HOMD :: Volume #5

#406: undying continuous

Zhang Lan exchanged skill to system directly, after the exchange locates card, the tip of tongue adds card, branched out shadow clone to paste directly on his forehead. 张蓝系统直接兑换了一个技能,兑换处卡牌后,舌尖一添卡牌,分出一名影分身直接贴在了他的额头上。 Completes this series of movements, plan that side Tang do not prevent. 做完这一系列的动作,那边的都是没有要阻止的打算。 It looks like in Tang, Zhang Lan is breaks by biting own tip of tongue, then licked oneself palm, patted on shadow clone. 看来,张蓝就是咬破自己的舌尖,然后舔了自己掌心一下,拍在了影分身头上。 „... Is what mysterious new ninjutsu?” “难道...是什么神奇的新忍术?” Good, Tang's morbidly suspicious mind recurrent attack. 好嘛,唐的疑心病再次发作了。 Is ready in full battle array regarding Tang's, Zhang Lan is also is glad to the waiting, shadow clone digests skill in card only to fear that also wants a small little while. 对于唐的严阵以待,张蓝也是乐于等待,影分身消化卡牌中的技能只怕还要一小会儿。 Here short deadlock lived. 这边短暂的僵持住了。 Another side, the Manhattan Island islet of next door, but lively the attack of unmanned fighter and Chitauri that very much, everywhere dances in the air, destroys all that can see everywhere recklessly. 另一边,隔壁的曼哈顿岛屿可是热闹的很,漫天飞舞的无人战斗机以及齐塔瑞人的攻击,四处肆意破坏着可以看见的一切。 The defense of that meghimatium bilineatum battleship is not general thick, the quantity, although are not many, is actually thorny. 那蛞蝓战舰的防御不是一般的厚,数量虽然不多,却是棘手的很。 Can cope with this big fellow, currently only has Thor, Hulk and Hulk Buster- 2 nd three people. 能够对付这个大家伙的,目前只有索尔浩克反浩克-二号三人罢了。 Natasha and Rogers several people display oneself fight value now finally, they who the previous opponent lets are not good to meddle, but this time Chitauri simple many. 娜塔莎罗杰斯几人现在终于是发挥了自己的战斗价值,此前的对手让的他们都是不好插手,而这次的齐塔瑞人就是简单的多了。 Together with arriving late Barton together, they suppressed the flames of war on Manhattan Island, but no spread to New York other places. 连同晚到的巴顿一同,他们将战火压制在了曼哈顿岛上,而没有蔓延向纽约的其他地点。 This is their limits. 这已经是他们的极限了。 Suddenly, here also reached the impass. 一时间,这边也是陷入了僵局。 But , a third battlefield produced in the meantime. 而也就在此时,第三个战场生成了。 Loki was operated the natural energy to hammer by Zhang Lan ruthlessly on the ground, this gave May and Kitty sufficient time response, Kitty had shaken to wake from a that sad condition May. 洛基张蓝操纵自然能量狠狠锤在了地上,这给到了凯蒂充足的时间反应过来,凯蒂已经是将从那一种哀伤的状态中摇醒了回来。 In the look passes sorrowful May not to leave Peter side two people, until finding strove Loki that crawls from the ground pothole! 眼神中透着悲哀的本来是不想离开彼得两人身边的,直到瞧见了从地面坑洞中勉力爬出来的洛基 Is you!” In May eye fierce eruption anger: Is you, you come Earth, not so many things!” “是你!”眼中猛的喷发出怒火:“就是你,要不是你来地球,根本就不会有这么多的事情!” Finishes barely the words, Loki being a go-between puppet that May's right hand strange, that side has not come to a stop general threw down again. 话音未落,梅的右手诡异一拉,那边还没有站稳的洛基牵线木偶一般的再次摔倒了下去。 May may not have the plan such simply lets off Loki. 可没有打算这么简单的就放过洛基 The left hand swings again, only the remaining three puppets' ground from distant place stood, sends out kā lā kā lā sound. 左手再次摆动,仅剩下的三具傀儡从远处的地面站立了起来,发出“喀拉喀拉”的声响。 Kitty at the same time looked under foot face serene Peter and Harry, clenches teeth, both hands join the palms in greeting, break out from the ground from the Loki body next clump of grass, Loki's right foot solid tying up in same place. 一边的凯蒂看了看脚下一脸安详的彼得哈利,咬了咬牙,双手合掌,从洛基身下一丛小草破土而出,将洛基的右脚严严实实的绑在了原地。 May's puppet, attacked! 