HOMD :: Volume #5

#416: Lan: I have the means

President signed the nuclear Ruin Manhattan Island document. 总统签署了核毁灭曼哈顿岛的文件。 At this time is having 10 several land that missile that carries the nuclear warhead toward their sets out. 此时正有数枚携带核弹头的导弹正在朝着他们脚下的土地进发。 The universe battleship on hovering sky has also been dispatched outside by Phantom, the 10 frame tows engine full speed opening of light beam, can work momentarily. 一直悬停在外天空上的宇宙战斗舰也是被幻影派遣下来,架牵引光束的引擎全速开启,随时可以进行工作。 But... tows the function goal of engine, can only to a range or a big individual, if the nuclear bomb of opposite party is the dispersion is over 10, that... 但...牵引引擎的作用目标,只能够对一个范围或者一个大的个体,若是对方的核弹是分散且超过枚的话,那... Even the universe battleship does not have the means total to intercept. 即便是宇宙战斗舰也没有办法全数拦截下来。 Hears the information that Phantom feeds back, deepened, imposing killing qi that the Zhang Lan brow wrinkles glitters in the eye. 听到幻影反馈的这个情报,张蓝眉头皱的愈加深了,凛然的杀气在眼中闪烁。 Thor very anxious protecting that this lets before the Loki body, for fear that Zhang Lan begins directly. 这让的索尔很是紧张的护在洛基身前,生怕张蓝直接动手。 The scene was once at a stalemate, the people were all suppressed by Zhang Lan that bone-chilling cold killing qi, but Zhang Lan actually in ponder countermeasure. 场面一度僵持住了,众人皆都是被张蓝那凛冽的杀气镇压住了,而张蓝却是在思考应对之策。 The Fury words to Zhang Lan said merely, others have not known has the nuclear bomb to fly. 弗瑞的话仅仅只是对张蓝说而已,其他人还不知道有核弹飞来。 The person before including live broadcast, they do not have the means to hear the Zhang Lan's communication. 包括直播前的人,他们也是没有办法听见张蓝的通讯的。 After brief ponder, Zhang Lan can only be makes extraordinarily already the decision, sobers from the ponder, is discovered that the peripheral scenery does not seem like very normal. 简短的思考后,张蓝只能是做出了不得已的决定,从沉思中清醒过来,才是发现周边的景色似乎不是很正常。 Observes the situation, Zhang Lan is knows that the people all misunderstood, thinks that he is will still kill the Loki's issue in the ponder. 环视一圈,张蓝就是知道众人皆都是误会了,以为他是还在思考该不该杀洛基的问题。 This issue after the Zhang Lan mind relayed, clenches teeth fiercely, waves to summon Hammer of the God of Thunder to force in own system space it, then does not pay attention to face anxious Thor and facial color pale Loki, then walks toward Tony. 这个问题在张蓝脑海中转了一圈之后,猛一咬牙,挥手召唤来雷神之锤将其塞进自己的系统空间,然后根本不理会一脸紧张的索尔和面色惨白的洛基,转而向托尼走去。 Now listened to me saying that the USA government fired above the 10 nuclear bomb at our, the universe battleship on our top of the head can tow 10 to explode to the outer space, but many words were not good.” “现在听我说,美国政府向我们脚下发射了枚以上的核弹,我们头顶上的宇宙战斗舰能够牵引枚到外太空爆炸,但是再多的话就不行了。” now, I assign quest to you.” “现在,我给你们分配任务。” Tony, you defer to Phantom's to direct to seek for the nuclear bomb now, then arrives at the side of nuclear bomb, remaining I process.” 托尼,你现在就按照幻影的指挥去寻找核弹,然后到达核弹的身边,剩下的我来处理。” Johnny, I want you to come up, on Space Gate, observes hangingly whether has the nuclear bomb of spill across me and Tony's safety net, reports with me momentarily.” 约翰尼,我要你上去,悬空在空间之门上,观察是否有漏掉的核弹穿过我和托尼的防护网,随时和我汇报。” Banner, you bring other, but everyone, on first unmanned fighter, you first goes to my base...” 班纳,你带着其他的而所有人,先上无人战斗机,你们先去我的基地...” No, I will not walk!” The Zhang Lan last instruction has not said, Kitty interrupted his words: I on Manhattan Island, I do not separate with you again, previous time you walk are one year, I in you!” “不,我不会走的!”