HOMD :: Volume #5

#403: 【Daytime Tiger】

Regarding the response of Zhang Lan sharingan, Peter extremely has not cared. 对于张蓝写轮眼的反应,彼得并没有太过在意。 He is paying attention to the Zhang Lan's movement attentively, chakra that the body subsides erupts again facing Zhang Lan, no matter many preparation will not be unnecessary. 他全神贯注的注意着张蓝的动作,身上才是平息的查克拉再次爆发面对张蓝,不管多少的准备都不会是多余的。 Because extremely understood, Peter instead does not have the confidence and Zhang Lan fights. 正因为太过了解了,彼得反而更加的没有信心和张蓝交手。 Especially when Zhang Lan can under the killer to the Harry pain, he be more hurried. 特别是在张蓝能够对哈利痛下杀手的时候,他更加的慌了。 At this moment, instead is Zhang Lan makes noise to comfort Peter saying: Do not be anxious, Peter, but sleeps.” 在这个时刻,反而是张蓝出声安慰彼得道:“别紧张,彼得,只是睡一觉而已。” yes, Eight Inner Gates I taught you to arrive at fourth Injury Gate was right? Rides today to have the opportunity, I give you following one.” “对了,【八门遁甲】我才教了你开到第四伤门对吧?乘着今天有机会,我把后面的一起交给你吧。” Finishes speaking, Zhang Lan powerful chakra erupts in vain, that all at once certainly chakra coat of Peter outside the body will be flying upside down that will blow, but will look at the Zhang Lan's stance, will still be the original that appearance, the change that the look will have no. 话音刚落,张蓝身上强大的查克拉徒然爆发开来,那一股气势将彼得体外的查克拉外衣都是吹的倒飞着,而瞧张蓝的姿态,依然是原先的那一副模样,神色并没有任何的变动。 This is fourth Injury Gate, is your present meeting..., yes, because of my body many that you were more powerful , will therefore open fourth Injury Gate not to have the physique change even.” “这个是第四伤门,就是你现在会的...哦,对了,因为我的身体比你强大的多,所以即便是开启第四伤门也不会发生体态变化。” looked, this was... fifth Fabrication Gate opens!” “瞧好了,这是...第五独门开!” The Zhang Lan's complexion changed finally, was slightly ruddier, the blue vein also started to climb up some, probably a strongman of forcibly weight lifting was common, completely did not have Peter that fierce appearance. 张蓝的脸色终于是变化了一些,稍稍的红润了许多,青筋也开始爬上了些许,像是一个用力举重的大力士一般,全然没有彼得那一副狰狞的模样。 But, chakra of that outside the body, has surpassed Peter's chakra to measure Zhang Lan chakra quantity by far, goes far beyond Peter's. 但,那体外的查克拉,已经是远远的超过了彼得的查克拉量了张蓝本身的查克拉量,就是远远超过彼得的 sixth Scenery Gate opens!” 第六景门开!” sixth Scenery Gate opens, the Zhang Lan's stance is looks like Peter similar finally, complexion red is ordinary with the boiled crab, in the eyes the eye pupil vanishes, only three tomoe also in tenacious is blending, actually separates again. 第六景门一开,张蓝的姿态终于是像彼得一般,脸色红的跟煮熟的螃蟹一般,双眼中眼瞳消失,唯有三颗勾玉还在顽强的交融着,却又再次分离。 At this time the Zhang Lan's imposing manner, does not surpass the Peter's issue, but is present Peter even stands about the place in Zhang Lan 10 meter, is felt that has the gravel to stroke unceasingly on own chakra coat. 此时张蓝的气势,已经不是超过彼得的问题了,而是现在的彼得即便是站在张蓝米开外的地点,都是感觉到不断有石子击打在自己的查克拉外衣上。 Thump!” “咕咚!” Peter swallowed saliva he to be controlled by the subfield subconsciously, but some frightened will have. 彼得下意识的咽了一口口水他只是被子体控制罢了,但是该有的恐惧还是会有的。 seventh Fright Gate... opens!” 第七惊门...开!” After arriving at Fright Gate, chakra coat of Zhang Lan whole body raised six meters surplus, the gravel that peripheral flutters about just like the bullet that air wave attacks is projected generally, strokes can penetrate several centimeters on Peter's chakra coat, then gravel's quality could not withstand the disintegration to fall. 