HOMD :: Volume #4

#398: Venom suit of fate

Kills A Rank life body * 1, rewards A Grade Rule Fragment * 1.” “杀死a级别生命体,奖励a级规则碎片。” Kills A Rank life body * 1, rewards A Grade Rule Fragment * 1.” “杀死a级别生命体,奖励a级规则碎片。” Kills A Rank life body * 1, rewards A Grade Rule Fragment * 1.” “杀死a级别生命体,奖励a级规则碎片。” Kills A Rank life body * 1, rewards A Grade Rule Fragment * 1.” “杀死a级别生命体,奖励a级规则碎片。” Magneto, Optimus Prime, Stern and Abomination four people of figure, were disappeared in light beam that in that shot up to the sky. 万磁王擎天柱史登憎恶四人的身形,被泯灭在了那冲天而起的光柱之中。 Because Victor was also at the death condition, therefore was neglected by Phantom directly, this made him avoid a tribulation. 维克托因为还处于死亡状态,故而被幻影直接忽略了,这让他躲过了一劫。 Because Atlantis is the Zhang Lan's private thing, system recognized directly is Zhang Lan extinguishes kills, by obtained four A Rank Rule Fragment that he succeeded. 因为亚特兰蒂斯是属于张蓝的私有物,系统直接认定为张蓝灭杀的,是以他成功的得到了四个a级别规则碎片 However and egg, cannot synthesize S Rank Rule Fragment, the situation is a point with does not have regarding Zhang Lan now. 然并卵,又不能合成s级别规则碎片,对于张蓝现在处境是一点用都没有。 But because of four people and Loki and Stryker direct relations, by two people has not known that the situation, where only has the Tang faint feeling is not right. 而因为四人都和洛基史崔克没有直接的关系,是以两人都还不知道外界的情形,仅有隐隐的感觉到哪里不对。 Atlantis photon weapon, regarding Tang of control of light is sensitive. 亚特兰蒂斯的光子武器,对于光之掌控者的可是敏感的很。 Loki, has wasted a lot of time!” Tang discontented breaks Loki and Zhang Lan endless dialogue. 洛基,已经浪费了很多时间了!”不满的打断洛基张蓝没完没了的对话。 „, Hehe, was a little late.” Loki does not dare to go too far regarding Tang: That, can Lan, consider first to start to untie your small house?” “哦,呵呵,是有点晚了。”洛基对于还是不敢太过分的:“那么,,要不要考虑先开始解开你的小房子?” Although the words are the questionnaire, in the hand is actually wielding Mind Scepter, unmanned fighter changes into a sunspot in edge behind quietly, the suction that its man-made black hole makes enough breaks open shortly Sand Prison Defense. 话虽然是征求,手上却是挥动着心灵权杖,一架无人战斗机在身后边缘处悄然化为一个黑点,其人造黑洞所制造的吸力足够短暂破开【砂牢笼】的防御。 seal is not invincible, will meet the strong destructive power to be eradicated. 封印并非无敌的,碰见强大的破坏力还是会被破除。 Also is such short suddenly, that Stryker induced the space aura again, bringing Loki and Tang direct teleport to leave Sand Prison Range. 也就是这么短短的眨眼间,那史崔克再次感应到了外界空间的气息,带着洛基直接瞬移出了【砂牢笼】的范围。 Things have gotten to this point, Zhang Lan also has to give up maintaining so greatly Sand Prison With Eight Trigrams Seal The dual consumptions, everywhere sandy soil sprinkles the ground, spread out a careful sand body for entire Liberty Island. 事已至此,张蓝也是不得不放弃维持如此巨大的【砂牢笼】与【八卦封印】的双重消耗,漫天砂土洒落地面,为整个自由岛铺上了一层细细的砂层。 Pitifully, Unit Phantom's had not dispatched.” “可惜了,幻影的还没有派遣出去。” So thinking, Zhang Lan is turning the head to look that to also stands in same place Peter and Harry, attempts to use sharingan to want the hypnosis opposite party, actually likes a stone dropped into the sea, without the response of half a point. 如此想着,张蓝转头看向还站在原地的彼得哈利,尝试着使用写轮眼想要催眠对方,却是石沉大海,没有半分的反应。 That thing is what manufactures, how can... be Mind Stone?” In the Zhang Lan heart is thinking secretly. “那个东西到底是什么制作的,怎么会...