HSSB :: Volume #4

#330: an extremely painful slap on the face

Covers the Feng Yunsheng light beam, before this light and darkness change, appears is unstable. 笼罩封云笙的光柱,此前明暗变化,显得非常不稳定。 But now, is lingering on faintly with the dragon roar sound, that light beam is also getting more and more bright, tends to be steady, no longer twinkle. 但现在,随着龙吟声不绝于耳,那光柱也越来越明亮,更趋于平稳,不再闪烁。 It is not reserved like Meng Wan, Feng Yunsheng catches up at this moment, overbearing swift and fierce, making other participate in the Trial of the Greater Yin person, can feel that compels the Human Qi potential. 不像孟婉那么内敛,封云笙此刻发力,霸道凌厉,让其他参加太阴之试的人,都能感到一股迫人气势。 Vast Mountain's Ling Hui first has the feelings, Heavenly Thunder Hall's Nian Lei follows. 苍茫山的凌慧首先有感触,天雷殿的年蕾紧随其后。 Quick, Great Sun Saint Sect's Yun Xiuqing and Green Sea City's Chen Suting, felt turbulent pressure that Feng Yunsheng creates. 很快,大日圣宗的云秀清碧海城的陈素婷,也都感觉到封云笙带来的汹涌压力。 Covers the Feng Yunsheng light beam to be even more bright, thick or thin also rapid encircles the expansion toward all around, appears the imposing manner is astonishing. 笼罩封云笙的光柱越发明亮,粗细也飞速向着四周围扩张,显得气势惊人。 Don't said Yun Xiuqing, then linked Chen Suting, was surmounted by Feng Yunsheng impressively! 莫说云秀清了,便连陈素婷,也赫然被封云笙超越! Among day dragon roar, direct impact Nine Firmaments, grinds matches, flings behind. 龙咆哮之间,直冲九霄,将一个又一个对手碾碎,甩在身后。 Quick, then including Turbid Wave Pavilion's Fan Qiu, look dignified several points, earnest looks at Feng Yunsheng. 很快,便连浊浪阁的樊秋,神色都凝重几分,认真看着封云笙 The Meng Wan vision, flickers does not transfer looks to Feng Yunsheng, the vision deep place flashes through the flash the brilliance, has the joy, has disappointed. 孟婉的目光,一瞬不转望向封云笙,目光深处闪过一瞬间的光彩,有喜悦,有怅然。 Covers the Feng Yunsheng light beam, becomes stabilizes gradually, is slightly more inferior than by wave pavilion Fan Qiu it, and surmounts Great Sun Saint Sect Yun Xiuqing and Green Sea City Chen Suting steadily, arranges in order third place in all people. 笼罩封云笙的光柱,渐渐变得稳定下来,比之逐浪阁樊秋稍稍逊色,而又稳稳超越大日圣宗云秀清碧海城陈素婷,列在所有人中的第三位 This falls in observer eyes, suddenly also somewhat shocks. 这一幕落在旁观者眼中,一时间也都有些震撼。 Other people, regarding Great Sun Saint Sect's martial artist, somewhat are also unbelievable. 其他人也就罢了,对于大日圣宗的武者来说,都有些难以置信。 With to first participate in Trial of the Greater Yin, if Yun Xiuqing is the secret weapon of Great Sun Saint Sect preparation, can amaze the world with a single brilliant feat, does not make other people unable to accept completely. 同为初次参加太阴之试,云秀清如果算是大日圣宗准备的秘密武器,能够一鸣惊人的话,也并非完全让其他人无法接受。 But Feng Yunsheng is not so, in the past had been sentenced the death penalty by the Great Sun Saint Sect high and low all people together, recognized that the Physique of the Greater Yin abandonment Feng Yunsheng, restores own Strength of Greater Yin unexpectedly, simultaneously goes a step further. 封云笙则不然,当年被大日圣宗上下所有人一起判了死刑,认定太阴之体报废的封云笙,竟然真的恢复自己的太阴之力,同时更进一步。 After leaving uncultivated many years of time, starts, can unexpectedly so horizontal, startled falls an insider place eyeball. 荒废多年时光后重新起步,竟然能有如此水平,着实惊落知情者一地眼球。 Evening Glow Monarch is staring at Feng Yunsheng stubbornly, as to see through her whole person. 夕照君死死盯着封云笙,仿佛想把她整个人看穿。 The vision is concise just likes the essence, even somewhat touches Greater Yin Royal Crown. 目光凝练得犹如实质,甚至有些触动太阴冠冕 The Evening Glow Monarch heart raises suddenly several points of cool feeling, knows that has triggered the reaction of Greater Yin Royal Crown, took back the vision hastily, the complexion slightly somewhat was suddenly cloudy. 