HOMD :: Volume #5

#405: Kills 1 to deliver 1

You how?” “你怎么样了?” Kitty completely had not been attacked should have the response that the gaze that instead cares about extremely the Zhang Lan's complexion, is very having scruples scratches the blood that his corner of the eye is flowing with the small hand. 凯蒂全然没有被攻击了该有的反应,反而是极为关心的注视着张蓝的脸色,好不顾忌的用小手擦着他眼角流淌的鲜血。 ~ “呼~” A light sound, Kitty's touches the hand on Zhang Lan face to brave a green ray, implication the strength of life is quite powerful, stabbing pain enormous slowing down that in Zhang Lan eye lets. 一声轻响,凯蒂的抚摸在张蓝脸上的手冒起一层绿色的光芒,其中蕴含的生命之力极为强大,让的张蓝眼睛中的刺痛极大的减缓。 You are making anything!” Zhang Lan incessantly not happy, instead is angry extremely, but sensitive lags behind the Kitty's small hand: You were insane, transports the vitality to me, not awfully?” “你在做什么!”张蓝不止没有开心,反而是极为生气而敏感的拉下凯蒂的小手:“你疯了,给我输送生命力,不要命了?” Scolded Kitty shrank the head, finds Zhang Lan that vitality/angry the appearance, weak explanation: Is only some.” 被骂的凯蒂缩了缩脑袋,瞧见张蓝那一副生气的模样,弱弱的解释道:“只是一些些而已。” That is not good!” Zhang Lan categorically rejects: This thing, later my permission, has not permitted casually to anybody, knows?” “那也不行!”张蓝断然拒绝:“这个东西,以后没有我的允许,不准随便给任何人,知道吗?” Knew... knew...” Kitty very suffering is complying. “知...知道了...”凯蒂很是委屈的答应着。 Hears Kitty to accept, Zhang Lan that tight complexion relaxed, as if is also thinks oneself responded that was too extreme, finds a Kitty such unhappy appearance, the knitting the brows head, finally has not opened the mouth to comfort. 听到凯蒂应承下来,张蓝那紧绷的脸色才是松弛了下来,似乎也是想到自己反应太过激了,瞧见凯蒂那么一副不开心的模样,皱了皱眉头,最后还是没有开口安慰。 You go to and May same place, do not come.” “你去和一起,别过来。” Saying, Zhang Lan is not abandoning loosens the Kitty's small hand, on the side of the turning around trend is resolutely black complexion Tang. 说着,张蓝不舍的松开凯蒂的小手,毅然转身走向一边黑着脸色的 What's wrong, flirted with one another?” The Tang ridicule person also has one set: Will later not have the opportunity in any case, I can in your a while.” “怎么,打情骂俏完了吗?”讥讽人也是有一套:“反正以后不会有机会了,我可以在等你一会儿。” Said that said that Tang does not have the meaning that must begin, instead is the look earnest is staring in Zhang Lan that the sword common eye pupil, appearance looking pensive. 说是这么说,却是没有一丝要动手的意思,反而是神色认真的盯着张蓝那手里剑一般的眼瞳,若有所思的模样。 Ridiculed facing Tang's, Zhang Lan does not want to respond to the opposite party, wiped golden yellow flashes through in forehead, Sage Mode Direct opening, is the golden-yellow flowing light starts to cover the whole body, wrapped watertight. 面对唐的讥讽,张蓝根本就不想回应对方,一抹金黄在眉心处闪过,【仙人模式】直接开启,而后是金黄色流光开始覆盖全身,包裹的水泄不通。 What strange is, the Zhang Lan behind golden-yellow wing he has not changed into weapon I in the hand, but is the fusion is a golden flowing light climbs up on one side on Kitty's, because its figure is petite, formed small 1st gold God Cloth unexpectedly. 奇异的是,张蓝身后的金黄色羽翼他并没有化为武器我在手中,而是融合为一股金色流光攀爬上一边凯蒂的身上,因为其身形娇小,竟然也是形成了一副小一号的黄金神圣衣 Is big except for the arc of chest, after the back does not have the wing, other is on the same scale the appearances of reduction. 除了胸口的弧线较大,背后并没有羽翼之后,其他的都是同比例缩小的模样。 Wraps Kitty's in God Cloth simultaneously, God Cloth starts crazy absorption Kitty's chakra, simultaneously, magnanimous senjutsu chakra also flows in backward Kitty's within the body. 