难道是心灵宝石吗?”张蓝心中暗暗想着。 When Zhang Lan guessed, has understood the battlefield Loki complexion initially stiffly slightly one. 张蓝猜测的时候,已经初步了解战场的洛基脸色微微一僵。 He has not really thought, Zhang Lan really also has such a from the method of underground attack. 他实在是没有想到,张蓝竟然还有这么一手从地下攻击的手段。 „, Is this your assurance? My strength is fortunately strong enough, otherwise is also their fates.” A Tang face not to the plan that Loki keeps, taunted him without hesitation. “呵,这就是你的把握?还好我实力够强,不然也就是他们的下场。”一点面子也没有给洛基留的打算,毫不犹豫的嘲讽他。 Does not show due respect for the feelings facing Tang's, Loki is not in no mood to haggle over anything, is gloomy a face, waves toward Stryker. 面对唐的不给面子,洛基也并没有心情去计较什么,阴沉着一张脸,朝着史崔克挥了挥手。 Stryker is also bright Caucasian, although loathes Loki that me is eldest child's countenance, concerned about agreement, the recruitment two people summoned Harry and Peter. 史崔克也是明白人,虽然厌恶洛基那一副我是老大的嘴脸,碍于约定,还是招收将哈利彼得两人召唤了过来。 That side also in the research can eradicate Stryker to control the liquid medicines in front of Zhang Lan, Harry two people drew back backward one step, arrived at the Stryker side, lowers the head to wait. 那边还在研究能不能破除史崔克控制药水的张蓝面前,哈利两人向后退了一步,就来到了史崔克的身边,垂首以待。 You, killed that two people.” Stryker finger/refers of Kitty and May. “你们,把那两个人杀了。”史崔克一指凯蒂 Harry two people natural will not defy, the eye braves the ominous light charged into May and Kitty, two talents come, regarding this situation is also not the understanding of very, suddenly is somewhat caught off guard actually. 哈利两人自然是不会违抗,眼冒凶光的冲向了凯蒂,两人才是过来,对于这种情形还不是十分的了解,一时间倒是有些措手不及。 Reed several people at the same time see this, is to go forward to help, the body moved, flew upside down. 一边的瑞德几人见此,就是要上前帮忙,身子才是动了一下,就是倒飞了出去。 Is Tang. Situated in him of spirit shape, the speed endures compared with the speed of light, wants to pull out flies several people is not simple. 处于灵形态的他,速度堪比光速,想要抽飞几个人还不简单。 Why as for does not kill how many people... such a good drama, without many how many audience lines? 至于为什么不杀死几人...这么好的一场大戏,没有多几个观众怎么行? Above sky, Zhang Lan natural not whatever Peter two people injure Kitty and May, the figure appears in the battlefields in vain, a person arrived in Harry and Peter's continually hand attack. 天空之上,张蓝自然是不会任由彼得两人去伤害凯蒂,身形徒然出现在战场中间,一个人抵达住了哈利彼得的连手攻击。 This Tang has not prevented actually, he also wants to look how Zhang Lan must process today. 这个倒是没有阻止,他也很想看张蓝今天要怎么处理。 Also be at compelled the condition May also to respond ignorant at this time, after finding the Zhang Lan steady suppression Peter two people, is frowning Reed and itself that held to fly upside down. 还处于懵逼状态的此时也是反应了过来,瞧见张蓝稳稳的压制住彼得两人后,皱着眉头去扶着倒飞出去的瑞德和本。 Kitty is one side anxious mediating a quarrel, she knows Peter and Harry, weight/quantity in Zhang Lan heart. 凯蒂则是一边紧张的劝架,她是知道彼得哈利,在张蓝心中的分量的。 From the Reed's mouth, May understands the beginning to end of matter finally. 瑞德的嘴中,终于是了解到了事情的始末。 Looked up one also in the Zhang Lan three people of fight, Kitty that and mediated a quarrel, May turned around toward previously to walk with the position that the duplication person fought. 