夕照君心头陡然升起几分凉意,知道是自己引起了太阴冠冕的反弹,连忙收回目光,一时间脸色微微有些阴沉。 Splendor of Feng Yunsheng, then as if toward Great Sun Saint Sect face suprafan a slap on the face. 封云笙的出色,便仿佛是往大日圣宗脸上扇耳光 If only Martial Way cultivation strives, strength is outstanding, although is also very awkward, but can also accept reluctantly. 若只是武道修为精进,实力出众,那虽然也很尴尬,但勉强还能接受。 But beforehand judged Feng Yunsheng Physique of the Greater Yin to abandon thoroughly, one group of people you inspected me to inspect, finally all vowed solemnly that now looks like, actually as if laughed. 但之前判断封云笙太阴之体彻底废了,一群人你检查完我检查,最后全都信誓旦旦,如今看来,却仿佛笑话。 numerous Great Sun Saint Sect martial artist, every insider, on this moment face feels burning painful. 一众大日圣宗武者,凡是知情者,此刻脸上都感觉火辣辣的生疼。 On the Elder Mo face shows the gratified smiling face, nods again and again: „, In vain, has not racked one's brain for nothing in vain seriously.” 莫长老脸上则露出欣慰的笑容,连连点头:“不枉了,当真不枉,没有白费心思。” He turns the head to look to Yan Zhaoge, saying of applause: Zhaoge, is lucky to have you.” 他转头看向燕赵歌,赞许的说道:“赵歌,多亏有你啊。” Yan Zhaoge smile: Elder Mo overpraised, all depends on Junior Apprentice Sister Feng own effort, Uncle-Master Fu has a good teaching method.” 燕赵歌微笑:“莫长老过奖了,全赖封师妹自己的努力,还有傅师伯教导有方。” This saying is not polite. 这话也不全是客气。 Yan Zhaoge looks at Feng Yunsheng, is heart lives sigh with emotion, present her stands the stage that finally this has yearned, making one of us joyful, making the enemy worried, but several people know that behind Feng Yunsheng has paid many for this reason diligently, has suffered many hardships. 燕赵歌看着封云笙,也是心生感慨,如今的她终于重新站上这个一直向往的舞台,让自家人欣喜,让对头苦恼,但是有几个人知道封云笙背后为此付出了多少努力,吃了多少苦头。 Other, Cold Marrow Needle, that is one of the Point Soul Lantern compound seven cruel punishments, is also suffers the person cannot seek livehood to ask unable the torture, the dauntless man of refined steel must be melted the molten iron the cut-throat method. 别的也就罢了,寒髓针,那是和点魂灯并列的七大刑之一,是折磨得人求生不得求死不能的酷刑,百炼钢的硬汉子也要被融成铁水的凶狠手段。 But this penalty, only has not carried on one time, but one year ago starts, must come some time one time each gap. 而这刑罚,还不是只进行一次,而是自一年前开始,每间隔一段时间就要来一次。 Before this time goes embarks to participate in fifth Trial of the Greater Yin, Feng Yunsheng just had suffered. 就在这次前往出发参加第五次太阴之试前,封云笙才刚刚又挨了一回。 Yan Zhaoge looks at is slightly inferior in Fan Qiu Feng Yunsheng, talked to oneself in a soft voice: „The first round competition, is the article ratio, her some superiority could not have shown, when the second round military ratio, will make other people be startled...” 燕赵歌看着略微逊色于樊秋封云笙,轻声自语:“第一轮比试,算是文比,她有些优势还展现不出来,等到第二轮武比,会更让其他人吃惊啊…” At this moment, sees with own eyes Meng Wan, Fan Qiu and Feng Yunsheng three people, separately is first three, occupied three being promoted quotas, Yun Xiuqing and Chen Suting somewhat are anxious. 此刻,眼见孟婉樊秋封云笙三人,分别位列前三,已经占据三个晋级名额,云秀清陈素婷不由都有些焦急。 On Yun Xiuqing consistent ice-cold wooden face, at this moment not obviously anxious color, but the facial expression is clearly colder, in both eyes cold brightness biting cold. 云秀清一贯冰冷无表情的脸上,此刻不显焦急之色,但神情分明更加冷然,双目之中寒光凛冽 Green Sea City's Chen Suting, arrives dignified in the extreme. 碧海城的陈素婷,神情凝重到无以复加。 She is the second Trial of the Greater Yin victor, once became the Greater Yin Royal Crown master. 她是第二次太阴之试的胜利者,也曾成为太阴冠冕的主人。 That taste, after having tasted one time, then hopes that can be forever. 那种滋味,尝过一次之后,便希望能是永远。 