HOMD :: Volume #5

#410: 【Flying Thunder God Jutsu】

Saw with own eyes that Zhang Lan turned around to attack Space Stone, the Tang facial skin cannot help but twitched. 眼见张蓝转身攻击空间宝石,脸皮不由自主的抽动了一下。 Lunatic, he is a lunatic!” “疯子,他就是个疯子!” The thought just got up, Tang is the preparation retrocedes rapidly, however 念头刚起,就是准备急速后退,然而 Too slow! 太慢了! Tang of huge, has lost the advantage of speed, the speed of light did not need to think, having three times of speeds of sound was very good. 巨大化的,已经是失去了速度的优势,光速是不用想了,有三倍音速就很不错了。 But, this being insufficient makes Tang escape the space the speed. 可,这并不足以让逃过空间的速度。 Even if the speed of light of his spirit shape, is impossible to escape the space the speed. 哪怕是他灵形态的光速,都不可能逃得过空间的速度。 Zhang Lan that attacks the Space Stone intention to destroy Space Gate obviously supposes even him unable to touch Space Stone, is only the energy circle that Space Stone releases is to let him merely is unable to enter the slightest again. 张蓝那攻击空间宝石的意图显然是不是为了破坏空间之门设甚至他都是没能摸到空间宝石,仅仅只是空间宝石释放出来的能量圈就是让他无法再进分毫。 But, this not Zhang Lan's attacked in other words weakly, the ability that Statue of Liberty that was affected by the sputtering energy even resisted radically did not have, vaporized directly baseless. 但,这并非就是说张蓝的攻击弱了,那被溅射能量波及到的自由女神像根本连抵抗的能力都没有,直接凭空汽化了。 From the waist above, complete disappearance in the society, the wreckage cannot even stay behind, besides in affecting the foundation beyond range. 从腰部以上,完全的消失在了人世间,连残骸都是没能留下,除了在波及范围外的底座。 But the counter-attack that Space Stone erupts is also big, will be directly less than half Liberty Island to include went in the Statue of Liberty surplus foundations, natural also disappears with the nihility. 空间宝石爆发出来的反击也可谓不小,直接将小半个自由岛都是囊括了进去自由女神像剩余的底座,自然也是泯灭与虚无了。 And, included the Loki three people of battlefields. 其中,就是包括了洛基三人的战场。 The Tang position looks like one group of mires similar, in the space brings the fierce mighty waves, looked that wants to look like in the water inverted image such is not real. 所处的位置就像是一团泥潭一般,空间中带着剧烈的波澜,看想去就像是水中倒影那样不真实。 Simultaneously, Tang also thought has from pressure in all directions, extrudes his this in the doom is being the space strength. 同时的,也觉得有着来自四面八方的压力,在死命挤压着他这是空间的力量。 Giant of Light, is reducing in the by visible speed! 光之巨人,在以肉眼可见的速度缩小着! „His is must perish together with me!” “他这是要和我同归于尽啊!” Even if in the Tang heart thousand 100 are angry, actually is also nothing's means. 心中纵然有千般愤怒,却也是没有任何的办法。 This loop space mire was really terrifying, he absolutely did not have the means to work loose to counter-balance the extrusion of space except for consumption massive energies or, he had no other alternative. 这一圈空间泥潭实在是太恐怖了,他根本就没有办法挣脱或者说,除了消耗大量的能量去抵消空间的挤压,他别无他法。 Thinks that own difficult position, Tang turning the head looked also wants the small and weak fellow to own behind that perhaps was extruded the member by Power of Space? 想到自己的困境,不由的转头看向自己的身后那个比自己还要弱小的家伙,也许都是被空间之力挤压成分子了吧? Has turned the head, piece of blank that Tang sees except for the space of distortion, is only left over, hanging Space Stone in upper air, and by the Space Gate starter that the energy circle protects. 转过头去,看见的一片空白除了扭曲的空间,仅剩下的,只有悬空在高空上的空间宝石,以及被能量圈保护住的空间之门启动装置。 „, Does not consider resources bite off more than can chew, then close to the distortion space, tearing into shreds the member was cheap you.” “呵,自不量力,那么靠近扭曲空间,撕碎成分子算是便宜你了。” Tang recognized, Zhang Lan has dissipated in this universe, is ordinary like Statue of Liberty, no longer exists in world. 认定,张蓝已经消散在这宇宙中,就像自由女神像一般,不再存在于世间。 Thinks that the instigator state of mind entirely to extinguish, Tang had laughed at one: Overreaches oneself!” 想到始作俑者已经神魂俱灭了,不由的嗤笑了一句:“不自量力!” Swift and violent that the space rebellion comes, gone is also rapid. 