HOMD :: Volume #5

#415: May: I rescue 1

Today, no one want to prevent me to kill this sinister degenerate!” “今天,谁也别想阻止我杀了这个阴险的败类!” violates me, although must execute!” “犯我者,虽远必诛!” Zhang Lan tone ice-cold, the stiffness that on Loki face completely no joking meaning, lets smiled unable to maintain. 张蓝语气冰冷,完全没有一丝开玩笑的意思,让的洛基脸上的僵笑都是不能维持住了。 Zhang Lan this is really must kill him! 张蓝这是真的要杀他! The second time, he felt the death flavor. 第二次的,他感受到了死亡的味道。 The previous time, is he crashes in the Bifrost space rebellion the time. 上一次,就是他坠落彩虹桥空间暴动中的时候。 Thor is also stunned of face, opened the mouth to say anything, finally discovered that anything could not say. 索尔也是一脸的错愕,张开口想要说什么,最后发现什么也说不出来。 A year that in God's Region and Zhang Lan are together, he listens to the opposite party to raise about Peter and Harry's matter innumerable, the number of times is next to May and Kitty. 神域张蓝相处的一年时间里,他无数次听对方提起关于彼得哈利的事情,次数仅次于凯蒂 But a moment ago, Loki let four person life and death showdowns that Zhang Lan most loves, and forced him to kill Peter and Harry. 而就刚才,洛基张蓝最爱的四个人生死对决,并且迫使他杀死了彼得哈利 Thor that this lets could not say the words that anything explained. 这让的索尔根本说不出什么解释的话。 Finally, can only be weak emits one: Looks in my face, Lan, forgave Loki this time, after all... he is my being together millenniums younger brother, I...” 最后,只能是弱弱的冒出一句:“看在我的面子上,,饶了洛基这一次,毕竟...他是我相处千年的弟弟,我...” Speaking of this, Thor could not be justified. 说到这,索尔自己都是说不下去了。 He and are Loki being together millenniums affection, together 10 several years sentiment to be deeper than Zhang Lan and Peter and Harry? 他和洛基相处千年的感情,难道就比张蓝彼得哈利相处数年的感情深厚? Not necessarily. 不见得。 Zhang Lan's „, if I killed Loki, you will forgive me? Looks in my face?” Thor that let is dumbfounded. 张蓝的一句“如果我杀了洛基,你会原谅我吗?看在我的面子上?”让的索尔哑口无言。 Helpless, Thor clenches teeth, wields Hammer of the God of Thunder to strike to disperse front sand flow, horizontally between Zhang Lan and Loki, a firm and resolute color of face. 无奈的,索尔一咬牙,挥动雷神之锤击散面前的砂流,横在张蓝洛基之间,一脸的坚毅之色。 At this time silent wins the sound, this is he wants to kill the Loki's attitude to Zhang Lan. 此时无声胜有声,这是他对张蓝想要杀洛基的态度。 Prevents facing Thor's, the Zhang Lan eye narrows the danger a slit, ominous light is glittering, killing qi fills all around. 面对索尔的阻挡,张蓝眼睛眯成危险的一条缝隙,凶光在其中闪烁着,杀气弥漫四周。 The air reduced several temperatures. 空气都是降低了几个温度。 Sees with own eyes the fight to be ready to be set off, Thor actually loosened Hammer of the God of Thunder in hand suddenly, to its crash ground, exudes one thump the dull thumping sound. 眼见战斗一触即发,索尔却是突然松开了手中的雷神之锤,任由其坠落地面,发出一声“咚”的闷响。 Lan, I can give up Hammer of the God of Thunder, but also you helped my favor initially, only asked you to let off Loki, I ensure his next generation will only treat in the God Region's shackles passed the remaining years of life!” ,我可以放弃雷神之锤,还你当初帮我的人情,只求你放过洛基,我保证,他下辈子只会待在神域的牢笼度过余生!” asked you, Lan, I am unable to visit you to kill him helplessly, I cannot...” “拜托你了,,我无法眼睁睁的看着你杀死他,我不能...” Facing dauntless man Thor sudden begging for mercy, Zhang Lan is quite somewhat caught off guard, killing qi stamps the foot, then restrained slowly. 面对硬汉索尔突然的“求饶”,张蓝颇有些措手不及,杀气为之顿足,而后缓缓的收敛了起来。 In Tony several people at the same time, is silent. 一边的托尼几人中,皆都是缄默不语。 