HOMD :: Volume #5

#411: Tang final card in a hand

As the saying goes, artifact has mystical powers, not unreasonable matter. 俗话说,神器有灵,并非是没有道理的事情。 In Zhang Lan presents the instance side Loki, response that Mind Stone also and has no, but when Zhang Lan's grasps Mind Scepter teleport walks again, actually discovered, the person, walked, Mind Scepter, has not actually followed his teleport to walk together. 张蓝出现在洛基身边的瞬间,心灵宝石还并没有任何的反应,但当张蓝的手握上心灵权杖再次瞬移走的时候,却是发现,人,是走了,心灵权杖,却并没有跟着他一起瞬移走。 Mind Scepter refuses to walk with his teleport. 心灵权杖拒绝跟他瞬移走。 Although is somewhat inconceivable, but after all as Law Fragment, even if somewhat unexpected, is expected. 虽然有些不可思议,但毕竟是作为法则碎片,纵然是有些出乎意料,却也是在意料之中。 Also at this time, the space mighty waves covered less than half Liberty Island, Zhang Lan stood in the Manhattan shore, the non- knowledge coincidence was intentional, his position happen to was his previous time position that prevented Magneto. 也就在这时候,空间波澜覆盖住小半个自由岛,张蓝站在曼哈顿岸边,不知识巧合还是有意为之,他的位置正好就是他上次阻止万磁王的位置。 The difference is that previous time he uses Sand Release · Sand Tsunami Prevented to control Statue of Liberty to attack Magneto of leaders, this time... he, leads several hundreds of millions audience before live broadcast, faced directly Liberty Island some area to disappear the process. 所不同的是,上次他使用【砂遁·流砂爆流】阻止了操控自由女神像袭击各国领导的万磁王,这次...他,带着直播前的数亿观众,直面自由岛的部分面积泯灭过程。 Under the shake of space rebellion, the range of its covering is not accidental/surprised was shaken as the most initial molecular structure, visionally changes into the flying ash in the people at present, dissipates in this world. 在空间暴动的震荡下,其所覆盖的范围皆都是毫无意外的被震荡为最初始的分子结构,梦幻般的在众人眼前化为飞灰,消逝在这世间。 The only exception, that was that has 100 meter Giant of Light of together fully , even if evaded the fate of molecularized, his fate did not feel better, the Giant of Light figure dissipated at an astonishing speed does not see. 唯一例外的,那就是那一道足有上米的光之巨人即便是躲过了分子化的下场,他的下场也并不好受,光之巨人的身形以一种惊人的速度消逝不见。 Energy relative, wants to offset the destruction of space rebellion, the price that natural pays is also huge. 能量是相对的,想要抵消空间暴动的破坏,自然付出的代价也是庞大的。 That this shocks everybody comes like the gust of wind, the people who before live broadcast let has not responded quickly. 这惊世骇俗的一幕来的快如疾风,让的直播前的众人都还是没有反应过来。 Actually, goes rapid like lightning, the people had not realized that what happened, had finished. 却,也去的迅如闪电,众人还没有意识到发生了什么事情,就已经是结束了。 Looks at that only to be left over 10 meter high Giant of Light, the Loki life characteristics that vanishes from the sensation, in the Zhang Lan heart flashes through many thoughts not slowly, the figure also to that Giant of Light flies. 望着那仅剩下米高度的光之巨人,还有从感知中消失的洛基生命特征,张蓝心中闪过多个念头,身形也并不慢的向那光之巨人飞去。 In process that he flies, previously protected the Kitty's gold wing is also flies back to behind Zhang Lan. 在他飞行的过程中,此前保护凯蒂的黄金羽翼也是飞回到了张蓝背后。 The fight that waits for also needs the help of this pair of wing. 等下的战斗还需要这一对羽翼的帮助。 As for vanishing Loki of life characteristics, Zhang Lan does not believe he died. 至于消失了生命特征的洛基,张蓝可不相信他就这么死了。 Previously he also had to encounter this situation, Loki he has had a method to avoid him Sage Mode Sensation. 此前他又不是没有遇到过这种情况,洛基他有一种方法躲避他【仙人模式】的感知。 Biggest possibly was the Mind Stone's shield. 最大的可能就是心灵宝石的屏蔽了。 Temporarily does not go to manages that fellow, Manhattan occupied with the help of 10,000 shadow clone is stable, Space Gate on top of the head instead becomes the Chitauri nightmare. 暂时不去管那个家伙,身后曼哈顿的占据在一万影分身的帮助下已然是稳定了下来,头顶上的空间之门反而是成为了齐塔瑞人的噩梦。 