空间暴动来的迅猛,去的也是迅速。 Is about five seconds, space that peripheral ripples under the natural law will, was smoothed the fold gradually, finally belongs to tranquilly. 前后不过五秒钟,周边荡漾的空间在自然法则的意志下,渐渐被抚平了褶皱,最后归于平静。 That Tang 100 meter Giant of Light, in this consumption, reduces, for continuously a 10 meter altitude. 一百米的光之巨人,在这一次的消耗中,缩小为了不住米的高度。 If that space rebellion continues one second, he also as possibly the Statue of Liberty step, disappears with the society. 若是那空间暴动多持续个一秒钟,他也可能随着自由女神像的步伐,泯灭与人世间。 That is Space Stone, Marvel Universe law 1/6, is not existence that the mortal can resist. 那可是空间宝石,漫威宇宙法则的六分之一,根本就不是凡人能够抵抗的存在。 Even S Rank Tang. 即便s级别 As law, was still aloof the limit of rank, exceeds existence of SSS Rank. 作为法则,依然是超脱了等级的限制,是超越sss级别的存在。 As Zhang Lan of complete law owner, natural must understand way. 作为完整法则拥有者的张蓝,自然不可能不懂得这其中的门道。 Then, will the smart person, court death? 那么,聪明人,会找死吗? At least, Zhang Lan cannot. 至少,张蓝是不会的。 The time returns but actually, Zhang Lan's Susanoo presents a breastbone, was divided to draw back three steps by a Giant of Light sword. 时间倒回,张蓝的须佐能乎才是出现一个胸骨,被光之巨人一剑劈退三步。 That Giant of Light also instead shaken drew back one step. 光之巨人也是被反震的退了一步。 It is expected that repels the Zhang Lan's situation not to realize, Tang suddenly is also a little stunned, causing him not to discover that the form falls down from the breastbone of Susanoo together, the dragon turns over to the sea melted in the ground directly. 预想中击退张蓝的情形没有实现,一时间也是有点错愕,导致他都是没有发现一道身影从须佐能乎的胸骨中掉下,龙归大海的直接融进了地面中。 Earth Release · Shinjū Zanshu no Jutsu 土遁·心中斩首之术 This, by Zhang Lan as ninjutsu of underground displacement, has been displayed the effect again. 这一个,一直被张蓝作为地下位移的忍术,再次发挥奇效。 By dividing natural was shadow clone, his goal was also very simple, on Kitty and May's, covered in his hand the sword seal, simultaneously took in Peter and Harry's corpse the system space. 被分出去的自然影分身了,他的目的也很简单,在凯蒂梅的身上,盖上他的手里剑印章,同时将彼得哈利的尸首收进系统空间中。 Matter conducts is very smooth, on this time Liberty Island no one has been able to prevent shadow clone, by, will not be worried to have the difficulty. 事情进行的很顺利,此时的自由岛上已经没有人可以阻止影分身了,是以,根本就不会担心有难度。 Convenient, Zhang Lan will bestow Victor that sinks into the stupor shears the throat. 顺手的,张蓝将赠送了陷于昏迷的维克托一个割喉。 Unconsciousness he is unable to evade the mortal wound through electron, no Venom restores injury this for him is Zhang Lan so far, obtained most relaxed A Rank Rule Fragment. 无意识的他无法通过电子化躲过致命伤,又没有毒液为他修复伤势这是张蓝到目前为止,得到最轻松的一个a级别规则碎片了。 Completes quest shadow clone, then dives toward the sea outside, stood on the land of Manhattan Island islet. 完成任务影分身,则是朝着大海之外潜出,站在了曼哈顿岛屿的土地上。 Then Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu 而后多重影分身之术 Returns to the table of contents next page to be situated this month the tangled up crazy love in the system energy previous page: The domineering president favors the wife beastly nature great favor oppressively: The emperor little hurts bone to inter the body for seven nights to favor the marriage: The mysterious husband bullies upper body Tyrant Manqiang to marry: The unfaithful/stamen little drowns evilly the wife prestigious family warm wife: The husband wants to compel the marriage obedient forcefully: Merry cold Shaoman finds a wife the secret emperor who cannot say little to drown to favor, hidden marriage sweet wife not affable rich and powerful family Tyrant Chong: If the personal treasure leafiness strange office of president liked the divine intervention I once loving your damn love strong marriage Tyrant Ai, the president gave on the strength play marriage pillow happy: Always made a joint invitation to select Huo lightly, the personal