HOMD :: Volume #5

#418: May's decided

Really, five minutes insufficiently resurrect two people, were only Peter must be close for three minutes, the life energy that Harry needed was huger, only feared that the other two minutes were insufficient.” “果然,五分钟不够复活两个人的,光是彼得就要接近三分钟了,哈利所需要的生命能量更加庞大,只怕剩余的两分钟是不够了。” that... can only be uses two Izanagi! “那么...只能是使用两次【伊邪纳岐】了! Twice Shintou Izanagi, natural, Zhang Lan's two sharingan could not preserve. 两次【伊邪那岐】,自然的,张蓝的两只写轮眼就都保不住了。 Actually, from most started Zhang Lan to have this to come to understand, but has not stated clearly with May, and also Shintou Izanagi The time talked into 10 minutes. 其实,从最开始张蓝就有这个觉悟了,只是没有和明说罢了,并且还把【伊邪那岐】持续的时间说成了十分钟 Sets one's mind at ease, Zhang Lan wholly absorbed is reassigning within the body the strength of life, instills into its careful one by one the cell that Peter within the body had not died completely, making its one by one activate. 沉下心来,张蓝专心致志的抽调着自己体内的生命之力,将其细致的一一灌输进彼得体内还没有完全死去的细胞中,让其一一激活。 This is a very tedious work, even Zhang Lan does not have means diverting attention extremely, causing him not to notice occurrence of peripheral situation. 这是一个十分繁琐的工作,即便是张蓝也没有办法太过的分心,导致他都是没有注意到周边情况的发生。 A scream broke Zhang Lan's to be wholly-absorbed. 一声尖叫打破了张蓝的专心。 Is Kitty's screamed: May, Lan does not make you use this medical Forbidden Jutsu, you...” 凯蒂的尖叫:“,不让你使用这个医疗禁术的,你...” Hears these words, Zhang Lan that lets raised the head suddenly, eyes stubbornly observes closely dead ahead May to kneel to sit side Harry, both hands overlay places on the Harry's chest, a faint green vitality is exuding the glimmer. 听到这一句话,让的张蓝猛然抬起头来,双眼死死的盯住正前方跪坐在哈利身边,双手叠加放在哈利的胸口上,一股隐隐绿色的生命力在泛着微光。 Without a doubt, this is also One's Own Life Reincarnation jutsu process. 毫无疑问的,这也是【己生转生】的施过程。 Has completed sacrifice bright Zhang Lan not to think, May chose unexpectedly used this to her, must use the life for medical Forbidden Jutsu of price. 已经做好牺牲光明的张蓝万万没有想到,竟然还是选择了使用这个对她而言,要用生命为代价的医疗禁术 May, are you doing!” The Zhang Lan's acoustic ray is quite angry, in the hand the resurrecting Peter's movement stopped: Calls a halt quickly, I alone can solve, you...” ,你在干什么!”张蓝的声线极为愤怒,手中复活彼得的动作都是停了下来:“快停手,我一个人能够解决的,你...” That, what is the price?” May broke Zhang Lan's to shout angrily: Lan, I too understood you, facing our these you will never say that complete truth, only met to undertake silently.” “那么,代价又是什么?”打断了张蓝的怒喝:“,我太了解你了,面对我们这几个你永远不会说全部实话的,只会自己默默自己一个人承担。” „your Shintou Izanagi Should real right, but... only feared, time of eye should insufficiently you resurrect two people?” “你那【伊邪那岐】应该是真的没错,不过...只怕,一只眼睛的时间应该是不够你复活两个人吧?” you have not possibly paid attention, you lie each time, the winking eye, will not only be opening the eye again.” “你可能从来都没有注意,每次你撒谎的时候,就不会再眨眼睛了,只会睁大着眼睛。” Zhang Lan: „...” 张蓝:“...” Let alone, Zhang Lan's is really does not have to discover oneself have this problem, a recollection, he is awakens slightly, May this is 别说,张蓝的确是没有发现自己有这个毛病,稍一回想,他就是醒悟过来,这是 Really, you hesitated.” A May really such tone: Lan, your eye very is precious, the future world will also need it to come Guardianship, it cannot offer today to merely two lives completely.” “果然,你犹豫了。”一副果然如此的口气:“,你的眼睛十分宝贵,未来的世界还需要它来守护,它不能在今天全部奉献给仅仅两个生命而已。” „, even if they are you most intimate people.” “哪怕他们是你最亲近的人。” Facing the May's reason, Zhang Lan besides bites the root tightly, as if the not many words say he not to know that again should say anything, can only continue not to complete One's Own Life Reincarnation. 