Present Loki, cannot turn what rough seas. 现在的洛基,翻不出什么大浪了。 Most important, is the solution present fellow, this is the annoying fellow. 最要紧的,还是解决眼前的这个家伙,这才是烦人的家伙。 Resisted a Tang condition of wave of space rebellion is not obviously good hardly, depended was near, Zhang Lan even heard the sound that he gasped for breath slightly. 硬抗了一波空间暴动的状态显然并不好,靠的近了,张蓝甚至是听到了他微微喘气的动静。 This is his first time, displays the tired appearance. 这还是他第一次,表现出累的模样。 Is tired, he had not detected that Zhang Lan appears in his behind. 累到,他都是没有发觉张蓝出现在他的身后。 That Giant of Light ray concentrated to slowly, is attracted by Tang finally all takes back within the body he not to have the energy to make him spend freely now. 光之巨人的光芒缓缓浓缩到一点,最后被尽数吸收回了体内他现在没有能量让他挥霍了。 Restores Tang of original body still not to detect that behind Zhang Lan's exists, taunted one in a low voice: Really is stupid, is Space Stone also you and others can touch?” 恢复原体的依然是没有察觉身后张蓝的存在,低声嘲讽了一句:“真的是愚蠢,空间宝石也是你等能够触碰的?” Hears these words, Zhang Lan is responds immediately. 听到这句话,张蓝立刻就是反应过来。 This is thinks that his Zhang Lan died under the previous space rebellion. 这是认为他张蓝死在了此前的空间暴动之下。 This, Zhang Lan instead was not anxious has the EP exchange of system, he is still staying the full condition now. 这一下,张蓝反而是不急了有着系统能量点兑换,他现在依然是保持着满状态。 S Rank full condition. s级别的满状态。 „? What means contact do you have?” A Zhang Lan face indifferent voice. “哦?那你有什么办法接触吗?”张蓝一脸淡然的发声。 Naturally is...” Tang subconscious must respond, is the opens the mouth lives suddenly. “当然是...”下意识的就要回应,才是开口就是猛然顿住。 Turns round suddenly, finds the whole body to wrap Zhang Lan in God Cloth, the look extreme shock, subconscious blurting out: How you have not died!” 猛然回身,瞧见全身包裹在神圣衣中的张蓝,神色极为的震惊,下意识的脱口而出:“你怎么没死!” „, Do I seem like that courting death person?” Zhang Lan without hesitation laughs at one. “呵,我像是那种找死的人吗?”张蓝毫不犹豫的嗤笑一声。 Faced Zhang Lan's laughs, Tang unexpected has not said anything, 面对的张蓝的嗤笑,出乎意料的没有说什么, Remains silent the condition. Tang is silent, Zhang Lan has not actually wanted the silent plan, the right hand to grasp gold Tang Heng Blade, points to Tang: „, Last, coming to mediate!” 一副保持沉默的状态。沉默,张蓝却是没有要沉默的打算,右手握上黄金唐横刀,直指:“那么,最后一场,来个了断吧!” Zhang Lan's declares war, the Tang brow that lets rolls one group, had not actually revealed that the sword of his light, instead is the scruple opens the mouth said: Gives me Space Stone, I walk immediately.” 张蓝的宣战,让的眉头团成一团,却并没有亮出他的光之剑,反而是迟疑的开口道:“给我空间宝石,我立刻就走。” His was really fears. 他这是真的怕了。 But, Tang's recognizes instigates anything responds Zhang Lan cannot obtain, only had attack Tang that kept silent together to evade with ease, the Zhang Lan's speed of sound avoided facing spirit shape under he was really relaxed. 但,唐的认怂在张蓝这边却什么回应都得不到,唯有一道默不作声的攻击轻松的躲过了,张蓝的音速面对灵形态下的他躲避的实在是太轻松了。 Zhang Lan and does not care , to continue is seeming like that meaningless attack, Tang looks like the mouse same mouse everywhere to flee, not with the Zhang Lan head confrontation. 张蓝也并不在意,继续进行着看似毫无意义的攻击,就像是老鼠一样的到处鼠窜,并不与张蓝正面交锋。 Meanwhile, in his mouth has not stopped. 同时,他的口中也是没有停止过。 doesn't really consider? I can help you discover Loki, Mind Stone on his hand is also one of the Six Great Stones, I only strove for completing my quest.” “真的不考虑一下?我可以帮你找出洛基,他手上的心灵宝石也是六大宝石之一,我只求完成自己的任务。” you want Space Stone to have no function, might as well gives me.” “你要空间宝石根本没有什么作用,还不如交给我。” believes me, Space Stone to you, regarding Earth, can only be a disaster, Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos will certainly not let off Earth's.” “相信我,空间宝石对于你而言,对于地球而言,只会是一场灾难,灭霸一定不会放过地球的。” hateful, do you really plan to be ruthless?” “可恶,你真的打算赶尽杀绝吗?” damn... your Morlock... I did not want Space Stone, you put me to walk, I can tell you to close the Space Gate method.” “该死...