HOMD :: Volume #5

#401: Unavoidable choice

What do you in hesitate? Hurried to close that damn Space Gate, read in you once in the share of USA citizen, what sacrificing several people was?” “你到底在犹豫什么?赶紧关了那个该死的空间之门,念在你曾经还是美国公民的份上,牺牲几个人算什么?” Hesitant what? 犹豫什么? How many people sacrificing was what? 牺牲几个人算什么? These two words deep thorns in the Zhang Lan's chest on. 这两句话深深的刺在了张蓝的心口中上。 Earth that own past went all out to defend... was such a group of people of security! 自己以往拼命保卫的地球...原来是保卫的这么一群人! Laughable, I have thought own behavior is right!” “可笑,我一直以为自己的行为是对的!” In this flash, Zhang Lan made a decision, but before then, he first consulted a system issue: system, I five A Rank Rule Fragment, I exchange S Rank Rule Fragment with them now, Ok?” 在这一瞬间,张蓝做出了一个决定,不过在此之前,他先咨询了系统一个问题:“系统,我现在有五个a级别规则碎片,我拿它们兑换一个s级别规则碎片,可以吗?” „....” system silent moment: Lan, although I want to help you, but... was sorry, is not I am not willing, is I really cannot achieve!” “...。”系统沉默了片刻:“,虽然我很想帮你,但是...抱歉,不是我不肯,是我真的做不到!” now, you want to gain the S Rank Rule Fragment words, only then kills Venom, or kills that Chitaur King, Loki and Thor, otherwise has no other alternative...” “现在,你想要获取s级别规则碎片的话,只有杀死毒液,或者杀死那个齐塔瑞王,还有洛基索尔,不然别无他法...” „, I understood.” Zhang Lan nods: That, I, so long as has S Rank Rule Fragment, can exchange any S Grade ninjutsu? Including Forbidden Jutsu!” “啊,我明白了。”张蓝点了点头:“那,我只要有s级别规则碎片,是不是可以兑换任何一个s级忍术?包括禁术!” Yes, any.” system this reply without hesitation. “是的,任何。”系统这一次回答的毫不犹豫。 Zhang Lan nods, he in this moment had determined that is solution one can the perfect solution at present the position, but means that the present people do not need dead. 张蓝点了点头,他在这一刻已经确定是解决办法一个能够完美解决目前境地,而眼前的人都不需要死的办法。 „, Cannot think, finally I must come with this method...” “呵,想不到,最终我还是要用这一种方法来...” Length gently breathes out, Zhang Lan returned to a few words regarding USA President that the ear talked endlessly indifferently: This time, if my undying, all people who participate in this event, including you, must die!” 轻轻的长出了一口气,张蓝对于耳边喋喋不休的美国总统淡然回了一句话:“这次如果我不死,所有参与这次事件的人,包括你,都要死!” Then, Zhang Lan hung up the communication directly, walked several steps toward Loki, the surface no mighty waves opens the mouth: If I turn to you now, whether to make the choice?” 说完,张蓝直接挂断了通讯,朝着洛基走了几步,面无波澜的开口:“如果我现在投靠你,是不是可以不做选择?” Em?” Loki doubts crooked wry neck: Turns to me?... Do you refer to sincerely admiring?” “恩?”洛基疑惑的歪了歪脖子:“投靠我?...你指的是诚服吗?” Naturally.” Zhang Lan shows neither approval nor disapproval, the complexion is very indifferent. “当然。”张蓝不置可否,脸色却是淡然得很。 Hehe... hā hā hā!” “呵呵...哈哈哈!” To with the Zhang Lan sudden surrender, Loki obviously is happy, he is laughing unscrupulously, probably the ridicule, seems like the celebration. 对与张蓝突然的投诚,洛基显然是大为高兴的,他肆无忌惮的大笑着,像是嘲笑,又像是庆祝。 