HOMD :: Volume #5

#408: Tang's retreat

Tang definitely cannot think, Zhang Lan's skill can actually teleport! 肯定是想不到,张蓝的技能竟然是能够瞬移 No matter how, he under without protection is mixed by Zhang Lan that directly temporarily Sage Art · Lightning Release · Wind Release Rasenshuriken Hit to perfect. 不管如何,他在毫无防备之下直接被张蓝那临时糅合的【仙法·雷遁·风遁螺旋手里剑】给完美击中了。 Properly speaking, at the speed of his speed of light, even if were attacked to hit is still can definitely escape from the attack range instantaneously. 按理说,以他光速的速度,即便是被攻击击中也是完全能够瞬间逃出攻击范围的。 Lightning Release that Zhang Lan that mixes temporarily contributed to the great merit. 张蓝那临时糅合进去的雷遁立了大功。 As Raikiri Outer layer external coat periplast that shape transformation comes, inheritance of this thunder and lightning level perfect Raikiri The sharp and nature paralysis, from contacting the Tang back flash, that thunder and lightning coat climbs up 作为【雷切形态变化过来的外层外膜,这一层雷电层完美的继承了【雷切】的尖锐与麻痹性,从接触背后的一瞬间,那雷电外衣就是尽数攀爬上唐的身上。 Although Tang is the extraterrestrial race, issue that but also the carbon base life body, being able to escape carbon base life body must face after all, that is the frailty of physical body. 虽然是外星人种,但毕竟也还是碳基生命体,逃不开碳基生命体必须面对的问题,那就是肉体的脆弱。 Do not look that his physical body intensity supports him to conduct the speed of light movement sufficiently, however regarding the thunder can the nature paralysis does not have the means to resist. 别看他肉体强度足以支持他进行光速运动,然而对于雷能的麻痹性质却是没有办法抵抗。 By the Lightning Release paralysis while same place, the achievement intermediary senjutsu chakra breakage that the fierce hit lets, its under Rasenshuriken At that time was erupts. 雷遁麻痹在原地的同时,猛烈的撞击让的作为中介的仙术查克拉破损,其下的【螺旋手里剑】当时就是爆发开了。 From the Tang's back is the center of circle, Rasenshuriken Expands suddenly, among the innumerable wind blade of thin attack cell sufficiently erupts, is startled to conduct destruction recklessly in Tang's outside the body. 唐的后背为圆心,【螺旋手里剑】猛然扩大开,其内细的足以攻击细胞的无数风刃爆发开,在唐的体外惊进行着肆意的破坏。 A contact, Tang's suit directly was torn to pieces, changed into the powder member to dissipate does not see, the disciple left behind naked Tang still to carry he actually in that to conduct the shoulder hardly hardly In Sage Art · Wind Release · screw Continuous attack! 只是一个接触,唐的战衣直接就是支离破碎了,化为粉末分子消散不见,徒留下赤裸的还在那硬扛着他竟然是能够硬扛着【仙法·风遁·螺旋手里】的连绵攻击! But, is only temporary. 但,也只是暂时的罢了。 Looks appearance that Tang gets flushed in the face with anger, even if resisted this continuous attack, wants to come still to feel suffocated, closely tightened own muscle, that wind blade that let cannot attack own within the body. 瞧那脸红脖子粗的模样,即便是抗住了这连绵的攻击,想来也是强憋着一口气,紧紧绷紧了自己的肌肉,让的那风刃不能攻进自己的体内。 In fact, Tang will also soon succeed, must endure shortly Rasenshuriken The eruption stage, making the matter that the Tang one breath has almost not held in have 事实上,也即将成功了,眼看就要挨过了【螺旋手里剑】的爆发阶段,让差点一口气没憋住的事情发生了 Also is one Sage Art · Lightning Release · Wind Release · Rasenshuriken Was thrown in his direction by Zhang Lan. 又是一枚【仙法·雷遁·风遁·螺旋手里剑】被张蓝朝着他的方向扔来。 Damn!” Tang is freely angry, the thought is actually clear incomparable: Cannot hide, his strange attack track... can only like this!” “该死!”