HOMD :: Volume #4

#400: USA President telephone

Harry and May's fight had the communication mutually, byakugan | white eyes wants to see Chakra Line is too simple, but Gentle Fist wanted to shut off Chakra Line is also simple. 哈利梅的战斗互有来往,白眼想要看见查克拉线太简单了,而柔拳想要切断查克拉线也是再简单不过。 However, what May inherits is Grandma Chiyo Character Card. 然而,继承的是千代婆婆人物卡牌 What Grandma Chiyo adept is skill? 千代婆婆的拿手技能是什么? natural was a puppet. 自然是傀儡了。 Original Zhang Lan was also worried that very much May takes the modern people, was used to easily and comfortably, will unable to accept fight Puppet Jutsu, abandons, but not study. 原先张蓝还很担心作为现代人,安逸惯了,会接受不了战斗的傀儡术,弃而不学。 But, seeing May to pull out the scroll, after summoning a 10 puppet, Zhang Lan was slightly relieved. 可,看见掏出卷轴,召唤出个傀儡之后,张蓝稍稍安心了。 Yes, this year time, May is not relaxed. 是啊,这一年的时间,可不轻松啊。 She must lead three children, to protect the child, the elders will always erupt the astonishing strength, the thing that the study same does not like a piece of cake. 她要带着三个孩子,为了保护孩子,长辈们总是会爆发出惊人的力量,学习一样不喜欢的东西不过是小菜一碟罢了。 Now May uses, is Grandma Chiyo strongest refers to Puppet Jutsu only! 现在所使用的,就是千代婆婆最强单指傀儡术 That is, one manipulates a puppet with the finger. 也就是,一跟手指操纵一个傀儡。 Puppet Jutsu · White Secret Technique · Chikamatsu Collection of Ten Puppets 傀儡术·白秘技·近松十人众 Because the puppet does not have the meridians, is the mechanism/organization and triggers weapon by operator Chakra Line of completely, by the restraint of perfect Peter's Gentle Fist. 因为傀儡本身是没有经脉的,完全就是机关和凭借操控师的查克拉线来触发武器,是以完美的克制了彼得的柔拳 May keeps five puppets in own side guard, another five encircle Peter, the priority of attack is systematic, was not May first time so fights very much obviously. 留着五个傀儡在自己身边守卫,另外五个则是将彼得团团围住,攻击的先后井然有序,很显然不是第一次如此战斗了。 The Peter's defense is quite somewhat thrown into confusion, initially electing of May puppet in may be Tony and Harry is the May choice, that material quality really did not say that destroys destroys. 彼得的防御则是颇有些手忙脚乱的,当初傀儡的选在可都是托尼哈利选择的,那材质真的不是说打碎就打碎的。 Zhang Lan this time innermost feelings, are actually almost collapse this... to protect you, but studies!” 张蓝此时的内心,却是几近崩溃的“这...原先是为了保护你们,而学的啊!” Clenches the teeth, Zhang Lan forces own line of sight to shift, another side Harry and Kitty's battlefield also heaves in sight. 咬紧牙关,张蓝强迫自己的视线转移开,另一边的哈利凯蒂的战场也是映入眼帘。 Kitty as superhuman, has to fight, but, her combat experience is not enough to support her to start about the friend who oneself know obviously. 凯蒂作为一名超人类,并非没有战斗过,只是,她的战斗经验显然是不足以支撑她对自己认识的朋友下手。 Harry is incurs the move to take a look at the Kitty's strategic point to start fiercely, Kitty actually compelled retreat step by step. 哈利是招招瞅着凯蒂的要害猛下手,凯蒂却是被逼的一步步后退。 So far, Kitty even she absolutely would have no plan of hitting back without hand . 到目前为止,凯蒂甚至是没有还过一次手她根本就没有还手的打算。 If not for the superpower sound of her energy, only feared again she has died on Harry's. 若不是她那能量化的超能力再声,只怕她早已经是死在了哈利的手上。 This made Zhang Lan even more anxious. 这让张蓝越发的焦急了。 He felt that oneself thought was chaotic. 他感觉自己的思维乱了。 Thorough was chaotic. 彻底的乱了。 In the mind has thousands of scenes to flash before. 脑海中有着千万幅的景象闪现着。 