HSS :: Volume #7

#684: Offering amnesty

Invincible force sent unexpectedly completely, without remaining?” “天兵竟然全部派出去了,没有剩下的了?” Jade Emperor is astonished, the complexion is completely the unbelievable color, surprised say/way. . | 2 玉帝一脸愕然,面色尽是难以置信之色,惊讶道。天籁小说.|二 Why his feeling does not have, probably sent several tens of thousands of invincible forces, why invincible force didn't Heaven General have? 为什么他一点感觉都没有,好像就派出去了数万天兵,为什么天兵天将都没了? Heavenly Court has about 1 million invincible forces, why didn't have quickly? 天庭有近百万的天兵,为何这么快就没有了? „A space day, underground one year.” “天上一天,地下一年。” Heavenly Canopy Marshal looks is looking scruple Jade Emperor, in the heart sighed lightly. 天蓬元帅望着面露迟疑的玉帝,心中轻叹道。 Heaven Realm Time indeed flashes by, however below world of mortals actually will be in a day one night. 天界时间的确是一晃而过,但是下方的凡间却是过了一天一夜。 Peach Mountain that more than ten forms, are big divine ability, the supernatural power are completely boundless. 桃山的那十几道身影,全部都是大神通者,法力无边。 The immortal light sweeps at least several hundred invincible force Heaven General to be swept falls, several people strike, several thousand invincible forces crash like below stuffed dumpling, looked to be similar a person of rain from the distant place, each breath several thousand invincible forces from crashed spatially. 仙光一扫至少有数百天兵天将被扫落,其中更有几人一击而过,数千天兵如同下饺子般坠落,从远处看仿佛下了人雨,每一息都有数千天兵从空坠落。 The Heavenly Court 1 million invincible forces sound many, however the Lower Realm war has hit for one day and one night, the earth-shattering, the mountains and rivers avalanche, many invincible forces must suffer the great misfortune. 天庭的百万天兵听起来很多,但是下界的大战已经打了一天一夜,天崩地裂,山河崩塌,再多的天兵也要遭大劫。 The Peach Mountain surrounding area several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km), all mountains have cracked completely, the person mountain that what replaces it is the invincible force piles up, reaches to the sky. 桃山方圆数万里,所有的大山已经全部崩裂,取而代之的是天兵堆积的人山,高耸入云。 In other words besides besieging the Tushita Palace 50,000 invincible forces, Lower Realm is only also left over less than 100,000 invincible forces?” “也就是说除了围攻兜率宫的五万天兵,下界还只剩下不足十万天兵?” The Jade Emperor complexion is gloomy, both eyes looked into the past to under hastily, in the look flash through a flurry, the trembling sound said. 玉帝面色阴沉,双目连忙向下方眺望过去,眼神中闪过一丝慌乱,颤音道。 Fighting was so long, has not suppressed a rebel unexpectedly, instead the Heavenly Court 1 million armies suffer heavy casualties, surplus invincible forces less than 1/5. 大战了这么久,竟然没有镇压一个叛逆,反而天庭的百万大军损兵折将,剩余的天兵更是不足五分之一。 Yes, your majesty.” “是的,陛下。” In Heavenly Canopy Marshal both eyes is completely color with amazement, below these big divine ability, as if have the inexhaustible supernatural power, hundred fight does not fade, with 1 million invincible force wars, has not revealed a weary condition unexpectedly. 天蓬元帅双目中尽是骇然之色,下方的那些大神通者,仿佛拥有无穷无尽的法力,百战不衰,和百万天兵大战,竟然没有露出一丝疲态。 If hits again, 1 million invincible forces are annihilated maybe unable to suppress one person. 如果再打下去,百万天兵全军覆没或许都不能镇压一人。 