开到了惊门之后,张蓝全身的查克拉外衣足足掀起了六米余高,周边纷飞的石子被那气浪冲击的宛若子弹一般射出,击打在彼得的查克拉外衣上都是能够深入数厘米,而后还是石子本身的质量承受不住崩碎掉了。 Such a scene, Peter very sane starts running away at once to do his mother directly, Zhang Lan really moved killed the heart! 这么一副场景,彼得很是理智的直接拔腿就跑干他娘的,张蓝是真的动了杀心了! However, he wants to walk, Zhang Lan not agrees asked him to leave is not determined to kill Peter, but was... he needs Peter to sleep, for better tomorrow. 然而,他想走,张蓝却是不肯让他走了并非执意要杀彼得,而是...他需要彼得睡一觉,为了更好的明天。 Sleeps. 只是,睡一觉而已。 Peter, you should know my Morning Peacock? Today, I make you look at my new move Daytime Tiger!” 彼得,你应该知道我的【朝孔雀】了吧?今天,我让你看一看我新的一个招数昼虎】!” Then, everywhere yellow sand since the ground sweeps across, blocks the Peter's escape route, Peter sees this, has to use the electron preparation to flee the battlefield again, actually discovered, is unconscious, he is a quilt Sand Prison Is stranded in inside. 说罢,漫天的黄砂自地面席卷而起,将彼得的后路堵住,彼得见此,不得不再次使用电子化准备逃离战场,却是发现,在不自觉间,他已然是被【砂牢笼】困在里头。 Like before, Harry such, Sand Prison Except for him, was Zhang Lan! 就像之前,哈利那样,【砂牢笼】中除了他,就是张蓝了! Is opening seventh Fright Gate Zhang Lan! 开着第七惊门张蓝 Bang!” “嘭!” A Peter fist bang in Sand Prison In the edge, actually discovered, by his present ability, regarding also can only rumble unexpectedly merely a small pit! 彼得一拳轰在了【砂牢笼】的边缘上,却是发现,以他现在的能力,对于竟然也仅仅只能轰出一个小坑罢了! This is not sage art, is ordinary A Rank Sand Prison Peter cannot break this attack unexpectedly! 这可不是仙法啊,就是普通的a级别砂牢笼】罢了,彼得竟然是破不开这个攻击! Has byakugan | white eyes Peter to be able clear seeing clearly, not Sand Prison Defensive power is astonishing, but contains extremely huge chakra, in the instance of Peter destruction, chakra actuated the new sand to fill the vacancy. 身怀白眼彼得能够清晰的看清楚,并非【砂牢笼】本身的防御力惊人,而是其中蕴含着极为庞大的查克拉,在彼得毁坏的瞬间,查克拉就是又驱动新的砂子填补好了空缺。 Puts together chakra with present Zhang Lan, absolutely is unwise! 和现在的张蓝查克拉,绝对是不明智的! Saw with own eyes that may run away roadless, 眼见无路可逃, Peter instead put aside the thoughts of escaping, he shifts looks to Zhang Lan. The Zhang Lan present posture is very unusual. 彼得反而是放下了逃跑的心思,他转向看向张蓝张蓝现在的姿势很奇特。 Sees only the index finger of his both hands with the middle finger 22 overlapping, the ring finger pinky fingertip of left and right hands withstand/top, two thumbs seem like the rabbit ear same vertical stroke. 只见他双手的食指与中指两两交叉,左右手的无名指小拇指指尖相顶,两根大拇指像是兔耳朵一样的竖起来。 The hand signal that Peter that this lets has doubts very much, Zhang Lan maintained for a half minute and ensure Peter remembered all posture look like a special teaching to be the same completely. 这让的彼得很是疑惑的手势,张蓝足足维持了半分钟,保证彼得完全记住了所有的姿势就像是专门的一场教学一样。 A half minute crosses, for a long time maintained opening of seventh Fright Gate to make Zhang Lan have some strenuousness, he who because the following fight let did not have the means to continue to maintain this stance again. 半分钟一过,长时间维持第七惊门的开启让张蓝都是有了些许的吃力,因为接下来的战斗让的他没有办法再继续维持这个姿态了。 Has not been similar to Morning Peacock Like that wields high-speed strikes the air, Zhang Lan acts merely exceptionally slowly the chest front strange hand signal proceeds to push. 并没有如同【朝孔雀】那般的高速挥击空气,张蓝仅仅动作异常缓慢的将胸前奇异手势往前一推。 Is such a pushes, Peter's byakugan | white eyes staring must eldest child Zhang Lan within the body chakra of huge extreme, consume enough 70% chakra in this simple promoter unexpectedly! 