HOMD :: Volume #5

#412: Deprive, then death!

You... did not feel oneself now, is a stray cur?” “你...不觉得自己现在,就是一只丧家之犬吗?” What?” Tang once thinks oneself misunderstood: You said that what I am?” “什么?”一度以为自己是不是听错了:“你说我是什么?” Stray cur.” Opens the God Lan color indifferently repeated one. “丧家之犬。”张蓝神色淡然的重复了一句。 Stray cur?” The Tang brow rolls, reveals an appearance of doubts: What is stray cur? Did you accept my condition?” “丧家之犬?”眉头团起,露出一副疑惑的模样:“什么是丧家之犬?你是答应了我的条件了吗?” Said stray cur word, seemingly also, only then the Chinese people understood meaning, Tang did not understand is also really normal, but also guessed that Zhang Lan accepted his condition. 说道丧家之犬这个词,貌似还真的只有中国人民才懂得其中的含义,不懂也实属正常,还猜测张蓝是不是答应了他的条件。 Eh...” “额...” Right now, Zhang Lan actually by choking does not know that should reply anything, finally also can only jump: Praised you!” 这下子,张蓝倒是被噎的不知道该回复什么了,最后也只能蹦出一句:“夸你呢!” Before the live broadcast that this, lets understood the person of meaning cannot help smiling all. 这一幕,让的直播前懂得其中含义的人无不忍俊不禁。 Naturally, what are more is the puzzled appearance, does not know the meanings in Zhang Lan these words. 当然了,更多的还是一脸疑惑的模样,不知道张蓝这些话中的意思。 Do not tear the topic!” Tang slightly crosses the topic that this he does not understand directly: My condition, do you comply?” “别扯开话题!”直接略过这个他不懂的话题:“我的条件呢,你到底答不答应?” You know that what is Mangekyō Sharingan?” Zhang Lan irrelevantly replied, did not wait for Tang to reply, said: sharingan, there are six levels.” “你知道什么是万花筒写轮眼吗?”张蓝答非所问,不等回答,自顾自的说下去:“写轮眼,共有六个层次。” its one, one tomoe, can strengthen the human body dynamic vision.” “其一,一勾玉,能够加强人体动态视力。” its two, two tomoe, strengthens the person to the resistivity that mental power attacks, and oscillation amplitude mental power utilization slightly skill.” “其二,二勾玉,加强人对精神力攻击的抵抗力,并略微的振幅精神力运用的技能。” its three, three tomoe, has been able to duplicate skill that you can see simply, including some simple superpower.” “其三,三勾玉,已经是能够简单复制你能看见的技能,包括一些简单的超能力。” its four, that was Mangekyō, the eyes will awaken respectively two special abilities, and can use Power of God Susanoo.” “其四,那就是万花筒了,双眼将会分别觉醒两个特殊的能力,并且可以使用神之力须佐能乎。” my right eye you have seen, can resist any attack Guardianship ability, but... do you know the ability of my left eye?” “我的右眼你见过,就是能够抵挡任何攻击的‘守护’能力,但...你知道我左眼的能力吗?” These words are very long, Tang is actually being forced has to listen. 这一番话很长,却是被迫的不得不听完。 He has no alternative, launches the attack directly the words, his final ray of hope is meets not to ruin. 他别无选择,直接发动攻击的话,他最后的一丝希望都是会别自己毁掉。 It is not without thinking escaping, can definitely run back own state at the speed of his speed of light unexpectedly, but... 并非没有想过逃跑,以他光速的速度完全可以出其不意跑回自己的国度,但... If Space Stone had not been brought to go back by him, then Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos will also kill him! 若是空间宝石没有被他带回去,那么灭霸也会杀了他的! Therefore , he has no alternative. 所以,他,别无选择。 When he hears Zhang Lan asked his left eye Mangekyō ability, without the reason, he feels an own back icy coldness! 当他听见张蓝问起他左眼万花筒能力的时候,没来由的,他觉得自己后背一片冰凉! This icy cold feeling , he only then had realized on Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos that was the threat of death! 