尽管愤怒,思维却是清晰无比:“躲不掉的,他那奇怪的攻击轨道...只能这样子了!” The intention racing, Tang made the decision immediately. 心念急转,当下就是做出了决定。 The violent ray erupts from Tang's within the body, is generally bright just like small Sun, and its build also even more gigantic, straight raised, but the moment broke through Rasenshuriken Range of validity, and also in growth rapidly. 猛烈的光芒自唐的体内爆发,宛若小太阳一般明亮,并且其体型也是越发的硕大,直直的拔高了起来,不过片刻就是突破了【螺旋手里剑】的有效范围,并且还在急速的增长。 When a Zhang Lan's second round of attack arrives assigns the position, that 100 meter high Giant of Light again stands above Liberty Island, the attack erupts time, merely some disorder that the right foot of this Giant of Light hits. 张蓝的第二发攻击到达指定位置的时候,那一百米高的光之巨人再次站在了自由岛之上,攻击爆发的时候,仅仅只是将这光之巨人的右脚打的有些紊乱。 Also merely is only some disorder. 也仅仅只是有些紊乱罢了。 Looks up merely only then 100 meter high Giant of Light, the Zhang Lan corners of the mouth curl upwards. 抬头望着仅仅只有一百米高的光之巨人,张蓝嘴角微翘。 The contrast previously Tang that entered the stage is a 250 meter high figure, long-term fight, Tang's energy, should be similar? 对比此前那出场就是二百五十米高的身形,长时间的战斗,唐的能量,也应该是差不多了吧? Consumes, must consume you!” In Zhang Lan heart wicked wants to say. “耗,也要耗死你!”张蓝心中恶狠狠的想道。 Zhang Lan can detect, Tang natural at heart translucent. 张蓝能够察觉,自然心里透亮的很。 No matter radically under foot ants general Zhang Lan, soared to fly this toward Statue of Liberty is must seize Space Stone. 根本就不管脚下蝼蚁一般的张蓝,向着自由女神像腾空飞起这是要夺下空间宝石了。 „, Hehe, hā hā hā!” Imposing war intent ascends from Zhang Lan on, recklessly is laughing wildly: „Did you also fear?... Wants that Space Stone?” “呵,呵呵,哈哈哈!”凛然的战意自张蓝身上升腾而起,肆意的狂笑着:“你也怕了?...想要那空间宝石?” presumptuously thinks simply!” “简直是妄想!” The Giant of Light speed of huge is not fast, at least lost Zhang Lan of gold wing to pursue on opposite party, and latter sent first to interception in the Giant of Light front. 巨大化的光之巨人速度并不快,至少失去了黄金羽翼的张蓝都是能够追的上对方,并且后发先至的拦截在了光之巨人的面前。 Zhang Lan with the head of that Giant of Light parallel, ridiculed: You also know that feared?” 张蓝与那光之巨人的头部平行,嘲弄道:“你也知道怕了吗?” Taunted facing Zhang Lan's, on that photon giant fuzzy face of appeared the Tang's form, stood in the forehead, the complexion was mean: Makes way, Space Stone gives me, I leave Earth immediately.” 面对张蓝的嘲讽,那光子巨人模糊的脸上浮现出了唐的身影,站立在额头之中,脸色阴狠:“让开,空间宝石给我,我马上就离开地球。” „, Really feared.” Laughs, the Zhang Lan line of sight looks at to by running around in circles Loki that Kitty and May play: „ Then he, “呵,真的怕了。”一声嗤笑,张蓝视线望向被凯蒂玩的团团转的洛基:“那么他呢, Gave up your ally? ” Ally? No, he may not have the qualifications.” The Tang's expression is disgruntled: Sir Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos makes me assist him, I will not pay attention to this stray cur.” 就这么放弃你的盟友了?”“盟友?不,他可没有资格。”唐的表情不悦:“要不是灭霸大人让我来协助他,我根本就不会理会这个丧家之犬。” Whom did stray cur say?” Zhang Lan seemed like asked one that has not understood. “丧家之犬说谁?”张蓝像是没有听懂的反问了一句。 Stray cur natural was Loki that said.” Very much Tang disdains repeated. “丧家之犬自然是说的洛基了。”很是不屑的重复了一遍。 „...” Is towing the major tone, saying that the Zhang Lan intent has referred to: Stray cur is saying Loki.” “哦...”