HOMD :: Volume #5

#417: 【One's Own Life Reincarnation】

May, do not use that ninjutsu, I came to be good, I had the means to resurrect simultaneously their two.” ,你千万不要使用那个忍术,我来就好了,我有办法同时复活他们两个。” Zhang Lan said with certainty May half believing and half doubting nod of, lets, end worry added one: If with my same ninjutsu, that do not want to deceive me even.” 张蓝言之凿凿的,让的将信将疑的点了点头,末了还是担心的加了一句:“如果是和我一样的忍术,那就算了,别想蒙我。” Zhang Lan was silent. 张蓝沉默了。 Now on his him has S Rank Rule Fragment, could not exchange SS Rank rinnegan, only two can exchange, only then Edo Tensei With One's Own Life Reincarnation Two ninjutsu. 现在他他身上有一个s级别规则碎片,兑换不了ss级别轮回眼,唯二能够兑换的,只有【秽土转生】和【己生转生】两个忍术了。 Although the former does not need to pay the too big price, but after all is not resurrecting in the true sense, once uses, the opportunity of again truly not having reactivated. 前者虽然不用付出太大代价,但毕竟不是真正意义上的复活,并且一旦使用,就再也没有真正复活的机会了。 The latter... was needless saying that a life traded a life! 后者...不用多说,一命换一命! What is the Zhang Lan's choice? 张蓝的选择是什么? Except that One's Own Life Reincarnation, He has no alternative. 除了【己生转生】,他别无选择。 But, did not say that must assign/life to trade a life. 但,并非说就一定要一命换一命。 As the bloodlines of Uchiha, sharingan also has two very extraordinary skill. 作为宇智波的血脉,写轮眼还有两个十分了不起的技能 Izanagi: All five minutes does not favor own factor transforming in as the illusion. 伊邪纳岐】:将一切五分钟内不利于自身的因素转化为幻觉。 Izanami: Let the person falls into permanently follow badly, thus kills the opponent with ease. 伊邪那美】:让人陷入永久的自我循坏,从而轻松杀死对手。 The Zhang Lan's plan, natural uses Izanagi. 张蓝的打算,自然就是使用【伊邪纳岐】了。 So long as he can output the sufficient vitality to give Peter or Harry in five minutes on the line. 只要他能够在五分钟内输出足够的生命力给彼得或者哈利就行。 In that case, his price is sharingan loses the light permanently. 那样的话,他的代价就是一只写轮眼永久失去光明罢了。 Most cannot use Susanoo, will not have the too tremendous effect. 最多是是不能使用须佐能乎而已,并不会有太大影响。 Zhang Lan has not planned to deceive May anything, very confident said own plan before the live broadcast directly. 张蓝也并没有打算欺骗什么,很是坦然的直接在直播前说出自己的打算。 Like this...” May brow straight wrinkle: That... tries.” “这样子啊...”眉头直皱:“那就...试试吧。” Finally convinced May, Zhang Lan relaxes very much, then pastes the S Grade skill card sign of system exchange on own forehead. 终于是说服了,张蓝很是松了一口气,然后将系统兑换的s级技能卡牌贴在自己额头上。 Pit father's system told him, after the promotion, he does not need to drop the blood, can directly use. 坑爹的系统告诉他,升级后他不需要滴血,就可以直接使用。 This accepts the skill information, Zhang Lan is discovered oneself previously thought was extremely simple. 这一接受技能信息,张蓝才是发现自己此前想的太过的简单了。 One's Own Life Reincarnation Supplementary elementary knowledge very is rich. 己生转生】附带基础知识十分丰富。 He needs one every kind to go to study from Medical Ninjutsu of most foundation, can achieve to pull out to oneself vitality, instills into to the goal cell body, and activates the cell that died to restore the vigor. 他需要从最基础的医疗忍术一样样去重新学习,才能够做到抽离自身生命力,灌输到目标细胞体内,并重新激活死去的细胞恢复活力。 This is an extremely complex work, is not can learn in a short time. 这是一项极为复杂的工作,绝不是短时间内能够学会的。 Is good because, Zhang Lan has the special study method! 