神圣衣包裹凯蒂的同时,神圣衣开始疯狂的吸收凯蒂的查克拉,同时的,海量的仙术查克拉也是倒灌进了凯蒂的体内。 Golden light halos appear from the Kitty's eye, probably panda general was drawn a golden smoking makeup. 一圈圈金色的光圈从凯蒂的眼睛周围浮现,像是熊猫一般的被画了一个金色的烟熏妆。 Clang!” “铿!” A resounding, the Kitty's face was also wrapped by God Cloth, complete defended Kitty's safety. 一声脆响,凯蒂的脸部也是被神圣衣包裹住,完完全全的守住了凯蒂的安全 Determined after Kitty's safety, Zhang Lan no longer hesitates, an under foot tread figure appeared in the Stryker side in vain unexpectedly, the left hand covered ruthlessly on his body. 确定了凯蒂的安全之后,张蓝不再犹豫,脚下一蹬身形徒然出现在了史崔克的身边,左手出其不意的狠狠盖在了他的身上。 Sage Art · fuinjutsu · Eight Trigrams Seal 仙法·封印术·八卦封印 Sealing Method spreads the body of Stryker, he who lets does not have the means to transfer the slight energy. 封印法阵蔓延上史崔克的身上,让的他没有办法调动丝毫的能量。 Meanwhile, in Zhang Lan right hand Rasengan In pull-up, lengthens rapidly, rapidly formed in a hand that extremely enlarges the edition the sword, sends out xiū xiū xiū wind whining noise. 与此同时,张蓝右手中的【螺旋丸】在急速中拉升、延长,极为迅速的形成了一枚放大版本的手里剑,发出“咻咻咻”的风鸣声。 He in Asgard, not only but continually became Sage Mode Extremely good chakra control, single-handed Wind Release · Rasenshuriken Also radically is no longer under the words. 他在阿斯嘉特,可不只是连成了【仙人模式】罢了,极佳的查克拉掌控力,单手的【风遁·螺旋手里剑】也根本是不再话下。 Rasenshuriken Takes shape, a Zhang Lan palm without hesitation covered on the chest of Stryker, simultaneously the figure exploded draws back. 螺旋手里剑】才是成型,张蓝毫不犹豫的一掌盖在了史崔克的胸口上,同时身形爆退。 Sage Art · Wind Release · Rasenshuriken 仙法·风遁·螺旋手里剑 sī xiū! sī xiū! sī xiū! sī xiū!...” 嘶咻嘶咻嘶咻嘶咻!...” Takes Stryker as the center of circle, Rasenshuriken Spreads in vain, the violent wind roar lets the person ear wēng wēng straight sound, will scratch Zhang Lan's God Cloth soon not to respond from a series of accidents Loki that will surround. 史崔克为圆心,【螺旋手里剑】徒然扩散开来,猛烈的风吼声让人耳朵嗡嗡直响,擦着张蓝的神圣衣即将将还没有从一连串变故中反应过来的洛基包围住。 Tang natural at the same time will not allow this matter to happen, at a crucial moment trampled Loki flies to go out not to have the means that even he of speed of light, the consciousness responded that still took a speed. 一边的自然不会允许这种事情发生,千钧一发的将洛基踹飞了出去没有办法,即便是光速的他,意识反应过来也是要一个速度的。 His response in that case, 他的反应在那种情况下, Only had tramples flies Loki. This foot peaceful death undying, happen to trampled Loki to May's direction Kitty is calls out in alarm immediately makes noise, May may be at the delay the condition, if this were pounded by Loki, that... this/should sore! 唯有一脚踹飞洛基了。这一脚好死不死的,正好是将洛基踹向了梅的方向凯蒂当即就是惊呼出声,可还是处于呆滞的状态,这要是被洛基砸中了,那...该多疼啊! Tang after trampling flew Loki, was the plan convenient past catches the opposite party, after all later must work in Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos hand/subordinate. 在踹飞了洛基之后,是打算顺手过去接住对方的,毕竟以后都是要在灭霸手下做事的。 Who knows, he unexpectedly condition in speed of light, by together form intercepting. 谁知道,他竟然是在光速中的状态,被一道身影给拦截了下来。 Is Zhang Lan. 张蓝 Can he actually intercept the speed of light Tang? 他竟然能够拦截光速的 Tang that this pleasant surprise lets stares, in a twinkling forgot matter that oneself must handle a moment ago. 这一份“惊喜”让的一愣,霎时间忘记了自己刚才要做的事情了。 Thereupon, Loki such straight flying to is also at the delay condition May. 