HSS :: Volume #7

#683: Sends again

Nine Dragon Imperial Seal?” 九龙印玺?” The shining great seal, blooms radiant golden splendor, seems one ** day, dazzling incomparable, a golden yellow color that the sky shines. 金灿灿的大印,绽放璀璨的金辉,好似一**日,耀眼无比,将天空都照射的一片金黄之色。 The South Heaven Gate numerous immortals are looking at Lower Realm that round of golden imperial seal, the pupil is fierce shrinks. 南天门众仙望着下界那一轮金色的印玺,瞳孔都是猛的一缩。 The golden imperial seal, they are too familiar, is not Jade Emperor issues Heavenly Court to command, dispatches the invincible force Heaven General imperial seal? 金色的印玺,他们太熟悉,不是玉帝颁发天庭谕令,调遣天兵天将的印玺吗? Nine Dragon Imperial Seal, represents Jade Emperor to arrive, or can say the one who wields Nine Dragon Imperial Seal is Jade Emperor, Nine Dragon Imperial Seal is Jade Emperor all. 九龙印玺一出,就代表着玉帝亲临,或者也可以说执掌九龙印玺的是玉帝,九龙印玺玉帝所有。 Now had another person to put out Nine Dragon Imperial Seal, was Jade Emperor did not lose own imperial seal carefully, was picked by others, Nine Dragon Imperial Seal flew from Jade Emperor, chose new Three Realms to be supreme. 现在有另一个人拿出了九龙印玺,是玉帝不小心丢失了自己的印玺,被别人捡到,还是九龙印玺飞离了玉帝,选择了新的三界至尊。 Jade Emperor sat more than 10,000 years of Three Realms to be supreme, now can change players?” “难道玉帝坐了一万多年的三界至尊,现在要重新换人了吗?” The Heavenly Court numerous immortals, are willing to believe that Nine Dragon Imperial Seal flew from Jade Emperor. 天庭的众仙,更愿意相信九龙印玺飞离了玉帝 Because, Nine Dragon Imperial Seal has own intelligence, will not leave Three Realms to be supreme on own initiative. 因为,九龙印玺拥有自己的灵性,不会主动离开三界至尊。 Now Nine Dragon Imperial Seal losing of Jade Emperor, represents Jade Emperor to lose the Three Realms supreme legitimacy. 现在玉帝九龙印玺遗失,岂不是代表玉帝失去了三界至尊的正统地位。 What to do? Do we want to stand in line inadequately?” “怎么办?我们难道要站队不成?” New Jade Emperor appears, Jade Emperor that we also follow to take office?” “新的玉帝出现,难道我们还跟着上任的玉帝?” What to do if were Jade Emperor lost Nine Dragon Imperial Seal? The stand is wrong, but wants the deceased person.” “万一是玉帝自己遗失了九龙印玺怎么办?站错对,可是要死人的。” …… ・・・・・・ The South Heaven Gate numerous immortals, in the look are glittering hesitant, the vision non-stop moves in Jade Emperor and Jade Emperor liangs person back and forth. 南天门的众仙,眼神中都闪烁着犹豫,目光不停的在玉帝人身上来回移动。 If by some chance is really the new and old Jade Emperor change, but they have not stood the team, perhaps will have to kill the body great misfortune. 万一真是新旧玉帝更替,而他们没有站好队,说不定会有杀身大劫。 Jade Emperor does not have the energy to pay attention to the expression changes of other deities, his whole person was shocked, he believes firmly that following golden imperial seal, the aura and Nine Dragon Imperial Seal of sending out are exactly the same. 玉帝已经没有精力去关注其他神仙的表情变化,他整个人都愣住了,他确信下面的金色印玺,散发的气息和九龙印玺一模一样。 „Did Nine Dragon Imperial Seal really leave me?” “难道九龙印玺真的离开我了?” Jade Emperor both hands shiver slightly, Nine Dragon Imperial Seal left represents him to lose the Three Realms supreme position, he is unable to accept. 玉帝双手微微颤抖,九龙印玺离开岂不是代表他失去了三界至尊之位,他无法接受。 His right hand trembling touches to own bosom, Nine Dragon Imperial Seal was carried by him along, did it really leave? 他的右手颤巍巍的向自己的怀里摸去,九龙印玺被他随身携带,难道它真的离开了? Nine Dragon Imperial Seal has not lost.” 