这种冰凉的感觉,他只有在灭霸身上体会过那是死亡的威胁! Makes anything radically without enough time, did not abstain looks straight ahead Tang of Zhang Lan Mangekyō eyes, clear finding, the Mangekyō slight sound of Zhang Lan that right eye, Mangekyō of left eye had not actually rotated rapidly, in the hand the eye pupil of sword appearance drags the wonderful shape. 根本来不及多做什么,一直毫不忌讳直视张蓝万花筒双眼的,清晰的瞧见,张蓝那右眼的万花筒并没有丝毫的动静,左眼的万花筒却是急速转动了起来,手里剑模样的眼瞳摇曳出美妙的形态。 That flash, Tang even forgot all movements, consciousness a blank. 那一瞬间,甚至是忘记了所有的动作,意识一片空白。 Forgot must make anything, where forgot, forgot Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos, forgot Space Gate on sky, forgot Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos quest. 忘记了要做什么,忘记了在什么地方,忘记了灭霸,忘记了天空上的空间之门,忘记了灭霸任务 What is most fearful, he even forgot whose oneself was his soul seems like by anything is erased the will or directly. 最为可怕的是,他甚至忘记了自己是谁或者说,他的灵魂像是被什么直接抹除了意志。 With falling to the enemy of main body, that another three clone disappeared immediately directly with invisible. 随着主体的沦陷,那另外三个分身当下直接就是泯灭与无形了。 That impregnable light, collapses of itself! 那牢不可破的光阵,不攻自破! Did not have the Tang's operation, the bright eye ray of dropping from the clouds to diverge slowly, floats Tang in midair to lose the hanging ability, accepted Earth that gravitation the law to start to make the motion of free-falling body, pounded raises dust in the ground. 没有了唐的操作,从天而降的亮眼光芒缓缓散去,漂浮在半空上的失去了悬空的能力,接受地球那万有引力的定律开始做着自由落体运动,砸在地面扬起一阵尘土。 Zhang Lan is looking at the Tang freely falling body, corners of the mouth contemptuous smiling, soaks the left eye in bloody water, in the hand the sword eye pupil decomposes slowly, condenses again is three tomoe shapes. 张蓝就这么瞧着自由落体而下,嘴角轻蔑的笑着,浸泡在血水中的左眼,手里剑般的眼瞳缓缓分解开,再次凝聚为三颗勾玉的形态。 „...” Zhang Lan makes an extremely hoarse sound: „The ability of my left eye, is Deprive!” “嗬...”张蓝发出一声极为嘶哑的声响:“我左眼的能力,是剥夺!” *- *- *- * *-*-*-* Deprive: Some thing that the explosive eruption all pupil strength, Deprive assigns, if the pupil strength will consume the vitality until completing or executing the caster death insufficient. 剥夺:爆发性的喷发出所有的瞳力,剥夺指定的某种物件,若是瞳力不足将会消耗生命力直至完成或施术者死亡。 *- *- *- * *-*-*-* Some thing, 这其中的某种物件, Can be eyes of person, can be a motor of car(riage), can be cancer critically ill all cancer cells... can also be, someone's consciousness. Like a moment ago, is the Tang's consciousness that Zhang Lan Deprive fell, enabled its to become good-for-nothing not to have the vegetable the instinct. 可以是一个人的眼睛、可以是一辆车的马达、可以是癌症病危的所有癌细胞...也可以是,某一个人的意识。就像刚才,张蓝剥夺掉的就是唐的意识,让其成为一具行尸走肉还是连本能都没有植物人。 Even breathes that loses. 甚至是连呼吸都丧失的那种。 Previously Zhang Lan waited for a long time has not started, is saving his pupil strength. 此前张蓝之所以等待那么久都没有发动,就是在积攒他的瞳力。 Naturally, so the bug ability, endures compared with stopping water other deity ability, its limit not dāng dāng is so, besides may start a limit every year, its Mangekyō shape will also retreat temporarily is the three tomoe shape. 当然了,如此bug的能力,堪比止水“别天神”的能力,其限制不当当是如此,除了每一年才可发动一次的限制外,其万花筒的形态也会暂时退却为三勾玉形态。 