They and Thor's relate are not ripe, Tony is Thor has even fought one. 他们和索尔的关系并不熟,托尼甚至是和索尔打过一架的。 On this matter, their natural total stood in Zhang Lan's behind. 就这件事情上,他们自然全数都是站在了张蓝的身后。 The only exception, probably was Rogers, present he, is the good soldier in country. 唯一例外的,大概就是罗杰斯了,现在的他,还是国家的好士兵。 He goes forward slightly one step, gives Zhang Lan in-line ear wheat: Chief Fury wants to pass words with you.” 他微微上前一步,将一个内嵌式耳麦递给张蓝:“弗瑞长官想要和你通个话。” Zhang Lan is frowning hesitant, received in -line ear wheat in Rogers hand, holds with one group of sand flows the cold sound said near own ear: „If the plea, that shuts your mouth.” 张蓝皱着眉头犹豫了一下,还是接过了罗杰斯手中的内嵌式耳麦,用一团砂流托在自己的耳边冷声道:“如果是求情的话,那就闭上你的嘴。” Opposite Fury was choked by the Zhang Lan's words, actually could not speak suddenly. 对面的弗瑞张蓝的话一噎,竟然是一时间说不出话来。 The picture once fell into the awkward silence. 画面一度陷入冷场。 After three seconds, Zhang Lan decisive with sand flow in-line ear wheat crumb. 三秒钟后,张蓝果断的用砂流将内嵌式耳麦捏碎。 Fury contacted with him at this time, makes him care about the general situation only, do not offend the Asgard God Region's person, making him draw back one as boundless as the heavens and sea step and so on. 弗瑞这个时候联系他,不外乎让他顾及大局,不要得罪阿斯嘉特神域的人,让他退一步海阔天空之类的。 This is Zhang Lan most does not want to hear at present. 这是目前张蓝最不想听见的。 Ground the Rogers' in-line ear wheat decisively, another side Natasha put through a communication, after counting the language in a low voice, Natasha slightly one hesitant, finally has not spoken in -line ear wheat to give Zhang Lan according to the meaning of Fury. 果断碾碎了罗杰斯的内嵌式耳麦,另一边的娜塔莎又接通了一个通讯,低声数语后,娜塔莎稍一犹豫,最后还是没有按照弗瑞的意思讲内嵌式耳麦交给张蓝 She, between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Zhang Lan, chose supported Zhang Lan. 她,在神盾局张蓝之间,选择了支持张蓝 Soon, another side Reed's communication resounds, is just about to put through by Reed, Susan at the same time wants not to think uses the thought its crumb, casual also crumb own in-line ear wheat. 不多时,另一边瑞德的通讯响起,被瑞德刚要接通,一边的苏珊想也不想的用意念将其捏碎,随便还捏碎自己的内嵌式耳麦。 Johnny is simplest, the ability of his flame has no thing on the body to hang. 约翰尼最简单,他那火焰化的能力没有任何东西可以在身上挂着。 Tony is more direct, directs Jarvis to shut off all network telecommunications. 托尼更为直接,指挥贾维斯切断所有的网络通讯。 This never uses these thing. 本从来不用这些玩意。 Banner ground own communication equipment with the finger single-handed. 班纳单手用手指碾碎了自己的通讯设备。 Even if one side Connors, has not put through. 哪怕是一边的康纳斯,都是没有接通。 Suddenly, the scene only had late Barton also to carry the communication, Thor own previously Qilin Erupted has damaged. 一时间,现场唯有迟到的巴顿还携带有通讯了,索尔自己的在此前【麒麟】的爆发中已经损毁了。 Barton as S.H.I.E.L.D. one, and rare with the Zhang Lan contact, he was also hesitant half sound, put through the communication, hearing excellent Zhang Lan heard clearly, Fury the wife with Barton safety room made the threat directly, making him rephrase in own words with Zhang Lan. 巴顿作为神盾局的一员,并且少有和张蓝接触,他也是犹豫了半响,还是接通了通讯,听力极好的张蓝清晰听见,弗瑞直接用巴顿安全屋的妻子做威胁,让他代为和张蓝转述。 Fury does not dare to make Barton give Zhang Lan communication, if gave to grind? 弗瑞不敢让巴顿把通讯器交给张蓝,万一又给碾碎了呢? This was only remaining one on the scene. 这可是在场仅剩下的一个了。 Kitty and May obviously stand on the side of Zhang Lan, therefore Fury has not attempted their calls. 凯蒂明显是站在张蓝一边的,所以弗瑞根本就没有尝试拨打他们的电话。 Immediately, Barton in a dilemma is intertwining same place, drawing back is not, entering is not. 