HOMD :: Volume #4

#399: Changes rule

Sees with own eyes Peter in oneself at present, was covered by Venom slowly, Zhang Lan has no means to prevent. 眼见彼得在自己眼前,被毒液缓缓覆盖,张蓝却没有任何办法阻止。 This ratio killed him to be painful simply! 这简直比杀了他还痛苦! Arrived finally, Victor no longer has moved to lose Venom him completely, cannot withstand the penalty of Stryker parent body, was fainted directly sorely. 到最后,维克托已经是完全不再动弹了失去毒液的他,根本就承受不住史崔克母体的惩罚,直接就是疼晕了过去。 As for Peter, he feels present unprecedented good! 至于彼得,他觉得现在的自己前所未有的好! If not that intense fight desire, that better was serious. 如果不是那强烈的战斗欲望的话,那就更加好的不得了了。 Goes, remembers your goal!” “去吧,记得你的目标!” On the Stryker face has the sole smiling face, issued the order to Peter again. 史崔克脸上带着单单的笑容,再次给彼得下达了命令。 After Peter receives the order nods, the body does not see 彼得收到命令后点了点头,身子徒然在原地分解不见,转眼即逝的出现在了凯蒂的背后,右手执掌为剑,一掌狠狠的印向了凯蒂的后心口! If this palm seal were solid, only fears the Kitty's consequence... 这一掌要是印实了,只怕凯蒂的后果... Zhang Lan also handles to guard obviously. 张蓝显然也是措不及防的。 He absolutely does not have the meaning, will actually have the Victor electron ability by Peter that Venom strengthens! 他根本就没有意思到,被毒液强化的彼得竟然会拥有维克托电子化能力! When he responded prepares to leave, was blocked the way by Harry's shadow clone exactly, his step evening that slightly this lets a half step, definitely rescued Kitty without enough time! 等他反应过来准备动身的时候,恰好是被哈利的一个影分身挡住了去路,这让的他的步伐稍稍的晚了一小步,肯定是来不及救援凯蒂了! Damn!” “该死!” Zhang Lan scolded one at heart ruthlessly, regarding the present situation he really does not know how should process the palm back of the hand is the meat, how can this choose? 张蓝心里狠狠的骂了一句,对于现在的情况他真的是不知道该如何处理手心手背都是肉,这要如何抉择? Saw with own eyes after the Peter's palm wants in seal Kitty's, chest time, the sound resounded you to know when to stop to me together!” 眼见彼得的手掌就要印上凯蒂的后心口的时候,一道声音响起了“你给我适可而止!” The voice resounds at the same time, Peter's movement also slightly stiff, stops same place in has one second of fully, finally the incarnation electricity member got rid of the position of that type of being a go-between puppet again. 话音响起的同时,彼得的动作也是稍稍的僵硬了一下,停顿在原地足有一秒钟之久,最后还是再次化身电分子才是摆脱了那种牵线木偶的境地。 Is May's Puppet Control Jutsu · Chakra Line. 梅的傀儡操纵术·查克拉线】。 Rides this empty space, the Zhang Lan form is flashing past, from initiated in the Peter hand of attack to rescue again Kitty that in addition also knew nothing about. 乘着这个空当,张蓝身影一闪而过,从再次发起攻击的彼得手中救下了尚且还毫不知情的凯蒂 Peter does not pursue, withdraws slightly with Harry stands shoulder to shoulder, with opposite Zhang Lan, Kitty and May three people of lines of sight relative, the thoughts in respective heart are actually the complete difference. 彼得也并不追击,稍一退后与哈利并肩站立,和对面的张蓝凯蒂三人视线相对,各自心中的心思却是完全的不同。 Lan!” The May's sound somewhat shivers: I they gave you less than quite a while, this appearance Peter!” !”