HSSB :: Volume #4

#328: Person who instead leaves the front gate wall

Trial of the Greater Yin that Yan Zhaoge tranquil looks at at present held. 燕赵歌平静的看着眼前正在举行的太阴之试 Passing several, he also looks at light avatar that the Sect elder brings to keep the mark, now the short distance observation, each other verification, to the scene several Female of the Greater Yin levels, has the most direct-viewing accurate judgment. 过往几届,他也都看过宗门长辈带回来的光影留痕,现在近距离观察,彼此印证,对现场几名太阴之女的水平,有最直观准确的判断。 Ah Hu follows side him, curious asking: Young Master, seems Meng Wan outshines others.” 阿虎跟在他身边,好奇的问道:“公子,看上去孟婉一枝独秀啊。” Yan Zhaoge spoke thoughtlessly saying: Evaluates the Female of the Greater Yin strength, is not unilaterally.” 燕赵歌随口说道:“评估太阴之女的实力,不是单方面的。” Generally speaking, Female of the Greater Yin cultivation high, as well as Strength of Greater Yin how much, the comprehend Greater Yin Unique Skill strong and weak, three aspects jointly decided that Female of the Greater Yin stimulates to movement the Greater Yin Royal Crown strength, in the actual combat, but must involve the actual combat strain level, can therefore regard as four determining factors approximately.” “一般来说,太阴之女本身的修为高下,以及太阴之力的多寡,参悟太阴绝技的强弱,三方面共同决定太阴之女催动太阴冠冕的实力,实战之中,还要涉及实战应变水平,所以大致可以视为四个决定因素。” Yan Zhaoge looks to Meng Wan, sees her top of the head Fire Phoenix to spread the wings, the imposing manner is dreadful. 燕赵歌看向孟婉,就见她头顶火凤展翅,气势滔天。 Those who make the person look askance, fire phoenix light avatar of Meng Wan top of the head, half black and half white. 更让人为之侧目的是,孟婉头顶的火凤凰光影,半黑半白 This means that Great Sun Saint Sect and Meng Wan, estimate Yin and Yang Mutual Aid Method to further promote the strength, had the substantive progress, no longer was last year fourth Trial of the Greater Yin time such initially peeps the access, causing own foundation not to be steady, the strength instead backed up. 这意味着,大日圣宗孟婉,揣摩阴阳相济之法进一步提升实力,已经有了实质性的进展,不再是去年第四次太阴之试的时候那样初窥门径,导致自身根基不稳,实力反而倒退。 Initially drew back one step, entered for the present three steps, Meng Wan has annotated this one point perfectly. 当初退一步,是为了现在进三步,孟婉完美诠释了这一点 Therefore has today's strength to rise suddenly, shows disdain for audience. 所以才有了今日的实力暴涨,傲视全场。 Meng Wan, is each aspect, is in the lead all-around, at present strongest Female of the Greater Yin, name will follow reality.” Yan Zhaoge sighs with regret was saying. 孟婉,属于各个方面,全方位领先,目前最强的太阴之女,实至名归。”燕赵歌慨叹着说道。 On cultivation realm, oneself is the talent character, there is Great Sun Saint Sect's to cultivate fully, grasps Greater Yin Royal Crown with two years successively, to the help promotion of daily practice, Meng Wan is young, has visited Earlier Heaven primary stage Realm of Martial Scholar, presents in all Female of the Greater Yin to be highest. 修为境界,自身本来就是天才人物,又有大日圣宗的全力栽培,和先后两年时间掌握太阴冠冕,对日常修练的帮助提升,孟婉年纪轻轻,已经踏足先天初期宗师之境,在场所有太阴之女中最高。 On the Strength of Greater Yin intensity, Meng Wan is the official's cap beautiful and fragrant flowers, the talent qualification is thicker, obtains Yin and Yang Mutual Aid Method to further promote. 太阴之力的强度,孟婉更是冠盖群芳,天赋本钱厚实,更得到阴阳相济之法进一步提升。 On Greater Yin Unique Skill might, experienced according to old times, Meng Wan was also existence of cream of the crop. 太阴绝技威力,按照往年经验,孟婉也是最顶尖的存在。 Perhaps on the actual combat experience, Meng Wan cannot say that has fought many battles, but is also rich. 论实战经验,孟婉或许称不上身经百战,但也非常丰富。 In the past caused in her hand, second Greater Yin Royal Crown was lost, was because previously stimulated to movement Greater Yin Royal Crown in East Sea and Flame Demon King fight recklessly. 当年导致她手上,第二次太阴冠冕旁落,就是因为先前催动太阴冠冕东海和一个炎魔王硬拼一场。 Although Meng Wan is wounded, but Martial Scholar martial artist, fights after the match of Martial Saint level can also return alive, without doubt profits infinitely. 