HOMD :: Volume #5

#419: That was really good

The sudden darkness arrives, Zhang Lan that lets somewhat handles to guard. 突然的黑暗降临,让的张蓝有些措不及防。 This he chooses time Shintou Izanagi The offering sacrifices goal, falls into the left eye of cooling. 这一次他选择的【伊邪那岐】献祭目标,正是陷入冷却的左眼。 Deprive Although the might is huge, but the ammunition are too few, one year one round was really few, compared with Guardianship Lacked the usability. 剥夺】虽然威力巨大,但弹药太少,一年一发实在是太少了,较之【守护】而言还是太缺少可用性了。 As the thought moves slightly, in wipes the golden ray to emit from the Zhang Lan eye peripheral spot, condenses changes to a piece of belt/bring to begin the eye-shade of sword, covers his left eye. 随着意念微动,一抹金色光芒从张蓝眼睛周边部位冒出,凝聚化作一片带着手里剑的眼罩,将他的左眼遮盖住。 That jet black eyeball, is really makes one look at to terrify. 那漆黑的眼珠,实在是让人看得瘆得慌。 Received own both hands silently, Zhang Lan stands up from the ground, stops One's Own Life Reincarnation Release. 默然收起自己的双手,张蓝从地面上站起,停止了【己生转生】的释放。 The Logan's heart cell had been activated by him, remaining enough completed by him. 洛根的心脏细胞已经被他激活了,剩下的靠他自己就足够完成了。 Has saying that Logan's superpower is very convenient. 不得不说,洛根的超能力真的很方便。 Is only gazing at being sweating profusely May with the remaining one-eyed, the transparent tears cannot stop gushes out from the right eye. 用仅剩下的独眼注视着满头大汗的,透明的泪水止不住的从右眼中涌出。 Helplessly looks that the most intimate person died in oneself at present, actually cannot make anything, this is really the feeling that he most hates. 眼睁睁的看着最亲近的人在自己眼前死去,却又不能做什么,这真的是他最为痛恨的感受。 In some time ago, him killed own brothers personally. 就在不久前,他亲手杀死了自己的兄弟们 Now, he must look helplessly him person that rescues from the trash can, will soon die in oneself at present. 现在,他又要眼睁睁的看着把他从垃圾桶中救出的人儿,即将死在自己眼前。 The been able to stop sorrow, is fermenting in the heart. 止不住的悲哀,在心中酝酿着。 Kitty at the same time finds Zhang Lan this sad appearance, is brokenhearted , the inflamed eye socket was red, keeping silent held on the Zhang Lan's right hand, accompanied him calmly to stand. 一边的凯蒂瞧见张蓝这一副哀伤的模样,也是心碎的很,本就红肿的眼圈又是红了一圈,默不作声的拉住张蓝的右手,陪他静静地站着。 Outside, is Tony, Banner, Natasha, Susan, Reed and Johnny, this, Barton several people. 更外面一圈,则是托尼班纳娜塔莎苏珊瑞德约翰尼、本、巴顿几人。 Manhattan residents who outside, catch up with again in a hurry. 再外面的,是匆匆赶来的曼哈顿市民们。 They knew the end of fight from the live broadcast, in the meantime, knew their hero Zhang Lan, current situation. 他们从直播中得知战斗的结束,同时,也得知了他们的英雄张蓝,目前的处境。 But, the ability is close to Zhang Lan of god without matter of means in their eyes, their average person, what also means can have? 可,在他们眼中能力已经是接近神的张蓝都是没有办法的事情,他们一介普通人,又能有什么办法呢? Can do, only has is praying silently. 能做的,唯有默默的祈祷着。 At this time, in the micro blog live broadcast also raises a rumpus. 此时,微博直播上也是闹翻了天。 this two women I knew, six months ago in our government issued the warrant for arrest has issued a warrant for arrest, said that they are the dangerous elements...” “这个两个女人我认识,半年前在我们政府发布通缉令通缉过,说她们是危险分子...” „, if this is not wicked not amnesty that in the government warrant for arrest said that then I rather believe that this world is a heathen.” “若这就是是政府通缉令中说的无恶不赦,那么我宁愿相信这个世界都是异教徒。” you think that the government of each country does serve for the people? Little had a dream, that is a pretence!” “你以为每个国家的政府都是为民服务?