HSS :: Volume #7

#682: Instead

Grand Supreme Laojun your unexpectedly instead I!” 太上老君你竟然反我!” The Jade Emperor violent anger sound, reverberates in Heavenly Court for a very long time, just like the billowing angry thunder, trembles Heavenly Court. . | 2 玉帝的暴怒声,在天庭久久回荡,宛如滚滚怒雷,震颤天庭天籁小说.|二 Grand Supreme Laojun unexpectedly instead?” 太上老君竟然反了?” Hears the reverberation at the Heavenly Court shouting angrily sound, the deity on Heavenly Court stares slightly, they think that under wields the Diamond Bracelet taoist priest, is only a board game piece of Grand Supreme Laojun secretly support. 听到回荡在天庭的怒喝声,天庭上的神仙都是微微一愣,他们本以为下方执掌金刚镯的道士,只是太上老君暗自扶持的一枚棋子。 Now looks like below that taoist priest, being possible is Grand Supreme Laojun. 现在看来下方的那个道士,有可能就是太上老君 „The following that taoist priest appearance and Grand Supreme Laojun have no similarity, was Jade Emperor misreads.” “下面的那个道士模样和太上老君没有任何相似之处,是不是玉帝看错了。” „It is not Jade Emperor will be discontented with Taishang Laojun, wants to seize the chance to remove him?” “不会是玉帝天上老君不满,想趁机除掉他吧?” How possibly? Grand Supreme Laojun is free and unrestrained in Heavenly Court, only the Refine Pill spiritual cultivation, Jade Emperor have no reason to eradicate him.” “怎么可能?太上老君天庭逍遥自在,只炼丹修道,玉帝没有理由铲除他。” You forgot Grand Supreme Laojun unparalleled Immortal Technique, One Qi Becomes Three Purities, have you seen several other say/way bodies of Grand Supreme Laojun?” “你们忘了太上老君的盖世仙术,一气化三清,你们见过太上老君的其他几个道身吗?” Some person of cautious say/way, as if presently what extraordinary matter. 有人小心翼翼道,仿佛现了什么了不得的事情。 Below that beats the Golden Crow seven crown princes, invincible force Heaven General is hard to be near the taoist priest of body, maybe is really a Grand Supreme Laojun incarnation. 下面那个击败金乌七太子,天兵天将难以近身的道士,或许真的是太上老君的一道化身。 This can Grand Supreme Laojun break off with Jade Emperor?” “这太上老君要和玉帝决裂吗?” Some person of trembling say/way. 有人颤巍巍道。 One is the Heavenly Court most ancient immortal, the strength is immeasurably deep, one is world recognized control, Lord of Heavenly Court, two people fight anyone unable to guess the result. 一个是天庭最古老的仙,实力深不可测,一个是天地公认的主宰者,天庭之主,两人相斗谁也无法猜测结果。 Your majesty, maybe that person is not Grand Supreme Laojun.” “陛下,或许那人不是太上老君。” Jade Emperor behind Queen Mother, urged cautiously. 玉帝身后的王母,小心翼翼劝道。 Grand Supreme Laojun is obtains enlightenment True Immortal, has been indifferent to fame and fortune, how possibly anti- Jade Emperor? 太上老君是得道真仙,一直都淡泊名利,怎么可能反玉帝 ” Am We unfair to him? You feel the aura that on the under that Daoist explodes, in Three Realms, besides Grand Supreme Laojun also who the aura of that type of say/way, such profoundness of comprehension? ” ”朕冤枉他?你感受一下下方那个道人身上爆的气息,三界之内,除了太上老君还有谁把那种道的气息,领悟的如此精深?” The Jade Emperor anger instead smiles extremely, said. 玉帝怒极反笑,道。 Your majesty might as well to ask Grand Supreme Laojun to come, making him explain personally. „ ”陛下不如让人请太上老君前来,让他亲自解释一下。“ Queen Mother sighs lightly, urges, your majesty, Grand Supreme Laojun sends out an incarnation to come now, do not compel him instead, waited to suppress below rebel, we handled the Grand Supreme Laojun matter again.” 王母轻叹了一口气,劝道,“陛下,现在太上老君只是派出一个化身现身,不要把他逼反,等镇压了下方的叛逆,我们再去处理太上老君的事情。” Curtain Lifting Great General, you go to Tushita Palace to ask Laojun to come.” 