你这个莫洛克...我不要空间宝石了,你放我走,我可以告诉你关闭空间之门的方法。” „do your base and low ants, what want? I have given up Space Stone, how do you also plan?” “你这个卑微的蝼蚁,到底想要什么?我已经放弃空间宝石了,你还打算怎么样?” you... work to keep the frontline, if you this, I may want is not impolite again!” “你...做事留一线,你要是再这样,我可要不客气了!” good, since your, I at least need first to cancel your islands!” “好,既然你这样子,那我至少要先抹去你一个岛屿!” A lengthy speech, Zhang Lan keeping silent is keeping the attack frequency, several steps speed up, does not reduce speed, quite cat play mouse regards the feeling. 一番长篇大论,张蓝都是默不作声的保持着攻击频率,几步加快,也不减慢,颇有一副猫戏老鼠的既视感。 As the played tricks on mouse, the annotation of Tang perfect anything is also called from the submissiveness to acting out of desperation, saw with own eyes that Zhang Lan does not respond to the chip that he ejected generally also got angry, immediately expressed he must first destroy islands. 作为被戏弄的老鼠,完美的诠释了什么叫做从低声下气到狗急跳墙,眼见张蓝对他抛出的筹码概不回应也是怒了,当即表示他要先毁了一个岛屿。 This is must demonstrate to Zhang Lan own muscle , indicating that he had the battle efficiency. 这是要给张蓝展示一下自己的肌肉,表明他不是没有战斗力了。 As he last voice falls, the offend however speed of light pulls away him and Zhang Lan's is away from, has three light groups to split in midway from his body, from the sky stretches to lengthen, finally changed into the Tang's appearance. 随着他最后一句的话音落下,唐突然光速拉开他和张蓝的距离,中途有着三个光团从他身体中分裂出来,在空中拉抻延长,最后化为了唐的模样。 This process extremely fast, Zhang Lan has not made anything to act, four Tang are becomes a square Manhattan surrounding while they surround, the remoteness from sky, in that outer space, one bunch of fierce rays instills into, faint, covered above entire Manhattan Island. 这过程极为的快速,张蓝还没有做出什么行动,四名就是成一个正方形将曼哈顿包围其中在他们包围的同时,从天空之上的遥远,那太空中,一束剧烈的光芒灌输而下,隐隐的,覆盖住了整个曼哈顿岛之上。 Looking like a shackles is only ordinary, runs upon above that light screen that has by shadow clone occasionally was pursued unmanned fighter that moves aside, was changes into the black hole to dissipate directly. 就像是一个光之牢笼一般,偶有被影分身们追逐的无人战斗机躲闪不及的撞上那光幕之上,直接就是化为黑洞消逝了。 This was the catastrophic crash. 这是机毁人亡了。 Even can the man-made black hole appearance of Devour light, unable to open any gap, that light screen just like continuously general, goes far beyond upper limit that the man-made black hole can absorb. 即便是能够吞噬光的人造黑洞出现,都是没能打开任何一个缺口,那光幕宛若源源不断一般的,远远超过了人造黑洞能够吸收的上限。 Is looking at blocked Manhattan Island, Zhang Lan very accurate found in four people the Tang's main body, in the hand gold Tang Heng Blade tries the forcibly thorn to strike light screen, discovered that the light screen mark silk has not moved. 望着被封锁的曼哈顿岛,张蓝很是准确的找到四人中唐的本体,手中黄金唐横刀尝试用力刺击了一下光幕,发现光幕纹丝未动。 This defense, Zhang Lan has not really broken self-confidently his striking power, may not have the black hole is so strong. 这防御,张蓝还真的没有自信破开他的攻击力,可没有黑洞那么强。 „The last time opportunity, you, give me Space Stone, and lets your unit evacuation my empire, otherwise, I can dig a large cave/hole of direct link center of the earth on Earth, making your Earth fall into ecology Ruin!” “最后一次机会,你,给我空间宝石,并且让你的部队撤离我的帝国,否则,我能在地球上挖一个直达地心的大洞,让你的地球陷入生态毁灭中!” Facing the Tang's threat, unavoidablily, Zhang Lan opened the mouth finally 面对唐的威胁,不得已,张蓝终于是开口了 You... did not feel oneself want, is a stray cur?” “你...不觉得自己想在,就是一只丧家之犬吗?”
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