HOMD :: Volume #4

#397: Situation reversal

Looks at peripheral distortion adult condition unmanned fighter, Zhang Lan is nipping Yamen tightly. 望着周边变形成人状态的无人战斗机,张蓝紧咬牙门。 This is not the 100,000 unmanned fighter issue, must remember, every harnesses in unmanned fighter, but has a fight robot. 这可不是十万无人战斗机的问题,要记住,每一驾无人战斗机里面,可都是有一架战斗机器人。 That is not the inferior unmanned fighter individual combat unit, its driving influence is also the antimatter energy. 那可是丝毫不逊色无人战斗机的单兵战斗单位,其驱动力也是反物质能量。 Then, the issue came, after fight robot by AllSpark life, what will have to respond? 那么,问题来了,当战斗机器人被火种源生命化之后,会发生什么反应? Zhang Lan saw, that is the fight robot and unmanned fighter is in one, the destructive power that both coordination with each other, is creating is not one plus one that simple. 张蓝看到了,那就是战斗机器人和无人战斗机合为一体,两者相互配合着,所造成的破坏力可不是一加一那么的简单。 Now, Zhang Lan must first face, is the entire 100,000 fight robot and unmanned fighter! 现在,张蓝首先要面临的,就是整整十万战斗机器人以及无人战斗机 „, You looked, originally according to me said good, must increase some are troublesome.” The Loki very helpless hand caresses the forehead, looking like really is Zhang Lan worries to be the same. “啧啧啧,你看,本来按照我说的多好,现在又要添加一些麻烦了。”洛基很是无奈的手抚额头,就像是真的在为张蓝操心一样。 That, what your present choice is, is the bride's side, a groom's family?” “那么,你现在的选择是什么,女方,还是男方?” Proposed after this issue, Loki is not waiting for Zhang Lan's to reply anxiously, is good to wait, is appreciating the Zhang Lan's facial expression how splendid time, should enjoy well. 提出这个问题后,洛基并不急着等待张蓝的回答,好正以待的,欣赏着张蓝的面部表情多么精彩的时刻,应该好好的享受一番。 Facing the Loki's issue, the meaning that Zhang Lan has not replied, but is inquiring some Phantom also many unmanned fighter. 面对洛基的问题,张蓝并没有回答的意思,而是在询问幻影自己还有多少的无人战斗机 Sorry, Lan, I before hesitant, if after all starts this scale the man-made black hole, you possibly...” Phantom tries to explain. “抱歉,,我之前犹豫了一下,毕竟如果启动这种规模的人造黑洞,您可能...”幻影试图解释。 This first not to mention.” Zhang Lan breaks Phantom: Told me, how many unmanned fighter?” “这个先别提了。”张蓝打断幻影:“告诉我,还有多少的无人战斗机?” Lan, 3,264,094 puts up unmanned fighter, provided the fight robot..., but I did not suggest that sends them to come, AllSpark in Loki hand will transform entirely them.” ,还有三百二十六万四千九十四无人战斗机,都配备了战斗机器人...但是我不建议派遣他们过来,洛基手中的火种源会将他们统统转化掉的。” What do you have better way?” Zhang Lan is cloudy the complexion. “你有什么更好的办法吗?”张蓝阴着脸色。 I suggested to start the Atlantis universe depot ship, carried out very -long-range attack to all goals, light material energy weapon, although did not have the too big use to that person, but to unmanned fighter, Megatron, Abomination and other kind of attack, did not have the issue.” “我建议启动亚特兰蒂斯宇宙母舰,对所有的目标进行超远程打击,光物质能量武器虽然对那个人没有太大用处,但是对无人战斗机威震天憎恶等一类的攻击,是没有问题的。” Very good, that starts! Also, doesn't the universe battleship anchor in peripheral? First launches the attack also to all goals, now, dispatches all unmanned fighter crossing over Space Gate immediately, I must smash the kingdom of that fellow!” “很好,那就启动啊!还有,不是有一艘宇宙战斗舰停靠在周边吗?