卷帘大将,你去兜率宫老君前来。” Jade Emperor regarding Grand Supreme Laojun dreaded, if not now a side taoist priest and Grand Supreme Laojun aura is almost exactly the same, he will not suspect that Grand Supreme Laojun is related with the matter of Mount Mei. 玉帝对于太上老君还是非常忌惮的,如果不是现下方一个道士和太上老君的气息几乎一模一样,他根本不会怀疑太上老君梅山之事有关。 Your majesty, the young feudal official must protect your majesty security.” “陛下,小臣还要保护陛下的安全。” Curtain Lifting Great General shakes the head, has not departed. 卷帘大将摇了摇头,并没有离去。 Makes you go, you go, you think that they can project on South Heaven Gate to be inadequate?” “让你去,你就去,你认为他们能打到南天门不成?” The Jade Emperor vision swift and fierce glance Curtain Lifting Great General, coldly said. 玉帝目光凌厉的扫视了一眼卷帘大将,冷冷道。 Is your majesty.” “是陛下。” Curtain Lifting Great General is looking at the Jade Emperor gloomy and cold vision, flies hastily to Tushita Palace. 卷帘大将望着玉帝阴冷的目光,连忙向兜率宫飞去。 Tushita Palace. 兜率宫 Laojun, your majesty summons you to go, has the matter to inquire.” 老君,陛下召你前去,有事相询。” Curtain Lifting Great General directly soars Tushita Palace, saw that the Tushita Palace imperial city gate is unexpectedly big, but he has not directly entered Tushita Palace, but stands before the gate deep good a ritual, reported. 卷帘大将直奔兜率宫,见到兜率宫宫门竟然大开,不过他并没有直接进入兜率宫,而是站在门前深深的行了一礼,禀告道。 Laojun said, going out must have the catastrophe, stays in the palace is quite good.” 老君说,出去必有大祸,还是留在宫内比较好。” The Grand Supreme Laojun young lad complexion is bad, Jade Emperor shouted angrily, purity that he also listened. 太上老君的童子面色不善,玉帝的一声怒喝,他也听的一清二楚。 Under Jade Emperor big crowd of people angrily rebukes unexpectedly Grand Supreme Laojun, he naturally cannot to Jade Emperor personal bodyguard Curtain Lifting Great General, have any good complexion. 玉帝竟然大庭广众之下怒斥太上老君,他自然不会对玉帝的贴身保镖卷帘大将,有什么好脸色。 Curtain Lifting Great General stares slightly, drew back slowly. 卷帘大将微微一愣,缓缓地退了回去。 South Heaven Gate. 南天门 Laojun?” 老君呢?” Jade Emperor looks at Curtain Lifting Great General that all alone is coming back, unemotional say/way. 玉帝望着孤身一人回来的卷帘大将,面无表情道。 Laojun said that must have the catastrophe, stays in the palace is quite good.” 老君说出去必有大祸,还是留在宫内比较好。” Curtain Lifting Great General rephrased in own words the words of young lad, said. 卷帘大将转述了童子的话语,道。 Snort! We keep South Heaven Gate, I must have a look at what catastrophe but actually.” “哼!朕就留在南天门,我倒要看看有什么大祸。” Jade Emperor hears word, coldly said, the eye pupil deep place flashes through a cold murderous intention. 玉帝闻言,冷冷道,眼眸深处闪过一丝冷冽的杀机。 Grand Supreme Laojun dares to threaten him unexpectedly. 太上老君竟然敢威胁他。 Tushita Palace. 兜率宫 Laojun, I have passed to Jade Emperor the words.” 老君,我已经把话传给玉帝了。” The young lads walk into Tushita Palace, to sitting cross-legged Grand Supreme Laojun on purple rush cushion, said. 童子走入兜率宫,向盘坐在一个紫色蒲团上的太上老君,说道。 In Laojun Three Realms, some where people are your opponent?” 老君三界之内,哪有人是你的对手?” A young lad face non- channel. 童子一脸不信道。 He does not believe Grand Supreme Laojun to go out to have what catastrophe. 他可不信太上老君出去会有什么大祸。 Taishang Laojun had not answered, both eyes close slowly, something are not the young lad can understand. 天上老君并没有回话,双目缓缓闭上,有些事情不是童子能够理解的。 