好在,张蓝特殊的学习方法! Suppresses the painfully swollen in head, the Zhang Lan both hands sword is referring to about 10 Ninjutsu · Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu 强忍着脑袋中的胀痛,张蓝双手剑指合忍术·多重影分身之术 Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” ... ... In the air force base of New York another end, General white beard is also paying attention to the Zhang Lan's live broadcast. 远在纽约另一端的空军基地中,白胡子上将也正在关注张蓝的直播。 He to appreciate this different kind that exterminates their many plans how died, even after Zhang Lan completely removed the nuclear bombs on all sky. 原先他只是为了欣赏这一个剿灭他们多个计划的异类是如何死亡的,哪怕是在张蓝完全排除了所有天空上的核弹之后。 After all, no one stipulates the nuclear bomb to through the missile launching. 毕竟,没有人规定核弹一定要通过导弹发射。 However, is hearing Izanagi After the function, General white beard the complexion great change, sent out signal to stop detonating hastily temporarily, same place wait command! 但是,在听见【伊邪纳岐】的作用之后,白胡子上将脸色巨变,连忙发出了一个信号暂时停止引爆,原地等待命令! Narrow squeak, this fellow really also has this ability.” General white beard twittering, is turning the head to tell: Then he resurrected the so-called person on, when he uses up that he/she to write... the volume, later detonates the nuclear bomb.” “好险,这个家伙竟然还有这一种能力。”白胡子上将呢喃着,转头吩咐道:“那就等他复活所谓的人,等他用掉那个伊写...额,之后再引爆核弹。” Hail Hydra!” 九头蛇万岁!” With issuance of order of General white beard, in common a taxi on Manhattan Island, a black driver returns to the covered passageway quietly: Receives, Hail Hydra!” 随着白胡子上将的命令下达,远在曼哈顿岛上一辆不起眼的出租车中,一名黑人司机悄声回复道:“收到,九头蛇万岁!” Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” ... ... The audience before live broadcast once thinks, shadow clone strongest limit that Zhang Lan can branch out, was not 10,000 appearance this is they use the enormous imagination. 直播前的观众一度以为,张蓝能够分出的影分身最强的极限,也不是一万的模样这已经是他们发挥极大的想象力了。 But now, they know that oneself were wrong. 而现在,他们知道自己错了。 A dark mass of head/number of people, is not enough to describe this scene with the sea of people. 乌压压的一片人头,用人山人海已经是不足以形容这个场面了。 To learn this complex S Rank medical service Forbidden Jutsu as soon as possible, Zhang Lan these really spelled time. 为了尽早学会这个复杂之极的s级别医疗禁术,张蓝这一次是真的拼了。 Since promoting S Rank, this is his first inferior full power starts. 自从晋升s级别之后,这还是他第一次全力发动。 Some concrete many shadow clone, Zhang Lan do not know, but 500,000 definitely had. 具体有多少的影分身,张蓝自己也不知道,但是五十万是绝对的有了。 And, shadow clone also in unceasing is increasing, every time after knowledge node in a shadow clone comprehension medical service Forbidden Jutsu, handseal branches out shadow clone immediately again, then relieves. 并且,影分身还在不断的增加着,每有一个影分身领悟医疗禁术中的一个知识点后,立马再次结印分出影分身,然后就地解除。 Medical Forbidden Jutsu that takes enough over one year to study, Zhang Lan used Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu This A Grade Forbidden Jutsu, completely grasped this medical Forbidden Jutsu in five minutes. 原先需要足足一年以上才能够学习的医疗禁术,张蓝用【多重影分身之术】这一门a级禁术,在五分钟内就是完全的掌握了这个医疗禁术 Therefore, Zhang Lan paid enough the more than 160 million EP price, and brain kernel of melon seed of dizziness brain spin. 