拖着长音,张蓝意有所指的说道:“丧家之犬在说洛基啊。” Saying, the Zhang Lan complexion cannot be stretching again, laughed loudly. 说着,张蓝脸色再也绷不住了,捧腹大笑了起来。 Smiled Tang somewhat could not feel mind to be natural, the complexion was also jet black. 笑的都是有些摸不着头脑当然了,脸色也是越加的漆黑了。 The audience before live broadcast also has puzzled greatly, knows that had the China audience to come out to explain original, here Tang by Zhang Lan belt/bring into the pit Yin one time, that stray cur in these words, clearly had me the meaning. 直播前的观众也是大有不解,知道有中国的观众出来解释了一下原来,这边的张蓝带进坑阴了一次,那丧家之犬在这句话中,显然就是有“我”的意思。 This was Tang in oneself said oneself were stray cur. Knew after word game, the audience before live broadcast smile are not many, but also is in the heart a loosen. 这是在自己说自己是丧家之犬。得知了其中的文字游戏之后,直播前的观众们笑的并不多,但也是心中一松。 As if... their big hero, have been able to control the war. 似乎...他们的大英雄,已经能够掌控战局了。 Otherwise, Zhang Lan feared that did not have the leisurely mood to play this word game. 否则,张蓝怕是没有闲心玩这种文字游戏了。 Mentioning, now the Zhang Lan's condition is also demented strange, the previous quarter is still flowing the tears of blood, at this moment can laugh loudly, but next quarter turbulent killing qi ascends from Zhang Lan! 说来,现在张蓝的状态也是癫狂的奇异,前一刻还在流着血泪,这一刻又能捧腹大笑,而下一刻汹涌的杀气张蓝身上升腾而起! Just likes nine quiet under summons, Zhang Lan however opened the mouth quiet, the language air cooled letting person trembles: Now walks, feared that was without enough time!” 犹如九幽之下的呼唤,张蓝幽然开口了,语气冷的让人发颤:“现在走,怕是来不及了吧!” Facing Zhang Lan this naked declaring war, Tang has suppressed is black the face unable to stretch finally, the purple black skin color has to shift to the black sign. 面对张蓝这赤裸裸的宣战,一直强忍黑着的脸终于是绷不住了,紫黑色的肤色都是有转向黑色的迹象。 No longer said radically, the right hand of Giant of Light lifts, a giant great sword light/only forms in a flash, a conveniently sword broke out toward Zhang Lan got down unable broken to guard, then can only break out this annoying fellow, 根本就不再多说,光之巨人的右手抬起,一柄巨大光之巨剑转瞬形成,顺势一剑朝着张蓝就是劈开了下来无法破防,那么只能是将这个烦人的家伙劈开了, Flaps away this fly, I take Space Stone directly, then before riding Space Gate is closing, leaves Earth!” “赶走这只苍蝇,我就直接拿下空间宝石,然后乘着空间之门关闭前离开地球!” In the heart hit the wishful thinking, wielding a sword at the same time Giant of Light was still starting to walk his sturdy big long leg. 心中打着如意算盘,挥剑的同时光之巨人依然是迈开了他那粗壮的大长腿。 Tang, his energy, is really surplus are not many! ,他的能量,真的是剩余的不多了! However, the one who stems from Tang to be unexpected, Ling stand in the meaning that airborne Zhang Lan do not avoid, instead was in the hand in pair of eyes Mangekyō the sword top rotated, brings illusory afterimage, wiped the purple to raise from the scarlet. 然而,出乎意料之外的是,凌立在空中的张蓝并没有丝毫要躲避的意思,反而是双眼万花筒中的手里剑陀螺般转动了起来,带着虚幻的残影,一抹紫色从猩红之中升起。 With this purple ascension, a richer purple appears from the Zhang Lan week baseless, and has planning of model to change into purple to protect the shield to protect to be one of them in a flash initially Zhang Lan. 随着这一丝紫色的升腾,越加浓郁的的紫色从张蓝周身边凭空浮现,并且转瞬就是初具模型的拟化为一个紫色护盾将张蓝护在其中。 No! 不! Protects the shield, rather is one, only then the chest of skeleton! 与其说是护盾,倒不如说是一副只有骨架的胸膛!
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