HOMD :: Volume #5

#402: Harry, death!

That side Kitty finally obedient going May. 凯蒂最后还是听话的去那一边了。 After opens Kitty, the Zhang Lan relaxing following matter of slightly, he is not really willing because to be seen by Kitty. 支开凯蒂之后,张蓝稍稍的松了一口气接下来的事情,他真的不愿因被凯蒂看见。 On the right hand an electric light appears, Zhang Lan looks to Harry, the surface does not have the mighty waves. 右手上点点电光浮现,张蓝瞧向哈利,面无波澜。 What's wrong, Lan, are you really willing to kill me?” Harry felt Zhang Lan's to kill intent, saying of tone delay. “怎么,,你真的舍得杀我?”哈利感受到了张蓝的杀意,口气呆滞的说道。 Hears the Harry opens the mouth, Zhang Lan had not replied immediately, but selected the vision that the person bit to shoot a look at Stryker that bloody red of not far away, making Stryker no longer urge Harry to speak other words. 听到哈利开口,张蓝并没有马上回答,而是择人而噬的目光瞥了一个不远处的史崔克那血腥的红色,让史崔克不再驱使哈利说其他话了。 Does not have the reason, Stryker somewhat feared. 没来由的,史崔克有些怕了。 He... should not be... insane!” “他...该不会是...疯了吧!” Extremely has not paid attention to the Stryker sound, Zhang Lan turns the head to continue to look to Harry, the thunder and lightning of right hand is jumping, the left hand was the direction is previously overspread the Liberty Island sand flow to form a giant shackles by him. 并没有太过注意史崔克的动静,张蓝转过头来继续瞧向哈利,右手的雷电在跳跃着,左手则是指挥此前被他铺满自由岛的砂流组建成一个巨大的牢笼。 Sage Art · Sand Release · Sand Prison 仙法·砂遁·砂牢笼 In this space, except for the person who Zhang Lan permitted, Substitution Jutsu do not presumptuously think! 在这个空间中,除了张蓝允许的人,替身术就别妄想了! Was covered regarding the line of sight, Loki they had a special method tablet PC to be taken from the space by him. 对于视线被遮挡,洛基他们有特殊的方法一台平板电脑被他从空间中取了出来。 Sand Prison Zhang Lan has not made what movement, for example seal Harry and so on, but standing really in that in right hand Chidori Sounds agitated. 砂牢笼】中的张蓝并没有做什么动作,比如封印哈利之类的,而是实打实的站在那,右手中【千鸟】的鸣叫烦躁的很。 Harry, this is you teaches my ninjutsu, I want to save you to break away from the control with him, was the good way!” 哈利,这个是你教我的忍术,我想用他拯救你脱离操控,是再好不过的办法了!” Facing the Zhang Lan's words, the response that Harry has no, selfish handseal, a thunder and lightning climbs up on his left hand compared to Zhang Lan Chidori The irritation, the sound in Harry hand was smaller, and does not have the extremely luminous semblance, looks like matches the version lowly Chidori Same. 面对张蓝的话,哈利并没有任何的回应,自顾自的结印,点点雷电攀爬上他的左手相对于张蓝千鸟】的烦躁,哈利手中的声响就小了许多,并且也没有太过光亮的外表,就像是低配版的【千鸟】一样。 Raikiri?” “【雷切】吗?” Zhang Lan natural does not think that this matches the edition lowly Chidori. 张蓝自然不会认为这是低配版本的【千鸟】。 On the contrary, Chidori Yes Raikiri Matches the version lowly. 相反,【千鸟】才是【雷切】的低配版。 More powerful Chakra Nature Transformation( thunder), lets Chidori chakra will not waste in the meaningless thunder light. 更加强大的查克拉性质变化(雷),让【千鸟】的查克拉不会浪费毫无意义的雷光上。 More powerful Chakra Shape Transformation( thunder), lets Chidori Contour no longer such scattering electrical energy in all directions, all chakra centralized during attack. 更加强大的查克拉形态变化(雷),让【千鸟】的外形不再那么的四处散射电能,所有的查克拉都集中在了攻击之中。 This is S Rank Lightning Release Raikiri. 这就是s级别雷遁雷切】。 