HSSB :: Volume #4

#329: Whom looked at unable to enter the second round

Fifth Trial of the Greater Yin, participated in Female of the Greater Yin of competition, the quantity increases to seven people. 第五次太阴之试,参加比试的太阴之女,数量增加到了七人。 First round examination, will eliminate three people, retains four people. 第一轮考核,将淘汰三人,保留四人。 The judgment standard, gives Greater Yin Royal Crown itself. 评判标准,交给太阴冠冕本身。 Seven people are Greater Yin Royal Crown radiance cover, is arousing also the Greater Yin Royal Crown resonance. 七人都为太阴冠冕光辉笼罩,同时也在引起太阴冠冕的共鸣。 The strength competion of Female of the Greater Yin, cultivation realm with everyone is related, but is not the pure martial arts contest technique. 太阴之女的实力比拼,同每个人的修为境界相关,但不是单纯的比武较技。 Can better communication Greater Yin Royal Crown, stimulate to movement the Greater Yin Royal Crown strength, is the ultimate measurables, other are the influencing factor of this ultimate objective. 能够更好的沟通太阴冠冕,催动太阴冠冕的力量,才是终极衡量标准,其他都是这个最终目标的影响因素。 With the Greater Yin Royal Crown resonance, will manifest this one point very much intuitively. 太阴冠冕的共鸣,将很直观体现这一点 Greater Yin Royal Crown, fair makes the feedback to the communication of everyone. 太阴冠冕,将公正的对每个人的沟通做出反馈。 The thick or thin and bright degrees of seven light beams, start to change gradually. 七根光柱的粗细和明亮程度,开始渐渐发生变化。 A weaker person, the light beam is thinner, radiance is more dim, otherwise light beam overstriking, and radiance is getting more and more bright. 越弱的人,光柱越细,光辉越黯淡,反之则光柱加粗,并且光辉越来越明亮。 Therefore the people on the scene, Vast Mountain disciple Ling Hui is weakest, sets the base directly, although Heavenly Thunder Hall disciple Nian Lei stronger compared with Ling Hui, but also can only arrange in the second position from the bottom. 于是在场众人,苍茫山弟子凌慧最弱,直接垫底,天雷殿弟子年蕾虽然比凌慧要强,但也只能排在倒数第二的位置上。 Although because of the Lin Zhou's reason, Heavenly Thunder Hall director Nian Lei took a correct path, and has been able to see the achievement gradually, the place that but they must try hard also has, but also need more time. 虽然因为林舟的缘故,天雷殿指导年蕾走了一条正确的道路,并且已经可以渐渐看到成果,但他们要努力的地方还有很多,还需要更多的时间。 Meng Wan is without a doubt strongest, but Fan Qiu basically sits quietly temporarily the second position. 孟婉毫无疑问最强,而樊秋暂时则基本稳坐第二的位置。 What is quite interesting, although Chen Suting seems like third, but the position is unstable. 比较有意思的是,陈素婷虽然看起来是第三,但是位置并不稳固。 Covers the Yun Xiuqing light beam, by the extremely swift and violent tendency, becomes even more bright eye-catching. 笼罩云秀清的光柱,以极为迅猛的势头,变得越发明亮夺目。 The people see that the facial expression somewhat is serious, although it is expected that arrives at Great Sun Saint Sect, since sends Yun Xiuqing to participate, this female then decides however outstandingly. 众人见状,神情都有些严肃,虽然预料到大日圣宗既然派云秀清参加,此女便定然不同凡响。 But this thinks that she competently makes the Meng Wan empty carriage accompanying the emperor's sedan chair, but now looks like, before everybody somewhat underestimated her. 但本以为她只是够资格做孟婉的副车,可是现在看来,之前大家还是有些低估她了。 First round eliminates three people, the remaining four people, Great Sun Saint Sect really may probably occupy two places. 第一轮淘汰三人,剩下四人,大日圣宗竟然就有可能要占据其中两席之地了。 Thinks of here, everybody starts to care about another, participates in the Trial of the Greater Yin person for the first time. 想到这里,大家不由开始关心另外一个,也是首次参加太阴之试的人。 The people vision looks that actually sees to cover the Feng Yunsheng light beam to flicker. 众人目光看去,却见笼罩封云笙的光柱忽明忽暗。 A Feng Yunsheng blade in the hand, has hung loose in the back long hair, at this time by to bind ponytail. 封云笙一刀在手,一直披散在背后的长发,这时被扎成一个马尾 During sabre edge aims to be void, has ray of light shade vicissitudes there, partly visible, appears along with the light beam flickers together. 刀锋指向虚空之中,在那里有一道光影浮浮沉沉,若隐若现,随光柱一起显得忽明忽暗。 The people knit the brows. 众人为之皱眉。 