于是乎,洛基就这么直挺挺的飞向还处于呆滞状态的 Until 直到 Bang!” “嘭!” No one is close to Loki obviously, Loki that flies horizontally seemed like a heavy hammer is actually pounded the belly to be the same, a face pain by straight pounding on the floor, big of strength, Loki that let nearly is put out own bile. 明明没有人接近洛基,那横飞的洛基却像是被人一个重锤砸中了肚子一样,一脸痛苦的被直挺挺的砸在了地板上,力量之大,让的洛基都是险些吐出了自己的胆汁。 Is you?” Tang keen induction anything. “是你?”敏锐的感应到了什么。 Zhang Lan had not replied, is such ice-cold is staring at Tang, in the hand in eye sword Mangekyō looked like must end the Tang's life similar, suddenly revolved rapidly. 张蓝并没有回答,就是这么冰冷的盯着,眼中的手里剑万花筒就像是要结束唐的生命一般,突然急速的旋转了起来。 In the hand that revolves sword Mangekyō quite somewhat looks like Obito sharingan, brings in a hand of tail the sword, simultaneously, a purple energy ascends from Zhang Lan's, formed an appearance of bone arm, as wielding of Zhang Lan right hand, but wields to Tang. 旋转起来的手里剑万花筒颇有些像带土写轮眼,带着一丝尾巴的手里剑,同时的,一层紫色的能量从张蓝的身上升腾起来,形成了一只骨头手臂的模样,随着张蓝右手的挥动而向挥动。 Tang natural clumsy attack will not be hit by this, the figure evaded the attack of purple arm bone in a flash, he had not actually discovered that was sprung by Zhang Lan Sage Art · One-Finger Rasengan. 自然不会被这“笨拙的攻击”击中了,身形一晃就是躲过了紫色臂骨的攻击,他却是没有发现被张蓝弹出的【仙法·一指螺旋丸】。 A finger size Rasengan Happen to appeared before the Tang's body looked like Tang to hit to be the same. 一颗手指头大小的【螺旋丸】正好是出现在了唐的身前就像是自己撞上去一样。 Bang!” “砰!” Tang withdrew uncontrolled one step, attacks him to think that regarding this suddenly very is surprised. 不受控制的退后了一步,对于这突然的攻击他觉得十分惊讶。 According to One-Finger Rasengan The attack trajectory, Zhang Lan possibly did not see clearly his path, instead was more like... looked through his sports, sentences him to appear in position roughly in advance. 按照【一指螺旋丸】的攻击弹道,张蓝不可能是看清了他的运动轨迹,反而更像是...看破了他的运动习惯,预判他会出现在大体的位置。 Thinks of this, Tang deep looked in one Zhang Lan that the sword common eye. 想到此,不由的深深的望了一眼张蓝那手里剑一般的眼睛。 Is this to the unusual eye?” “是这对奇特的眼睛吗?” When the Tang doubts, Zhang Lan obtains news that system fed back 就在疑惑的时候,张蓝得到了系统反馈过来的消息 Strikes to kill A Rank life body * 1, rewards A Grade Rule Fragment * 1.” “击杀a级别生命体,奖励a级规则碎片。” Strikes to kill S Rank life body * 1, rewards S Grade Rule Fragment * 1.” “击杀s级别生命体,奖励s级规则碎片。” Does not bring back to the head, sees only originally the Stryker position, is only left over a being scarred Adamantium hot human form skeleton, as for Stryker oneself... 根本就不带回头的,只见原先史崔克的位置,仅剩下一副伤痕累累的艾德曼合金热人形骨架,至于史崔克本人... Sorry, Rasenshuriken Can dismember the attack of cell, he had been disappeared from the cell directly. 抱歉,【螺旋手里剑】是能够肢解细胞层次的攻击,他已经是被从细胞层次直接泯灭了。 As for that S Rank life body. 至于那个s级别生命体。 Strange can only blame that Venom actually also to want the parasitic person, and it also looks down upon Kitty and May, Zhang Lan and Tang do not dare to parasite, Loki has Mind Stone, lets its subconscious does not dare to approach. 怪只能怪那毒液竟然还想要寄生人,并且它还瞧不上眼凯蒂,张蓝又不敢寄生,洛基则是有心灵宝石,让的它下意识的不敢靠近。 Is only left over, natural was Stryker. 仅剩下的,自然就是史崔克了。 Pitifully, it just started to take action, is a quilt Rasenshuriken Attack range affecting. 只是可惜,它才是刚刚开始行动,就是被【螺旋手里剑】的攻击范围给波及到了。 For clarity, this is Zhang Lan intends to plan. 很明显的,这是张蓝有意算计的。 Meanwhile, Zhang Lan exchanged skill to system directly 于此同时,张蓝系统直接兑换了一个技能
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