,那天杀的张蓝竟然拔走心灵权杖去关闭空间之门了。 This was not sleepy, some people delivered the pillow “这不是瞌睡了,就有人送枕头了吗嘛” General white beard ordered the detonation nuclear bomb immediately. 白胡子上将当即下令引爆核弹。 After the order that side Hydra agent accepts, pressed the firing switch of nuclear-armed missile without hesitation. 那边的九头蛇特工接受的命令后,毫不犹豫的按动了核导弹的引爆开关。 In a twinkling, the gigantic nuclear power has the chemical reaction in the taxi, a violent light and hot sweeps away a surrounding area 100 meter range of instantaneously, and is still expanding rapidly. 霎时间,硕大的核能在出租车内产生化学反应,一股猛烈的光和热瞬间横扫方圆米的范围,并且还在急速的扩张着。 This... is the speed of light, the average man is impossible to respond! 这...是光的速度,常人根本就不可能反应过来! Also above at this moment, Zhang Lan in Liberty Island ruins turns head suddenly, occupying a commanding position finds the glare that erupted suddenly. 也就在此刻,远在自由岛遗址之上的张蓝猛然回头,居高临下的瞧见了那一股猛然爆发开的强光。 Does not need to suspect that can be such energy condensation quantity, this decided however is the nuclear bomb without doubt. 不用怀疑的,能够达到如此的能量凝聚量,这定然是核弹无疑了。 Not slightly hesitant, in sharingan of sword shape situated in the hand has flickered the rotation is a nihility, the nuclear bomb eruption core place that its line of sight frames is also has white light screen to change to the circular cylinder to live its circle. 没有丝毫犹豫的,一直处于手里剑形态的写轮眼瞬将转动为一片虚无,其视线所定格的核弹爆发核心处也是有着一层白色的光幕化作圆柱体将其圈住。 hōng hōng hōng hōng!!!!” 轰轰轰轰!!!!” Violent to defeating is washing out that with the explosive force seemingly thinly, if the light screen of paper, is actually mighty waves cannot exude, under the nuclear power that divulges nowhere has no other choice, can only only stay behind toward sky that Zhang Lan opens the mouth to vent the anger. 猛烈的冲击破与爆发力冲刷着那一层看似薄若纸张的光幕,却是一丝波澜都是不能泛起,无处宣泄的核能不得已之下,只能朝着天空那张蓝仅留下开口发泄着愤怒。 The strong luminous person cannot open the eye together, is smuggling the flaming raging fire vision, is pushing the billowing black smoke direct impact horizon of peak. 一道强光亮的人睁不开眼睛,其中夹带着熊熊的烈火眼光,推送着顶端的滚滚黑烟直冲天际。 In the ground in the violent tremor and air in the high temperature and ear of rise reverberate rapidly incessantly thunders... these to tell, previously in their sides, the nuclear bomb exploded! 地面上猛烈的颤动、空气中急速上升的高温、耳中回荡不止的轰鸣...这些无一不是在诉说着,此前就在他们的身边,有一颗核弹爆炸了! From has not woken up, the people only thought that sky sky-light dark, dull raising the head however looks, the pleasant place was almost flooded by rich black smog, it looks like a giant black umbrella similar, blocked must enter the Manhattan Island ray from the space. 还未从恍惚中醒来,众人只觉得天空上光线一暗,呆然的抬头望去,入眼处几乎是被一层浓郁的黑色烟雾充斥住了,它就像是一柄巨大的黑色雨伞一般,挡住了所有自天上要进入曼哈顿岛的光线。 The rejoicing feeling of barely escaping, raises from the people hearts on all Manhattan Island. 险死还生的庆幸感,自所有曼哈顿岛上的人们心中升起。 Including Tony numerous Superhero. 包括托尼等一众超级英雄 Even Tony's vibration metal suit, cannot prevent nuclear radiation, ray radiation that and other radioactive the nuclear bomb brings the attacks. 