Zhang Lan has not exported to prevent, but such indifferent is staring at Loki, the split vision of corner of the eye is the time is actually paying attention to Stryker natural, he also discovered on Stryker that face the anxious look extremely. 张蓝并没有出口阻止,而是就这么淡然的盯着洛基,眼角的余光却是时刻的注意着史崔克自然的,他也是发现了史崔克那脸上焦急万分的神色。 Determined, originally is you are being up to mischief!” “确定了,原来就是你在搞鬼!” After the Zhang Lan heart is assured, did not pay attention to Loki the happiness of smiling, a few words was catching the throat the opposite party: Very good, Loki, you did not use!” 张蓝心中笃定之后,丝毫不理会洛基正笑的欢乐,一句话将对方卡住了喉咙:“很好,洛基,你不用死了!” hā hā... volume...!” Loki seems like one to be seized the duck of neck similar, suddenly stops the acoustic ray that oneself laughed wildly. 哈哈...额...呃!”洛基像是一只被掐住脖子的鸭子一般,突然止住了自己狂笑的声线。 He was some suspicion lives, what can Zhang Lan do? 他都是有些怀疑人生了,张蓝到底是要搞什么? „Do you dare to play tricks on me unexpectedly?” Loki is burning with anger. “你竟然敢戏弄我?”洛基怒火中烧着。 No, I to confirm something.” “不,我只是为了确认一些东西。” Zhang Lan deep looked at Stryker, turning around that its behind does not return to walks toward Harry and Kitty's battlefield. 张蓝深深的看了一眼史崔克,其后头也不回的转身向哈利凯蒂的战场走去。 Kitty has started to use simple Wood Release to surround Harry, but still is also only the point, has not launched any attack, to reduce the consumption of energy body merely uses Wood Release. 凯蒂已经开始使用简单的木遁困住哈利了,但依然也只是点到为止,并没有发动任何的攻击,仅仅只是为了减少自己能量化身体的消耗而使用木遁 And does not have the methodicalness use. 并且还是毫无章法的使用。 If this were found by Senju Hashirama, will not definitely recognize this is own Wood Release. 这要是被千手柱间瞧见了,肯定不会认这是自己的木遁的。 Even so, Kitty also just like one momentarily by the appearance that Harry kills, every is one time the danger dangerous avoids the Harry's attack. 即便是如此,凯蒂也俨然是一副随时会被哈利干掉的模样,每一次都是险之又险的避开哈利的攻击。 Even, such a small little while, Kitty clothes had become the beggar very perfect that installed Sage Body aspect Kitty's is really inherits, even fought can still restore the physical body freely. 甚至,就这么一小会儿,凯蒂身上的衣服已经是成了乞丐装了仙人体方面凯蒂的确是继承的十分完美,即便是战斗中也可以自由的恢复肉体。 This is the performance of abundant vitality. 这是充裕生命力的表现。 Zhang Lan may, no matter these, his golden form flashes before suddenly in vain before the Harry's body, in three tomoe ice-cold, but has not fluctuated, probably gives up on the person general is staring at Harry. 张蓝可不管这些,他的金色身影突徒然闪现在哈利的身前,三勾玉中冰冷而没有波动,像是看死人一般的盯着哈利 This was gets up killed intent! 这是起了杀意! Harry obviously was also detects, used Lightning Release to activate his speed of body cell to be extremely quick, without hesitation retroceded, in hand ninja seal high and low fluttering. 哈利明显也是察觉到了,使用雷遁激活身体细胞的他速度极快,毫不犹豫的就是后退,手中忍印上下翻飞。 All these behaviors, natural was watched by Zhang Lan's three tomoe clearly. 这一切的行为,自然是被张蓝的三勾玉清晰看在了眼里。 In the hand is tying the shape similarly with ninja seal, latter sends first to started ninjutsu 手中同样是结着形同的忍印,后发先至的发动了忍术 Sage Art · Fire Release · Grand Fireball Jutsu 仙法·火遁·豪火球之术 Enough five meters growing perceptibly Grand Fireball spouts from the Zhang Lan mouth. 