梅的声音有些颤抖:“我就是把彼得他们交给你不到半天,就这个样子了吗!” „is approaches for a year that you leave, we do not have the matter, why on the half of the day, turned into now this appearance!” “在你离开的接近一年时间,我们都没有事情,为什么就半天,就变成现在这个样子了呢!” „your makes elder brother, how to do ! How to do!!” “你这做哥哥的,到底是怎么做的,啊!怎么做的!!” Facing the May's accusation, Zhang Lan including a rebuttal the words not to have the means saying that only has closely is nipping the root, does not know that in the heart is thinking anything. 面对梅的指责,张蓝连一句反驳的话都没有办法说出口,唯有紧紧的咬着牙根,也不知道心中在想着什么。 May, exactly had anything, do not say such heavy words line!” Kitty is partial regarding Zhang Lan, the opens the mouth is Zhang Lan asks favor: Peter they were, was where we are unfair to them? I rested some time, how...” ,到底发生了什么,你不要说这么重的话行吗!”凯蒂对于张蓝还是偏爱的,开口为张蓝求情:“彼得他们到底是怎么了,是不是我们哪里对不起他们?我就是睡了一段时间而已,怎么...” The Kitty's words have not said, was resisted the mouth by Zhang Lan with the index finger. 凯蒂的话还没有说完,就是被张蓝用食指抵住了嘴巴。 He looks to another side stands in Peter that same place has not planned to attack two people, and that side does not know that was discussing anything's Loki and Stryker, start to tell the beginning to end of matter for two people briefly. 他瞧向另一边站立在原地并没有打算进攻的彼得两人,以及那边不知道是在商量什么的洛基史崔克,开始为两人简要的讲述事情的始末。 Including that parent body and subfield characteristics. 包括那母体与子体的特性。 Stryker after stopping Peter and Harry, turns around to say with Loki: Loki, this way radically endless, the Zhang Lan's ability can definitely get up their seal, like before our such, that...” 史崔克在叫停了彼得哈利之后,转身和洛基说道:“洛基,这样子下去根本就没完没了,张蓝的能力完全可以将他们两个封印起来,就像之前我们那样子,那...” I work do not need you to gesticulate!” Loki very not anti- interrupts the Stryker words directly: „ You must remember, I am King, you are only “我做事不用你来指手画脚!”洛基很是不耐的直接打断史崔克的话:“你要记住,我才是国王,你只是我的一条狗罢了!” In the Loki heart, Earthling except for Zhang Lan, seemed can enter his eye on no one. 洛基心中,地球人除了一个张蓝,似乎就没有什么人是能够入得了他的眼睛的。 Regarding the shame that Loki this is relentless, Stryker actually also deeply inspires, has not refuted what to think anything as for the heart, that no one knew. 对于洛基这毫不留情的羞辱,史崔克却也只是深吸了一口气,并没有反驳什么至于心中是在想什么,那就没有人知道了。 However is very obvious, 不过很显然的, His goal was achieved, Loki starts to notice Zhang Lan regarding hindrance that this good play plays, is very likely the Ruin nature. 他的目的达到了,洛基开始注意到张蓝对于这一场好戏起到的阻碍性,很有可能是毁灭性的。 „... The matter is this, present Peter and Harry, are not they who we know.” Zhang Lan completed the summary. “...事情就是这样,现在的彼得哈利,已经不是我们认识的他们了。”张蓝完成了简述。 But... really didn't have other means?” The Kitty tearful eyes are tearful, absolutely did not have the idea. “可...真的就没有别的办法了吗?”凯蒂泪眼汪汪的,完全没有了主意。 Result that really... and I inspected a moment ago...” This is May's in a low voice twittering. “果然啊...和我刚才检查的结果...”这是梅的低声呢喃。 Atmosphere short silent moment. 气氛短暂的沉默了片刻。 The time press, as the only man on the scene, Zhang Lan has to raise the flag: I have the preliminary plan, I will have fuinjutsu first seal their two, then finds the opportunity...” 