The May trash picks own scene, 倒垃圾捡到自己的场景、 In childhood and Peter played the noisy scene, 小时候与彼得玩闹的场景、 The first time sees the Harry lonely scene in the classroom, 第一次在教室看见哈利孤单的场景、 The scene of Uncle Ben dying time, 本伯父死去时候的场景、 Mutant Registration Bill the scene of debating championships, 变种人登记法案”辩论赛的场景、 Scene that School for the Gifted Bill proposed, 天才学院法案”提出的场景、 first time and Kitty confession, and becomes the scene of her boyfriend, 第一次和凯蒂告白,并且成为了她男朋友的场景、 ...... ...... Invading that too many too many memories, cannot stop at this moment, in mind rapid and clear is flashing before. 太多太多的记忆,此时此刻止不住的蜂拥而上,在脑海中迅速而清晰的闪现着。 Zhang Lan being hard that even more this lets makes the choice. 这让的张蓝越发的难以做抉择。 Because Peter's hobbled is really deep, instead is unable to achieve to choose a side to abandon the other side! 正因为彼得的牵绊实在是太深了,反而是无法做到选择一方而抛弃另一方! Side is rescues and adopts the girlfriend of own May and love! 一边是救下并领养自己的、挚爱的女友! Peter and silent actually heavy sentimental that Harry side grows up at a young age! 一边是自小长大的彼得、沉默却重感情的哈利 How to choose? 如何选择? He has not considered the choice! 他根本就从来没有考虑过选择! Zhang Lan when that intertwines silent, actually some people silent not. 张蓝在那沉默纠结的时候,却是有人沉默不了。 Sufficed, Loki!” Thor goes out of the camp in big strides, loud is reproving Loki: You really deliberately created trouble, Lan is the friend of mine, I order you to call a halt now!” “够了,洛基!”索尔大踏步走出阵营,大声的训斥着洛基:“你实在是太胡闹了,是我的朋友,我命令你现在就停手!” Scolded facing Thor's, Loki very astonished about looks, finally doubts pointed at to ask: „Are you... speaking with me?” 面对索尔的呵斥,洛基很是惊异的左右瞧了瞧,最后疑惑的指着自己问道:“你...是在和我说话?” Otherwise is a dog!” The Thor tone batters. “不然难道是一条狗吗!”索尔语气横冲直撞的。 „...” The Loki shoulder shakes, the tone filled disdaining: „Is this you and attitude of future Earth King- Loki speech?” “呵...”洛基肩膀一抖,语气充满了不屑:“这就是你和未来的地球国王-洛基讲话的态度?” Sufficed Loki!” The Thor's anger is away from the screen to feel: „ Stops your bored fantasy, our Asgardian will never enslave any star, “够了洛基!”索尔的怒火隔着屏幕都是能够感受的到:“停止你那无聊的幻想,我们阿斯嘉特人从来不会奴役任何一个星球, We are... ” That is you!” Loki angrily roars to break the Thor's lengthy speech: You are Asgard, I am not... I am not the Asgard's person!” 我们是...”“那是你们!”洛基一声怒吼打断索尔的长篇大论:“你才是阿斯嘉特,我不是...我可不是阿斯嘉特的人!” Speaking of finally, the Loki's intonation lowered slightly. 说到最后,洛基的语调稍稍的低了下去。 Regarding oneself status, he is very cares. 对于自己的身份,他还是十分在意的。 Loki, do not think, we grow up since childhood, although you are not the royal father child, but royal mother, weren't you royal mother child?” Thor played a sentimental sign. 洛基,别这么想,我们从小长大,你虽然不是父王的孩子,但母后呢,你也不是母后的孩子了吗?”索尔打了一张感情牌。 Therefore, why Frigga hasn't supported me to make King?” Loki does not accept Thor's to lobby: Why King is you, I suit to become King compared with you obviously, you are just in a brain are covered with the person of muscle!” “所以,为什么弗丽嘉没有支持我做国王?”洛基并不接受索尔的游说:“为什么国王是你,明明我比你更加的适合成为国王,你只不过是一个脑子里长满肌肉的人!” „, yes, you were their sons, was the successor of throne, I was just a chip of politics!” “哦,对了,你才是他们的儿子,才是王位的继承者,我只不过是一个政治的筹码罢了!” Loki, you think, royal father they...” 洛基,你这么想,父王他们...” Sufficed!” Loki plans the Thor's words: You said that many is also again useless, now, we can greet, only then war!” “够了!”洛基打算索尔的话:“你说再多也是没有用的,现在,我们能够迎接的,只有战争!” Speaking of this, Loki no longer pays attention to Thor, turned the head to say several anything to Tang in a low voice. 