Similarly grasped Chakra Nature Transformation( thunder) and Chakra Shape Transformation( thunder) Zhang Lan, sharingan found in the Harry hand Raikiri Molding process, merely slightly a digestion, in hand Chidori Dazzling thunder light, agitated sounding all were small. 同样是掌握了查克拉性质变化(雷)和查克拉形态变化(雷)的张蓝,写轮眼瞧见了哈利手中的【雷切】成型过程,仅仅只是稍稍一消化,手中【千鸟】刺眼的雷光、烦躁的鸣叫皆都是小了下去。 Again finally, but must teach me new Lightning Release!” Zhang Lan is relaxed. “再最后,还要教我一个新的雷遁吗!”张蓝语气轻松。 In any case, his decision had gotten down, only had faces earnestly. 反正,他的决定都已经下了,唯有认真面对了。 The thought moves, God Cloth was received the innermost soul by Zhang Lan , a forehead golden color luminous spot also diverges slowly. 意念一动,身上的神圣衣张蓝收到了灵魂深处,随之的,眉心一点金色光点也是缓缓散去。 He plans and Harry compares, with is A Rank, under does not have any increase, the Harry's battle efficiency is the how much. 他打算和哈利比一比,同为a级别,在没有任何的增幅下,哈利的战斗力又是几何。 Later, feared that did not have this opportunity!” “以后,怕是没有这个机会了!” After feeling, Zhang Lan and Harry two people all change into the blue flowing light to charge into opposite party together in the flash of meet, in two people of hands Raikiri Saw with own eyes that must bump into the same place! 感慨过后,张蓝哈利两人皆都是化为一道蓝色的流光冲向对方在相遇的一瞬间,两人手中的【雷切】眼见就要相撞在一起! Under same chakra, their Raikiri The might is also only the same rank, even Zhang Lan, because just learned, possibly did not have the Harry's might to be big. 在同等的查克拉下,他们的【雷切】威力也只是同等级罢,甚至张蓝因为刚刚学会,可能还没有哈利的威力大。 In this flash, makes one to respond that with three tomoe Zhang Lan this is Harry does not have the response that the means achieve. 在这一瞬间,用有三勾玉张蓝做出一个反应这是哈利没有办法做到的反应。 Almost is in the millisecond, Zhang Lan figure instantly open Eight Gates · Fright Gate Let move the figure in the fight that he succeeds slightly. 几乎是毫秒之内,张蓝身形在原地稍一闪烁,【瞬开八门·惊门】让他成功的在战斗中稍稍的移动了身形。 Is this small displacement, the Harry's left hand that lets touches and goes from the Zhang Lan's right hand, but the Zhang Lan's right hand was no hindrance seal in... 就是这微小的偏移,让的哈利的左手从张蓝的右手边擦过,而张蓝的右手则是毫无阻碍的印在了... After Kitty since left the Harry's battlefield, is somewhat absent-minded, her line of sight is paying attention to one side hugeness once for a while Sand Prison. 凯蒂自从离开了哈利的战场后,就是有些心不在焉的,她的视线时不时的关注着一边的巨大【砂牢笼】。 Inside person, has problems no matter who, 里面的人,不管是谁出了问题, Kitty will be very uncomfortable. One is her love, hero that in her mind deserves. 凯蒂都会很难受的。一个是她的挚爱,她心目中当之无愧的英雄 Dough making cold-hearted hot big elder brother , like oneself front Peter. 一个和面冷心热的大哥哥,和自己面前的彼得一样。 But, she sleeps obviously, why turned into the present appearance? 可,明明她只是睡了一觉,为什么就变成了现在的模样? In the fight loses concentration is not the good matter, if not the Kitty time is maintaining the shape of energy, feared that had been taken by Peter the head. 战斗中分神可不是好事情,若非凯蒂时刻保持着能量化的形态,怕是早已经被彼得拿下了项上头颅。 The order of Stryker is May or the Kitty's head, Peter never forgot that or is the subfield of his within the body, had not forgotten slightly. 史崔克的命令就是或者凯蒂的头颅,彼得从未忘记或者说,是他体内的子体,丝毫都没有忘记。 What a pity, Kitty directs the next time to maintain the shape of energy in May's, Peter that lets can only be at a loss. 可惜,凯蒂梅的指挥下时刻保持着能量化的形态,让的彼得只能束手无策。 