HOMD :: Volume #5

#414: Although must execute!

Opposed facing Thor's, the Zhang Lan's response only has to shine gold Tang Heng Blade in hand! 面对索尔的反对,张蓝的回应只有一个亮起手中的黄金唐横刀 Today, no one could prevent his following plan. 今天,谁也阻止不了他接下来的打算。 Thor regarding this, can only helpless submitted or he by Zhang Lan's Flying Thunder God Returns to the Manhattan Island islet, as for only flight method Hammer of the God of Thunder... 索尔对此,只能是无奈的屈服了或者说,他是被张蓝的飞雷神】送回曼哈顿岛屿上的,至于唯一的飞行手段雷神之锤... Sorry, according to Zhang Lan's requested, in 10 minutes, Thor lost temporarily to the Hammer of the God of Thunder property rights. 抱歉,按照张蓝的请求,十分钟内,索尔暂时失去了对雷神之锤的所有权。 By him can only helpless is forced to become to eat the melon people, stands in the Manhattan Island islet, worried looks at Zhang Lan to summon that huge Susanoo. 是以,他只能无奈的被迫成为一名吃瓜群众,站在曼哈顿岛屿上,担忧的望着张蓝重新召唤出那巨大的须佐能乎 Just, this Zhang Lan has not planned to attack or other time, but is both hands hands over the palm, only has the index finger and ring finger raises up this has never presented special ninja seal. 只不过,这一次的张蓝并没有打算进攻或者其他,而是双手交掌,仅有食指与无名指竖起这是一个从未出现过的特殊忍印 With having of this ninja seal, Zhang Lan Susanoo is also maintaining same ninja seal, huge chakra from Zhang Lan within the body, is consuming turbulently continuously. 随着这一个忍印的结出,张蓝身上的须佐能乎也是保持着相同忍印,庞大的查克拉张蓝体内汹涌而出,源源不断的消耗着。 Has not used immortal book chakra, because was worried that the might affects Manhattan Island oversized. 并没有使用仙书查克拉,因为担心威力过大波及曼哈顿岛 But, the reality is actually nothing's change. 可,现实却是没有任何的变化。 Tony at the same time looks is somewhat bored had a yawn. 一边的托尼看的都是有些无聊的打了一个哈欠了。 The Thor's heart also put down slightly, at least, currently it seems like, Zhang Lan does not seem to kill Loki. 索尔的心也是稍稍的放下了一些,至少,目前看来,张蓝似乎并没有打算杀死洛基 The next quarter, Thor discovered he feels relieved too early. 下一刻,索尔发现他还是放心的太早了。 Since a piece of bright is bright from the people top of the head, raising the head cannot help but looks, Tony that sluggish vision gradually changes panic-stricken. 一片亮光自众人头顶上亮起,不由自主的抬头望去,托尼那懒散目光逐渐变的惊骇了起来。 Deceives... deceives people!” Susan at the same time low voice twittering: This... really... is really the manpower can achieve?” “骗...骗人的吧!”一边的苏珊小声呢喃着:“这...真...真的是人力能够做到的吗?” Is Tony is incessantly unbelievable, others raise the head panic-strickenly is looking at the scene on sky, is a face is incredible, Rogers also swallowed saliva quietly. 不止是托尼难以置信,其他人抬头惊骇的望着天空上的景象,皆都是一脸的不可置信,罗杰斯还悄悄的吞了一口口水。 Before the live broadcast, billions of audience, are also all opening oneself mouth at this time, the excessive shock made them forget temporarily closed the mouth. 直播前,数以亿计的观众们,此时也皆都是张大着自己的嘴巴,过度的震惊让他们暂时忘记了闭上嘴巴。 Panic-stricken of people have the reason. 众人的惊骇不是没有原因的。 Above the sky, sees only one to obstruct sufficiently day of a gigantic meteorite that shades the place drops from the clouds, the shadow that it projects covered entire Liberty Island, gaze his person who breaks through the atmosphere to burn the fireworks that lets to feel a body dryness and heat. 天空之上,只见一颗足以遮天蔽地的硕大陨石从天而降,其投射下来的阴影都是将整个自由岛覆盖在内了,突破大气层所燃烧起的焰火让的注视他的人感觉身体一片燥热。 This is not the manpower can achieve, this... is completely the ability category of god. 这已经不是人力能不能达到的了,这...已经完全是属于神的能力范畴了。 Under the shock gaze of people, this meteorite successful crash above Liberty Island! 在众人的震惊注视下,这一颗陨石成功的坠落在了自由岛之上! God · Heavenly Obstacle Quaking Star 【神·天碍震星 This is Zhang Lan starts the achievement reward of Mangekyō. 