HOMD :: Volume #5

#409: Susanoo

kēng qiāng!” 铿锵!” The light the great sword cuts above that purple breastbone, sends out resounding that gold/metal Tiejiao called unexpectedly. 光之巨剑砍在那紫色胸骨之上,竟然是发出了一声金铁交鸣的鸣响。 Solely is not so, Tang that rudely strikes, repelled together with that purple breastbone Zhang Lan unexpectedly did not arrive at the 10 meter. 不单单是如此,那势大力沉的一击,竟然只是将张蓝连同那紫色胸骨击退了不到米罢了。 Reviews Giant of Light, even shaken backed up one step. 反观光之巨人自己,甚至是被震的倒退了一步。 Zhang Lan is still horizontally before Space Stone, Tang's fantasizes collapses of itself! 张蓝依然是横在空间宝石之前,唐的幻想不攻自破! Rides such such empty space, Zhang Lan purple skeleton is starting to grow from the chest cavity, soon, a 90 meter high purple skeleton was the mold completes. 乘着这么这么个空当,张蓝身上的紫色骨架自胸腔开始生长开,不多时,一副九十米高的紫色骨架就是塑造完成了。 This, is only then opens Mangekyō, and must be Power of God Susanoo that two Mangekyō can use! 这,是只有开启万花筒,且必须是两只万花筒才可以使用的神之力须佐能乎 Original Zhang Lan is the preparation must be has present to melt in one vigorous effort the muscle, armor and weapon, but is awakens Mangekyō not to arrive at 10 minutes after all, control was not skilled, seems like makes an effort excessively fiercely, previously to use the right eye of Mangekyō ability to feel a fierce stabbing pain again, compelling him to temporarily close own right eye. 原先张蓝是准备要一鼓作气将肌肉、铠甲、武器都是具现化出来的,但毕竟才是觉醒万花筒不到十分钟,掌控的并不熟练,似乎是用力过猛,此前使用过万花筒能力的右眼再次感受到一阵剧烈的刺痛,逼得他不得不暂时闭上自己的右眼。 Meanwhile, the mold of Susanoo also has to terminate temporarily. 同时,须佐能乎的塑造也是不得不暂时终止。 That side Tang finds the Zhang Lan complexion unusually closed continuously the eye, immediately the clear opportunity came, the light of right hand the great sword holds up again, this time is to no longer wield cuts, but is a straight thrust! 那边的瞧见张蓝脸色异常的闭上了一直眼睛,当下就是明白机会来了,右手的光之巨剑再次举起,这次不再是挥砍,而是一个直刺! Zhang Lan that Susanoo seems like only has the skeleton, then... can attack Zhang Lan from the skeletons? 张蓝须佐能乎似乎是只有骨架,那么...是否可以从骨架间攻击张蓝 After all, for using the Mangekyō ability, Zhang Lan puts down oneself God Cloth mask now temporarily, this is the rare opportunity can the direct attack the Zhang Lan main body. 毕竟,为了方便使用万花筒的能力,张蓝现在可是暂时放下了自己神圣衣的面具,这可是难得的机会可以直接攻击到张蓝本体。 Tang is confident, if can hold the Zhang Lan's head, the absolute sword blows away this annoying fellow sufficiently! 有信心,要是能够捅到张蓝的脑袋的话,绝对一剑就足以干掉这个烦人的家伙! Is contrary to what expects, Tang's attacks suddenly not the effect Susanoo skeleton shape that oneself estimate , has a thin film to paste in the outer layer, that firm degree cannot destroy at will! 事与愿违,唐的突然袭击并没有得到自己预想的效果须佐能乎的骨架形态,也是有着一层薄膜贴在外层,那坚固程度也不是随意可以破坏的了! At least is not a Tang this no methodicalness thorn can puncture. 至少不是这毫无章法的一刺能够刺破的。 Instead is Giant of Light, because attacks eagerly, was shouted by a Susanoo bone fist on the head. 反而是光之巨人因为急于攻击,被须佐能乎一骨拳呼在了脑袋上。 Bang!” “嘭!” Big of strength, the head of Giant of Light ruptured unexpectedly directly. 力量之大,光之巨人的脑袋竟是直接爆裂开了。 If not Tang can in light/only teleport, just now that attack be enough the bang from Giant of Light body flies at will him. 若非能够随意在光中瞬移,方才那一个攻击就是足够将他从光之巨人身体中轰飞出去了。 That... he consumed so many energy condensation Giant of Light likely to be opened by Susanoo neatly and quickly. 那...他耗费如此多能量凝聚的光之巨人很可能会被须佐能乎三下五除二的拆了。 This regarding Tang of energy being in danger, obviously is not a good news. 