bodyguard who pulled up the wife 100 goddesses I once deeply liked your city bribing to become addicted: Si Shaoqing selects to love well short, forgets the long as water time passage, if the life has not met to ban to like becoming addicted: The president too abdomen black endless night has the galaxy to palpitate with excitement, in the lovely wife hearts favors you in an instant, my affectionate I had once practiced the diary remaining years of life with beloved the emperor of knight-errant years, please advise 系统的能量上一页返回目录下一页本月排行缠绵痴恋:强势总裁虐宠妻兽性盛宠:帝少疼入骨七夜宠婚:神秘老公欺上身霸蛮强娶:花心邪少溺蛮妻名门暖妻:老公要听话强行逼婚:风流冷少蛮娶妻不能说的秘密帝少溺宠,隐婚甜妻不好惹豪门霸宠:总裁的贴身宝贝青叶灵异事务所假如爱有天意我曾如此爱着你这该死的爱情强婚霸爱,总裁给点力戏婚枕上欢:老公请轻点霍总,撩妻100式女神的贴身侍卫我曾深爱你这城染指成瘾:司少轻点宠爱好短,遗忘好长似水年华如若此生未曾相遇禁爱成瘾:总裁太腹黑长夜有星河怦然心动,娇妻心间宠你一念之间,我情深一场我曾用心爱过你武侠时代的皇帝修炼日记余生,请多指教 The Hokage Ninja of drift Marvel records the- Chapter 410 Flying Thunder God Jutsu, The Chinese parasol tree falls 漫威火影忍者漂流记-第410章【飞雷神之术】,梧桐落 Saw with own eyes that Zhang Lan turned around to attack Space Stone, the Tang facial skin cannot help but twitched. 眼见张蓝转身攻击空间宝石,脸皮不由自主的抽动了一下。 Lunatic, he is a lunatic!” “疯子,他就是个疯子!” The thought just got up, Tang is the preparation retrocedes rapidly, however 念头刚起,就是准备急速后退,然而 Too slow! 太慢了! Tang of huge, has lost the advantage of speed, the speed of light did not need to think, having three times of speeds of sound was very good. 巨大化的,已经是失去了速度的优势,光速是不用想了,有三倍音速就很不错了。 But, this being insufficient makes Tang escape the space the speed. 可,这并不足以让逃过空间的速度。 Even if the speed of light of his spirit shape, is impossible to escape the space the speed. 哪怕是他灵形态的光速,都不可能逃得过空间的速度。 Zhang Lan that attacks the Space Stone intention to destroy Space Gate obviously supposes even him unable to touch Space Stone, is only the energy circle that Space Stone releases is to let him merely is unable to enter the slightest again. 张蓝那攻击空间宝石的意图显然是不是为了破坏空间之门设甚至他都是没能摸到空间宝石,仅仅只是空间宝石释放出来的能量圈就是让他无法再进分毫。 But, this not Zhang Lan's attacked in other words weakly, the ability that Statue of Liberty that was affected by the sputtering energy even resisted radically did not have, vaporized directly baseless. 但,这并非就是说张蓝的攻击弱了,那被溅射能量波及到的自由女神像根本连抵抗的能力都没有,直接凭空汽化了。 From the waist above, complete disappearance in the society, the wreckage cannot even stay behind, besides in affecting the foundation beyond range. 从腰部以上,完全的消失在了人世间,连残骸都是没能留下,除了在波及范围外的底座。 But the counter-attack that Space Stone erupts is also big, will be directly less than half Liberty Island to include went in the Statue of Liberty surplus foundations, natural also disappears with the nihility. 空间宝石爆发出来的反击也可谓不小,直接将小半个自由岛都是囊括了进去自由女神像剩余的底座,自然也是泯灭与虚无了。 And, included the Loki three people of battlefields. 其中,就是包括了洛基三人的战场。 The Tang position looks like one group of mires similar, in the space brings the fierce mighty waves, looked that wants to look like in the water inverted image such is not real. 所处的位置就像是一团泥潭一般,空间中带着剧烈的波澜,看想去就像是水中倒影那样不真实。 Simultaneously, Tang also thought has from pressure in all directions, extrudes his this in the doom is being the space strength. 同时的,也觉得有着来自四面八方的压力,在死命挤压着他这是空间的力量。 Giant of Light, is reducing in the by visible speed! 光之巨人,在以肉眼可见的速度缩小着! „His is must perish together with me!” “他这是要和我同归于尽啊!” Even if in the Tang heart thousand 100 are angry, actually is also nothing's means. 心中纵然有千般愤怒,却也是没有任何的办法。 This loop space mire was really terrifying, he absolutely did not have the means to work loose to counter-balance the extrusion of space except for consumption massive energies or, he had no other alternative. 这一圈空间泥潭实在是太恐怖了,他根本就没有办法挣脱或者说,除了消耗大量的能量去抵消空间的挤压,他别无他法。 Thinks that own difficult position, Tang turning the head looked also wants the small and weak fellow to own behind that perhaps was extruded the member by Power of Space? 