这是张蓝开启万花筒成就奖励。 The comet hits Earth to be common, near the ear by sound of complete coverage thundering, the land of under foot looked like trembling coward is trembled, but in the eye can see, was covered the line of sight by the yellow sand of Zhang Lan control. 彗星撞地球一般,耳边已经被轰鸣之声完全的覆盖住了,脚下的大地像一个瑟瑟发抖的胆小鬼似的在震颤着,而眼中所能看见的,被张蓝操控的黄砂遮盖住了视线。 Although has not used senjutsu chakra, this meteorite is above big of expectation. 尽管没有使用仙术查克拉,这一颗陨石还是超乎预料的大。 If Zhang Lan does not make some guard methods, its capacity for alcohol of raising enough embezzles most Manhattan Island. 张蓝不做一些防范手段的话,其掀起的海量足够吞没大半个曼哈顿岛 But the people can see is, irresistible drop of that gigantic meteorite from surrounding of sand wall, then gradual disappearance in line of sight. 而众人能够看见的就是,那一颗硕大的陨石从砂墙的包围中势不可挡的下降,然后逐渐的消失在了视线当中。 Flood the mighty waves that with complete inserting of meteorite, is responsible for sand wall that wraps not to live, looks like the sea level to sway generally. 随着陨石的完全嵌入,负责包裹的砂墙不住的泛着波澜,就像是海平面一般在晃荡着。 Probably has the danger of being shattered anytime. 像是随时都有破灭的危险。 Once this defense line fell into enemy hands, then others will have no complementary waves this that the means resist it to release are Thor and the others the common cognition. 一旦这一堵防线失守了,那么其他人将没有任何办法抵挡其释放出的余波这是索尔等人共同的认知。 Is good because, Zhang Lan has been today we are no longer as we have been, he succeeds defended this wave of meteorite day falling complementary waves offensive. 好在,张蓝早已经是今非昔比了,他成功的守住了这一波陨石天降的余波攻势。 Even so, in the sea level is also blustery, three meters high ocean waves are whipping on the Manhattan coastline repeatedly, the sea level is rise the peak enough half meter altitudes, after that slipped off slightly. 即便是如此,海平面上也是风起云涌的,三米高的海浪频频拍打着曼哈顿的海岸线上,海平面都是上升的巅峰足足有半米的高度,其后又是稍稍的褪下了一些。 This lets people no protection in seashore was involved in the sea, having no recourse conducted a sea swimming. 这让的在海边的人们毫无防备的被卷进海中,迫不得已的进行了一次海泳。 However, too many that these unlucky person have not complained in fact, 不过,这些倒霉的人儿并没有抱怨的太多事实上, They start are the complaints, after coming ashore they find looking that others stare to the Liberty Island direction, the dumbfounded appearance made them cast the vision subconsciously. What does not have. 他们开始是抱怨的,直到上岸后他们瞧见其他人直瞪瞪的望向自由岛的方向,目瞪口呆的模样让他们下意识的投去了目光。什么都没有。 Is very ordinary sea level, why they that dumbfounded. 就是很平常的海面而已,为什么他们一个个那么的目瞪口呆。 In some people must ridicule, subconscious, they detected is not right! 正在有些人要嘲笑的时候,下意识的,他们发觉了不对! Graciousness... always felt that what was short of?” “恩...总感觉是不是少了什么?” Recalled earnestly, suddenly, their also stares in a big way the eye, a dumbfounded appearance. 认真回想了一下,突然,他们一个个的也是瞪大了眼睛,一副目瞪口呆的模样。 Manhattan Island and Liberty Island only three kilometers distances, this can see the Liberty Island outline from the line of sight of human from afar, so long as the weather is not extremely bad. 曼哈顿岛自由岛仅有三公里的距离,这个距离人类的视线还是能够远远地看见自由岛的轮廓的,只要天气不是太过恶劣。 But now, under the clear weather sunny condition, their at present is the sea level of vast stretch of flat land. 而现在,天气晴朗阳光明媚的状态下,他们的眼前是一马平川的海平面。 ... Was they remembered incorrectly the Liberty Island direction? 难道...是他们记错了自由岛的方向? Is impossible. 不可能的。 A person will remember incorrectly, two people will remember incorrectly, that 10 and will the 100 individual, remember incorrectly? 一个人会记错,两个人会记错,那个、个人,会同时记错? Obviously, their guesses were right Liberty Island, the submersion! 