就是这么一推,彼得的白眼不由的瞪得老大张蓝体内的庞大的极点的查克拉,竟然在这简单的一推手中消耗了足足70%的查克拉 This could have been as good as Peter completely now two times of heyday! 这已经是完全抵得上彼得现在全盛时期的两倍了! But these chakra are not the meaningless waste, because a gray tiger's head has now in the space, distinction that Peter looks, that decides however is not any chakra aggregation, but is... the pure spatial gas bomb! 而这一些查克拉也并非是毫无意义的浪费,因为一只灰色的虎头具现在空间之中,彼得看的分明,那定然不是任何的查克拉聚合体,而是...纯粹的空气弹! What kind of great power wants, can strike to release the so astonishing spatial gas bomb! 到底是要怎么样的强大力量,才能够一击释放出如此惊人的空气弹! This... is Daytime Tiger?” “这...就是【昼虎】吗?” „, Lan is Lan, what a pity... the physical attack, is useless to me!” “果然,就是,可惜...物理攻击,对我没用!” In the Peter heart is thinking, electron of body separation for most foundation, is wanting to scatter in all directions, suddenly, the form appeared in the Peter line of sight together instantaneously is Zhang Lan. 彼得心中想着,身体分离为最基础的电子,正欲四散开来,突然,一道身影瞬间出现在了彼得视线中张蓝 Opens seventh Fright Gate him, the speed is not Peter can look clearly. 打开第七惊门的他,速度已经不是彼得能够看清晰的了。 Zhang Lan not many too many things, merely thunder Qiushuai on Peter's. 张蓝并没有多太多的事情,仅仅是将一颗雷球甩在了彼得的身上。 Completed this matter, Zhang Lan vanished again the figure. 做完这个事情,张蓝再次消失了身形。 Scattered electron receives the high-density thunder ball accumulation, Peter of dissipation figure unexpectedly will be forced appears the figure again. 分散的电子收到高密度雷球的聚集,原先正要消散身形的彼得竟然是又被迫的再次显出身形。 Radically without enough time again electron, that Daytime Tiger Has roared to swallow Peter. 根本来不及再次电子化,那【昼虎】已经是咆哮着一口将彼得吞了进去。 Was swallowed Peter in import to be incapable of revolting radically, the terrifying air current bombardment on body black Venom suit, that adhesiveness looks like skin general Venom, was raised by the air current bombardment of this powerful unexpectedly flew small silk black liquor. 被吞进口中的彼得根本无力反抗,恐怖的气流轰击在身上黑色毒液战衣上,那黏着性就像是皮肤一般的毒液,竟然是被这强力的气流轰击掀飞了一小丝黑色液体。 Follows, is other faint trace Venom. 紧随其后的,是另外的丝丝毒液 So is little, Peter in Daytime Tiger In mouth, Venom suit unexpectedly by unravelling peeled to the point! 就这么一点点的,彼得在【昼虎】的口中,毒液战衣竟然是被抽丝剥茧的给点点剥了下来! Is carrying Peter in mouth, Daytime Tiger Breaking through that odd/surplus potential does not reduce Sand Prison The fetter, takes away as many things as possible toward the rear Loki three people. 携带着口中的彼得,【昼虎】余势不减的冲破【砂牢笼】的束缚,朝着正后方的洛基三人席卷而去。 Facing to/clashes rapidly Daytime Tiger, Loki and Stryker, in addition is under the condition of frightening, Tang at the same time raised two people to flash. 面对急速冲来的【昼虎】,洛基史崔克尚且还是处于惊吓的状态下,一边的一手一个提着两人闪了开去。 As for in Victor of ground lying down corpse, Tang neglected directly. 至于在地上躺尸的维克托,是直接忽略掉了。 Therefore, but also in Victor of lying down corpse is also a quilt Daytime Tiger Wrapped, then blasts open a gigantic explosion sphere same place, probably the atomic bomb erupted raised generally small-scale mushroom cloud. 于是,还在躺尸的维克托也是被【昼虎】包裹了进去,而后原地炸裂起一个硕大的爆炸圆球,像是原子弹爆发一般的升起了一朵小型的蘑菇云。 Is this mushroom cloud, covered the Liberty Island central zone completely, and turns toward all around to proliferate, gradual covered entire Liberty Island in the mist and dust. 就是这一朵蘑菇云,将自由岛的中心地带完全掩盖了进去,并向着四周扩散开去,逐渐的将整个自由岛覆盖在了烟尘之中。
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