这对于能量告急的,显然不是一个好消息。 Helpless, Tang has to control Giant of Light to roll, pulled open with the Susanoo distance. 无奈,不得不控制光之巨人就地一滚,拉开了与须佐能乎的距离。 Zhang Lan does not pursue, the stabbing pain of right eye is affecting his correct judgment. 张蓝也并不追击,右眼的刺痛影响着他的正确判断。 Hiss... damn!” Zhang Lan closely is nipping the jaw: Hurting of real tm!” “嘶...该死!”张蓝紧紧咬着牙关:“真tm的疼!” Even if the pain enters the marrow, Zhang Lan is clenching teeth, is opening in the left eye, in the hand Mangekyō of sword shape rotated again fast. 纵然是痛进骨髓,张蓝还是咬着牙,睁着的左眼中,手里剑形态的万花筒再次快速转动了起来。 The purple mist that , previously interrupted ascends again, when are not many completes the crevice fill between skeletons, with the system EP magnanimous outflow at the same time, one set with the God Cloth completely exactly the same purple suit formation. 随之的,此前中断的紫色雾气再次升腾起,不多时就是将骨架之间的空隙填补完成,随着系统能量点海量流失的同时,一套与神圣衣完全一模一样的紫色战衣成型了。 Including that wing, was the formation of perfect. 包括那一对翅膀,都是完美的成型了。 What is different is... how, no matter Zhang Lan stimulates to movement, his Susanoo does not have weapon to appear. 只是不同的是...不管张蓝如何催动,他的须佐能乎都是没有武器具现出来。 What's the matter? Did not say that what the 10 fist sword, eight chi (0.33 m) mirror and Asura bend, comes tachi is also good?” The pain enters Zhang Lan of marrow, at this time also has free time to care about the weapon problem. “怎么回事?不说拳剑、八尺镜、修罗弓什么的,来一把太刀也是好的吧?”痛进骨髓的张蓝,此时还有空关心武器的问题。 Without the means that if this weapon does not come out, he does not know that should continue to output the pupil strength and senjutsu chakra. 没有办法,这要是武器不出来,他根本不知道该不该继续输出瞳力和仙术查克拉 Hiss... is not good!” Also supported for three seconds, Zhang Lan decides to give up: Gets down again reluctantly, the head must explode!” “嘶...不行了!”又是撑了三秒钟,张蓝决定放弃:“再勉强下去,脑袋都要爆了!” Stopped the magnanimous output of pupil strength and senjutsu chakra, Zhang Lan will enlarge version own Susanoo stereotypia to live at this time. 停止了瞳力和仙术查克拉的海量输出,张蓝将此时放大版自己的须佐能乎定型住。 As the Zhang Lan's thought sends out, wipes the purple red flowing light high and low to glisten in Susanoo, Zhang Lan that a strange will lets understood subconsciously his Susanoo, 随着张蓝的意念发出,一抹紫红色的流光在须佐能乎上下闪亮而过,一股奇异的意志让的张蓝下意识就是明白了他的须佐能乎, Has not completed the body. At this time the basic manages can not so many, Zhang Lan control Susanoo to go the interception bypasses own Giant of Light dangerously, the danger in the opposite party soon to contact the Statue of Liberty previous foot Giant of Light to kick. 还是未完成体。此时根本管不得这么多了,张蓝操控着须佐能乎前去拦截已经绕过自己的光之巨人,险之又险的在对方即将接触到自由女神像前一脚将光之巨人踢飞。 Zhang Lan detected, the slow feeling that own Susanoo as if has no, instead felt the flexibility of very, can the display of hundred percent he previously study taijutsu. 张蓝发觉,自己的须佐能乎似乎并没有任何的迟缓感,反而是觉得十分的灵活,能够百分百的发挥他自己此前学习过的体术 Following this feeling, stood Zhang Lan in Susanoo forehead to make Teleportation Jutsu movement subconsciously his Teleportation Jutsu, was the taijutsu kind. 顺着这一种感觉,站立在须佐能乎额头中的张蓝下意识的做出了瞬身术的动作他的瞬身术,是体术类的。 Mysterious matter happened, the Susanoo acoustical shadow unexpectedly is absent-minded, appeared again is short distance collision of Giant of Light meat being next to the skin in one. 神奇的事情发生了,须佐能乎的声影竟然是一个恍惚,再次出现已经是和近距离的光之巨人肉贴肉的撞在了一起。 The Zhang Lan eyes that this hit lets all are the stabbing pain twinkle, in the head just like having thousands of root common the hemp. 