张蓝最后一个吩咐还没说完,凯蒂打断了他的话:“我就在曼哈顿岛上,我不要和你再分开了,上次你一走就是一年,我不要在等你了!” Then, Zhang Lan previous and Kitty meets, one year ago that day that he and Kitty associates. 说起来,张蓝上次和凯蒂见面,还是一年前他和凯蒂交往的那一天。 The look complex pursing the lips lip, Zhang Lan favored to tap the Kitty's head that drowned finally , indicating the default. 神色复杂的抿了抿嘴唇,张蓝最后还是宠溺的拍了拍凯蒂的脑袋,表示默认。 Must really the incorrect words, he keep on Kitty in any case Flying Thunder God jutsu seal enough time leads her to leave here. 反正要真的不行的话,他留在凯蒂身上的【飞雷神术印足够时间带她离开这里。 Flying Thunder God The jutsu seal seal on Tony and Johnny suit, lets its act, Zhang Lan told that Phantom summoned 50 to put up unmanned fighter, one by one covers the chapter above, let it across Space Gate. 将【飞雷神术印印在托尼约翰尼战衣上,让其去行动,张蓝吩咐幻影召唤来五十无人战斗机,一一在上面盖上章,让其穿过空间之门 Closes one's eyes induces slightly, detected after can induce to Space Gate another end jutsu seal, Zhang Lan's delivered the one breath newly finally. 闭着眼睛稍稍感应一下,发觉能够感应到空间之门另一端的术印后,张蓝的新总算是送了一口气。 The plan can be implemented safely. 计划可以安然实施了。 Hesitates slightly, Zhang Lan longing Kitty will give the May attendance, launches the back gold wing to depart in the Tony opposite direction. 稍一迟疑,张蓝将恋恋不舍的凯蒂交给了照顾,展开背后的黄金羽翼朝着托尼相反的方向飞出。 Has the Phantom's direction, the Zhang Lan very accurate capture a first nuclear bomb. 有着幻影的指引,张蓝很准确的捕捉到了第一枚核弹。 Has not paid attention to it, Zhang Lan crosses it , to continue to flush away toward the following direction position. 并没有理会它,张蓝越过它,继续朝着更后面的方向位置冲去。 At this time, the Tony that side called Zhang Lan, said that met one is not towed the nuclear bomb that the light beam covered, what to do now should. 就在这时候,托尼那边呼叫张蓝,说是碰见了一枚没有被牵引光束笼罩的核弹,现在该怎么办。 Takes out a slip of paper from the system space conveniently, a Zhang Lan jutsu seal seal above, the figure vanishes same place does not see, after one second, that paper is under flutters is less than half meter, has turned round to grasp it in the hand. 随手从系统空间中取出一张纸片,张蓝一个术印印在上面,身形原地消失不见,一秒钟后那纸张才是下飘荡不到半米,就又是回过身来将其握在手中。 Is such short one second, the nuclear bomb ruptured in the corner/horn of Chitaur star. 就是这么短短的一秒,有一颗核弹在齐塔瑞星的一角上爆裂开了。 Then Zhang Lan is maintaining this ultra-high rhythm, very relaxed sent to the Chitaur star the peripheral nuclear bomb all. 接下来张蓝保持着这一的超高节奏,很是轻松的就是将周边的核弹尽数的送去了齐塔瑞星。 Had previous time got a grip the experience, at the same time of nuclear bomb the universe battleship towed were also follows to depart the outer space, the complementary waves that the succeeded letting nuclear bomb detonated cannot affect in the ground. 有了上次得劲经验,宇宙战斗舰牵引的核弹的同时自己也是跟着飞出太空,成功的让核弹引爆的余波未能波及到地面上。 Beyond that 10 that except that the universe battleship controls, Zhang Lan and Tony two people delivered a 13 nuclear bomb to the Chitaur star! 除去宇宙战斗舰控制的那颗之外,张蓝托尼两人足足向齐塔瑞星投送了十三颗的核弹! In other words, this USA government always put in a 23 nuclear bomb on Manhattan Island! 也就是说,这一次美国政府总的投放了二十三颗的核弹在一个曼哈顿岛上! Moreover, after Zhang Lan has completely solved the crisis. 而且,还是发生在张蓝已经完全解决危机之后。 Then, the goal of USA government obvious. 那么,美国政府的目的已经显而易见的了。 Or is the Hydra's goal. 或者说是九头蛇的目的。 They, this is the plan seizes the opportunity to eliminate Zhang Lan directly! 他们,这是打算直接乘机消灭张蓝 According to Hydra's suspected, only feared after present Zhang Lan undergoes a fight, should be exhausted was right. 按照九头蛇的猜想,只怕现在的张蓝经过一番战斗之后,应该是精疲力尽了才对。 Who once thinks, has system Zhang Lan to be incessantly vivid, but can also unable to conduct the 100 time Flying Thunder God teleport. 