说到这,洛基不再理会索尔,转头向低声说了几句什么。 Tang slightly one hesitant, he looks to look at dumbly in Zhang Lan that in same place look struggles, finally nods. 略微的一犹豫,他瞧了瞧呆立在原地神色挣扎的张蓝,最后还是点了点头。 With his nod, in the sky did not have Space Gate of sound to live it up for a long time again, Chitauri rode their flight vehicle to start to swarm Space Gate, that meghimatium bilineatum battleship was also to become Pai from middle reaches. 随着他的点头,天空上许久没有动静的空间之门再次热闹了起来,齐塔瑞人乘坐着他们的飞行器开始蜂拥出空间之门,那一种蛞蝓战舰也是成排的从中游了出来。 29,999 that , Loki previously transformed harnesses unmanned fighter. Tony several people that such huge army, journey silent did not speak at the same time had the new manual labor army toward the recent Manhattan Island attack! 随之的,还有洛基此前转化的两万九千九百九十九无人战斗机。这么庞大的军队,一边程默不语的托尼几人都是有了新的活计军队在朝着最近的曼哈顿岛进攻! Finally, Manhattan Island cannot avoid the dispute of flames of war. 最终,曼哈顿岛还是免不了战火的纷争。 Tony several people all awkward looks at Zhang Lan, fights superheating Peter, May, Harry and Kitty four people, finally clenches teeth, turns around to prevent the attack of army. 托尼几人皆都是为难的看一眼张蓝,还有战斗到白热化的彼得哈利凯蒂四人,最后一咬牙,还是转身去阻止军队的侵袭。 Hulk also has to leave the Kitty four people of regiments, except for Zhang Lan, no one can meddle. 浩克也是不得不离开凯蒂四人的战团,除了张蓝自己,谁也不能插手。 What meddling to make? 插手能做什么? No matter starts to whom, is Zhang Lan is not willing to see. 不管是对谁下手,都是张蓝所不愿看见的。 Thor regarding the present scene is also helpless very much, he looks at Loki Tang, and fight two war circle, the brain twists at the same time, carries Hammer of the God of Thunder to rush to Loki unexpectedly. 索尔对于现在的场景也是无奈的很,他瞧了一眼洛基身边的,以及一边战斗的两个战圈,脑子一拧,竟然是拎着雷神之锤洛基冲了上去。 The result is obvious. 结果是显而易见的。 Although Tang does not like Loki this person very much, but the order of Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos actually does not allow to defy. 虽然并不是很喜欢洛基这个人,但灭霸的命令却是不容违抗的。 Thor obtained a Tang's free airplane ticket, goes directly to Manhattan Island to take Asgard's prince, Tang is cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt. 索尔得到了唐的一张免费机票,直达曼哈顿岛作为阿斯嘉特的王子,还是投鼠忌器的。 Odin that is the young time defeats the Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos person, this to him is not secret. 奥丁那可是年轻时候战败灭霸的人,这个对于他而言并不是什么秘密。 Saw with own eyes that the battlefield fell into again deeply worried, the telephone that an intention does not arrive at hit. 眼见战场再次陷入了焦灼中,一个意向不到的电话打来了。 Is USA President, does not know that whose attained the Zhang Lan's telephone number from hand. 美国总统的,也不知道是从谁手里拿到了张蓝的电话号码。 Opposite agitated Zhang Lan does not want to pay attention, lets the Phantom blacklisted opposite party directly, who knows that the opposite party actually changed a telephone to continue to dial. 烦躁的张蓝根本就不想理会对面,直接让幻影拉黑对方,谁知道对方却是换了一个电话继续拨打。 Finally, bothersome cannot anti- Zhang Lan make Phantom put through the communication, has not spoken with enough time, USA President of telephone that head first was one scolds right in the face got down 最后,烦不可耐的张蓝幻影接通了通讯,还没有来得及说话,电话那头的美国总统先是一阵劈头盖脸的骂了下来 What do you in hesitate? Hurried to close that damn Space Gate, read in you once in the share of USA citizen, what sacrificing several people was?” “你到底在犹豫什么?赶紧关了那个该死的空间之门,念在你曾经还是美国公民的份上,牺牲几个人算什么?”
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