Covers the Feng Yunsheng light beam, when is dim, has the Vast Mountain Ling Hui level. 笼罩封云笙的光柱,昏暗时,大致只有苍茫山凌慧的水平。 When is brightly dazzling, actually pursues Meng Wan and Fan Qiu. 更是明亮耀眼时,却直追孟婉樊秋 One light and one dark, the reciprocation takes turn, just likes the candlelight in night wind. 一明一暗,往复交替,犹如夜风中的烛火。 Such performance, making all people somewhat not be fully correct. 这样的表现,让所有人都有些猜不透。 Said that Feng Yunsheng is weak, probably is not right, did not say that several other Female of the Greater Yin, is observing, since looks on, then has the great understanding to Trial of the Greater Yin. 封云笙弱吧,好像也不对,不说其他几个太阴之女,便是观战者,既然来旁观,那对太阴之试便都有不浅的了解。 They can see that this once the female who dropped the valley from the clouds, Physique of the Greater Yin really restored. 他们能看出,这个曾经从云端跌落谷底的女子,太阴之体是真的恢复了。 However said that she competent, Broad Creed Mountain own Elder Mo also somewhat beats a drum at heart: Feeling... Is unstable, because of the restoration of Physique of the Greater Yin, still wasn't thorough?” 但是说她有实力吧,广乘山自家的莫长老心里也有些打鼓:“感觉…太不稳定了,是因为太阴之体的恢复,仍然不彻底吗?” Elder Mo turned the head to look at Yan Zhaoge one: „If no thoroughly to restore, does not have certain assurance, Fu Enshu and Zhaoge, should not feel relieved that makes her go to battle with Trial of the Greater Yin to be right.” 莫长老转头看了燕赵歌一眼:“如果没有彻底恢复,没有一定的把握,傅恩书赵歌,应该不会放心让她出战太阴之试才对。” Perhaps was Zhaoge they have also been mistaken, Physique of the Greater Yin of this doll still had the concealed worry, the person cannot inspect, didn't have to hide in front of Greater Yin Royal Crown, exposes the flaw?” “或许是赵歌他们也看走眼了,这个女娃的太阴之体仍有隐忧,人检查不出来,在太阴冠冕面前却无所遁形,暴露出缺陷?” Great Sun Saint Sect's Evening Glow Monarch frowns slightly, although hopes very much Broad Creed Mountain's Female of the Greater Yin has problems, but at present condition looks at is somewhat strange. 大日圣宗的夕照君微微蹙眉,虽然很希望广乘山的太阴之女出问题,但眼前状况看着有些诡异。 Other Great Sun Saint Sect martial artist, is gazing at Feng Yunsheng. 其他大日圣宗武者,也都注视着封云笙 Yan Zhaoge tranquil looks at Feng Yunsheng, felt the line of sight of Elder Mo, turned the head to look at the past, the smile said: Elder Mo please feel relieved, all right.” 燕赵歌平静的看着封云笙,感受到了莫长老的视线,转头看过去,微笑说道:“莫长老请宽心,没事的。” Elder Mo turns the head to look to Feng Yunsheng: Properly speaking, is you are responsible for this female guidance and training, Old Man should not talk too much, but at present situation, looks at really makes in the will of the people somewhat lack self-confidence.” 莫长老转头看向封云笙:“按理说,是你们负责此女的教导和培养,老朽不该多嘴,但眼前情况,看着实在让人心里有些没底啊。” Great Sun Saint Sect Meng Wan obvious advantage, Turbid Wave Pavilion's Fan Qiu follows, similarly is splendid, Green Sea City's Chen Suting is similarly competitive, the key is, young doll who Great Sun Saint Sect this braves newly , is quite unexpectedly good.” 大日圣宗孟婉优势明显,浊浪阁的樊秋紧随其后,同样出色,碧海城的陈素婷同样具有竞争力,关键是,大日圣宗这个新冒出来的小女娃,竟然也颇为不俗。” Altogether only gives first four, although looks at the appearance, we are insufficient to set the base, but after all holds a higher hope.” “一共只取前四名,虽然看模样,咱们不至于垫底,但终归还是抱有更大希望的。” Elder Mo hesitates was saying: Old Man did not fantasize that her first time participates in Trial of the Greater Yin to win at one fell swoop, is at present situation, is her Physique of the Greater Yin thoroughly has not restored?” 莫长老沉吟着说道:“老朽并非幻想她第一次参加太阴之试就能一举夺魁,可是眼前情况,是她的太阴之体还没有彻底恢复好吗?” Yan Zhaoge said easely: Elder Mo felt relieved that Junior Apprentice Sister Feng Physique of the Greater Yin already successfully restored, now this appearance, but she is making the self- adjustment.” 燕赵歌悠然说道:“莫长老放心,封师妹太阴之体早已成功恢复,如今这模样,只是她在做自我调整。” Oh? the Elder Mo vision looks once more to Yan Zhaoge. 哦?莫长老的目光再次向燕赵歌看过来。 