HOMD :: Volume #5

#407: Meets the attack of teleport

This time... undying continuous!” “这一次...不死不休!” Zhang Lan puts down the aggressive statement, on frantic war intent with upper eyelid and in eye in the hand of evil charm sword Mangekyō, swift and fierce killing spreads in the air, the temperature reduced several temperatures. 张蓝放下狠话,配上脸上狂热的战意、眼中邪魅的手里剑万花筒,凌厉的杀意在空气中蔓延开,温度都是降低了几个温度。 Yo, undying continuous?” On the Tang face has the obvious ridicule: You? Can keep up with my speed to say again.” “哟,不死不休?”脸上带着明显的嘲笑:“就你?能跟上我的速度再说吧。” Saying, the Tang's form from is vanishing in vain same place, appears again is behind Zhang Lan's this is his first time attacks Zhang Lan from the back, even Zhang Lan cannot expect. 说着,唐的身影徒然从原地消失,再次出现已经是张蓝的背后这是他第一次从背后攻击张蓝,即便是张蓝都是没能够预料到。 Is the Tang's attack is extremely really sudden, the small preparation movement does not have, even if Mangekyō does not have the means to see ahead of time the muscle responded thus sentences the attack of opposite party in advance. 实在是唐的攻击太过突然,一点微小的准备动作都是没有,即便是万花筒都是没有办法提前看到肌肉反应从而预判对方的攻击。 kēng qiāng!” 铿锵!” The Tang's light sword cuts in the Zhang Lan's back, the advance of it shaking one step, Tang did not feel better, holds some right hand tremors of slightly sword. 唐的光剑砍在张蓝的后背,将其生生的震的前进了一步,自己也是不好受,持剑的右手微微的有些颤动。 Damn, making an effort to be fierce, that armor was too hard!” Tang dark secretly thought: Cannot hit hardly, it seems like can only... use that!” “该死,用力过猛了,那个铠甲太硬了!”暗暗道:“不能硬打,看来只能够...使用那个了!” The Tang's thought speed is quick, speed quick, sees only under his sinking waist to squat, built the right hand above the left hand of waist, makes gesture that drew a sword to cut! 唐的思维速度很快,速度更加的快,只见他沉腰下蹲,将右手搭在了腰间的左手之上,做出了一副拔刀斩的起手式! This does... draw a sword to cut?..., It is not gathers the potential!” “这个...拔刀斩?...不,是蓄势!” Original Zhang Lan also has doubts, Sage Mode In the induction, the Tang peripheral imposing manner is rising rapidly, immediately is responds, his is gathering the potential, prepares to attempt to defeat to eliminate oneself God Cloth. 原先张蓝还疑惑,【仙人模式】的感应中,周边的气势在急速上升,顿时就是反应过来,他这是在蓄势,准备尝试一击破除自己身上的神圣衣 Since you must gather the potential, that... I am impolite!” “既然你要蓄势,那...我就不客气了!” Under Zhang Lan mind mentality very be at battle condition is clear, the sword refers to about 10, Multiple shadow clone Branched out 10 shadow clone directly, in addition his main body 11 from all directions toward the Tang attack. 处于战斗状态下的张蓝头脑思路十分清晰,剑指合,【多重影分身】直接分出了影分身,加上他自己本体十一个从四面八方朝着进攻。 Even if the Zhang Lan's speed does not have the Tang's speed to be fast, but the speed of sound is a cinch, from passes with Tang's in an instant, the 11 Zhang Lan's attack almost also arrives. 张蓝的速度纵然没有唐的速度快,但音速还是不在话下的,与唐的距离转眼即逝,十一张蓝的攻击几乎是同时到达。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” An extremely slight light sound, maintains drew a sword to cut Tang of gesture, the right hand is high lifting he has the speed of sword in airborne is really quick, even has Mangekyō Zhang Lan unable to respond promptly. 一声极为细微的轻响,原先保持拔刀斩起手式的,右手已然是高高的抬在空中他出剑的速度实在是太快了,即便是拥有万花筒张蓝都是没能够及时反应过来。 The eye indeed saw, body does not have the means to respond. 眼睛的确是看见了,身体却是没有办法反应过来。 