很显然,他们的猜测是对的自由岛,沉没了! Under that meteorite day falls, complete was cancelled from the USA domain! 在那一颗陨石天降之下,完全的从美国的版图上被抹去了! In people also in shocking, in the sky has closed one's eyes induction Zhang Lan to open the eye in vain: Found you, your mouse!” 就在众人还在震惊的时候,天空上一直闭眼感应的张蓝徒然睁开眼睛:“找到你了,你这只老鼠!” Then, the Zhang Lan's form flashes from the space passes, appears again, is side Kitty and May's of Manhattan Island seashore. 说罢,张蓝的身影从空间一闪即逝,再次出现,已经是曼哈顿岛海边的凯蒂梅的身边。 Flying Thunder God jutsu seal, was covered by Zhang Lan on the Kitty's back of the hand, this did not take down for a lifetime. 飞雷神】的术印,被张蓝盖在了凯蒂的手背上,这一辈子都是取不下来了。 For to guard against the coat, Zhang Lan covered jutsu seal on the Loki's arm, then has seized Mind Scepter in his hand, lost Loki directly on the ground. 为了以防外衣,张蓝洛基的胳膊上盖上了一个术印,而后一把夺过他手中的心灵权杖,将洛基直接丢在了地上。 Loses in the encirclement ring of people. 就丢在众人的包围圈里面。 Tony several people all are the coordination pressed, an appearance in formation is staring at Loki, the Loki scalp that lets somewhat tingles with numbness, licked own lip subconsciously. 托尼几人皆都是配合的压了过来,一副严阵以待的模样盯着洛基,让的洛基头皮都是有些发麻,下意识的舔了舔自己的嘴唇。 Eh... that Thor, I agreed that went back with you. Loki made at present a best choice. “额...那个,索尔,我同意跟你回去了。洛基做出了目前最好的一个选择。 Now agreed?” Thor also learned the Tony's taunt tone: Did early, I have said that your idea was naive and impractical, returned to immortal palace with me, well confessed in shackles.” “现在同意了?”索尔也学会了托尼的嘲讽口气:“早干嘛去了,我说过,你的想法幼稚而不切实际,跟我回仙宫,好好的在牢笼里忏悔吧。” Saying, Thor must go forward to hold Loki. 说着,索尔就要上前抓住洛基 Although on mouth to put it baldly, what is undeniable, Thor is protecting Loki now. 嘴上虽然说得不好听,但不可否认的是,索尔现在是在保护洛基 After all in the immortal palace shackles, may compared with treating is much better in present Earth. 毕竟待在仙宫的牢笼里,可比待在现在的地球要好的多。 The idea is wonderful, the reality is actually... 想法是美好的,现实却是... Waits for!” A sand flow separated between Loki and Thor: I, did not seem to say, can Loki live is leaving Earth?” “等一下!”一把砂流隔在了洛基索尔之间:“我,似乎没有说过,洛基能够活着离开地球吧?” Is Zhang Lan. 张蓝 His complexion is hard, the tone brings to make the cold air that the person trembles, gold Tang Heng Blade in hand not take back the back plan. 他的脸色硬邦邦的,语气带着让人发颤的寒气,手中的黄金唐横刀一直都没有收回背后的打算。 The Thor complexion that the meaning in this saying, lets changes, with it, Loki that not natural smiles stiffly. 这话中的意思,让的索尔脸色一变,与之的,还有洛基那不自然的僵笑。 The issue that Loki most is worried about happened, Zhang Lan... does not seem to put him to walk! 洛基最担心的问题发生了,张蓝...似乎不愿意放他走! Thor this rash fellow does not fear Zhang Lan's to persuade: Lan, Loki he indeed committed very serious war crime, but he after all was the God's Region person, should by the God Region's law...” 索尔这个二愣子不惧张蓝的想要劝说:“,洛基他的确犯下了很严重的战争罪,但他毕竟是神域人,应该由神域的法律...” Thor! Receives your set of being a cut above others opinion!” Zhang Lan interrupted the Thor's persuasion directly: Your attitude, will only make me regret to revive from Loki you initially hand/subordinate.” 索尔!收起你的那一套高人一等的言论吧!”张蓝直接打断了索尔的劝说:“你的态度,只会让我后悔当初把你从洛基手下救活。” now, what you is Earth, is my domain.” “现在,你们在的是地球,是我的地盘。” in some time ago, Loki made me kill oneself only two two brothers personally, this enmity Odin came is not impossible to prevent even my.” “就在不久前,洛基让我亲手杀了自己唯二的两个兄弟,这个仇就算是奥丁来了也不可能阻止我的。” today, no one want to prevent me to kill this sinister degenerate!” “今天,谁也别想阻止我杀了这个阴险的败类!” violates me, although must execute!” “犯我者,虽远必诛!”
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