先对所有目标发动攻击还有,现在,立刻派遣所有的无人战斗机穿越空间之门,我要捣毁那个家伙的王国!” With Zhang Lan's issuance of order, Phantom has not actually implemented immediately, but quite awkward plead another fact to Zhang Lan 随着张蓝的命令下达,幻影却是并没有马上实行,而是颇为为难的向张蓝陈诉了另一事实 Lan, the Atlantis universe depot ship is vast, I suggested that was only starts the weapon installment to be OK, its vice- artillery one of them happen to our...” ,亚特兰蒂斯宇宙母舰过于辽阔,我建议只是启动武器装置就可以了,它的副炮其中之一正好是在我们脚下...” Waits for!” Zhang Lan stares, suddenly discovers an issue: In our? The exact location of Atlantis universe depot ship where?” “等一下!”张蓝一愣,突然发现一个问题:“在我们脚下?亚特兰蒂斯宇宙母舰的具体位置到底在哪里?” In USA under.” “就在美国地底下。” I know certainly in USA, in USA where?” Expressed oneself want the explicit position. “我当然知道是在美国,在美国的哪里?”表示自己想要明确的位置。 Lan, the entire USA underground, is only some scopes of Atlantis universe depot ship, it anchors ,整个美国的地下,只是亚特兰蒂斯宇宙母舰的部分范围,它停靠在原地数千年,已经被厚重的岩石、海洋等物质覆盖了,一旦启动它升空,就必须先把整个整个大陆板块挪开!” „......” “......” USA land area big? 美国的国土面积有多大? 960,000 square kilometers state-owned area, letting USA becomes the world land area fourth country. 96万平方公里的国有面积,让美国成为世界国土面积第四的国家。 But now, Phantom tells him, is this only some scopes of Atlantis universe mother? 而现在,幻影告诉他,这只是亚特兰蒂斯宇宙母的部分范围? However the present is not the surprised this time, after Zhang Lan surprised flickered merely, is calm direction Phantom starts to start attack system of Atlantis universe depot ship. 不过现在并不是惊讶这个的时候,张蓝仅仅只是惊讶了一瞬之后吗,就是不动声色的指挥幻影开始启动亚特兰蒂斯宇宙母舰的攻击系统 Meanwhile, Zhang Lan started to make the primal chaos with Loki. 同时,张蓝开始和洛基打起了太极。 Loki is also glad to chat with Zhang Lan obviously very much, he has victory in the hand, but also fears anything! 洛基显然也很乐意和张蓝聊天,他已经是胜券在握了,还怕什么! ...... ...... Sand Prison Beside, is having this earth-shaking change at this time. 砂牢笼】之外,此时正在发生这天翻地覆的改变。 First, Megatron under Optimus Prime and Bumblebee's double whammies, 首先,威震天擎天柱大黄蜂的双重夹击下, Success was captured, from now on, the Decepticon team, only has Megatron one person. Pestered for a long time Hulk also to overpower the opposite party with Dr. Stern finally, its dozen changed a person of shape. 成功的被俘虏了,自此,霸天虎团队,仅剩下威震天一人。与史登博士纠缠许久的浩克也终于是制服了对方,将其打的变回了人形态。 Tony and Abomination's battlefield also decided the victory and defeat, is only one generation can overpower the Hulk's Hulk Buster armor merely, after the promotion is the second generation, coping with Abomination is very relaxed. 托尼憎恶的战场也是分出了胜负,仅仅只是一代就能制服浩克的反浩克装甲,在升级为第二代之后,对付一个憎恶还是很轻松的。 Naturally, this is establishes in Thor annoying Victor suction, and after giving back to Tony to come a round of thunder and lightning to be able sufficiently . 当然了,这是建立在索尔将烦人的维克托吸走,并且还给托尼来了一发雷电充能之后。 Why can let go to help as for Thor, after because generally lost Harry and Peter, Logan is not the Thor's opponent, even if there are many bones , the issues of one hammers and two hammers. 至于索尔为什么能够脱手出来帮忙,概因为失去了哈利彼得之后,洛根根本就不是索尔的对手,纵然有再多的骨头,也不过一锤子和两锤子的问题。 When the destructive power is far in excess of the resiliency, Logan also can only , helpless lying down corpse ground. 当破坏力远远超越恢复力的时候,洛根也只能无奈躺尸地上。 Fantastic Four, Rogers and Connors also successfully solve May and Kitty that remaining duplication person caught up with help. 神奇四侠罗杰斯康纳斯也是成功的解决了剩下的复制人赶来的凯蒂帮了大忙。 