HOMD :: Volume #5

#413: SB 250 plan

Congratulates the host to strike to kill the S Rank life body, rewards S Rank Rule Fragment * 1!” “恭喜宿主击杀s级别生命体,奖励s级别规则碎片!” Hears the prompt of system, Zhang Lan felt relieved finally. 听到系统的提示,张蓝终于是放下心来。 Has not been detained too for a long time, takes in the system space the Tang's corpse conveniently, Zhang Lan turns around to lacking big mouth Liberty Island flew. 并没有滞留太久,随手将唐的尸首收进系统空间,张蓝转身向缺了一个大口的自由岛飞去。 Distant looks from the upper air, present Liberty Island seemed like bit a biscuit to be the same, has a big u izod notch V. 远远的从高空看去,现在的自由岛就像是被人咬了一口的饼干一样,有着一个大大的u型缺口。 That is the Space Stone rebellion time decomposes. 那是空间宝石暴动时候分解掉的。 The fracture locates smooth of very, making one think the strength of cutting their time, how quick ruthless. 断口处十分的平整,让人不由的想到了切割开它们时候的力量,是多么的快准狠。 Has a scenery actually. 倒是别有一番风景。 However, Zhang Lan comes to not to appreciate this so-called beautiful scene. 然而,张蓝过来可不是为了欣赏这个所谓的美景。 He transferred around Liberty Island, cannot induce from Liberty Island, even if a life body of human. 他绕着自由岛转了一圈,还是没能从自由岛上感应到哪怕一个人类的生命体。 Actually insect mouse has many. 倒是昆虫老鼠的有非常的多。 But, this is not the Zhang Lan need. 可,这不是张蓝需要的。 Space Gate on sky must certainly close, but closes its key, at present Zhang Lan knows only has Mind Scepter on Loki. 天空上的空间之门肯定是要关闭的,而关闭它的钥匙,目前张蓝知道的只有洛基手上的心灵权杖 When the Zhang Lan search, Manhattan that side battlefield also settled down, Thor and Tony that can fly catch up, they need to look for Zhang Lan to understand the space Space Gate issue. 张蓝搜寻的时候,曼哈顿那边的战场也是尘埃落定了,能够飞行的索尔托尼赶来,他们需要找张蓝了解一下天上空间之门的问题。 Even if now Space Gate is stopped up by Zhang Lan's Unit unmanned fighter, is actually not the long-term plan, this will hang in Earth head Sword of Damocles, possibly has the alien to brave anytime. 纵然现在空间之门张蓝的无人战斗机堵住了,却也并非长久之计,这将会是悬在地球头上的达摩克利斯之剑,随时都可能有外星人从中冒出来。 When the time comes, who knows that the opposite party meets is friendly, must invade Earth like Loki generally. 到时候,谁知道对方会是友好的,还是如同洛基一般要侵占地球 Regarding two people of inquiries, the Zhang Lan only reply only has one: „The scepter in Loki hand is the only key at present.” 对于二人的询问,张蓝唯一的回答只有一句:“洛基手中的权杖是目前唯一的钥匙。” After that Zhang Lan no longer spoke, how whatever the Tony's sound resounds again, no longer effective. 其后,张蓝就是不再说话了,任凭托尼的声音再怎么响起,都不再管用。 Kills Peter and Harry's pain personally, is not good to withstand. 亲手杀死彼得哈利的痛苦,可不是那么好承受的。 Previously with the Tang fight time can also heart no distracting thoughts temporary puts behind, but stops now, in the mind is the picture that could not stop emerges, all was the past and Peter two people being together scenes. 此前和战斗的时候还能心无杂念的暂时忘却,但现在一停下来,脑海中就是止不住的画面涌现上来,全都是以往和彼得两人的相处场景。 Zhang Lan that this lets is confused. 这让的张蓝心烦意乱。 Rhodey, where did you die?” Tony connected the Rhodey call rarely: Told me, why cannot relate... ohfuck before, did you say again? The government forbids you to come to support us, why? Do you... feed? Hey?... Rhodey you dare to make my telephone call unexpectedly!” 