The Heavenly Canopy Marshal eye pupil took a fast look around under one surplus invincible forces, these invincible forces are shaken by the whole body that Zhou Yang one group of hit, spiritual almost racing Kui, holds both hands of weapon, is vibrating fiercely, on each face is completely the pale color. 天蓬元帅眼眸扫视了一眼下方剩余的天兵,那些天兵都被周阳一行人打的全身抖,精神几近奔溃,持着兵器的双手,都剧烈的抖动着,每一个人脸上尽是苍白之色。 They killing were feared by Zhou Yang one group of completely. 他们这些人完全被周阳一行人‘杀’怕了。 From ancient to present, Heavenly Court keeps aloof, even Demon revolts against Heavenly Court, is still the Heavenly Court army arrives, Demon was not cut to kill at the scene, was suppressed in the day is firm. 从古至今,天庭都是高高在上,即使妖魔反抗天庭,也是天庭大军一到,妖魔不是被当场斩杀,就是被镇压在天牢。 They when hit was so defeated, before being connected including the above , the courage of war loses. 他们何时被打的如此丢盔弃甲,连上前大战的勇气都失去了。 If not under just like more than ten Demon God forms, saw has the invincible force to run away, will project together the immortal light, the person of running away will cut to kill, they have dispersed instantly. 如果不是下方宛若十几道魔神的身影,一见到有天兵逃窜,就会射出一道仙光,将逃窜之人‘斩杀’,他们早就一哄而散。 This remaining invincible forces, but also is persisting in fighting, but to maintain life. 这剩下的天兵,还在坚持大战,只是为了保命而已。 Your majesty, invincible force Heaven General is waiting for you to raise the morale.” “陛下,天兵天将都在等着你鼓舞士气呢。” Saw Jade Emperor that for a very long time has not moved, the Heavenly Canopy Marshal careful reminder said. 见到久久不曾动弹的玉帝,天蓬元帅小心提醒道。 Jade Emperor arrives at the battlefield words, had shouted, if Jade Emperor does not come, perhaps the invincible force Heaven General last morale will be disintegrated. 玉帝亲临战场的话语,已经喊了出去,要是玉帝不现身,天兵天将最后一丝士气恐怕都会被瓦解。 Army retreats, another day fights again.” “大军撤退,改日再战。” Jade Emperor is looking at vivid Zhou Yang one group, turns around to leave directly, runs quickly to Soaring Firmament Treasure Hall. 玉帝望着生龙活虎的周阳一行人,直接转身离开,快向凌霄宝殿跑去。 Goes forth to battle personally, is this possible? 亲自上阵,这怎么可能? Army retreats!” “大军撤退!” Heavenly Canopy Marshal hears the order of Jade Emperor, breathes a sigh of relief lightly, hits again, Heavenly Court invincible force maybe really must be annihilated. 天蓬元帅听到玉帝的命令,也轻舒了一口气,再打下去,天庭的天兵或许真的要全军覆没了。 Let alone on Heavenly Court Formation is more densely covered, can wield invincible force Heaven General Battle Strength at the Heavenly Court war. 更何况天庭阵法密布,在天庭大战更能挥天兵天将战力 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” Heavenly Canopy Marshal order, in the invincible force heart a final resistance will was also disintegrated, just like racing Kui the mighty current, one beyond redemption, goes to the Heavenly Court rout. 天蓬元帅的命令一下,天兵心中最后的一丝抵抗意志也被瓦解,犹如奔溃的洪流,一不可收拾,向天庭溃败而去。 Is looking at the bang loose invincible force, on Chief Jade and other faces reveals an anxiety, their about 100,000 invincible forces have not harvested. 望着轰散的天兵,玉总等人脸上都是露出一丝焦急,他们还有近十万天兵没有收割呢。 At this moment blows out the immeasurable immortal light every people, is wielding Immortal Qi, pillages to go to the invincible force of being defeated and dispersed. 这一刻每一人身上都爆出无量仙光,挥动着仙气,向溃散的天兵暴掠而去。 „Did Heavenly Court defeat unexpectedly?” 