时间紧迫,作为在场唯一的男子汉,张蓝不得不扛起大旗:“我已经有了初步的打算,我会有封印术封印他们俩个,然后再找机会...” That issue is, can you defeat that alien?” The May's issue is pertinent. “那问题是,你能够战胜那个外星人吗?”梅的问题一针见血。 Zhang Lan was silent. 张蓝沉默了。 Can defeat? 能战胜吗? If can defeat, was not now this aspect. 如果能战胜,就不会是现在这个局面了。 , Zhang Lan has never longed for the strength again. 再一次的,张蓝从未渴望过力量。 This thinks own strength enough was powerful, who knows suddenly Extinguishing Tyrant - Thanos subordinate who actually emits an extraterrestrial. 本以为自己的力量已经足够的强大了,谁知道却突然冒出一个外星的灭霸手下。 But also when the Zhang Lan three people did not have the clue, that side Loki broke again tranquilly. 而也就在张蓝三人还毫无头绪的时候,那边的洛基再次打破了平静。 Hey, Lan, I think that I must revise the condition slightly.” The Loki's tone filled taking pleasure in others' misfortunes: I do not mind you to act, but if you do not intend to kill people, by us was recognized delays the fight, I kill the random person every 10 seconds, until has not stopped artificially.” “嘿,,我想我要稍稍的修改一下条件。”洛基的语气充满了幸灾乐祸:“我不介意你出手,但是如果你不是出手杀人的话,被我们认定是拖延战斗,那我就杀现场的任意一个人,直到没有人为止。” Loki's words that superficial, actually that unfeeling. 洛基的话是那么的轻描淡写,却又是那么的冷酷无情。 At least, seal Peter their plans, were disillusioned! 至少,封印彼得俩人的打算,破灭了! Zhang Lan has not tried to reason with the opposite party to clarify with Loki was to play with itself, possibly to be how reasonable with you? 张蓝并没有试图和洛基讲理对方摆明了就是要玩弄自己,怎么可能会和你讲道理? Furthermore, the weak one, always does not have the right to speak. 再者说,弱者,从来是没有话语权的。 Is silent facing Zhang Lan's, Loki is is very obviously unsatisfied, he very senseless shrugging, caused a meaningful glance toward Stryker. 面对张蓝的沉默不语,洛基显然是很不满意的,他很是无趣的耸了耸肩,朝身边的史崔克使了一个眼色。 Stryker sent out a thought knowingly, stands in same place sculpture Peter and Harry immediately is the fast-cooling down, they to/clashes toward Kitty. 史崔克心领神会的发出了一个念头,站在原地雕塑一把的彼得哈利当即就是快速启动,朝着凯蒂俩人冲来。 First arrives is still electron Peter, his goal is still Kitty, but his attack actually cannot succeed to have preparation May to cover entirely own chakra fine lace side Kitty early, Peter this movement was caught by May's Chakra Line, immediately was controlled. 最先到场的依然是电子化的彼得,他的目标依然是凯蒂,但他的攻击却是没能成功早有准备的凯蒂身边布满了自己的查克拉细线,彼得这动作就是被梅的查克拉线捕捉到,当即就是被控制住了。 Zhang Lan at the same time found, the body subconscious wish movement, actually remembered the Loki words suddenly, holding you several people of forms to flash in the mind passes, body shook shaking, finally has not acted. 一边的张蓝瞧见了,身体下意识的想要动作,却又突然想起了洛基刚才的话,托你几人的身影在脑海中一闪即逝,身体晃了晃,最终还是没有动作。 , Thinks so Harry and Kitty games to one helplessly. 就这么眼睁睁的,看着哈利凯蒂到了一处。 Zhang Lan thought that has one group of flaming flame, is burning down his innermost feelings, his world, his entirety! 张蓝觉得心中有着一团熊熊的火焰,在焚烧着他的内心,他的世界,他的全部!
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