Tang this draws a sword the attack that similarly cuts is also extremely strong, and is not the single body attack, but presents a circle has sword of air/Qi extremely slight light to proliferate, the object that its passed over gently and swiftly was all cut as two halves, including Zhang Lan's 10 shadow clone. 这类似拔刀斩的攻击也是极强,且并非是单体攻击,而是呈现一个圆圈的有条极为细微的光之剑气扩散开来,其所掠过的物体皆都是被切割为两半,包括张蓝的影分身 The only exception, that was Zhang Lan. 唯一例外的,那就是张蓝了。 He was pushed by that sword air hardening is only leaving from the Tang's body forward flight, after a speed of light departed the 100 meter, after odd/surplus potential of that sword air/Qi light/only dissipates, pulls out a gully in the ground, is the reluctant stopping figure. 他是被那光之剑气硬推着从唐的身前飞出的,一光速足足飞出了米之后,那光之剑气的余势消散之后,在地面上又拉出一条沟壑,才是勉强的止住身形。 Zhang Lan looked down an own chest front, the change that previously the spot of that sword air/Qi cutting light/only, normal seemingly and had no, however actually found an extremely slight seam in Zhang Lan's Mangekyō. 张蓝低头看了一眼自己的胸前,此前那光之剑气切割的部位,正常看上去似乎并没有任何的改变,然而在张蓝的万花筒中却是瞧见了一道极为细微的切痕。 That sword air/Qi light/only, can actually injure to God Cloth! 那光之剑气,竟然是能够伤到神圣衣 Although completed self-healing in an instant, Zhang Lan is still critical situation his Absolute Defense, is not absolute. 尽管只是转眼就是完成了自我修复,张蓝依然是如临大敌他的绝对防御,并非是绝对的。 Can cut open a small margin, that explained Tang he has to break open the Zhang Lan's defense, who knows that he also does have a more powerful move? 能够切开一个微小的切口,那就说明了他有破开张蓝的防御,谁知道他还有没有更加给力的招数? However... 不过... The Zhang Lan corners of the mouth delimit a curve: „, You were finished!” 张蓝嘴角划出一个弧度:“那么,你完蛋了!” In Zhang Lan promotes before Tang, the Zhang Lan's right hand is seal gently above Tang's cloak. 张蓝被从身边推出之前,张蓝的右手还是轻轻的印在了唐那披风之上。 Normal natural is not useful, even Sage Art · fuinjutsu · Eight Trigrams Seal Also does not have the means by contacting a cloak completes seal. 正常自然是没有什么用的,即便是【仙法·封印术·八卦封印】也是没有办法凭借接触一个披风就是完成封印 But... actually another S Rank ninjutsu exception. 但...却又一个s级别忍术例外。 It said the need, merely is only a medium! 它说需要的,仅仅只是一个媒介罢了! But this medium, in hokage earnest, is created by Second Hokage, his representative is a design, after that is inherited to carry forward by four generations of hokage, his representative is one string of writing. 而这个媒介,在火影认真中,是由二代火影创造的,他的代表是一个图案,其后由四代火影继承发扬光大,他的代表是一串文字。 Now, Zhang Lan's representative, is in a hand of revolving the sword! 现在,张蓝的代表,则是一枚旋转的手里剑! Near that Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos cloak, in a hand of revolving the sword prints impressively above, has the hope of Zhang Lan victory. 在那灭霸的披风边,一枚旋转的手里剑赫然印在其上,带着张蓝胜利的希望。 No longer makes other, Zhang Lan spreads out own right hand directly, ignores Tang continues maintains draws a sword to cut the outset movement to gather the potential in that in the hand Rasengan Starts the expansion and deformation, then starts extending rapidly to open, forming previously is the present world Rasenshuriken. 不再多做其他,张蓝直接摊开自己的右手,放任继续保持拔刀斩起始动作在那蓄势,手中一枚【螺旋丸】开始膨胀变形,而后就是开始急速的延伸开,形成了此前才是现世的【螺旋手里剑】。 Facing Zhang Lan's this action, Tang very disdains he to guarantee, Zhang Lan close to will not have pushed out by him again. 