梅的傀儡,也是攻了过来! Loki moves the foot, discovered after the foot cannot lift, but also without coming and responded, a May's puppet was collision ruthlessly in his chest, both hands both feet in hit grasped Loki instantaneously, it behind, was another similar puppet, it opened oneself body strangely, the relative hit behind Loki, the puppet before with his body happen to was buckling of fitting together perfectly in one. 洛基动了动脚,发现脚抬不起来后,还没有来的及反应过来,梅的一个傀儡就是狠狠的撞在了他的胸口中,双手双脚在撞击的瞬间抱住了洛基,其身后,是另一个类似的傀儡,它诡异的张开了自己的身体,相对的撞击在洛基背后,与他身前的傀儡正好是严丝合缝的扣在了一起。 !” !” !” !” !” “哒!”“哒!”“哒!”“哒!”“哒!” Five resounding, that lock seemed like the egg same thing to start out five idle talk suddenly, the heads, both hands and both feets that puppet first attacked were separated from the puppet with the May's finger control. 五声脆响,那锁起来像是蛋一样的物件突然开出了五个空口,最先攻击的那个傀儡的脑袋、双手、双脚随着梅的手指操控从傀儡身上脱离而出。 Zheng!” Zheng!” Zheng!” Zheng!” Zheng!” “铮!”“铮!”“铮!”“铮!”“铮!” The sharp blade comes out of the sheath, the shining sword blade from is sparkling the ray under Guangyang, as May's will without hesitation on five cavities toward puppet egg inserted got down 利刃出鞘,明晃晃的剑刃从在光阳下闪耀着光芒,随着梅的意志毫不犹豫的朝着傀儡蛋上的五个空洞插了下去 kēng qiāng!” kēng qiāng!” kēng qiāng!” kēng qiāng!” kēng qiāng!” 铿锵!”“铿锵!”“铿锵!”“铿锵!”“铿锵!” The continuous gold/metal iron hands over the whining noise to spread, the May's facial skin twitched slightly a that seemingly sharp incomparable sharp blade, broke unexpectedly! 接连不断的金铁交鸣声传出,梅的脸皮微微抽动了一下那看似锋利无比的利刃,竟然是断了! „Is this... Asgardian?” “这就是...阿斯嘉特人吗?” May light twittering, waved to separate the connection of Chakra Line to puppet, the ninja seal twinkle, a right hand glistening green light raised, as May's waves the arms about to change into one meter long green light sword. 淡淡的呢喃了一句,挥手断开了查克拉线对傀儡的连接,忍印闪烁,右手一层莹莹绿光升起,随着梅的甩手化为一柄一米多长的绿色光剑。 Medical Ninjutsu · Chakra Scalpel 医疗忍术·查克拉手术刀 Bang!” “轰!” While May is ready, 做好准备的同时, That side locks in the Loki's puppet egg after May gives up operating, Loki was also an energy ball drives out this it is really helpless the action, besides the attack of Mind Scepter, he did not have other means to break open this also to calculate the firm toy. The demolition of short distance, even if has been able avoided, but that space after all is that big, done Loki is some were dirty. 那边锁住洛基的傀儡蛋在放弃操纵之后,洛基也是一能量弹将其轰开了这实在是无奈之举,除了心灵权杖的攻击,他没有别的办法破开这个还算坚固的玩具。近距离的爆破,纵然已经是可以的躲开了,可那空间毕竟就是那么大,搞的洛基自己都是有些的灰头土脸了。 Loki that comes out also responded without enough time, May has grasped Chakra Scalpel Flushed came, a Loki flustered retreat that let. 一出来的洛基还来不及反应,就是已经手持【查克拉手术刀】冲了过来了,让的洛基一阵慌张的后退。 This cannot help in the fight flustered his any, May is relentless brandishes in the hand directly Chakra Scalpel Delimiting Loki's neck this is the plan separated the Loki's trachea directly. 这慌张在战斗中帮不到他任何,毫不留情的直接挥舞手中的【查克拉手术刀】划过洛基的脖子这是打算直接隔断了洛基的气管。 Loki seemed like scared looked at dumbly generally in same place, to May's Chakra Scalpel Delimits movement that own neck has had no. 洛基就像是吓傻了一般呆立在原地,任由梅的查克拉手术刀】划过自己的脖子而没有任何的动作。 All are such coordination. 一切都是那么的配合。 If not May that wrinkle brow, if not the form of Loki that slowly dissipation, if not Kitty loses one's voice to call carefully, that was smoother. 如果不是那皱起的眉头、如果不是洛基那缓缓消散的身影、如果不是凯蒂失声叫出小心的话,那就更加的顺利了。 