In other words, his Susanoo may not evolve again, can only maintain for previously Zhang Lan condensed for that unarmed appearance. 也就是说,他的须佐能乎将不可再进化了,只能够维持为此前张蓝凝聚为的那一副赤手空拳的模样。 But... all these will be worth! 但...这一切都将会是值得的! Tolerates the severe pain of left eye rupturing, the Zhang Lan figure is almost dropping slowly, stands in the pothole edge that Tang smashes, the form that with only remains the right eye that stares at that not to bully together completely, no moving meaning. 强忍着左眼几近爆裂的剧痛,张蓝身形缓缓下降着,站立在所砸出的坑洞边缘,用仅剩的右眼盯着那一道完全没有欺负的身影,没有一丝动弹的意思。 He did not have the plan to end the life of opposite party quickly. 他没有打算这么快结束对方的生命。 What also has, powerhouse who lets a S Rank peak feel stifled oneself while still alive, has the retaliation feeling? 还有什么,比让一个s级别巅峰的强者活活自己把自己憋死,更有报复感? Such static waiting was close to the 23 minute, the aftermath of Manhattan battlefield was tidies up, Zhang Lan still has not received system to obtain the prompt of Rule Fragment. 就这么静静的等待了接近二十三分钟,曼哈顿战场的残局都是收拾完毕了,张蓝依然是没有收到系统获得规则碎片的提示。 Also patient waited for one minute, the prompt of system to come to be a pity finally, did not obtain the prompt of S Grade Rule Fragment. 又是耐心的等了一分钟,系统的提示终于是来了可惜,不是获得s级规则碎片的提示。 Lan, can not remind you, has crossed 20 minutes, if made him feel stifled, you may not be able to obtain Rule Fragment.” ,不得提醒你,已经过了二十分钟,若是就这么让他憋死了,你可能会得不到规则碎片。” Like this...” The body that the Zhang Lan very disgruntled curling the lip corner/horn, has been entirely still lifts the hand slightly, before one group of sands hold oneself , the Tang's body. “这样子啊...”张蓝很是不悦的撇了撇嘴角,一直纹丝不动的身子稍一抬手,一团砂子将唐的躯壳托到自己身前。 Only made you die like this, but also was really cheap you!” “就只这样子让你死了,还真的是便宜你了!” Saying, after gold Tang Heng Blade in Zhang Lan hand aims at Tang's , the chest held directly. 说着,张蓝手中的黄金唐横刀瞄准唐的后心口直接捅了下去。 duo!” “咄!” Strikes just like the thorn on the defeat leather general, Zhang Lan cannot a sword hold to put on Tang that unexpectedly not to resist the body of consciousness completely, gold Tang Heng Blade lifts, only has a white high-interest loan with daily payments to appear merely. 宛若刺击在败革上一般,张蓝竟然没能一剑捅穿那完全没有抵抗意识的躯壳,黄金唐横刀抬起,仅仅只有一个白色的小印子出现。 Can conduct body that the speed of light moves worthily, is powerful! 不愧是能够进行光速移动的身体,就是强悍! Regarding the own gold Tang Heng Blade sharpness, Zhang Lan is understands clearly, can say that Adamantium can truncate is playing, cannot think that facing not having Tang of resistance truly cannot broken guard. 对于自己黄金唐横刀的锋利度,张蓝是了然的,可以说艾德曼合金都是可以削着玩的,想不到面对没有抵抗能力的确实不能够破防。 Has a limited view, previous Tang has powerful how. 管中窥豹,此前的到底是有多么的强大。 Caring extremely, this cannot baffle Zhang Lan, lifts the hand again, jabs into toward a Tang's mouth sword, entire gold Tang Heng Blade does not have the to enter directly, the opposite party has not for fear that died, was the agitation of effort several times. 没有太过的在意,这并不能难倒张蓝,再次抬起手来,朝着唐的嘴巴一剑刺进,整柄黄金唐横刀直接没柄而入,生怕对方没死,又是用力的搅动了数次。 So, that expected system prompt arrived finally! 如此,那预期中的系统提示终于是到来了! Thank: 感谢: «Nuclear explosion head of state» hits to enjoy 500 beginning coins. 《核爆元首》打赏500起点币。
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