想到自己的困境,不由的转头看向自己的身后那个比自己还要弱小的家伙,也许都是被空间之力挤压成分子了吧? Has turned the head, piece of blank that Tang sees except for the space of distortion, is only left over, hanging Space Stone in upper air, and by the Space Gate starter that the energy circle protects. 转过头去,看见的一片空白除了扭曲的空间,仅剩下的,只有悬空在高空上的空间宝石,以及被能量圈保护住的空间之门启动装置。 „, Does not consider resources bite off more than can chew, then close to the distortion space, tearing into shreds the member was cheap you.” “呵,自不量力,那么靠近扭曲空间,撕碎成分子算是便宜你了。” Tang recognized, Zhang Lan has dissipated in this universe, is ordinary like Statue of Liberty, no longer exists in world. 认定,张蓝已经消散在这宇宙中,就像自由女神像一般,不再存在于世间。 Thinks that the instigator state of mind entirely to extinguish, Tang had laughed at one: Overreaches oneself!” 想到始作俑者已经神魂俱灭了,不由的嗤笑了一句:“不自量力!” Swift and violent that the space rebellion comes, gone is also rapid. 空间暴动来的迅猛,去的也是迅速。 Is about five seconds, space that peripheral ripples under the natural law will, was smoothed the fold gradually, finally belongs to tranquilly. 前后不过五秒钟,周边荡漾的空间在自然法则的意志下,渐渐被抚平了褶皱,最后归于平静。 That Tang 100 meter Giant of Light, in this consumption, reduces, for continuously a 10 meter altitude. 一百米的光之巨人,在这一次的消耗中,缩小为了不住米的高度。 If that space rebellion continues one second, he also as possibly the Statue of Liberty step, disappears with the society. 若是那空间暴动多持续个一秒钟,他也可能随着自由女神像的步伐,泯灭与人世间。 That is Space Stone, Marvel Universe law 1/6, is not existence that the mortal can resist. 那可是空间宝石,漫威宇宙法则的六分之一,根本就不是凡人能够抵抗的存在。 Even S Rank Tang. 即便s级别 As law, was still aloof the limit of rank, exceeds existence of SSS Rank. 作为法则,依然是超脱了等级的限制,是超越sss级别的存在。 As Zhang Lan of complete law owner, natural must understand way. 作为完整法则拥有者的张蓝,自然不可能不懂得这其中的门道。 Then, will the smart person, court death? 那么,聪明人,会找死吗? At least, Zhang Lan cannot. 至少,张蓝是不会的。 The time returns but actually, Zhang Lan's Susanoo presents a breastbone, was divided to draw back three steps by a Giant of Light sword. 时间倒回,张蓝的须佐能乎才是出现一个胸骨,被光之巨人一剑劈退三步。 That Giant of Light also instead shaken drew back one step. 光之巨人也是被反震的退了一步。 It is expected that repels the Zhang Lan's situation not to realize, Tang suddenly is also a little stunned, causing him not to discover that the form falls down from the breastbone of Susanoo together, the dragon turns over to the sea melted in the ground directly. 预想中击退张蓝的情形没有实现,一时间也是有点错愕,导致他都是没有发现一道身影从须佐能乎的胸骨中掉下,龙归大海的直接融进了地面中。 Earth Release · Shinjū Zanshu no Jutsu 土遁·心中斩首之术 This, by Zhang Lan as ninjutsu of underground displacement, has been displayed the effect again. 这一个,一直被张蓝作为地下位移的忍术,再次发挥奇效。 By dividing natural was shadow clone, his goal was also very simple, on Kitty and May's, covered in his hand the sword seal, simultaneously took in Peter and Harry's corpse the system space. 被分出去的自然影分身了,他的目的也很简单,在凯蒂梅的身上,盖上他的手里剑印章,同时将彼得哈利的尸首收进系统空间中。 Matter conducts is very smooth, on this time Liberty Island no one has been able to prevent shadow clone, by, will not be worried to have the difficulty. 事情进行的很顺利,此时的自由岛上已经没有人可以阻止影分身了,是以,根本就不会担心有难度。 Convenient, Zhang Lan will bestow Victor that sinks into the stupor shears the throat. 顺手的,张蓝将赠送了陷于昏迷的维克托一个割喉。 Unconsciousness he is unable to evade the mortal wound through electron, no Venom restores injury this for him is Zhang Lan so far, obtained most relaxed A Rank Rule Fragment. 无意识的他无法通过电子化躲过致命伤,又没有毒液为他修复伤势这是张蓝到目前为止,得到最轻松的一个a级别规则碎片了。 Completes quest shadow clone, then dives toward the sea outside, stood on the land of Manhattan Island islet. 完成任务影分身,则是朝着大海之外潜出,站在了曼哈顿岛屿的土地上。 Then Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu 而后多重影分身之术 In the system energy 系统的能量
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