面对张蓝的这个举动,十分的不屑他敢保证,张蓝还没有靠近就会被他再次推出去。 This time, he must cut off the strong defense that Zhang Lan God Cloth is proud! 这一次,他要割断张蓝神圣衣引以为傲的超强防御! Facing the Tang's wishful thinking, in Zhang Lan heart with bright mirror same translucence. 面对唐的如意算盘,张蓝心中跟明镜一样的透亮。 He has not moved the plan of step, stands in Tang 100 beyond meters, without leaving plan previously the sword air/Qi light/only dissipated in a 100 meter critical point, Zhang Lan bets his attack range is the 100 meter. 他根本就没有移动步伐的打算,就这么站在一百余米之外,没有动身的打算此前光之剑气就是在一百米临界点消散的,张蓝就赌他的攻击范围就是一百米。 That side Tang is gathering the potential, here Zhang Lan is also trying new attack skill he to compress Lightning Release in the attempt Rasenshuriken In. 那边的在蓄势,这边的张蓝也是在尝试新的攻击技能他在尝试将雷遁压缩进【螺旋手里剑】之中。 If habit natural is impossible, the wind and thunder repelled one another after all. 若是常态自然是不可能的了,毕竟风雷相克。 But if in Sage Mode Under, has senjutsu chakra in the middle cushion, Zhang Lan also really gives Rasenshuriken Wrapped up Lightning Release. 但若是在【仙人模式】之下,有着仙术查克拉在中间的缓冲,张蓝还真的是给【螺旋手里剑】裹上了一层雷遁 In both, is filling full senjutsu chakra and ensure this ninjutsu will not rupture in midway. 在两者之间,填充着满满的仙术查克拉,保证这个忍术不会中途爆裂开。 Even some such guarantees, Zhang Lan does not dare to stop in the palm, waves the arms about directly, is away from the 100 odd/surplus Mi distance, the hand is binding Lightning Release in Rasenshuriken Threw. 即便是有这么一层保证,张蓝也是不敢在手掌多做停留,直接一甩手,就是这么隔着一百余米的距离,将手中裹着雷遁的【螺旋手里剑】抛了过去。 Parallel ejects with it, in a hand sword in a hand that is printed in the hand the sword design sword. 与之平行抛出的,还有一枚手里剑一枚印有手里剑图案的手里剑。 Facing this, Tang had not obviously expected that he has not thought completely, the energy body of so big density, the opposite party can actually throw! 面对这一幕,明显是没有预料到的他完全没有想到,如此大密度的能量体,对方竟然能够抛出来! Characteristics that senjutsu controls, how can be this day foreign visitor can understand? 仙术操控来的特性,怎能是这种天外来客能够懂得的? No matter how, Tang very helpless stopped his gathering potential acting his effective striking distance, indeed was the 100 meter. 不管如何,很是无奈的中止了他的蓄势动作他的有效攻击距离,的确是一百米。 Was looked unexpectedly by this fellow, hateful!” In Tang heart wicked is scolding: But, this sluggish attack, wants to hit I?” “竟然被这家伙看出来了,可恶!”心中恶狠狠的骂着:“但是,就这种慢吞吞的攻击,也想打中我?” Had the ridicule of disdaining, the Tang figure in a flash, to appear in that was binding Lightning Release Rasenshuriken Side. 带着不屑的嘲笑,身形一晃,就是出现在了那裹着雷遁螺旋手里剑】的侧面。 I do not believe that can you also turn round?” “我就不信了,你还能拐弯?” Let ninjutsu turn round Zhang Lan natural unable to achieve, but... 忍术拐弯张蓝自然是做不到了,但是... My attack, is you can hide?” “我的攻击,也是你能躲的过的吗?” On the Zhang Lan face the stern countenance concentrates, the figure in same place glitters slightly, that is binding Lightning Release Rasenshuriken Emerged out of thin air in Tang's behind, and blasted open directly loudly! face favorite he, completely has not noticed the arrival of fatal attack! 张蓝脸上厉色一凝,身形在原地微微闪烁,那裹着雷遁的【螺旋手里剑】就是凭空出现在了唐的身后,并且直接轰然炸裂开!一脸得意的他,全然没有注意到致命攻击的到来! „, My attack cannot turn round, because of... it can teleport!” “没想到吧,我的攻击不会拐弯,因为...它会瞬移!”
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