In fact, May has delimited the neck merely is only a Loki's Phantom magic, true Loki actually hides in the big wreckage of that puppet egg, is riding the stop of May attack instantaneous, Mind Scepter in hand in the midair, blue mighty waves spreads to May from the stick point on. 事实上,划过脖子的仅仅只是洛基的一个幻影魔法罢了,真正的洛基却还是躲在那傀儡蛋的一片大残骸中,乘着攻击的停顿瞬间,手中的心灵权杖点在半空中,一股蓝色的波澜自杖尖上向蔓延。 Is Mind Stone's calls back the soul of the deceased! 心灵宝石的摄魂! If this were hit, its consequence must look that Loki is plans to control May, prepared to destroy the May's will directly. 这要是被击中了,其后果就要看洛基是打算控制,还是直接准备摧毁到梅的意志了。 At this time, Wood Release that simple ninja seal can release ninjutsu convenient is to manifest, saw only Kitty to join the palms in greeting, since the ground raised a one by one plank to piece together a wooden shield before the May body, May solid Guardianship in shield. 这时候,木遁那简单的一个忍印就可以释放忍术的便捷性就是体现出来了,只见凯蒂一合掌,自地面升起一一块块木板在身前拼凑成一枚木质盾牌,将严严实实的守护在了盾牌之中。 Wood Release · Wood Lock Wall 木遁·木锭壁 kā cā... kā cā...” 咔擦...咔擦...” Is full of the vitality Wood Release seems like by Mind Stone is recognized for a life body, that mind mighty waves bombardment in Wood Lock Wall Above was absorbed by it all, is Wood Lock Wall Spider web crack that on spreads. 饱含生命力的木遁似乎是被心灵宝石认定为了一个生命体,那心灵波澜轰击在【木锭壁】之上就是被其尽数吸收,随之的则是【木锭壁】上蔓延开的蜘蛛网裂纹。 Loki's does not seem to control May, but is the plan extinguishes directly kills! 洛基的似乎并没有打算控制,而是打算直接灭杀! Saw with own eyes that Loki must continue to attack, that Wood Lock Wall Could not have caught a second attack, Kitty promptly increased chakra output 眼见洛基还要继续攻击,那【木锭壁】已然是接不住第二次的攻击了,凯蒂当机立断的加大了查克拉的输出 Wood Release · Deep Forest Emergence 木遁·树海降诞 shuaaaaa ~ 哗啦啦~” A giant sound, under massive trees from the place break out from the ground, May and Kitty's form complete blocking, as for Loki's mind mighty waves attack, the trees that was full of the vitality by that are the absorption are all clean. 一阵巨大的动静,自地底下大量的树木破土而出,将凯蒂的身影完全的遮挡住了,至于洛基的心灵波澜攻击,则是被那饱含生命力的树木皆是吸收干净。 This move Deep Forest Emergence With columns Advent of a World of Flowering Trees But different, the scale was relatively small, merely is only A Rank Wood Release. 这一招【树海降诞】和柱间的【花树界降临】可不同,规模相对小了很多,仅仅只是a级别木遁罢了。 Had hiding of sea of trees, May escaped Loki's to follow up a victory with hot pursuit finally, was drawn by Kitty is shuttling back and forth in the sea of trees. 有了树海的隐蔽,终于是逃过了洛基的乘胜追击,被凯蒂拉着在树海中穿梭着。 In Sage Mode Finds such a scene, continuously with the Zhang Lan corners of the mouth that Tang refuses to compromise rare casts aside a small silk the curve, flashes passes. 在【仙人模式】中瞧见这么一副场景,一直和僵持的张蓝嘴角难得的撇起一小丝的弧度,一闪即逝。 Bang!” “嘭!” Good skillful unfortunately, shadow clone that has closed one's eyes relieved same place, the information that had been reorganized massively forced in the Zhang Lan's mind, because had been reorganized, flickered merely suddenly, Zhang Lan restored. 好巧不巧的,那一直闭眼的影分身原地解除了,大量已经被整理完毕的信息塞进了张蓝的脑海中,由于已经被整理完毕,仅仅只是恍然了一瞬,张蓝就是恢复了过来。 S Rank skill, such simple grasped to complete! 一个s级别技能,就这么简简单单的掌握完成了! As the turning point approaches, a faint trace demented meaning appears from Zhang Lan, finally the gathering is frantic color of face 随着契机来临,一丝丝癫狂之意从张蓝身上浮现,最后汇聚为一脸的狂热之色 „, Tang, we hit one again!” “那么,,我们再来打一场吧!” this time... undying continuous!” “这一次...不死不休!”
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