HOMD :: Volume #5

#404: Mangekyō, opens!

The mist and dust covered entire Liberty Island, the Loki three people near stood spatially in the upper air looks toward under. 烟尘覆盖了整座自由岛,洛基三人临空站立在高空上朝着下方看着。 The Stryker complexion may not be unattractive. 只是,史崔克的脸色可并不好看。 Liberty Island takes the islands, sea breeze is very big, mist and dust slowly was blown off by the sea breeze, the people before live broadcast framed the line of sight in that together partly visible form. 自由岛作为岛屿,本身的海风还是很大的,烟尘缓缓的被海风吹散开来,直播前的人都是将视线定格在了那一道若隐若现的身影。 Only then together form. 只有一道身影。 Is Zhang Lan. 张蓝 He is still maintaining previously Daytime Tiger Unusual posture, no trend, low is very low, the hair covered his complexion. 他依然是保持着此前【昼虎】的奇特姿势,没有一丝的动态,头低的很低,头发将他的脸色掩盖住了。 Tick-tock!” “滴答!” A sound of waterdrop, the netizen of being sharp-eyed discovered, has drop of red water stain in the Zhang Lan's under foot. 一声水滴的声响,眼尖的网友发现,在张蓝的脚下有着一滴红色的水渍。 Tick-tock!” “滴答!” Tick-tock!” “滴答!” Tick-tock!” “滴答!” ... ... Blood-color water stain strong very is fast, looks following its source, the head that deeply buries from Zhang Lan drops. 血色水渍壮大的十分快速,顺着它的源头看去,正是从张蓝深埋的头颅中滴落下来的。 Knows this time, the mist and dust of most center also diverged finally. 知道此时,最为中心处的烟尘也终于是散去了。 Four forms in that. 四道身影在那。 May and Kitty, and... Peter and Harry! 凯蒂,以及...彼得哈利 Stated differently, Peter lies down in a ground clothing breakage completely, clothes fragment general hanging on the body, the cloak that only blocking May takes off. 不同的是,彼得躺在地上一身的衣物破损殆尽,衣服碎片一般的挂在身上,仅有的遮挡物还是脱下来的披风。 Side Peter's, is chest burned black piece of Harry. 彼得的身边,正是心口焦黑一片的哈利 Their brothers two lie down in that abreast in row, what rests is that serene. 他们兄弟两并排躺在那,睡的是那么的安详。 Does not dare to raise the head to look at one to Zhang Lan serenely. 安详到张蓝都是不敢抬头去瞧一眼。 Kitty at the same time has been the teardrops continually the line, white/shell tooth closely is nipping, was not made the sound of sob by oneself diligently. 一边的凯蒂早已经是泪珠连成了线,贝齿紧紧地咬着,努力让自己不发出哭泣的声音。 Although May has not cried, but the look of that delay also fully showed many. 虽然没有哭,但是那呆滞的眼神也足以说明很多了。 Her left hand touches the Peter's face, the right hand is touching the Harry's face, the look delay, but has not condensed, beyond the soul roaming day went to the place that another Peter they were. 她左手抚摸着彼得的脸,右手则是抚摸着哈利的脸,眼神呆滞而没有聚光,魂游天外到了另一个彼得他们所在的地方去了。 This world, May most intimate was, after that was Peter, Zhang Lan and Harry, in addition Kitty. 这个世界,最亲近的就是本了,其后就是彼得张蓝哈利,加上身边的凯蒂 But now. 而现在。 Left her Peter and Harry in abundance is killed by Zhang Lan personally. 一个又一个的,纷纷的离开了她彼得哈利还是被张蓝亲手杀死的。 Even if knows that having no other choice, she also thought that oneself soul has been close to pull out spatially. 纵然知道是万般的不得已,她也是觉得自己的灵魂已经是接近被掏空了。 Picture strange static in this time. 画面诡异的静止在了这一时刻。 Another side Manhattan Island, is actually bustling is doing the frame, Tony several people have not even known that Liberty Island here situation attracted their some attention except for the sound. 