这一个撞击让的张蓝双眼皆都是刺痛闪烁,脑袋中宛若有千万根阵扎一般的麻。 That side Tang feeling better, Giant of Light does not receive the control was knocked down by Susanoo on the ground, light group was fallen a scrap to depart, then rapid dissipation in air. 那边的也并不如何的好受,光之巨人不收控制的被须佐能乎撞倒在了地上,身上的光团都是被摔了一小块飞出,而后迅速的消散在空气中。 This was Tang falling ignorant, the energy cannot control. 这是把给摔懵了,能量都是没能控制好。 Although is felt that the head soon exploded, excitement that Zhang Lan actually still cannot stop. 尽管是感觉脑袋都快要炸了般,张蓝却是依然止不住的兴奋。 As if..., even if no weapon, he still had enough attack method! 似乎...就算没有武器,他也有足够的攻击手段了! However, before this next best, Zhang Lan is clenching teeth to step back slightly, both hands rubbed oneself eyes ruthlessly, drops to discover, the blood dyed completely the gold hand guard on hand. 不过,这次之前,张蓝咬着牙稍稍退后一步,双手狠狠的揉了揉自己的双眼,放下手来发现,鲜血染满了手上的黄金护手。 Looks up again to the front, Zhang Lan detected, always vision good he actually felt Giant of Light that front stands up has two! 再抬头看向前方,张蓝发觉,向来视力良好的他竟然觉得面前站起的光之巨人有两个! Two movement exactly the same Giant of Light. 两个动作一模一样的光之巨人 Shook the head again, narrows the eyes goes shortly, where two Giant of Light, clearly only has Giant of Light. 再次晃了晃头,眯眼看去,哪里有两个光之巨人,分明就是只有一个光之巨人罢了。 Is the double image! 是重影! Damn... made an effort excessively fiercely, a little to overdraw!” The head sends the Zhang Lan mentality that rises still clearly very: Must solve to fight a bit faster, otherwise this eye awakens, only feared that cannot support such a long time eruption!” “该死...用力过猛,有点透支了!”脑袋发涨的张蓝思路依然清晰的很:“要快点解决战斗了,不然这一双眼睛才觉醒,只怕撑不住那么长时间的爆发!” So thinking, Zhang Lan is gaining ground and looked at present Giant of Light, discovered the intention that the enemy has not attacked, instead exhibited previously to draw a sword to cut the gesture again in that thermal energy storage. 如此想着,张蓝抬头又望了一眼眼前的光之巨人,发现对方并没有进攻的意图,反而是再次摆出了此前拔刀斩起手式在那蓄能。 The Zhang Lan brow rolls one group, the intention racing, the countermeasure was completed. 张蓝眉头团成一团,心念急转,应对策略就是完成了。 Was only... was a pity such good islands.” “只是...可惜了这么好的一个岛屿了。” Had the sigh, both hands of Susanoo to tie several ninja seal with Zhang Lan together, a faint trace big dragon chanted in a low voice from the left hand of Susanoo resounds, what was also roaming dragon-like the thunder and lightning appears. 带着感叹,须佐能乎的双手随着张蓝一同结了数个忍印,一丝丝巨龙低吟从须佐能乎的左手上响起,随之的是一条条游龙般的雷电浮现。 At the same time, in the right hand heart of Susanoo, tornado Uzumaki reveals true colors, but is several. seconds a giant blue spheroid by me in the hand. 同一时间,须佐能乎的右手心中,一个龙卷风旋涡现形,不过是数秒一颗巨大的蓝色球体被我在手中。 In Tang thinks that Zhang Lan must estimate old trick heavy releases that to have Lightning Release Rasenshuriken Time, Susanoo suddenly left hand Susanoo · Raikiri With right hand Susanoo · Rasengan Turns around to pat above Space Stone! 就在以为张蓝要估计故技重施释放那带有雷遁的【螺旋手里剑】的时候,须佐能乎突然将左手的【须佐能乎·雷切】和右手的【须佐能乎·旋螺丸】转身拍在空间宝石之上! That flash, in Tang's heart lunatic, only then thought this does not fear death!” 那一瞬间,唐的心中只有一个念头“这个不怕死的疯子!” Also can only be merely raises this thought that wipes the space to shake, embezzles Susanoo and Giant of Light all. 也仅仅只能是升起这个念头罢了,一抹空间震荡,将须佐能乎光之巨人尽数吞没。 With it, nearly is less than half Liberty Island, was all covered the attack range that this space shook! 与之的,还有近乎小半个自由岛,皆都是被覆盖进了这一空间震荡的攻击范围!
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