谁曾想到,拥有系统张蓝不止是生龙活虎的,还能够进行不下次的【飞雷神瞬移 This decides however is Hydra has not thought that just like Zhang Lan has not thought that stupid President, will sign such a permission to be the same unexpectedly. 这定然是九头蛇没想到的,正如张蓝没有想到那个愚蠢的总统,竟然会签署这么一份许可一样。 However is also good, Zhang Lan being busy at work from all sides was also makes the people before live broadcast clearly recognize completely, the countenance of so-called politician was mediocre. 不过也好,张蓝前前后后的忙活也是让直播前的人们完全的认清了,所谓政客的嘴脸不过如此。 After letting Phantom scanned again several times, determined after without nuclear bomb of surviving, Zhang Lan delivered the one breath. 幻影再次前后扫描了数次之后,确定没有残存的核弹之后,张蓝才是送了一口气。 Even present he, except for depending Flying Thunder God Beyond avoidance, does not dare the might of hard anti- nuclear bomb. 就算是现在的他,除了靠【飞雷神】躲避之外,也不敢硬抗核弹的威力。 That is ultimate weapon of human, by the system appraisal is a ~ S Rank science and technology. 那可是人类的终极武器,被系统评价为a~s级别科技 Over and over after determining has not omitted, what Zhang Lan this again place that returned to the previous people to gather is worth mentioning, tied hands besides Loki, was no one leaves unexpectedly. 再三确定没有遗漏之后,张蓝这才是再次回到了此前众人聚集的地点值得一提的是,除了洛基被五花大绑之外,竟然是没有一个人离开。 Even, before Zhang Lan leaves, inserts in central Mind Scepter, is no one goes. 甚至,张蓝离开前插在中央的心灵权杖,都是没有人去动过。 Zhang Lan that this lets is very accidental/surprised. 这让的张蓝很是意外。 He thinks,... Connors first will at least run away, or is more people, who once thinks, is a person has not left unexpectedly. 原先他以为,至少...康纳斯会先逃走吧,或者是更多的人,谁曾想,竟然是一个人也没有离开过。 Observes the situation people silently, Zhang Lan took out Peter and Harry's corpse from the system space. 环视众人一圈,张蓝默默的从系统空间中取出了彼得哈利的尸体。 The system space has the function that the time frames, their skin color slightly are merely pale, touch, but can also feel a body faint trace the residual heat. 系统空间拥有时间定格的功能,他们的肤色仅仅只是略显惨白,摸上去,还能够感觉到身体一丝丝的余温。 Looking like just died is soon same. 就像是刚死去不久一样。 Finds two people corpses, Thor very ashamed lowering the head at the same time, ruthlessly had to trample foot Loki. 瞧见两人的尸体,一边的索尔很是惭愧的低下头,狠狠的有踹了一脚洛基 Made his millenniums younger brother, Thor even can begin to kill Loki. 要不是做了他千年的弟弟,索尔甚至是能够动手杀了洛基 What a pity, without, the fact is. 可惜,没有如果,事实就是。 Now he to rescue Loki, lost weapon of oneself most core, and also lost the Zhang Lan's friendship. 现在他为了救洛基,丢失了自己最核心的武器,并且还失去了张蓝的友谊。 Regarding Thor, Hammer of the God of Thunder of Zhang Lan from receiving starts, has not looked straight at to look at him again, even if. 对于索尔,张蓝从收起雷神之锤开始,就没有再正眼瞧他哪怕一眼。 Meanwhile, here Zhang Lan takes out two people corpse natural to not to let the people mourns, but has goal 同时,这边的张蓝取出两人的尸体自然不是为了让众人哀悼,而是另有目的 May, do not use that ninjutsu, I came to be good, I had the means to resurrect simultaneously their two.” ,你千万不要使用那个忍术,我来就好了,我有办法同时复活他们两个。” Thank: 感谢: «Tablet Anti-» hits to enjoy 500 beginning coins. 《碑阻》打赏500起点币。 «Nuclear explosion head of state» hits to enjoy 500 beginning coins. 《核爆元首》打赏500起点币。 «Dreadful B brother» hits to enjoy 500 beginning coins. 《猥琐b》打赏500起点币。 «Xiaotao 9527» hits to enjoy 1000 beginning coins. 《晓涛9527》打赏1000起点币。 Although, was Little Lan won the prize..., but, tomorrow or before down,... also lost the day after tomorrow before down... always to feel by the pit while convenient!!!!! 虽然吧,是小蓝赢得奖品...但是吧,明天还是五更,顺便...还输了后天的五更...总感觉被坑了!!!!!
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