九龙印玺没有丢啊。” Jade Emperor looks anxiously, puts out a golden imperial seal from the bosom, sized up carefully was very long, trembled to say. 玉帝面露紧张,从怀中拿出一个金黄色印玺,仔细打量了很久,颤颤道。 Nine Dragon Imperial Seal loses, his Jade Emperor lost the approval of the world, even if he can cut to kill below new Nine Dragon Imperial Seal wielding, he will still lose the Three Realms supreme legitimacy. 九龙印玺一失,他这个玉帝就失去了天地的认可,即使他能斩杀下方的新一任九龙印玺执掌者,他也会失去三界至尊的正统地位。 In Three Realms, god Buddha Demon, all careerists will peep at the Three Realms supreme throne always. 三界之内,无论是神佛妖魔,所有的野心家都会无时无刻窥视三界至尊的宝座。 But he must face so many plotting a rebellion, even suppresses one batch group by group, would the failure time, at that time he will lose all. 而他要面对这么多的谋反者,即使镇压一批一批又一批,总会有失败的时候,那时候他将失去所有。 Position, right, even life. 地位,权利,甚至生命。 But now his Nine Dragon Imperial Seal, has not lost. 而现在他的九龙印玺,没有丢失。 Also represents Nine Dragon Imperial Seal below Chief Jade hand to be false, because in the world is impossible to have two Three Realms supreme positions. 也就代表着下方玉总手中的九龙印玺是假的,因为天地之间不可能有两位三界至尊之位。 Nine Dragon Imperial Seal has not lost, the anxiety in his heart disappears to disperse, is only the anger in his heart, actually just like one to be constrained very long volcano, spews out, the direct impact horizon, as if must destroy all. 九龙印玺未失,他心中的忧虑一消而散,只是他的心中的怒火,却犹如一座被压抑很久的火山,喷涌而出,直冲天际,仿佛要毁灭一切。 Buzz ~ 嗡~ A light cry, the Jade Emperor body departs together the shining ray, enhances one another's beauty with Chief Jade Nine Dragon Imperial Seal. 一阵轻鸣,玉帝身上飞出一道金灿灿的光芒,和玉总九龙印玺交相辉映。 How to present two Nine Dragon Imperial Seal? Jade Emperor hasn't Nine Dragon Imperial Seal lost?” “怎么出现两个九龙印玺玉帝九龙印玺没有丢失?” In the world acknowledged two Three Realms are supreme?” “难道天地间承认了两尊三界至尊?” This what's the matter? Who can explain?” “这到底是怎么回事?谁能解释一下?” …… ・・・・・・・ Invincible force Heaven General, is the Heavenly Court gods, is a face is blurry, their sensation to the aura of two Nine Dragon Imperial Seal sending out, brings the Three Realms dragon to transport, is representing legitimate, within can have two Three Realms to be supreme by Houtian | Acquired henceforth? 无论是天兵天将,还是天庭众神,都是一脸迷糊,他们感知到两尊九龙印玺散发的气息,都带着三界的龙运,代表着正统,难道从此以后天地间要有两个三界至尊? But in Three Realms has two Three Realms to be supreme, whose should they listen? 可是三界之内有两个三界至尊,他们应该听谁的? Was similar!” “差不多了!” Chief Jade is looking at the complexion gloomy like the water, both eyes dense/woods cold Jade Emperor, the light language said. 玉总望着面色阴沉如水,双目森寒的玉帝,轻语道。 His finishing speaking, Nine Dragon Imperial Seal of its control as if ran into world archenemy, exudes a calling out in grief sound, the ray is then gloomy, as if the next second will lose the ray, changes into a Ordinary imperial seal. 他的话音刚落,其操控的九龙印玺仿佛遇到了世间大敌,发出一声悲鸣声,而后光芒暗淡,仿佛下一秒就会失去光芒,化为一枚普通的印玺。 Heavenly Canopy Marshal adjusts 100,000 invincible forces to cut to kill Lower Realm that rebel again. „ 天蓬元帅再调十万天兵斩杀下界那名叛逆。“ Hears the Chief Jade control Nine Dragon Imperial Seal to send out to call out in grief, in the Jade Emperor heart does not have doubts again, loudly exclaimed. 听到玉总操控的九龙印玺发出悲鸣,玉帝心中再也没有一丝疑惑,大吼道。 This group of people have the heart of plotting a rebellion early, even Nine Dragon Imperial Seal made unexpectedly. 