少做梦了,那不过是一个幌子罢了!” ... ... The quarrel maintained some time, has fluttered the screen until a few words, everyone who lets closed own mouth, then said same a few words. 争吵维持了一段时间,直到一句话飘过了屏幕,让的所有人都是闭上了自己的嘴巴,而后说出了相同的一句话。 is willing that side the heaven to have the sea, May and can complete the long-cherished wish in the heaven.” “愿天堂那边有海,和本能够在天堂中完成夙愿。” Had the heartfelt blessing, Earth most people to fall into the short silence, why did not know, they cannot speak. 带着衷心的祝福,地球大多数人陷入了短暂的沉默,不知道为什么,他们就是说不出话来。 Inexplicable, suddenly liked peacefully. 莫名的,突然喜欢上了安静。 Perhaps, is in the live broadcast twice caused trouble to leave, making them understand faintly were more. 或许,是直播中的两次生事离别,让他们隐隐懂得了更多。 Also or, is other what reasons. 亦或者,是其他的什么原因。 Suddenly, slightly inaudible stuffy snort/hum clutched everyone's heart! 突然,一声微不可闻的闷哼揪动了所有人的心! ... cough cough cough!” “唔...咳咳咳!” Is being Harry does One's Own Life Reincarnation May coughed suddenly fiercely, from awakens the people who to discover, young pretty May, had previously restored the original appearance at this time. 正在为哈利做【己生转生】的突然剧烈干咳了起来,从恍惚中醒悟过来的众人才是发现,此前还是年轻貌美的,此时已然是恢复了原先的模样。 Dried out and wrinkled skin, withered and yellow hair color and soulless eyeball, hunchbacked humpbacked... 干皱的皮肤、枯黄的发色、无神的眼珠、伛偻的驼背... This all explained that present May, date and time not many! 这无一不是说明了,现在的,时日无多了! But that fierce dry cough, that rending, people who let stingy ruthless clutches, was worried that May this air/Qi has not breathed heavily, dropped down. 而那剧烈的干咳,是那么的撕心裂肺,让的众人心狠狠的揪起,担心这一个气没有喘过来,就是这么倒下了。 At this time the idea extraordinary unification of people, that expected that May can complete her surplus One's Own Life Reincarnation. 此时众人的想法出奇的统一,那就是期望能够完成她剩余的【己生转生】。 The person who did not fear the death always makes one respect, in the meantime, will make one from the heart long for that the opposite party can be successful. 不畏死亡的人总是令人敬仰的,同时,也会让人发自内心的渴望对方能够成功。 Zhang Lan at the same time finds May this to turn the affection, the plump that the right eye that only remains stares, the right hand shines to wipe glistening green to be to hold May, 一边的张蓝瞧见这翻作态,仅剩的右眼瞪的圆滚滚的,右手亮起一抹莹莹绿色就是要去扶, Who knows is actually shoved open by May. May, you now only remaining vitalities basic on insufficient resurrecting Harry, makes me help you.” Zhang Lan tone unprecedented irritable: Loses the part the vitality, living that I can withstand.” 谁知却是被一把推开。“,您现在仅剩下的生命力根本就不够复活哈利,还是让我帮您吧。”张蓝语气前所未有的急躁:“只是损失部分的生命力,我还是能够承受的住的。” Saying, Zhang Lan holds May again, actually cast off by the opposite party single-handedly. 说着,张蓝再次去扶,却又是被对方一手甩开。 cough cough... cough cough, you...” Difficulty that very May replied: „ This is not the general loss vitality... is the permanent loss, you as... take Earth's strongest, cannot lose this life the strength of life! „ 咳咳...咳咳,你...”回答的很是艰难:“这可不是一般的损耗生命力...是永久性的损失,你作为...作为地球的最强者,决不能损耗本命的生命之力!