面对梅的理由,张蓝除了紧咬牙根之外,似乎再无多的话说出口他不知道该说什么,只能是继续未完成的【己生转生】。 Shintou Izanagi Had started, present he cannot delay the time, otherwise Shintou Izanagi The time passed by, then really must pay with the life to start this Forbidden Jutsu for the price. 【伊邪那岐】已经发动了,现在的他决不能拖延时间,不然等【伊邪那岐】的时间过去了,那么就真的是要付出生命为代价发动这个禁术了。 Also or consumes two sharingan on Peter. 亦或者是在彼得身上消耗两颗写轮眼 That, was really unfair to the May's self-sacrifice. 那,就真的对不起梅的自我牺牲了。 ... Zhang Lan accepted besides passive matter to this, did not have better solution. 事情到了这一步...张蓝除了被动接受外,没有更好的解决办法了。 Under the eyes that Zhang Lan that shuts tightly quietly flow the transparent tears, following cheeks low on the Peter's chest, throws down and breaks the deutzia scabra. 悄然间,张蓝那紧闭的双眼流淌下透明的泪水,顺着脸颊低落在彼得的心口上,摔碎成水晶花。 May, I will find to resurrect your means that when the time comes, I will make you gather again.” This is Zhang Lan can give the May's commitment only. ,我会找到复活你的办法的,到时候还有本,我会让你们再次相聚的。”这是张蓝唯一能够给梅的承诺。 Yeah... was old, old bones, have lived enough.” May sighs, the line of sight shifts to standing on one side eyes red Kitty: Pitifully, had not hugged the grandson,... the Harry's girlfriend does not know that has the whereabouts.” “哎...老了,一把老骨头,已经活够了。”叹了一口气,视线转向站在一边双眼通红的凯蒂:“可惜了,就是没有抱上孙子,还有...哈利的女朋友也不知道有么有着落。” really does not want to pay attention to this world again the dispute, Lan, after I die, with this buries me together in the sea, this has said that must go to sea to have a look, did not have the opportunity... I to accompany him to go to circle dream.” “真的不想再去理会这个世间的纷争了,,我死后,把我和本一起葬在大海里吧,本生前一直说要出海看看,一直没有机会...我想陪陪他去圆这个梦。” No!” Zhang Lan categorically rejects: „ May, “不!”张蓝断然拒绝:“, When the time comes you with this go marine, I such lazy person, is not willing to deliver you to go to sea! ” Heard the Zhang Lan stubborn words, May also to treat continues anything, at the same time does not understand Tony of cause and effect could not bear the opens the mouth finally. 到时候你自己和本去海上,我这么懒的人,才不肯送你们出海呢!”听见张蓝倔强的话,还待继续说什么,一边一直不明白前因后果的托尼终于是忍不住开口了。 I said, what you are intertwining? Does not part forever, an eye, I can definitely install the newest electron eye to you, same can look at the sea!” “我说,你们到底是在纠结什么?又不是生离死别,一颗眼睛而已,我完全可以给你们安上最新的电子眼,一样可以去看大海啊!” Although words saying, the eye that the acoustic ray that Tony that shivers slightly, winks frequently explained all, his present mood is unhappy. 话虽是这么说,托尼那微微颤抖的声线,频繁眨动的眼睛无不说明,他现在的情绪并不美好。 Zhang Lan raised the head to look at Tony, opens mouth, finally has not spoken, but lowers the head to continue to start silently One's Own Life Reincarnation jutsu process. 张蓝抬头瞧了一眼托尼,张了张嘴,最后还是没有说话,而是低下头去默默继续开始【己生转生】的施过程。 May natural is also silent, relieved resurrecting Harry's simultaneously, the line of sight continuously in Peter and Harry. Zhang Lan and among the Kitty four people flutters. 自然也是缄默不语,安心复活哈利的同时,视线不住在彼得哈利张蓝凯蒂四人之间飘动。 Will soon part forever, looks at several is several. 即将永别,多看几眼是几眼。 The Tony anxious urgent volume of side this lets, manner not natural of others, most perceptual Susan has been the eye socket is also red. 这让的一边的托尼急的火急火燎的额,其他人的神态也并不自然,最为感性的苏珊早已经是眼圈通红。 Those present are not the fools, experiences broadly as Superhero them, has seen too many parting forever. 在场的人都不是傻子,作为超级英雄的他们见识广阔,见过太多的生离死别了。 Mood that present Zhang Lan and May spread, without a doubt... May, is possibly dying. 现在的张蓝所蔓延出来的情绪,毫无疑问的...,可能要死了。 But, previously Zhang Lan did not say, is the release this ninjutsu price an eye? 