Bang!” “轰!” Above Mount Mei , the aura explodes together, a Tai Qing Sage palm the whole body crack that Golden Crow Third Crown Prince hits, crashes in the place, is dispersing the divine sword of clear light together, flies to shoot, sweeps away surrounding invincible force Heaven General. 梅山之上,又是一道气息爆,太清圣人一掌把金乌三太子打的浑身龟裂,坠落在地,一道散着清光的神剑,飞射而出,横扫周围的天兵天将 7-Star treasured sword!” 七星宝剑!” Jade Emperor looks under is sweeping away the invincible force Heaven General divine sword, clenches jaws to say. 玉帝望着下方横扫天兵天将的神剑,咬牙切齿道。 The 7-Star treasured sword is the Grand Supreme Laojun personal treasured sword, now appears in another taoist priest hand unexpectedly, the aura of this taoist priest, is somewhat similar to Grand Supreme Laojun. 七星宝剑是太上老君的贴身宝剑,现在竟然出现在另一个道士手中,这个道士的气息,也和太上老君有些相似。 What leaves the palace has the catastrophe, this is Grand Supreme Laojun is intimidating him, making him submit. 什么出宫就有大祸,这是太上老君在威逼他,让他屈服。 We must destroy completely your say/way body today.” “朕今天就要灭掉你的道身。” The Jade Emperor eye pupil cold light fights to shoot, sound light say/way, sound, although is light, was makes the surrounding female celestial unable to bear have a shiver, the whole body fine hair greatly vertical. 玉帝眼眸寒光斗射,声音淡淡道,声音虽然平淡,却是让周围的仙女忍不住打了一个冷颤,浑身汗毛大立。 5 Top War God below two people, cuts to kill completely!” 五极战神把下方的两人,全部斩杀!” The Jade Emperor corners of the mouth outlined one to sneer, referred to below Vice Chief Grand Supreme and Tai Qing Sage, scolded loudly, acoustic shock Three Realms. 玉帝嘴角勾勒出一丝冷笑,指了指下方的太上副总太清圣人,大声呵斥道,声震三界 Grand Supreme Laojun dares to threaten him unexpectedly, necessity that he has not shown mercy. 太上老君竟然敢威胁他,那他也没有手下留情的必要。 In a flash, everywhere invincible force Heaven General has half of troops, under the leadership of 5 Top War God, starts to besiege Vice Chief Grand Supreme and Grand Supreme Laojun two people. 一瞬间,漫天的天兵天将有一半的人马,在五极战神的带领下,开始围攻太上副总太上老君两人。 Also can like this.” “还可以这样。” Yama vision one bright, within the body black Guangfei goes together, on Life and Death Book spurts to be thin the immeasurable immortal light, sweeps invincible force Heaven General piece by piece falls. 阎王目光一亮,体内一道乌光飞去,生死簿上喷薄出无量仙光,将一片片天兵天将扫落。 Counter-, counter-, completely instead! „ ”反了,反了,全部都反了!“ Jade Emperor looks at the yama to ascend, but Life and Death Book, the big hoarseness exclaimed. 玉帝望着阎王升腾而起的生死簿,大声嘶吼道。 Even Hell Supreme Treasure, Life and Death Book comes and Heavenly Court does right, explained Hell also instead. 地府至宝,生死簿都来和天庭做对,说明地府也反了。 „Under Curtain Lifting Great General I assign/life you to cut to kill grasp the Life and Death Book Hell rebel.” 卷帘大将我命你斩杀下面手持生死簿地府叛逆。” Jade Emperor ate the dead child appearance. 玉帝一副吃了死孩子模样。 Grand Supreme Laojun counter-, Hell also counter-, he must execute one person as a warning to others now, making Three Realms know that opposes the Heavenly Court dire consequence. 太上老君反了,现在地府也反了,他必须杀一儆百,让三界都知道反对天庭的可怕后果。 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” Curtain Lifting Great General changes to the rainbow light to fly together to Lower Realm, it behind 10,000 invincible force Heaven General just like moving mountains to throw to the yama. 卷帘大将化作一道虹光向下界飞去,其身后一万天兵天将宛如排山倒海向阎王扑去。 Facing coming in swarms invincible force Heaven General, the yama has not only dreaded, instead in the look emerges the happy expression. 