另一边的曼哈顿岛,却是热火朝天的在干架,托尼几人甚至还不知道自由岛这边的情况除了刚才的动静吸引了他们的一些注意力。 Fury in this critical moment build people situation, this will not damage the morale without doubt. 弗瑞也不会在这个关键时刻体型众人这个情况的,这无疑是损坏士气的。 In Liberty Island sky, Tang and Loki. Stryker descends before the Zhang Lan body not far away. 自由岛天空上,洛基史崔克降落在张蓝身前不远处。 „!!!” The Loki foot falls to the ground, resounded applause that attaches the rhythm: Really is a wonderful plot, what a pity, was short.” “啪!啪!啪!”洛基脚一落地,就是响起了附有节奏的掌声:“真的是一场妙不可言的剧情啊,可惜,就是短了一些。” Facing the Loki's words, Zhang Lan too many sounds of lowering the head, he has not been such static is maintaining that movement, does not have any response. 面对洛基的话,垂首的张蓝并没有太多的动静,他就是这么静静的保持着那个动作,没有任何的反应。 Loki has doubts very much about took a fast look around Zhang Lan one, finally very senseless shot a look at curling the lip: Really is senseless.” 洛基很是疑惑的上下扫视了张蓝一眼,最后很是无趣的瞥了撇嘴:“真是无趣。” Saying, Loki pulled out his Mind Scepter, the weaponry point wanted toward Zhang Lan got down to look at that Mind Stone is glittering the ray, his was plans to seize the opportunity to sneak, controlled Zhang Lan directly! 说着,洛基掏出了他的心灵权杖,仗尖朝着张蓝就是要点了下去瞧那心灵宝石闪烁着的光芒,他这是打算乘虚而入,直接操控张蓝 Stop!” Drinks to try to stop the Loki's movement tenderly: Your gambling made us to win, shouldn't you roll your world?” “住手!”一声娇喝试图制止洛基的动作:“你的赌约我们赢了,你不是应该滚回你的世界吗?” Hears some people to drink to stop, Loki quite surprised turning the head looks, discovered drinks to stop his unexpectedly is Kitty. 听到有人喝止,洛基颇为惊讶的转头看去,发现喝止他的竟然是凯蒂 That gentle and charming little girl. 那个娇柔的小女孩。 „, Is your coward.” Loki disdains very much: My gambling is about who first cut up the head of head opposite party, if you present can cut Peter and Harry's head, even if I lost, how?” “呵,是你这个胆小鬼啊。”洛基很是不屑:“我的赌约是谁先砍光了头颅对方的头颅,你要是现在能够砍下彼得哈利的头颅,就算我输,如何?” You!!!” Kitty bites the silver tooth, the chest of air/Qi is fluctuating fiercely: You are shameless!” “你!!!”凯蒂咬着银牙,气的胸膛剧烈起伏:“你无耻!” Facing the Kitty weak rebuttal, Loki expressed that radically is superficial, even does not want to respond to her , to continue under the point Mind Scepter in hand. 面对凯蒂无力的反驳,洛基表示根本就是不痛不痒,甚至是不想回应她,继续点下自己手中的心灵权杖 Seeing with own eyes Loki must be disadvantageous to own boyfriend, 眼见洛基要对自己的男友不利, Kitty also had courage extremely, both hands jointly attacked, chakra flooded into the land, a big seedling before the Loki's foot raised, it and Zhang Lan division forcefully. Rides this during, Kitty slightly is running over to draw Zhang Lan to leave here, Tang at the same time is actually the discontented knitting the brows head. 凯蒂也是鼓起了万分的勇气,双手合击,身上的查克拉涌入大地,一颗大树苗从洛基的脚前升起,将其和张蓝硬生生的分割开。乘着这个当口,凯蒂小跑过来想要拉着张蓝离开这里,一边的却是不满的皱了皱眉头。 Loki, you wasted my too much time!” 洛基,你浪费我太多时间了!” Saying, the Tang's form from is vanishing suddenly same place 说着,唐的身影突然从原地消失 kēng qiāng!” 铿锵!” A gold/metal whining noise resounds, the Tang surprised discovery, the light sword of oneself right hand pointed to the Kitty chest, who knows exerts its utmost struck to be resisted unexpectedly! 