但,此前张蓝不是说了,释放这个忍术的代价是一颗眼睛而已吗? Although the light is indeed important, but... the rebirth that if can use a bright trading area family member, believes that will have many people willing to offer. 虽然光明的确重要,但...如果能够用光明换区一个亲人的重生,相信会有很多人愿意奉献自我的。 At this time, Kitty that has been the tremor timbre of choking with sobs resounds: Resurrecting person, where has that relaxed ninjutsu, this ninjutsu is called One's Own Life Reincarnation, It also has another name, is called Reincarnation Jutsu!” 这时候,凯蒂那早已经是泣不成声的颤动音色响起了:“复活人,哪里有那么轻松的忍术,这个忍术叫做【己生转生】,它还有另一个名字,叫做【转生之术】!” A name, fully showed all. 一个名字,足以说明了一切了。 Reincarnation word, even still only has a meaning in the middle of USA: Living of person, shifts to another person ; 转生这个词,即便是在美国当中也只有一个意思:将一个人的生,转移给另一个人; Here living makes a general reference many materials, but at this moment, those images and scenes, can represent, only has the life! 这里的“生”泛指很多的物质,但在此时此刻,此情此景,能够代表的,也只有生命! , Uses this resurrecting person without a doubt One's Own Life Reincarnation ninjutsu, needs to pay with the life the price. 毫无疑问的,使用这个复活人的【己生转生忍术,是需要付出生命的代价。 Tony unwilling inquiry: But... Zhang Lan said obviously, only needs to pay an eye to save two people...” 托尼还是不甘心的询问:“可...明明张蓝说了,只需要付出一颗眼睛就可以救活两个人...” Inquired regarding Tony's, Kitty bites own lower lip to shake the head , indicating why she is not clear is. 对于托尼的询问,凯蒂咬着自己的下唇摇了摇头,表示她也不清楚到底是为什么。 I replied you!” Silent Zhang Lan spoke suddenly: Because of my eye, with a lie.” “我来回答你吧!”沉默的张蓝突然说话了:“因为我的眼睛,和一个谎言。” Saying, Zhang Lan the stance of partly kneeling stands, in the mouth sends out the pain of strength of stuffy hum/snort shift life slightly cannot be observed, making his body unable to shoulder. 说着,张蓝从半跪的姿态站立起来,嘴中发出微不可察的闷哼声转移生命之力的痛苦,让他的身体都是负荷不住。 Zhang Lan very reluctant waving that stands, the Logan's body took out from the system space by him, then Zhang Lan continues to speak both hands to fold places on his chest, since the life green light is bright. 站立起来的张蓝十分勉强的一挥手,洛根的躯体被他从系统空间中取出,而后张蓝继续讲双手叠放在他的胸口上,生命绿光再次亮起。 My eye, is called sharingan, its ability are many, can all not help own injury transform to illusory, including death!” “我的眼睛,叫做写轮眼,它的能力非常多,其中一个就是能够将所有不利于自身的伤害转化为虚幻,包括死亡!” was only a pity, it only then five minutes rather than 10 minutes, between Peter and Harry, I can only revive one.” “只可惜,它只有五分钟而不是十分钟,在彼得哈利之间,我只能救活一个。” „But why... you can also treat and cure Logan, can save him unable to revive...” Tony is still indomitable. “可...你为什么还能够救治洛根,能够救活他不就能够救活...”托尼依然是不屈不挠的。 Because of the Harry's talent, the vitality far supernormal person who is doomed he to need, the time that natural requires to instill into is also longer... only feared that I discarded another eye even, the time needed is insufficient.” “因为哈利的天赋,注定了他所需要的生命力远超常人,自然所需要灌输的时间也就越长...只怕我就算舍弃了另一颗眼睛,所需要的时间还是不够的。” „, but Logan... he did not have the true death, but in death was tightened the different space by me instantaneously, after waiting for the little thing death ray of his within the body, I wanted slightly an activation...” “而洛根...他没有真正的死亡,只是在死亡的瞬间被我收紧异空间,等他体内的小东西死光之后,我只要稍一激活...” The thread of conversation was just saying, above the Tony people's towering discovery, the Zhang Lan's left eye, black fills the air, covers that scarlet three tomoe, finally, Zhang Lan's left eye complete transformation for a paint black eyeball. 话头刚说着,托尼众人突兀的发现,张蓝的左眼,一股黑色弥漫其上,将那猩红的三勾玉掩盖住,最后,张蓝的左眼完全的转化为了一颗漆黑色眼球。 Five minutes... to! 五分钟的时间...到了!
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