罗德,你到底死哪里去了?”托尼难得接通了罗德的电话:“告诉我,为什么之前一直不能联系...ohfuck,你再说一遍?政府禁止你前来支援我们,为什么?你...喂?喂?...罗德你竟然敢挂我电话!” Tony is very obviously uncomfortable, own good friend not only has not given support in the fight, now also makes his telephone call unexpectedly. 托尼显然很不爽,自己的好友不但在战斗的时候没有前来支援,现在竟然还挂了他的电话。 He who this lets continuously complained toward Thor, he does not like being denied entrance as for Zhang Lan . 这让的他不住的朝着索尔抱怨,至于张蓝他可不喜欢吃闭门羹。 The picture that in Zhang Lan mind this once let was more chaotic. 这一度让的张蓝脑海中的画面更加混乱了。 Finally, Zhang Lan felt oneself soon thorough insane before thorough is crazy, he made a crazier decision! 最后,张蓝觉得自己快要彻底疯了在彻底疯狂之前,他做出了一个更疯狂的决定! Thor, you two did not need to search, I had the means to make Loki come out.” The Zhang Lan's demeanor is very cold, just like 10 moon/month cold winter. 索尔,你们两不用搜了,我有办法让洛基自己出来。”张蓝的声色很冷,宛若月寒冬。 Oh, I know that you are best.” Tony very happy embracing lives in the Zhang Lan's shoulder: Said that what needs great Tony to make?” “哇哦,我就知道你是最棒的。”托尼很是开心的揽住张蓝的肩膀:“说吧,需要伟大的托尼做什么?” Leaves my line of sight!” “离开我的视线!” Tony: „...” 托尼:“...” Thor: Hey, your iron-skinned person stands out of the way... Lan, needs my hammer? I can lend you temporarily.” 索尔:“嘿,你这个铁皮人靠边站...,需要我的锤子吗?我可以暂时借给你。” You, leaves my line of sight!” “你,也离开我的视线!” Thor: „...” 索尔:“...” Before one minute, in the bathroom in New York city first air force base, whole face black Rhodey was supported by three soldiers, the ground has wreckage of cell phone. 一分钟前,纽约第一空军基地的一间卫生间中,满脸黑色的罗德被三名士兵架住,地上则是有着一台手机的残骸。 You have no right such to me, I am the lieutenant colonel, lets loose me quickly, you do not have the jurisdiction to restrict my communication freedom!” “你们无权这么对我,我是中校军衔,快放开我,你们没有权限限制我的通讯自由!” Rhodey makes an effort is struggling, does not have the means to work loose the blockades of three soldiers. 罗德用力的挣扎着,却是没有办法挣脱三名士兵的封锁。 His caught up to be limited, simply did not have the means to work loose, even if moves to be painful, the movement big point might be dislocated. 他的发力点都被限制住了,根本没有办法挣脱,哪怕是动一下都会生疼,动作大一点就有可能脱臼。 Facing the jurisdiction view of Rhodey, 面对罗德的权限说法, And a soldier's reply makes Rhodey unbelievable: Sir, before three minutes, you had been removed from office by Mr. President.” Being removed from office???” Rhodey stares greatly his eye, the white white of the eye in the unusual terrifying of under his skin color supporting: Why to be removed from office me? Recall of lieutenant colonel needs to pass through the court martial, even his President does not have this jurisdiction to take off my military uniform directly, you...” 其中一名士兵的回答让罗德难以置信:“sir,就在三分钟前,你已经被总统先生革职了。”“革职???”罗德瞪大他的眼睛,白色的眼白在他的肤色下承托的异常恐怖:“凭什么革职我?