面对蜂拥而至的天兵天将,阎王不仅没有丝毫畏惧,反而眼神中涌现浓浓的喜色。 Although these 10,000 invincible forces cannot cut to kill, but the equipment of these 10,000 invincible force Heaven General, were completely his. 这一万天兵虽然不能斩杀,但是这一万天兵天将的装备,全部都是他的了。 Vice Chief Grand Supreme, Tai Qing Sage and changes of yama three people of fight places, others also present. 太上副总太清圣人、阎王三人战斗处的变化,其他人也是现了。 Bang!” “轰!” Demon Venerable Chong Lou Demon/Devil Qi, explodes loudly, shoots up to the sky. 魔尊重楼身上的魔气,也是轰然爆,冲天而起。 Okay good, even your Demon race also dares instead, to cut to kill all Demon race in the past completely.” “好好好,连你们魔族也敢反,当年就该将所有的魔族斩杀殆尽。” Heavenly Canopy Marshal mobilized soldiers to kill him to me.” 天蓬元帅给我调兵杀了他。” Demon Venerable Chong Lou terrifying incomparable Demon/Devil Qi , indicating he is not surely low in the Demon race status, now Demon Realm meddles, to say the Heavenly Court god demon altogether gets angry, to say he is incompetent. 魔尊重楼身上恐怖无比的魔气,表明了他在魔族的身份必定不低,现在魔界都来插手,岂不是说天庭神魔共怒,岂不是说他无能。 Heavenly Canopy Marshal looks at the lineup that under cannot be withstanding disorderly, invincible force Heaven General has not formed Great Formation completely, with the enemy war, Battle Strength reduces greatly. 天蓬元帅望着下方杂乱不堪的阵形,天兵天将完全没有形成大阵,就和敌人大战,战力大减。 Looks at the Jade Emperor fierce face, he does not dare to oppose. 只是看着玉帝狰狞的面孔,他根本不敢反对。 Immediately, large share invincible force Heaven General besieges to go to Demon Venerable Chong Lou. 顿时,又有一大股天兵天将魔尊重楼围攻而去。 Roar!” “吼!” Great Sage of Journey to the West Returns world Jade Sovereign Great Heavenly Venerable, vision one bright, changes the body to become Great Monster that whole body Monster Qi filled, face upwards the long and loud cry, with mountain scaled height of burst. 大圣归来世界玉皇大天尊,目光一亮,变身成了一个浑身妖气弥漫的大妖,仰天长啸,与山比高。 Heavenly Canopy Marshal mobilizes soldiers to us, mobilizes soldiers! „ 天蓬元帅给我们调兵,调兵!“ Jade Emperor stands up, fierce shivering of whole body air/Qi, comes out Monster Race now. 玉帝站起身,浑身气的剧烈颤抖,现在连妖族都出来了。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” All was regarded as the person of Heavenly Court rebel by Jade Emperor, his fight place frigid incomparable, countless invincible force, takes place of the fallen. 所有被玉帝视为天庭叛逆的人,其战斗处可谓惨烈无比,数之不尽的天兵,前仆后继。 How did person walk?” “人怎么都走了?” Chief Jade swept around one, presently several hundred invincible forces are besieging him, immediately discontented say/way. 玉总扫了一眼周围,现还有数百名天兵在围攻他,顿时不满道。 Nine Dragon Imperial Seal leaves!” 九龙印玺出!” The Chief Jade corners of the mouth outlined a strange curve, the smile said. 玉总嘴角勾勒出一丝诡异的弧度,微笑道。 Jade Emperor was then insane!” “这下玉帝要疯了!” Nearby Zhou Yang, kicks one to the invincible force who he cuts, the vision looks blooming golden light Nine Dragon Imperial Seal to the sky, swung to say. 一旁的周阳,一脚踢飞一个向他砍来的天兵,目光望向天空上绽放金光的九龙印玺,摇了摇道。 Nine Dragon Imperial Seal is the Jade Emperor imperial seal, is ordinary with the imperial jade seal of the world of mortals emperor, is representing the control Three Realms right, is representing the supreme position. 九龙印玺玉帝的印玺,就和凡间皇帝的玉玺一般,代表着统御三界的权利,代表着至高无上的地位。 Now has another person to put out Nine Dragon Imperial Seal, the Jade Emperor mood can be imagined together. 现在有另外一人拿出一块九龙印玺,玉帝的心情可想而知。
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