天庭竟然败了?” Although the Peach Mountain war is earth-shaking, the terrifying is boundless, Demon that but still some did not fear death surrounds in all around observes. 桃山的大战虽然惊天动地,恐怖无边,但是仍然有一些不怕死的妖魔围拢在四周观战。 When they see gangs of invincible forces, seems dash pell-mell charges into South Heaven Gate, in the look flashes through panic-stricken. 当他们看到一股股天兵,好似狼奔豕突般冲向南天门,眼神中都闪过一丝惊骇。 Rules Three Realms more than 10,000 years of Heavenly Court, unexpectedly hit is so miserable. 统治三界一万多年的天庭,竟然被打的这么惨。 1 million invincible forces are uneven , the disastrous defeat turns over to unexpectedly. 百万天兵齐出,竟然还惨败而归。 But the enemy side has not lost one person unexpectedly, this vast gap, is as expected everyone. 而敌方竟然没有损失一人,这种巨大的差距,太出所有人的预料。 In ten thousand years of Heavenly Court rule, the big influence in Three Realms does not know that has many destruction under the Heavenly Court army, now 1 million invincible force routs are incredible. 天庭统治的万年中,三界之内的大势力不知道有多少覆灭在天庭大军之下,如今百万天兵溃败让人难以置信。 The invincible forces besiege other influences, most 100,000 invincible force Heaven General go to battle, can tread to break any influence. 天兵围攻其他势力,也就最多十万天兵天将出征,便可踏破任何势力。 But, 1 million invincible force Heaven General besiege more than ten people not to injure to the opposite party unexpectedly slightly, moreover oneself suffer heavy casualties, lost hundreds of thousands of invincible forces. 可是,百万天兵天将围攻十几人竟然丝毫没有伤到对方,而且自己一方损兵折将,损失了数十万天兵。 In a flash, Zhou Yang one group of given name, is well-known rapidly Three Realms. 一瞬间,周阳一行人的大名,迅闻名三界 Soaring Firmament Treasure Hall. 凌霄宝殿 „Does your majesty, how the Yao Ji matter solve?” “陛下,瑶姬的事情怎么解决?” Queen Mother looks is panting Jade Emperor that escapes from South Heaven Gate, some doubts said. 王母望着气喘吁吁从南天门逃回来的玉帝,有些疑惑道。 Offends Heavenly Court felon Yao Ji, was rescued by one group of rebels unexpectedly. 触犯天庭的重犯瑶姬,竟然被一群叛逆救了出来。 This is to the Heavenly Court dignified provocation, especially the routs of invincible force 1 million armies, the Heavenly Court dignity received the serious provocation. 这是对天庭威严的挑衅,特别是天兵百万大军的溃败,天庭的威严受到了严重的挑衅。 If cannot revive heavenly prestige rapidly, in Three Realms maybe will have continuous Demon, imitates Lower Realm these rebels. 如果不能迅重振天威,三界之内或许会有源源不断的妖魔,效仿下界的那些叛逆。 Your majesty, might as well offer amnesty them.” “陛下,不如把他们招安吧。” The Taibai Jinxing steps go forward, cautious say/way. 太白金星踏步上前,小心翼翼道。 Zhou Yang one line of battle efficiencies are too terrifying, Taibai Jinxing felt hope that Heavenly Court has not defeated. 周阳一行人战斗力太恐怖,太白金星感觉天庭没有丝毫战胜的希望。 Let alone Heavenly Court Grand Supreme Laojun, being possible is secret lord Envoy. 更何况天庭太上老君,有可能就是幕后的主使者 As the Heavenly Court most ancient immortal, no one knows him powerful. 作为天庭最古老的仙,谁也不知道他有多强大。 If Grand Supreme Laojun acts personally, how no one will know the result to be able. 如果太上老君亲自出手,谁也不会知道结果会如何。 Now offers amnesty Lower Realm these big divine ability completely, seals to enjoy the god position, then peace throughout the country. 现在把下界那些大神通者全部招安,封赏神位,则天下太平。 These people are the rebels, I cannot in any event Zhao'an they.” “那些人都是叛逆,我无论如何都不会诏安他们。” Jade Emperor hears Taibai Jinxing to make him offer amnesty unexpectedly Zhou Yang one group, immediately the violent anger said. 