Yan Zhaoge looks at Feng Yunsheng, the corners of the mouth show the light happy expression: Under many method combined actions, the Junior Apprentice Sister Feng cultivation strength progressive speed fast, successfully reached to External Astral Later Stage Martial Scholar Realm.” 燕赵歌看着封云笙,嘴角露出淡淡笑意:“多种方法共同作用下,封师妹修为实力进步速度飞快,已经成功臻至外罡后期宗师境界。” Obtained Greater Yin Royal Crown help Meng Wan, Fan Qiu and Chen Suting and the others compared with it, purely at progressive speed, is not only not slow, instead is quicker, on individual Martial Way cultivation realm, does not eat anything to owe.” “比之曾经得到过太阴冠冕帮助的孟婉樊秋陈素婷等人,单纯以进步速度来说,不仅不慢,反而更快,在个人武道修为境界上,不吃什么亏。” Own Strength of Greater Yin, not only restores, similarly also undergoes the multiple method strengthening.” “自身太阴之力,不仅恢复,同样也经过多重方法强化。” Only what has the issue is Greater Yin Unique Skill this aspect, she comprehend Greater Yin Unique Skill when Great Sun Saint Sect, now appears somewhat obsolete, they are backward facing Meng Wan.” “唯一有问题的是太阴绝技这方面,她原先在大日圣宗参悟太阴绝技,如今显得有些过时,面对孟婉她们落后许多。” Greater Yin True Scripture has ready-made Greater Yin Unique Skill, might gigantic, but practices the difficulty is very high in turn, the time was too intense, Junior Apprentice Sister Feng insufficient practice time.” 太阴真经有现成的太阴绝技,威力巨大,但反过来修练难度也很高,时间到底还是太紧张了,封师妹缺乏足够的练习时间。” Moreover, these ready-made Greater Yin Unique Skill should better as the reference, the unique skill that oneself comprehend comes out, most suits itself.” “而且,这些现成的太阴绝技最好还是作为参考,自己参悟出来的绝技,才最适合自己。” Yan Zhaoge said: I reported with Sect before, once mentioned, fifth Trial of the Greater Yin, only if the space falls the meat pie, the luck is good to arrive to go against heaven's will, otherwise is very difficult to win, more for accumulating the experience and leak finding fills a vacancy, reason then here.” 燕赵歌言道:“我之前跟宗门汇报,曾经提及,第五次太阴之试,除非天上掉馅饼,运气好到逆天,否则很难夺魁,更多是用于积累经验和查漏补缺,原因便在这里。” But, even if so, I said that does not set the base well, that cracks a joke with Junior Apprentice Sister Feng.” Yan Zhaoge said lightly: Junior Apprentice Sister Feng, is very splendid.” “不过,即便如此,我说不垫底就好,那只是跟封师妹开玩笑。”燕赵歌淡淡说道:“封师妹,很出色的。” The under light beam of flickering covers, the Feng Yunsheng look is tranquil, the vision is firm and resolute. 忽明忽暗的光柱笼罩下,封云笙神色平静,目光坚毅。 She sends out clear roar suddenly, imitates, if dragon roar, cloud penetration crack stone, acoustic shock nine days. 她猛然发出一声清啸,仿若龙吟,穿云裂石,声震九天。 light avatar of top of the head, becomes stabilizes gradually, is getting more and more bright. 头顶的光影,渐渐变得稳定起来,越来越明亮。 The people fix the eyes on to look, that clearly is half black and half white's light dragon! 众人定睛看去,那分明是一条半黑半白的光龙 The dragon roar sound is even more resonant, mixes the wind and cloud color deterioration. 龙吟声越发嘹亮,搅动风云变色。 A Feng Yunsheng blade in the hand, top of the head light dragon circles, in the enormous and powerful dragon roar sound, making all people look askance. 封云笙一刀在手,头顶光龙盘旋,浩荡龙吟声中,让所有人为之侧目。 Has the phoenix to come the graceful atmosphere of meter to Meng Wan, Feng Yunsheng is Nine Firmaments dragon roar vigorous overbearing. 相对于孟婉有凤来仪的雍容大气,封云笙则是九霄龙吟的雄浑霸道。 The quarrying a mountain chisel of Vast Mountain Ling Hui top of the head, is vibrating, the Heavenly Thunder drum of Heavenly Thunder Hall Nian Lei top of the head, makes a sound anxiously. 苍茫山凌慧头顶的开山凿,在震动,天雷殿年蕾头顶的天雷鼓,响得更急。 The great boat in Green Sea City Chen Suting top of the head sea tide, jolts slightly, the small umbrella of Turbid Wave Pavilion Fan Qiu top of the head, revolves turning round. 碧海城陈素婷头顶海潮中的巨舟,微微颠簸,浊浪阁樊秋头顶的小伞,滴溜溜旋转起来。 With to participate in Female of the Greater Yin of competition for the first time, the snowy peak volcano of Yun Xiuqing top of the head, direct eruption! 同为首次参加比试的太阴之女,云秀清头顶的雪峰火山,直接喷发! „Can't we enter the second round?” “我们进不了第二轮?” Yan Zhaoge smiles: He He...” 燕赵歌一笑:“呵呵…”
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