They start to agitate own strength fully, with the Greater Yin Royal Crown exchange, strengthens itself and resonance between sacred armament, in order to obtains sacred armament many approvals. 两人都开始全力鼓动自身力量,同太阴冠冕交流沟通,加强自己与圣兵之间的共鸣,以求获得圣兵更多的认可。 The resolution covers their two ray of light columns, slightly among turbulence, starts gradually becomes thicker, is brighter. 分辨笼罩她们的两道光柱,微微动荡间,也开始渐渐变得更粗,更明亮。 Meng Wan looks at this, brow wrinkled slightly. 孟婉看着这一幕,眉头稍微皱了一下。 Evening Glow Monarch is also the look moves slightly, the sinking sound said: Xiuqing, should not be irritable.” 夕照君也是神色微动,沉声说道:“秀清,别急躁。” The voice has not fallen, the mountain of Yun Xiuqing top of the head, sways suddenly fiercely. 话音未落,云秀清头顶的高山,突然剧烈摇晃起来。 Yun Xiuqing complexion slightly one white, then sees that spout flame rock magma the snowy peak, has a crack from the mountain bottom, the crack is then upward, until summit. 云秀清脸色微微一白,然后就见那喷涌火焰岩浆的雪峰,自山底出现一道裂缝,然后裂缝一路向上,直到山顶。 the next moment, the big snowy peak, starts to disintegrate the disruption loudly. 下一刻,高大的雪峰,开始轰然瓦解碎裂。 In Yun Xiuqing both eyes flashes through a painful color and unwillingness. 云秀清双目中闪过一丝痛色和不甘。 One of us know from the family work, her situation, oneself clearest. 自家人知自家事,她自己的情况,自己最清楚。 Female of the Greater Yin on the scene, is she is youngest, Martial Way cultivation realm is lowest, in other words , is the foundation is shallowest. 在场的太阴之女中,属她年纪最轻,武道修为境界最低,换言之就是根基最浅。 Although Strength of Greater Yin is vigorous, Greater Yin Unique Skill that studies is also out of the ordinary, but urges the valley forcefully, squeezes the potential the result, is the half-way death of the emperor. 虽然太阴之力浑厚强大,修习的太阴绝技也非同凡响,但是强行催谷,压榨潜力的结果,是半道崩殂。 And the risk, Yun Xiuqing is not does not know, but she wants to spell diligently. 其中风险,云秀清不是不知道,但她还是想要努力拼一把。 What a pity, the step steps quickly is too too big, is not eventually good. 可惜,步子迈太快太大,终究还是不行。 Yun Xiuqing that Meng Wan looks at lowered the head, shakes the head slightly, sighs. 孟婉看着低下头的云秀清,微微摇头,叹息一声。 Evening Glow Monarch and other Great Sun Saint Sect martial artist, completely all speechless. 夕照君大日圣宗武者,也尽皆无言。 Covers the Yun Xiuqing light beam, is gradually gloomy, until vanishing. 笼罩云秀清的光柱,渐渐暗淡下去,直到消失。 Other six light beams, stabilizes thoroughly, the Trial of the Greater Yin first round, announced finished. 其他六根光柱,也彻底稳定下来,太阴之试第一轮,也宣告结束。 The result is Feng Yunsheng, Meng Wan, Fan Qiu and Chen Suting four people passes, then among them seizes two by two to competing, until coming out final winner. 结果是封云笙孟婉樊秋陈素婷四人通过,接下来她们之间将两两捉对比拼,直到决出最后的胜者。 The Evening Glow Monarch reorganization thoughts, restrain the mood, turns the head to look to An Qinglin: In the past second round was they directly competes with, this time was four people, needs compared with three, first two, according to the first round performance, first vs fourth, second vs third, did the ballot decide the match?” 夕照君整理心思,收敛情绪,转头看向安清霖:“以往第二轮都是两人直接比试,这次是四人,需要比三场,头两场,是根据第一轮表现,第一对第四,第二对第三,还是抽签决定对手?” An Qinglin said: first vs fourth, second vs third.” 安清霖言道:“第一对第四,第二对第三。” Elder Mo and Evening Glow Monarch and the others, one starting point agreement. 莫长老夕照君等人,都一起点头同意。 Feng Yunsheng looked at Meng Wan one, Meng Wan also looked to her, their vision interlocked. 封云笙看了孟婉一眼,孟婉同时也看向她,两人目光交错而过。 Then, then the Feng Yunsheng vision looks to the following match, Turbid Wave Pavilion, Fan Qiu. 然后,然后封云笙的目光看向自己接下来的对手,浊浪阁,樊秋
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