Kitty is close to perfect inherited Sage Body, even Wood Release can proficiently release, limits the sphere of action of duplication person by this, then May's Chakra Line its control. 凯蒂接近完美的继承了仙人体,甚至连木遁都是能够熟练释放,以此限制复制人的行动范围,而后梅的查克拉线将其一个个的操控起来。 This makes exhausted Fantastic Four almost not need to strive. 这让疲惫的神奇四侠几乎都不用出力。 A situation excellence! 形势一片大好! If not the big shackles on sky is also hanging, they have been able to cheer for the victory. 如果不是天空上的大牢笼还挂着的话,他们已经能够为胜利而欢呼了。 However, they truly cannot, the essential war not finish, now what they solve is only small. 然而,他们确实不能,关键的战局还没有结束,他们现在解决的只是小喽啰罢了。 Three on relative top of the head, Magneto several people also are really only small. Meanwhile, several people were also discussing how should solve several people that defeats. 相对头顶上的三个,万磁王几人还真的只是小喽啰。同时,几人也是在商量该如何解决战败的几人。 Logan, before they have not known the subfield, is regardless of how also under extreme methods. 洛根,在他们还不知道子体之前,是无论如何也下不了死手的。 Megatron, according to the meaning of Optimus Prime is to imprison, his benevolence lets he helps Earthling at the same time, this indecisive modest habit. 威震天,按照擎天柱的意思是囚禁起来,他的仁爱让他帮助地球人的同时,还有这优柔寡断的温和习性。 Victor, for can kill by unified recognizing actually, even if Fury received the pardon from government, saying Victor carries out government secret quest, has not changed the idea of people. 维克托,倒是被统一的认定为可以杀死即便是弗瑞接到了来自政府的赦免令,说维克托是执行政府秘密任务,也没有改变众人的想法。 The point is that no matter their what kind of killing Victor, he can always resurrect again, but whenever an opportunity presents itself, will wait for an opportunity to run away. 可问题是,不管他们如何的杀死维克托,他总是能够再次复活过来,而一旦有机会,就会伺机逃走。 Headache. 头疼。 Words of Dr. Stern, then under the Hulk's request, prepares to detain temporarily in the S.H.I.E.L.D. laboratory please note, is Hulk rather than Banner. 史登博士的话,则是在浩克的请求下,暂时准备关押在神盾局的研究室中请注意,是浩克而不是班纳 After the fight ended temporarily, Hulk returned to Banner within the body, making Banner reply the original shape. 在战斗暂时结束后,浩克就是回到了班纳体内,让班纳重新回复了原形态。 Why must leave behind Dr. Stern as for Hulk, was unknown, but stemming from the Hulk's rookie, Banner rephrased in own words, after several people discussed one, complied. 至于浩克为什么要留下史登博士,就不得而知了,但出于对浩克的新人,班纳还是转述了,几人商量了一番后,也是答应了下来。 Magneto is in the people are thorniest, because those present no one can break open that Adamantium box directly, but Magneto are also the stupor in inside, temporarily cannot process. 万磁王则是众人中最为棘手的,因为在场的人没有人能够直接破开那一个艾尔曼合金盒子,而万磁王自己也是昏迷在里面,暂时不能处理。 Thor gives Magneto to come a round of thunder and lightning once in a while and ensure he will not wake to be best to be electrocuted directly his. 索尔每隔一段时间就给万磁王来一发雷电,确保他不会醒过来最好是能够直接电死丫的。 One time is systematic of processing, and other in top of the heads Zhang Lan's result. 一次都是处理的井然有序,就等头顶上张蓝的结果了。 Until, fierce thunders to resound, several rays cut the horizon shoots towards universe, after massive unmanned fighter swarm Space Gate . 直到,一声剧烈的轰鸣响起,数道光芒划破天际射向宇宙,大量的无人战斗机蜂拥进空间之门后。 The people know, Sand Prison In situation, feared that is not wonderful! 众人知道,【砂牢笼】里的形势,怕是不妙了!
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