玉帝听到太白金星竟然让他招安周阳一行人,顿时暴怒道。 Your majesty, the strengths of these people are immeasurably deep, Heavenly Court suppresses these traitors, suffers heavy casualties surely.” “陛下,那些人的实力深不可测,天庭镇压那些叛逆者,必定损兵折将。” Taibai Jinxing is not silent because of the Jade Emperor violent anger, instead continues to urge. 太白金星并没有因为玉帝的暴怒而沉默,反而继续劝道。 His tone is very tactful, what is suffers heavy casualties, 1 million invincible forces the buckle 800,000, a person has not suppressed. 他的语气很委婉,什么叫损兵折将,百万天兵已经折损了八十万,一个人都没有镇压。 Taibai Jinxing is tactful telling Jade Emperor, we cannot be victorious they, what to do doesn't offer amnesty also to be able? 太白金星就是委婉的告诉玉帝,我们打不过他们,不招安还能怎么办? „The Heavenly Court dignity cannot provoke.” 天庭的威严不可挑衅。” Jade Emperor sits on Dragon Chair, complexion callous say/way. 玉帝坐在龙椅上,面色冷酷道。 He is Three Realms control, how can offer amnesty these rebels? 他是三界的主宰者,怎么能招安那些反叛者? Jade Emperor, Lower Realm has two Fox Monster heavens, said that has the important matter to report?” 玉帝,下界有两个狐妖上天,说有要事禀告?” At this moment, wears the silver armor, the whole body by the invincible force who the armor covers, arrives at Soaring Firmament Treasure Hall quickly, reported. 就在这时,一个身穿银色铠甲,全身被铠甲笼罩的天兵,快步走到凌霄宝殿,禀告道。 Two Fox Monster dare to intrude Heavenly Court unexpectedly arbitrarily, coming people to overcome the hell two people, always can not live.” “两只狐妖竟然敢擅自闯入天庭,来人将两人打下地狱,永世不得生。” A Jade Emperor brow wrinkle, coldly said. 玉帝眉头一皱,冷冷道。 When supreme Heavenly Court, even Lower Realm Demon can intrude at will, this is to him to the high dignified provocation. 什么时候至高无上的天庭,连下界妖魔都可以随意闯入,这是对他至高威严的挑衅。 Your majesty, they said that knows the important matter about under rebel.” “陛下,他们说知道关于下方叛逆的重要事情。” Invincible forces hesitant, said. 天兵犹豫了一下,说道。 He also once participated in the Lower Realm war, is living by luck, therefore witnessed Zhou Yang one group of terrifying. 他也曾参与下界的大战,侥幸活着回来,因此见证了周阳一行人的恐怖。 Therefore, he knows that any and Zhou Yang one line of related things, is extraordinary, will leave behind Fox Monster two people. 所以,他知道任何和周阳一行人有关的事情,都是非凡的,才会留下狐妖两人。 Makes them come.” “让他们进来。” Jade Emperor hesitant, opens the mouth to say. 玉帝犹豫了一下,开口道。 Except for the Grand Supreme Laojun two incarnations, other forms , he although from their aura, sensation to their status, but was not clear that which person status they concrete are. 除了太上老君的两道化身,其余的身影,他虽然从他们身上的气息,感知到了他们的身份,但是并不清楚他们具体是哪一个人身份。 Fennec has seen your majesty.” “小狐见过陛下。” The Fox Monster Fifth Brother draws the fox younger sister who some are not preferring, enters Soaring Firmament Treasure Hall, a face flattered to Jade Emperor pays respects say/way. 狐妖五哥拉着有些不情愿的狐妹,走进凌霄宝殿,一脸谄媚的向玉帝拜道。 His dream is to become the deity, rather than everywhere despised monster. 他的梦想就是成为神仙,而不是到处受人鄙视的妖。 What matter do you have to report?” “你们有什么事禀告啊?” Jade Emperor some impatient say/way. 玉帝有些不耐烦道。 Is supreme as Three Realms, he to Monster Race that refusing to accept to teach, very loathes. 作为三界至尊,他对不服管教的妖族,十分厌恶。 