为此,张蓝付出了足足一亿六千余万能量点的代价,以及头晕脑旋的脑瓜仁。 Zhang Lan that this lets has to open again Sage Mode, Then massive decomposition senjutsu chakra are mental power supplement spirit takes senjutsu chakra, will be more will only use is more energetic, but will not feel weary. 这让的张蓝不得不再次开启【仙人模式】,而后大量的分解仙术查克拉精神力补充精神作为仙术查克拉,是只会越使用越精神的,而不会感到疲劳。 Especially Zhang Lan has under the condition of system this bug supplement consumption. 特别是张蓝系统这个bug补充消耗的状态下。 An adjustment condition well, is one minute passed. 好好的调整一下状态,又是一分钟的时间过去了。 ~ “呼~” Zhang Lan long air vent, around this pain that in six minutes, he bears compared with previously did not open Mangekyō relaxed many absolutely. 张蓝长长的出了一口气,这前后六分钟中,他所承受的痛苦绝对不比此前开启万花筒轻松多少。 A stop, Zhang Lan arrives at side Peter slightly gradually, the eyes deeply stare at Peter long time, are waving finally 稍一停顿,张蓝缓步走到彼得身边,双眼深深凝视着彼得良久,最后一挥手 kā cā kā cā kā cā!” 咔擦咔擦咔擦!” As Zhang Lan's waves, Zhang Lan gold God Cloth falls off piece by piece, again the assembly side Zhang Lan's is the Gemini Cloth appearance, the power of very. 随着张蓝的挥手,张蓝身上的黄金神圣衣片片脱落,在张蓝的身边重新组装为双子座神圣衣的模样,十分的威风凛凛。 Puts out a hand to trace gold God Cloth deeply, Zhang Lan after looking at one, is observes the situation peripheral, the line of sight has swept from Tony several people of surface, does not let off any detail. 伸手摸了摸黄金神圣衣,张蓝深深的望了一眼之后,又是环视周边一圈,视线从托尼几人的面上一个个扫过,不放过任何一个细节。 It looks like, must be the same in the heart everyone's appearance. 就像是,要将所有人的模样记在心中一样。 Immediately, Zhang Lan responded suddenly, now he should not make like this otherwise, May may not believe his words. 随即,张蓝突然反应过来,现在他不应该这样子做否则,可能就不会相信他的话了。 The line of sight frames several seconds finally on the Kitty's cheek, is being more exposed has transferred the body in a hurry, is facing Peter. 视线最后又是定格在凯蒂的脸蛋上数秒,才是欲盖弥彰的匆匆转过身子,重新面对着彼得 ~ “呼~” Deeply shouted the one breath again, Zhang Lan knelt slowly got down , to Peter that were previously killing, partly knelt. 再次深呼一口气,张蓝缓缓的跪了下来是的,正对着此前自己所杀死的彼得,半跪了下来。 This is conducting his confession. 这是在进行他的忏悔。 Simultaneously, Zhang Lan both hands fold place on the Peter chest, one group of temperate sparkling stone green ray spreads the palm, is filling with the vigorous vitality, even if looks is being makes the person spirit inspire. 同时的,张蓝双手相叠放在彼得胸口上,一团温和的莹绿色的光芒蔓延上手掌,充满着勃勃的生机,即便是望着都是让人精神一振。 This, is the aura of life! 这,是生命的气息! With the input of strength of life, the wrinkle that the Zhang Lan brow slightly cannot be observed, after that was smoothed by him forcefully, is only at heart, sighed the one breath. 随着生命之力的输入,张蓝眉头微不可察的皱起,其后又是被他强行抚平,只是心里,还是不由的叹息了一口气。 Really, five minutes insufficiently resurrect two people, were only Peter must be close for three minutes, the life energy that Harry needed was huger, only feared that the other two minutes were insufficient.” “果然,五分钟不够复活两个人的,光是彼得就要接近三分钟了,哈利所需要的生命能量更加庞大,只怕剩余的两分钟是不够了。” that... can only be uses two Izanagi!” “那么...只能是使用两次【伊邪纳岐】了!” Thank: 感谢: «It is not suitable» hits to enjoy 500 beginning coins. 《不适合了》打赏500起点币。
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