“ Kitty, you come, help the paternal grandmother, rescues your Harry elder brother together.” 凯蒂,你过来,帮帮奶奶,一起救你的哈利哥哥。” Reproved Zhang Lan, May difficult beckons toward Kitty, was called Kitty of name to hurry to go forward to support the May weak hand, tight is grasping. 训斥了张蓝一顿,艰难的朝着凯蒂招了招手,被叫到名字的凯蒂赶紧上前扶住虚弱的手,紧紧的握着。 No hesitates! 没有一丝迟疑! Zhang Lan opens mouth also wants to argue anything, was actually stared by a May old look. 张蓝张嘴还欲争辩什么,却是被一个苍老的眼神瞪了回去。 May chooses Kitty to have the truth, Kitty inherited Senju Hashirama Sage Body, strength to her very huge life, although these will lose many vitalities time, but will at least not endanger Kitty's life safety. 选择凯蒂不是没有道理的,凯蒂继承了千手柱间仙人体,生命之力对于她而言十分庞大虽然这一次会损失很多生命力,但至少不会危及凯蒂的生命安全 Very possibly her Sage Body... 只是,很可能她的仙人体就... „... , if the vitality, my?” The towering timbre breaks the movement that May continued. Sends from the surrounding. “请问...如果是生命力的话,我的可以吗?”突兀的音色打断了继续的动作。是从外围发来的。 Seeks the sound to look, strides greatly Connors heaves in sight. 寻着声音望去,大跨步走进来的康纳斯映入眼帘。 „If the vitality, no matter many, I am willing to take.” Connors repeated. “如果是生命力的话,不管多少,我愿意拿出来。”康纳斯又是重复了一遍。 Always, he always takes to heart regarding the Harry father's death. 一直以来,他对于哈利父亲的死始终耿耿于怀。 During the previous New York world, must say that Connors most sorry, was Harry. 上次纽约世间当中,要说康纳斯最对不起的,就是哈利了。 If not for he instigated Norman Osborn, Harry will not be forced to kill own father personally. 若不是他怂恿了诺曼·奥斯本的话,哈利也不会被迫亲手杀死自己的父亲。 Even if both kinship is not, but after all blood is thicker than water. 纵然两者亲情不在,但毕竟血浓于水。 Now, he stood, should be he repays to fall behind. 现在,他站了出来,该是他偿还拖欠的时候了。 Facing the request of Connors, a May slightly hesitant, muddy line of sight sized up Connors one up and down, the dead wood skin delimits together the gully. 面对康纳斯的要求,稍一犹豫,浑浊的视线上下打量了康纳斯一眼,枯木般的皮肤划出一道沟壑。 You... Harry's physique is at variance with the average man, if you, likely can with me together...” “你...哈利的体质异于常人,若是你的话,很可能会和我一起...” Following words May had not said that but the meaning was also very clear. 后面的话没有说,但意思也很明确了。 The super capacity of Harry cell makes him be able to store up the ultra-large quantity chakra, at this time, activates the strength of life they need is also 10 several times of average man. 哈利细胞的超大容量让他能够储存超大量的查克拉,此时,激活它们所需要的生命之力也是常人的数倍。 Why this is a May person is also insufficient, even if Sage Body Kitty will be absorbed the average man physique reason. 这也是为什么一个人不够,即便是仙人体凯蒂都会被吸收成常人体质的原因。 Warned facing May's, Connors incessantly not panic-stricken, instead revealed extrication smile after the previous New York event, this is his first time smiles. 面对梅的警告,康纳斯不止没有惊恐,反而是露出了一丝解脱的微笑自上次纽约事件后,这是他第一次笑。 But his reply, was everyone's who initiation to this once disaster let, completely changed the concept. 而他的回答,也是让的所有人对这一名曾经的灾难的引发者,彻底改变了观念。 Connors, said six character relaxed 康纳斯语气轻松的,说出了六个字 That was really good!” “那真是太好了!” Thank: 感谢: «Wished Everyone Year of rooster Extraordinarily good luck» hits to enjoy 2000 beginning coins. 《祝大家鸡年大吉》打赏2000起点币。
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