His Gentle Fist regarding energy body, does not have the means to attack, merely is only disruption slightly. 他的柔拳对于能量体而言,还是没有办法攻击到,仅仅只是稍微的扰乱罢了。 This regarding Kitty, looks like flexure itchy general. 这对于凯蒂而言,就像是挠痒痒一般。 Peter that the long-time deadlock fight lets does not have the means to withdraw, saw with own eyes that Harry was also imprisoned, Peter has to open Eight Inner Gates Fight opens, is fourth Injury Gate! 长久的僵持战斗让的彼得没有办法脱身,眼见哈利也是被囚禁住了,彼得不得不开启【八门遁甲】战斗一开,就是第四伤门 Taking advantage of this short explosive force, Peter successful shivered the May's six puppets, now three puppets are only coping with him, remaining one are the defense side May's. 借着这短暂的爆发力,彼得成功的敲碎了梅的六具傀儡,现在仅有三具傀儡在对付他,剩下的一具则是防御在梅的身边。 Without the puppet, Peter can definitely electron pass to twist and break the May's head. However are not related, after he shivers remaining puppet one by one, had no difficulty. 若是没有傀儡的话,彼得完全可以电子化过去一把拧断梅的头颅。不过也没关系,等他把剩下的傀儡一一敲碎之后,也就没有什么难度了。 Also in the meantime, that side Sand Prison, Starts to remove slowly. 也就在此时,那一边的【砂牢笼】,开始缓缓褪去。 The step of Peter attack this lets stopped slightly, his figure retrocedes, stops Eight Inner Gates Opening, vision toward Sand Prison Within looks out to go. 这让的彼得攻击的步伐稍稍停顿了一下,他身形后退,停止【八门遁甲】的开启,目光朝着【砂牢笼】之内瞭望而去。 This looked, the Peter look that lets shakes. 这一看,让的彼得神色一震。 Knows very well Zhang Lan's his assured opposite party not to kill itself to live Harry, this is the matter without a doubt, but now... 熟知张蓝的他笃定对方不会杀死自己活着哈利,这是毋庸置疑的事情,但是现在... Peter that byakugan | white eyes lets finds clearly, Harry quiet lying down in the ground, chest fluctuating, the left chest place burned black piece, faint trace death aura has not hiked up from him. 白眼让的彼得清晰瞧见,哈利悄无声息的躺在地面上,胸口没有一丝的起伏,左心口处焦黑一片,一丝丝死气从他身上飘起。 What more is important, in byakugan | white eyes, chakra of Harry whole body is dissipating slowly, was no longer made new chakra by the heart. 更多重要的是,在白眼之中,哈利全身的查克拉正在缓缓消散,不再被心脏制造出新的查克拉 This is the heart the sign that stops operating! 这是心脏停止运作的迹象! Zhang Lan he... really killed Harry unexpectedly! 张蓝他...竟然真的杀了哈利 Suddenly, Peter, Kitty and May three people were in same place. 一时间,彼得凯蒂三个人都是楞在了原地。 They do not know that should make what response. 他们根本不知道该作何反应。 Three people are in a daze, Zhang Lan of surface no mighty waves has not actually been in a daze, his step by step walks toward Peter, plan that gold God Cloth still has not put on, trend Peter of such gym suit, appearance of no protection. 三人发愣,面无波澜的张蓝却是没有发愣,他一步一步的向着彼得走来,身上的黄金神圣衣依然没有披上的打算,就这么一身运动衣的走向彼得,毫无防备的模样。 Kitty immediately was some opens the mouth of collapse: Lan, how you can...” 凯蒂当即就是有些崩溃的开口了:“,你怎么可以...” The words have not said, May at the same time drew Kitty, shakes the head toward Kitty. 话还没有说完,一边的拉了凯蒂一把,朝着凯蒂摇了摇头。 Kitty sees this, bites a silver tooth to lower the head, she does not want to see tears in the eyes. 凯蒂见此,咬着一口银牙低下头,她不想让人看见自己眼中的泪水。 Walked was near, Peter discovered, three tomoe in Zhang Lan eye slowly is blending, seems like wants to get together in together, is actually not able to succeed. 走的近了,彼得发现,张蓝眼中的三颗勾玉缓缓的交融着,似乎是想要聚合在一起,却又无法成功。
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