中校军衔的罢免是需要经过军事法庭的,就算是他总统也没有这种权限直接脱下我的军衣,你们...” Good Rhodey, no joking.” Transmits a dignified demeanor from out of the door, after that was a silver-haired military uniform old person walked: Your I am well aware, the sb250 plan does not allow to be leaked by you.” “好了罗德,别闹了。”从门外传来一阵威严的声色,其后是一名白发苍苍的军装老人走了进来:“你我都心知肚明,sb250计划是不允许被你泄密的。” Looks at the military rank on that military uniform old person shoulder, this is a general. 看那军装老人肩上的军衔,这是一名上将。 Sb250 plan? I go to the sb250 plan of tm, I look at you am sb, is 250!” Rhodey mood very is excited: How did you convince President to agree to bomb Manhattan Island?” “sb250计划?我去tm的sb250计划,我看你们就是个sb,就是个250!”罗德的情绪十分激动:“你们到底是如何说服总统同意轰炸曼哈顿岛的?” that is entire islands, in the volume according to plan, enough cancels from the USA domain the entire New York city completely. Is this your plans?” “那可是一整个岛屿,按照计划中的投放量,完全足够将整个纽约市从美国版图上抹去。这就是你们的计划?” I look am a slaughter, the inherent responsibilities of our serviceman are to protect the civilians, is not the executioner in politician hand, is...” “我看就是一场屠杀,我们军人的天职是保护平民,不是做政客手中的刽子手,是...” Bang!” “嘭!” Excited Rhodey is publishing own theory word fervently, finally was fainted by a face agitated white hair military uniform general blade. 激动的罗德正在慷慨激昂的发表着自己的论言,最后还是被一脸烦躁的白发军装上将一手刀切晕了过去。 It is difficult to believe, seeming like quickly about to the old person of rotten wood, really has the Rhodey blade of robust man strikes the dizzy ability. 很难相信,看上去已经是快行将朽木的老人,竟然有将壮汉的罗德一手刀击晕的能力。 After seeing to process is troublesome, the white hair general toward three soldiers nods, in mouth serious said one: Hail Hydra!” 见处理完一个麻烦后,白发上将朝着三名士兵点了点头,口中严肃的说出一句:“九头蛇万岁!” Speech at the same time, before his both hands extends, the fist grips tightly, is completely the Hydra's military salute. 说话的同时,他的双手前伸,拳头紧握,完全就是九头蛇的军礼。 Hail Hydra!” 九头蛇万岁!” Hail Hydra!” 九头蛇万岁!” Hail Hydra!” 九头蛇万岁!” Three soldiers are also the conditioned reflexes shouted that this slogan, as can be seen, this very that acts they to make is skilled, decides however always practices or uses. 三名士兵也是条件反射的喊出这一句口号,可以看得出,这个动作他们做的十分熟练,定然是经常练习或者使用的。 On Liberty Island, Tony and Thor under the Zhang Lan unemotional action of driving away, have to return to Manhattan Island, calmly is watching in the shore with Fantastic Four et al . 自由岛上,托尼索尔张蓝面无表情的驱赶下,不得不回到了曼哈顿岛上,与神奇四侠等人在岸边静静观看着。 According to the Zhang Lan brief meaning is, following matter, to near, he did not rescue. 按照张蓝简短的意思就是,接下来的事情,离得近了,他也救不了。 Meaning natural in words is in the majority exaggeratingly, but also appeared the risk of following event. 话中的意思自然是夸张居多,但也显现出了接下来事件的危险性。 Thor opposes, after all destruction words, if didn't kill Loki carefully half? 索尔对此是表示反对的,毕竟大规模杀伤的话,要是不小心杀死了洛基怎么半? Opposed facing Thor's, the Zhang Lan's response only has one... 面对索尔的反对,张蓝的回应只有一个... Thank: 感谢: «Wished Everyone Year of rooster Extraordinarily good luck» hits to enjoy 5000 beginning coins, a additional chapter, and tomorrow before down. 《祝大家鸡年大吉》打赏5000起点币,加更一章,并且明天五更。
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