一颗足足五米见长的豪火球张蓝口中喷出。 Fire Release · Grand Fireball Jutsu 火遁·豪火球之术 A Harry chest drum, spouted Grand Fireball, although the diameter is to also be close to five meters, but... his is only ordinary ninjutsu. 哈利胸膛一鼓,也是喷出了一颗豪火球,虽然直径也是接近五米,但...他这只是普普通通的忍术罢了。 ninjutsu vs senjutsu, not question, Harry must defeat. 忍术vs仙术,毫不疑问的,哈利是必败的。 Bang!” “轰!” Two Grand Fireball bump into the same place, is the violent explosion, the Zhang Lan's sage art obvious might even better, its strong explosive force brings the Harry Grand Fireball fireworks, goes toward the Harry's direction impact together. 两颗豪火球相撞在一起,皆都是猛烈的爆炸开来,张蓝的仙法明显的威力更胜一筹,其强大的爆发力带着哈利豪火球的焰火,一同向着哈利的方向冲击而去。 Harry obviously also expected, in the hand has been tying ninja seal, completed new ninjutsu before the fire intensity and body. 哈利明显也是料到了的,手中早已经是在结着忍印,在火势及身之前就是完成了新的忍术 Ninjutsu · Substitution Jutsu 忍术·替身术 Simple and practical E Grade other ninjutsu, making Harry successful got rid of the Zhang Lan's attack. 一个简单而实用的e级忍术,让哈利成功的摆脱了张蓝的攻击。 sharingan has seen through the Harry's stopping over top, Zhang Lan had not actually begun immediately, but is the tone gentle said toward Kitty: Kitty , helping your Aunt May, here has me to be good.” 写轮眼早已经是看穿了哈利的落脚顶,张蓝却是没有马上动手,而是语气温柔的朝着凯蒂说道:“凯蒂,去帮你梅伯母,这边有我就好。” But...” Kitty looks Zhang Lan has not transferred body, hesitated is wanting to say anything. “可是...”凯蒂看着张蓝没有转过的身子,犹豫着想要说什么。 Clever, all right!” The Zhang Lan tone is still that gentle, still has not actually turned around. “乖,没事的!”张蓝语气依然是那么温柔,却依然是没有转身。 Kitty cannot see, the audience before live broadcast are actually the fine hair raises up. 凯蒂看不见,直播前的观众们却是汗毛竖起。 You can imagine a person to be able the complexion to be callous, eye belt/bring killing qi said the gentle talk between lovers? 你能想象一个人能够脸色冷酷,眼带杀气的说出温柔情话吗? They saw, Zhang Lan is so. 他们都看见了,张蓝就是如此的。 The fine hair raises up at the same time, they are also felt that deep sorrowful many people from most started to know Zhang Lan, a big boy of sunlight, is actually to once be forced to face now... 汗毛竖起的同时,他们也是感觉到了深深的悲痛很多人从最开始就认识张蓝了,曾经一个阳光的大男孩,现在却是被迫要面临... His cold, is the choice that has no alternative. 他的冷,是无可奈何的抉择。 His suppleness, is love of tender feeling water. 他的柔,是温情似水的疼爱。 The so contradictory mood, actually manifests on a also less than 20 boy, this... is really... 如此矛盾的情绪,却是在一个还二十男孩身上体现出来,这...真的是... A barrage, from live broadcast crazy is brushing screen 一句弹幕,从直播上疯狂的刷着屏幕 He... he is only one has not arrived at the 20 child, why! Why!! Why!!!” “他...他还只是一个不到二十的孩子,为什么!为什么!!为什么!!!” Why? 为什么? Zhang Lan cannot reply. 张蓝不能回答。 However he knows. 但是他知道。 In this moment, in this place, in this situation. 就在这一刻,在这一个地点,在这一个场合。 He pledged. 他发誓。 All once participated in the person who harms his family member, must pay with the life the price! 所有曾经参与伤害他亲人的人,都要付出生命的代价!
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