这群人早有谋反之心,竟然连九龙印玺都造好了。 Adjusts 50,000 invincible forces to sphere Tushita Palace again, dares to tread Tushita Palace, kills without the amnesty.” “再调五万天兵围住兜率宫,敢踏出兜率宫者,杀无赦。” The Jade Emperor both eyes cold light flashes, coldly said. 玉帝的双目寒光一闪,冷冷道。 In Three Realms, who is also capable of refining one grain so and Nine Dragon Imperial Seal exactly the same Immortal Tool, only has Tushita Palace Grand Supreme Laojun. 三界之内,谁还有能力炼制出一颗如此和九龙印玺一模一样的仙器,只有兜率宫太上老君 Other maybe people are also capable of refining and Nine Dragon Imperial Seal similar Immortal Tool, but they have not personally seen Nine Dragon Imperial Seal, is unable to refine Nine Dragon Imperial Seal that he is not even able to distinguish absolutely. 或许其他人也有能力炼制出和九龙印玺相似的仙器,但是他们并没有亲眼见过九龙印玺,绝对无法炼制出连他都无法分辨的九龙印玺 Lower Realm, Chief Jade complexion at the right moment reveals a panic-stricken color, then returned to instantaneously normal. 下界,玉总的面色适时的露出一丝惊骇之色,而后瞬间恢复了平静。 Bang! Bang! Bang!” “轰!轰!轰!・・・・・・・・” Dense and numerous, blots out the sky, just like the invincible force of sea tide, under the signal flag direction of Heavenly Canopy Marshal, attacks to Lower Realm Chief Jade. 密密麻麻,铺天盖地,宛如大海浪潮的天兵,在天蓬元帅的令旗指挥下,攻向下界玉总 Meanwhile, just like the invincible force of silver mighty current, swiftly surrounded Tushita Palace. 同时,又有一股宛如银色洪流的天兵,迅速包围住了兜率宫 Jade Emperor then shot a look at Grand Supreme Laojun slightly, in the look flashed through thick dreading, he discovered that oneself back is in a cold sweat unexpectedly. 玉帝微微回头瞥了一眼太上老君,眼神中闪过浓浓的忌惮,他发现自己的后背竟然冒出了冷汗。 The Grand Supreme Laojun plans were too fearful, does not know when supported Hell, Monster Race and Demon race many experts, jointly revolts against Heavenly Court. 太上老君的心机太可怕了,不知道什么时候扶持了地府妖族魔族的众多高手,联合反抗天庭 Even even/including new Jade Emperor, he arranged. 甚至连新一任的玉帝,他都安排好了。 If not for he revealed promptly true Nine Dragon Imperial Seal, drives back false Nine Dragon Imperial Seal, maybe his Three Realms supreme position, will be waved to subvert by Grand Supreme Laojun. 若不是他及时亮出真正的九龙印玺,逼退假的九龙印玺,或许他的三界至尊之位,就会被太上老君挥手颠覆。 Reported your majesty dead in battle 10,000 invincible forces.” “禀告陛下阵亡一万天兵。” Heavenly Canopy Marshal of direction war, has been paying attention to below fight, the complexion is somewhat dignified, one step treads to report to Jade Emperor. 指挥大战的天蓬元帅,一直关注着下方的战斗,面色有些凝重,一步踏出向玉帝禀告道。 Then fought less than the quarter of an hour, the unexpectedly 10,000 invincible forces were cut to kill. 这才大战了不到一刻钟,竟然有一万天兵被斩杀。 He had not discovered completely these 10,000 invincible forces they were hit by Chief Jade lost the energy. 他完全没有发现这一万天兵只是被玉总他们打得失去了活动能力。 Sends 10,000 invincible forces to besiege below rebel again.” “再派一万天兵围攻下方叛逆。” Jade Emperor remains unmoved, on face non- good omen anger, today even loses 100,000 invincible force Heaven General, he must cut to kill below rebel completely. 玉帝不为所动,脸上不见喜怒,今天即使损失十万天兵天将,他也要将下方的叛逆全部斩杀。 These person not only anti- Heavenly Court, refined false Nine Dragon Imperial Seal unexpectedly secretly, the heart of usurping the throne, if apparently thirsty. 这些人不仅反天庭,竟然还私自炼制了一枚假的九龙印玺,篡位之心,昭然若渴。 