虽然孟婉负伤,但一个宗师武者,与武圣层次的对手大战之后还能生还,无疑受益无穷。 Feng Yunsheng once had the word, so long as Meng Wan oneself does not have problems, she will participate in Trial of the Greater Yin, Greater Yin Royal Crown will not be lost. 封云笙曾经有言,只要孟婉自身不出问题,她参加太阴之试,太阴冠冕就不会旁落。 This saying sends heartfeltly, did not speak thoughtlessly. 这话是由衷而发,可不是随口说说。 In the Yan Zhaoge looks at field participates in the first round examination people, at a moderate pace saying: Vast Mountain's Ling Hui, the strength is weakest, is happen to opposite with Meng Wan, is each aspect quite to be mediocre. Said possibly some not politeness, but if the sweeping change of non- Heaven and Earth turning upside down, this Junior Apprentice Sister Ling participates year after year, year after year can only accompany to run.” 燕赵歌看着场中参加第一轮考核的众人,不紧不慢的说道:“苍茫山的凌慧,实力最弱,正好同孟婉相反,属于各个方面都比较平庸。这么说可能有些不礼貌,但如无翻天覆地的大变化,这位凌师妹年年参加,年年都只能陪跑。” Heavenly Thunder Hall's Nian Lei, um, other, started from last year fourth Trial of the Greater Yin, Strength of Greater Yin started to improve, although the scope was limited, but truly was enhancing.” 天雷殿的年蕾,嗯,别的也就罢了,从去年第四次太阴之试开始,太阴之力开始有所提高,虽然幅度有限,但确实在提高。” Yan Zhaoge looked at sky over Nian Lei top of the head big drum light avatar, meets drum, is indistinct is also divided black and white, black, white. 燕赵歌看了一眼年蕾头顶上空的大鼓光影,就见鼓面,隐约间也分为黑白,一面黑,一面白。 However is not distinct, appears somewhat fuzzy. 但是并不分明,显得有些模糊。 Yan Zhaoge slight bow: Heavenly Thunder Hall, is really attempting to ponder over Yin and Yang Mutual Aid Method to promote the Female of the Greater Yin strength, but depends entirely on itself to try to find out that only started, many roads must walk.” 燕赵歌微微点头:“天雷殿,果然也在尝试琢磨阴阳相济之法提升太阴之女的实力,不过全靠自己摸索,才刚刚起步,还有很多路要走。” Innovates this matter, often begins difficultly, after straightening out, will welcome the rapid growth, until the development to certain altitude, encounters the bottleneck, slows down the speed, seeks the next breakthrough. 创新这种事情,往往开头最为艰难,等步入正轨后,就会迎来高速发展,直到发展至一定高度,遭遇瓶颈,重新放缓速度,谋求下一步突破。 Ah Hu heard this, curious sizing up people. 阿虎闻言,也好奇的打量众人。 The Yan Zhaoge line of sight changes another side: Green Sea City's Chen Suting, the biggest superiority is own cultivation realm, except for this, Green Sea City for Greater Yin Unique Skill that she is tailor, is quite uncommon.” 燕赵歌视线转向另一边:“碧海城的陈素婷,最大优势在于自身修为境界,除此以外,碧海城为她量身打造的太阴绝技,也颇为不凡。” In person who Chen Suting in all attended the competition oldest, the practice time is longest, once wielded Greater Yin Royal Crown one year. 陈素婷在所有参加比试的人中最为年长,修练时间最长,也曾执掌太阴冠冕一年时间。 At present, she is only one by one, own cultivation realm and Meng Wan are similar, breaks through to Earlier Heaven primary stage Martial Scholar Realm Female of the Greater Yin. 目前,她是唯一一个,自身修为境界孟婉相若,也突破至先天初期宗师境界太阴之女 Greater Yin Unique Skill mainly depending on Female of the Greater Yin comprehend, but there is a Sect elder to assist, will be handier. 太阴绝技主要凭太阴之女自己参悟,但有宗门长辈相助,会更加得心应手。 In Six Great Sacred Grounds, Green Sea City and Turbid Wave Pavilion's legacy martial arts, originally excels at the strength of gentle and reserved. 六大圣地中,碧海城浊浪阁的传承武学,本就都擅长阴柔之力。 Before this first Trial of the Greater Yin, Chen Suting is the Meng Wan biggest competitor, at that time Meng Wan also young, finally wins narrowly plans. 此前第一次太阴之试,陈素婷便是孟婉最大的竞争对手,那时孟婉还年幼,最终险胜一筹。 Second Trial of the Greater Yin, Meng Wan has the wound in the body, finally Chen Suting wins successfully, wins Green Sea City Greater Yin Royal Crown. 第二次太阴之试,孟婉有伤在身,结果陈素婷成功胜出,把太阴冠冕赢回碧海城 When Battle of Eastern Tang, is Chen Suting is bringing Greater Yin Royal Crown, along with the Green Sea City old and renowned scholar elder, travels to the east Earth Territory, cooperates with Broad Creed Mountain, ambushes Great Sun Saint Sect's Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler. 