He is very curious and doubts Zhou Yang one group of status, therefore has not driven away the Fox Monster Fifth Brother and fox younger sister. 只是他很好奇和疑惑周阳一行人的身份,因此并没有赶走狐妖五哥和狐妹。 Your majesty, the fennec risks neck to report the news to you, only wants to make a deity in Heavenly Court.” “陛下,小狐冒着生命危险向您禀告消息,只想在天庭做个神仙。” The Fox Monster Fifth Brother looks the respectful say/way, actually begs the advantage to Jade Emperor. 狐妖五哥面露恭敬道,却是向玉帝讨要好处。 Your news, if is really useful, We seal you as the deity.” “你们的消息,若真是有用,朕就封你们为神仙。” In the Jade Emperor look flashes through cold light, only Fox Monster dares to bargain back and forth with him unexpectedly, really lives is impatient. 玉帝眼神中闪过一丝寒光,区区一个狐妖竟然敢和他讨价还价,真是活得不耐烦了。 However, to obtain Zhou Yang one group of Information, he complied. 不过,为了得到周阳一行人的信息,他还是答应了下来。 Many thanks your majesty.” “多谢陛下。” The Fox Monster Fifth Brother draws the fox younger sister to thank politely to Jade Emperor hastily again and again, said. 狐妖五哥连忙拉着狐妹向玉帝连连拜谢,道。 Had the Heavenly Court god position, he no longer is vagrant Fox Monster. 有了天庭的神位,他不再是流浪的狐妖 Your majesty, Lower Realm these Demon God plans to attack Heavenly Court, is really the treason and heresy.” “陛下,下界的那些魔神打算攻打天庭,真是大逆不道。” To flatter Jade Emperor as far as possible, obtains a better god position, a Fifth Brother face disdains to say. 为了尽量讨好玉帝,获得更好的神位,五哥一脸不屑道。 Although under these god demons the invincible might is unparalleled, however in Fifth Brother's heart, Heavenly Court is a Three Realms more legitimate ruler. 下方那些神魔虽然神威盖世,但是在五哥的心中,还是天庭才是三界更正统的统治者。 Coughs Taibai Jinxing, you just said the matter that offers amnesty, what concrete regulation does have?” “咳咳咳・・・・・・太白金星,你刚刚说招安的事情,有什么具体的章程吗?” Jade Emperor heard Fifth Brother's words, the corners of the mouth twitched ruthlessly several, coughed lightly several, concealed the innermost feelings the awkwardness, said. 玉帝听到了五哥的话语,嘴角狠狠地抽搐了几下,轻咳了几声,掩饰自己内心的尴尬,道。 He also thinks that Zhou Yang one group to rescue Yao Ji, when as for revolt, he thinks that possibly also needs Time. 他还以为周阳一行人只是为了救出瑶姬,至于什么时候造反,他认为可能还需要一段时间 Now will hear Zhou Yang one group to have the possibility next second to appear in Heavenly Court, Jade Emperor can also sit still? 现在听到周阳一行人有可能下一秒就会出现在天庭,玉帝怎么还坐得住? Taibai Jinxing, „”. 太白金星,“・・・・・・・”。 Fox Monster Fifth Brother, „”. 狐妖五哥,“・・・・・・・”。 Before did not say that in any event won't let off these traitors? 之前不是说无论如何都不会放过那些叛逆者吗? How one hears these traitors to get Heavenly Court, you changed the attention quickly. 怎么一听到那些叛逆者要打上天庭,你这么快就改变了注意。 Beforehand vowing solemnly, categorical, Heavenly Court unsurpassed dignity? 之前的信誓旦旦,斩钉截铁,天庭的无上威严呢? Isn't Jade Emperor Three Realms is supreme? 玉帝不是三界至尊吗? The unretractable statement, said Nine Cauldrons, how one felt to have the danger, instigated. 金口玉言,一言九鼎,怎么一感觉有危险,就怂了下来。 Are you daring, sweep away the whole wide world the air/Qi lid? 你气吞山河,横扫八荒的气盖呢? You wield Three Realms, conceited aggressive? 你执掌三界,唯我独尊的霸气呢? Your control does Heavenly Court, control various immortal the breadth of spirit? 你统御天庭,驾驭诸仙的气魄呢?
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