一声金鸣声响起,惊奇的发现,自己右手的光剑原先是直指凯蒂心口的,谁知道势在必得的一击竟然是被抵挡了下来! That is a strange purple energy body, following extending of purple energy body, Tang found its source. 那是一层奇异的的紫色能量体,顺着紫色能量体的延伸,瞧见了它的源头。 Is Zhang Lan. 张蓝 Is you annoying thing!” Tang is really impatient: You think that this can block me?” “又是你个烦人的玩意!”是真的不耐烦了:“你以为这就可以挡住我了吗?” Saying, the Tang figure is vanishing in vain same place, changed to the light to attack from another direction together. Brushes! ” 如此说着,身形徒然消失在了原地,化作一道光从另一个方向攻了过去。刷!” Zhang Lan lifts the head that he has hung down suddenly, in the eyes observes closely the Kitty's direction stubbornly, sharingan in right eye outlines in a hand of 10 character the sword appearance, no longer previous three tomoe shape. 张蓝突然抬起了他一直低垂的头,双眼中死死盯住凯蒂的方向,右眼中的写轮眼勾画出一枚字的手里剑模样,不复此前的三勾玉形态。 This is... Mangekyō Sharingan! 这是...万花筒写轮眼 Opens Mangekyō Sharingan, will awaken two very unusual abilities. 开启万花筒写轮眼,都将会觉醒两个很是奇特的能力。 Itachi's Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu, Obito space attack and space displacement, Sasuke's Amaterasu and in addition have the earth life. 鼬的月读天照,带土空间攻击空间位移,佐助的天照、加具土命。 Generally, two Mangekyō Sharingan will have two necessary abilities. 一般,两颗万花筒写轮眼是会有两个配套的能力的。 And the Mangekyō appearance of everyone, is different. 并且每个人的万花筒模样,都是不一样的。 Zhang Lan's is so, his Mangekyō is in a hand the sword general appearance. 张蓝的就是如此,他的万花筒是一枚手里剑一般的模样。 But his right eye Mangekyō ability is Guardianship! 而他右眼万花筒的能力是守护 With the Zhang Lan's Mangekyō ability release, pale white sphere light screen lives in Kitty solid binding, the Tang's attack strokes on that seemingly light white light screen, is mighty waves cannot raise unexpectedly, after kēng qiāng that” the gold/metal iron junction called sound, no longer had any harvest. 随着张蓝的万花筒能力释放,一层淡白色的圆球光幕将凯蒂严严实实的裹住,唐的攻击击打在那看似淡薄的白色光幕上,竟然是连一丝波澜都不能掀起,除了金铁交鸣的“铿锵”声之后,不再有任何的收获。 In the short three seconds, Tang launched enough over a thousand attacks to the same point, that kēng qiāng sound was continually a line, did not have the harvest of half a point. 短短的三秒钟内,对同一个点进行了足足上千次的攻击,那“铿锵”声都是连成了一条线,却是没有半分的收获。 No, cannot say that has not harvested. 不,也不能说没有收获。 The Zhang Lan eye was approaches because of the blood that awakening Mangekyō flowed withered, this time opened Mangekyō Guardianship Kitty, the Zhang Lan's right eye that let flowed faint trace bloodline again, flowed under following previous bloodline again. 张蓝眼睛因为觉醒万花筒而流淌的血液本来是接近干枯了的,这次开启万花筒守护凯蒂,让的张蓝的右眼再次流淌出丝丝血迹,顺着此前的血迹再次流淌下。 Eh...!” “额...嗬!” Zhang Lan chants in a low voice, he is knows finally why Itachi releases Amaterasu or Tsukuyomi , after each time such pain, originally releases Mangekyō is the so fierce ache. 张蓝一声低吟,他终于是知道为什么每次释放完天照或者月读之后都那么的痛苦,原来释放万花筒是如此剧烈的疼痛。 It looks like thousands of root to poke your eyeball similar fiercely, that feeling, even if Zhang Lan does not have the means to clench teeth to endure. 就像是千万根阵在猛戳你的眼球一般,那种感觉,即便是张蓝都是没有办法咬牙挺住。
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