顿时,巴顿进退两难的在原地纠结着,退也不是,进也不是。 Actually May at the same time spoke: Lan, puts Loki to go back, I... at least I can save a person!” 倒是一边的发话了:“,放洛基回去吧,我...至少我能救活一个人!” The May's words let the people very surprise, does not understand in her words reviving is what meaning. 梅的话让众人很是诧异,不明白她话中的“救活”是什么意思。 Only had Zhang Lan very to tighten the muscle anxiously, reply ^ _ ^ that wants not to think said certainly: That jutsu you are unusable, I have means solution this matter, May you do not impulse!” 唯有张蓝十分紧张的绷紧了肌肉,想也不想的回答^_^绝道:“那个你不能用,我有办法解决这个事情,你不要冲动!” The thread of conversation said, Zhang Lan moves toward Barton, received in -line ear wheat from his hand, was saying to the ear wheat directly: Wants me to comply to bleed off Loki not to have the issue, but my three requests.” 话头说完,张蓝走向巴顿,从他的手中接过内嵌式耳麦,对着耳麦直接说道:“要我答应放走洛基没有问题,但是我有三个要求。” one, anybody future on the scene, if must be separated from S.H.I.E.L.D., you cannot have any stop.” “一,在场的任何人未来若是要脱离神盾局的话,你不能有任何的阻拦。” two, your coming back to life plans me to use, is used for resurrecting Peter and Harry.” “二,你的复生计划我要使用,用来复活彼得哈利。” three, I take one to have list that participates in all about this event, remember, is all.” “三,我要一份有份参与到所有关于本次事件的名单,记住,是所有的。” can comply, you said directly, remember, you only then a few words time, later I will cut off the communication directly.” “能不能答应,你直接说罢,记住,你只有一句话的时候,之后我就会直接掐断通讯。” The one breath said own all conditions, Zhang Lan the decision-making power will give Fury, if the opposite party promised that him... 一口气说出自己的所有条件,张蓝将决定权交给了弗瑞,若是对方答应了那他... But if not comply, even if bargained back and forth, he striking without hesitation will kill Loki. 但若是不答应,哪怕是讨价还价,他都会毫不犹豫的击杀洛基 Presents no one to stop him. 在场没有任何人可以阻拦他。 Seemed like heard renouncing in Zhang Lan tone, the response of Fury was also simple of very: Your condition I comply completely.” 似乎是听到了张蓝语气中的决绝,弗瑞的回应也是十分的干脆:“你的条件我全部答应。” „, but, before then, I have two news to tell you.” “不过,在此之前,我有两个消息要告诉你。” first , Project T.A.H.I.T.I. can only have the effect on ordinary human, Peter and Harry's words... was sorry very much, Lan, I do not want to deceive you, but indeed does not have the means to be effective.” “其一是,塔希提计划只能对普通人类起效,彼得哈利的话...很抱歉,,我不想欺骗你,但是的确没有办法奏效。” its two, that is Hydra in the general of military headquarters, successfully convinced President to sign the document of Ruin Manhattan Island islet, it is expected that cannot be having a 10 nuclear warhead to fly to you, you best be ready as soon as possible.” “其二,那就是九头蛇在军部的一名上将,成功说服总统签署了毁灭曼哈顿岛屿的文件,预计正有不下枚的核弹头正在向你们飞去,你最好尽早做好准备。” Old long a few words, Fury is really the one breath says, the vital capacity is not general. 老长的一段话,弗瑞真的是一口气讲完的,肺活量不是一般的强。 Meanwhile, in the Zhang Lan eye that the information that Fury brings, lets killing qi fills the air, Mangekyō in right eye is rotating rapidly, is showing his time mood is not tranquil. 同时,弗瑞带来的信息,让的张蓝眼中杀气弥漫,右眼中的万花筒急速转动着,彰显着他此时心情的不平静。 Thank: 感谢: «Wished Everyone Year of rooster Extraordinarily good luck» hits to enjoy 2000 beginning coins, today also misses 3000 to present as a gift two chapters, which brave soldier made up neat ~ 《祝大家鸡年大吉》打赏2000起点币,今天还差3000赠更两章呀,哪位壮士补齐咯~
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