即便是托尼的振金战衣,也阻挡不住核弹带来的核辐射、光辐射等放射性的攻击。 But as this time instigator who prevented nuclear bomb Ruin Manhattan Island, Zhang Lan is actually a face pain covers own right eye, is near spatially partly kneels above the sky, the blood cannot stop, since he covers in the inter-finger space of eye to flow, drops below sea. 而作为此次阻挡了核弹毁灭曼哈顿岛的始作俑者,张蓝却是一脸痛苦的捂住自己的右眼,就这么临空半跪在天空之上,鲜血止不住的从他捂住眼睛的手缝中流淌出来,滴落进下方的大海。 Since awakening Mangekyō Sharingan, his original golden blood also changed the red blood. 自从觉醒了万花筒写轮眼之后,他那原先的金色血液也是重新变回了红色血液。 It is not difficult to see from the Zhang Lan present stance, he absolutely did not have the ability to resist the eruption of second round of nuclear bomb. 张蓝现在的姿态不难看出,他绝对是没有能力抵挡第二发核弹的爆发了。 Does Hydra have a second nuclear bomb on Manhattan Island? 九头蛇是否有第二颗核弹在曼哈顿岛上? No one knows. 没有人知道。 But, in the Zhang Lan's blood drops, when above Space Stone in left hand, wipes the tranquil-blue gloss from the above light and shade uncertain twinkle. 但,在张蓝的鲜血无意间滴落在左手中的空间宝石之上的时候,一抹幽蓝色的光泽从其上明暗不定的闪烁着。 With the light and shade twinkle of this tranquil-blue gloss, above the sky was closure Space Gate to stop the obligation of closure, soon, a powerful will sweeps across from that Space Gate. 随着这幽蓝色光泽的明暗闪烁,天空之上原先就是要关闭的空间之门止住了关闭的驱使,不多时,一股强大的意志从那空间之门后面席卷而来。 That will decides however extremely powerful existence, only depended on the will to open Space Gate unexpectedly, forcefully supported in a big way several points it in the condition without energy supply. 那一股意志定然是极为的强大的存在,竟然是仅凭意志撑开了空间之门,硬生生的在没有能量供应的状态下将其又撑大了几分。 That has the will of most profound choosing from the sky to transform an illusory form, in the slurred complexion can obviously distinguish to become famous for the exciting mood, the movement that hā hā laughs really made one hear the laughter unexpectedly. 那存在玄之又玄选的意志在空中幻化出一个虚幻的身影,模糊不清的脸色上能够明显分辨出名为兴奋的情绪,“哈哈”大笑的动作竟然是真的让人听见了笑声。 Obviously is only an illusory form. 明明只是一个虚幻的身影。 Situated in Sage Mode Zhang Lan natural can the sensation before the body has extremely powerful energy gathering is a human form, he strives to open the only right eye, in the blood-color, an eye pupil of average person appears. 处于【仙人模式】的张蓝自然能够感知到身前有着极为强大的能量汇聚为一个人形,他勉力睁开自己仅有的右眼,血色之中,一颗普通人的眼瞳显现。 He... is takes off/escapes the strength unexpectedly, even one tomoe sharingan cannot maintain! 他...竟然是脱力到,连一勾玉写轮眼都维持不住! When finds that to arrive at the illusory form, in the Zhang Lan eye flashes through look that wipes shocks extremely should not, this... will this person appear on Earth? 而在瞧见那一到虚幻身影的时候,张蓝眼中闪过一抹极为震撼的神色不应该啊,这...这个人怎么会出现在地球上? Comes person Zhang Lan is knew exactly not, or will be everyone of previous generation will not forget the fellow of this person purple skin. 来人张蓝恰好是认识不,或者说,是前世的所有人都不会忘记这个人紫色皮肤的家伙。 He, is Infinity Gauntlet control, Marvel most powerful ultimate BOSS Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos!!! 他,就是无限手套的掌控者,漫威最为强大的终极BOSS灭霸!!!
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