抬头望了一眼还在战斗的张蓝三人,以及劝架的凯蒂,转身就是朝着此前与复制人战斗的位置走去。 She needs to inspect something. 她需要检查一些东西。 Departs regarding May's, Loki does not prevent, the good play just did not start. 对于梅的离去,洛基也不阻止,好戏才刚刚开始不是吗。 Loki and Tang are with great interest, the result that Stryker that looks is actually the brow wrinkles very deep this that is not he wants. 洛基是看的津津有味,史崔克却是眉头皱的很深这不是他要的结果。 Regarding Stryker, only then Zhang Lan's body most longs for that other is only the indifferent things, but now looks like, Zhang Lan person stable suppresses Peter and Harry absolutely does not have the issue. 对于史崔克而言,只有张蓝的身体才是最渴望的,其他的都只是无所谓的东西,而现在看来,张蓝一个人稳定压制彼得哈利是完全没有问题。 „It is not good, like this cannot defeat that fellow!” “不行,这样子根本就不能战胜那个家伙!” In the Stryker heart is hitting slightly 99 , he induced a subfield suddenly to appear in oneself peripheral is Victor resurrects again. 史崔克心中打着小九九,无意间,他感应到了一个子体突然出现在自己周边维克托再次复活了。 Had!” “有了!” Stryker eye one bright, both hands simultaneous/uniform Qizhua leaves, the left hand grasped whole body black Victor, the right hand preparing to release Eight Trigrams Palm Peter grasping. 史崔克眼睛一亮,双手齐齐抓出,左手抓回了全身黑色的维克托,右手则是将准备释放八卦掌彼得给抓了回来。 Victor, takes off your Venom!” Stryker issues the order. 维克托,把你身上的毒液脱下来!”史崔克发出命令。 No!” Victor extremely panic-stricken opening eye: You cannot do that it now is my, leaves his me... the volume...!!” “不!”维克托极为惊恐的睁大眼睛:“你不能这么做,它现在是我的,离开他我...额...嗬!嗬!” The Victor words have not said, suddenly covers the head to sway back and forth on the ground, Stryker is impolite, in both hands derives two Adamantium tachi respectively, after that was hit ruthlessly in 维克托话还未说完,突然是捂着脑袋在地上打着滚,史崔克也不客气,双手中各自衍生出两把艾德曼合金太刀,其后就是狠狠的撞击在了一起 kēng qiāng!” 铿锵!” The Victor semblance that the sound that gold/metal Tiejiao called, let exceptionally vibrated. 一声金铁交鸣的声音,让的维克托外表异常的抖动了一下。 Venom, you should change a new host, this was really disappointing!” Stryker is speaking toward Victor, in both hands the tachi gold/metal iron hands over the whining noise not to interrupt. 毒液,你该换个新主人了,这一个实在是太差劲了!”史崔克朝着维克托说着话,双手中太刀的金铁交鸣声也是没有中断。 That sound listens in the person ear is somewhat loud, but regarding structure unusual Venom, was actually grating to the extreme, in addition died to waste his energy to resurrect regarding Victor repeatedly, Venom has been disgruntled. 那声音在人耳听来不过是有些大声罢了,但对于结构奇特的毒液,却是刺耳到了极点,加上对于维克托多次死亡浪费他的能量复活,毒液早已经是心存不满。 Under the multiple influences, faint trace black liquid Victor that tumbles from the pain is separated, probably worm general crawling to looking at dumbly on same place Peter. 在多重的影响下,一丝丝黑色的液体从痛苦翻滚的维克托身上脱离下来,像是蠕虫一般的爬向呆立在原地的彼得身上。 Victor under the extreme pain, still puts out a hand to detain Venom to strip even vigorously from oneself, actually discovered, Venom slid from his referring to seams , to continue covers to Peter. 维克托即便是在极度痛苦之下,也是极力伸手想要挽留毒液从自己身上剥离,却是发现,毒液又是从他的指缝间滑了出去,继续向彼得身上覆盖。 At the same time, Zhang Lan can only helplessly looks at Venom to cover Peter, actually anything did not do. 一边,张蓝只能是眼睁睁的望着毒液覆盖住彼得,却什么也做不了。 This feeling, making him almost probably go crazy! 这种感觉,让他几乎要发疯了!
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