Did he possibly put these truly to have the revolting thief of stratagem counter heart? 他怎么可能放了这些真正有谋逆之心的叛贼? You killed 10,000 invincible forces, I send 10,000 invincible forces again, how do I want to take a look at you to defeat the Heavenly Court army but actually?” “你们杀了一万天兵,我再派一万天兵,我倒要看看你们如何战胜天庭大军?” The Jade Emperor complexion returned to normal, above sat the jade to collapse, both eyes are glittering the cold vision, is taking a look below Chief Jade and the others, coldly said. 玉帝面色又恢复了平静,重新坐回了玉塌之上,双目闪烁着冷冽的目光,打量着下方的玉总等人,冷冷道。 Area Peach Mountain, as if had the god demon war, the earth-shattering that everywhere invincible force Heaven General and more than ten forms hit, the livelihood did not have the light, Three Realms fearful and apprehensive of Demon shock and awe, withdrew by far the battlefield. 桃山一带,仿佛发生了神魔大战,漫天的天兵天将和十几道身影打的天崩地裂,日月无光,将三界妖魔震慑的心惊胆寒,远远的退避了战场。 They were for fear that fought to affect. 他们生怕被大战波及。 Reported your majesty, the invincible force died in battle 10,000.” “禀告陛下,天兵又阵亡了一万。” The Heavenly Canopy Marshal sound brings to shiver to say slightly. 天蓬元帅声音带着微微颤抖道。 These big divine ability, were too fearful, dying in battle 20,000 invincible forces, had not suppressed a person unexpectedly. 这些大神通者,太可怕了,‘阵亡’了二万天兵,竟然没有将一个人镇压。 Sends 10,000 invincible forces again.” “再派一万天兵。” Jade Emperor directs with ease and competence, the look is indifferent, invincible force Heaven General dies again many, he will not be grieved, his goal only has one, suppresses below all rebels. 玉帝指挥若定,神色淡然,天兵天将死的再多,他也不会心痛,他的目的只有一个,镇压下方的所有叛逆。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” In wielding of signal flag with the Heavenly Canopy Marshal hand , the silver mighty current kills together to the world of mortals. 随着天蓬元帅手中令旗的挥动,又又一道银色洪流杀向凡间。 The war continued for one day and one night, deity Demon in Three Realms looked all panic-stricken, in the heart with amazement, both sides also were really Undying continuous. 大战足足持续了一天一夜,三界之内的神仙妖魔无不面露惊恐,心中骇然,双方还真是不死不休。 Your majesty invincible force died in battle 10,000.” “陛下天兵又阵亡了一万。” Sends again!” “再派!” Your majesty invincible force had dead in battle 10,000.” “陛下天兵有阵亡了一万。” Sends again!” “再派!” …… ・・・・・・・ In the Jade Emperor look as if no number that the invincible force loses, in his look was suppressed several rebels, now rebel has not been suppressed, he must dispatch troops to suppress. 玉帝眼神中仿佛没有天兵损失的数目,他的眼神中只有被镇压了几尊叛逆,现在叛逆没有一尊被镇压,他就要一直派兵镇压。 Your majesty goes forth to battle to kill the enemy personally, the Three Realms numerous immortals unite, suppress the evildoer/monstrous talent!” “陛下亲自上阵杀敌,三界众仙团结一心,镇压妖孽!” At this moment, Heavenly Canopy Marshal shouts loudly, acoustic shock Three Realms. 就在这时,天蓬元帅大声喊道,声震三界 Jade Emperor, „”. 玉帝,“・・・・・・・”。 When do I want to go forth to battle personally? 我什么时候要亲自上阵了? Your majesty, the invincible force has sent up, you must send people only to be able you to go forth to battle again to kill the enemy personally.” “陛下,天兵已经派光了,你还要再派人只能你亲自上阵杀敌了。” Heavenly Canopy Marshal sees the doubts on Jade Emperor complexion, referred to empty South Heaven Gate, answered. 天蓬元帅见到玉帝面色上的疑惑,指了指空荡荡的南天门,解释道。 Jade Emperor, „”. 玉帝,“・・・・・・”。
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