东唐之战时,便是陈素婷带着太阴冠冕,随碧海城耆宿长老,东渡地域,同广乘山合作,伏击大日圣宗的大日衡天尺 But was a pity that third Trial of the Greater Yin, Meng Wan of injury healing performs return of the King. 但可惜,第三次太阴之试,伤势痊愈的孟婉上演王者归来 Fourth Trial of the Greater Yin, the Meng Wan strategic choice gives up, finally Turbid Wave Pavilion Fan Qiu appears. 第四次太阴之试,孟婉战略性选择放弃,结果浊浪阁樊秋横空出世。 However, even if so, fifth Trial of the Greater Yin, Chen Suting still quite had the competitive power. 不过,即便如此,第五次太阴之试,陈素婷仍然相当具备竞争力。 As for Turbid Wave Pavilion's Fan Qiu, looks like in Yan Zhaoge, is quite uncommon, seems slightly trumpet one point Meng Wan. 至于浊浪阁的樊秋,在燕赵歌看来,颇为不凡,就仿佛是一个稍微小号一点孟婉 Various aspects are quite splendid, it is noteworthy that Fan Qiu talent Strength of Greater Yin is quite formidable. 各方面都极为出色,特别值得一提的是,樊秋天赋太阴之力极为强大。 This rabbit tooth younger sister, even possibly is Earlier Heaven latent talent best Female of the Greater Yin. 这个兔牙妹,甚至可能是先天资质最好的太阴之女 If Meng Wan does not undergo the promotion of Yin and Yang Mutual Aid Method, the Earlier Heaven qualification is not necessarily able to exceed Fan Qiu. 孟婉如果不经过阴阳相济之法的提升,先天本钱都未必能胜过樊秋 And, comes Turbid Wave Pavilion's Fan Qiu, Greater Yin Unique Skill of comprehension creation, is exquisite. 并且,出身浊浪阁的樊秋,领悟创造的太阴绝技,非常精妙。 Above Yan Zhaoge looks at Fan Qiu top of the head that is only small the umbrella, secretly nod. 燕赵歌看着樊秋头顶上方的那只小伞,暗自点头。 Besides these old matches... 除了这些老对手以外… The Yan Zhaoge's vision falls on another person, is this year first time participates in the Trial of the Greater Yin person. 燕赵歌的目光落在另一人身上,也是今年第一次参加太阴之试的人。 Great Sun Saint Sect, Yun Xiuqing. 大日圣宗,云秀清 Although leaves one, but Yun Xiuqing and Meng Wan are entirely different. 虽然同出一门,但云秀清孟婉截然不同。 At this moment above her top of the head, is actually a mountain peak image. 此刻她的头顶上方,却是一座山峰的影像。 A snowy mountain, but above the summit, has the flame rock magma often to erupt. 一座雪山,但山巅之上,却有火焰岩浆不时喷发。 Yan Zhaoge touches own chin: Meng Wan beginning a new career late in life revolutions cultivates Yin and Yang Mutual Aid Method, this female is no exception obviously, Strength of Greater Yin is quite considerable.” 燕赵歌摸了摸自己的下巴:“孟婉半路出家转修阴阳相济之法,此女显然也不例外,太阴之力颇为可观。” Perception is extremely good, Greater Yin Unique Skill is also outstanding, was slightly tender, the cultivation realm strength was slightly low, but all-round strength also extremely strong.” “悟性极佳,太阴绝技也不同凡响,就是稍微嫩了点,修为境界实力略低,但是综合实力也极强了。” Ah Hu blinks the eye, can result in Yan Zhaoge such appraisal, was very hard to come by. 阿虎眨巴眼睛,能得燕赵歌这样的评价,算是非常难得了。 Carefully looked that Ah Hu really also sees some ways, then looks at other people, sees Vast Mountain and Heavenly Thunder Hall's leading elder, the complexion somewhat is ugly. 仔细看,阿虎果然也看出些门道,然后再看其他人,就见苍茫山天雷殿的带队长老,脸色都有些难看。 This new person Yun Xiuqing, compares impressively participated in four times Trial of the Greater Yin Ling Hui and Nian Lei must be stronger! 这个新人云秀清,赫然比已经参加四次太阴之试凌慧年蕾还要更强! Green Sea City and Turbid Wave Pavilion's person, looks serious similarly, because of Yun Xiuqing, distinct had has threatened Chen Suting and Fan Qiu strength. 碧海城浊浪阁的人,也同样神情严肃,因为云秀清,分明已经有了威胁陈素婷樊秋的实力。 Evening Glow Monarch that Great Sun Saint Sect leads unemotionally. 大日圣宗带队的夕照君面无表情。 He behind some Great Sun Saint Sect martial artist of accompanying, have on the face to reappear to sneer slightly, the vision has swept Yan Zhaoge and Elder Mo, finally falls on Feng Yunsheng: Four quotas, Chen Suting and Fan Qiu, your this disobedient rebel, as early as possible get lost Broad Creed Mountain to go!” 他身后一些随行的大日圣宗武者,有人脸上微微浮现冷笑,目光扫过燕赵歌莫长老,最后落在封云笙身上:“四个名额,陈素婷樊秋也就罢了,你这个忤逆叛徒,趁早滚回广乘山去!”
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