HSSB :: Volume #4

#327: Yan Zhao Ge’s association

The old friend meet again after a long separation, after gathers short, then separates, after all now both sides belongs to the different camps. 故友久别重逢,短暂相聚之后,便是分离,毕竟现在双方分属不同阵营。 Moreover is each other hostile two big influences. 而且是彼此敌对的两大势力。 When Trial of the Greater Yin convenes officially, in front of people have a reunion once more, when they like initially just met. 太阴之试正式召开,在众人面前再次重逢的时候,两人又像当初刚见面时一样了。 You have a look at me, I have a look at you, installs not to know to affirm is impossible, but as if no any words to say. 你看看我,我看看你,装不认识肯定不可能,但似乎也没什么话讲。 In front of numerous big shot, will make the petty action to be discovered mostly, two female successive look exchanges in secret will not have. 当着一众大佬的面,做小动作多半会被发现,二女连暗中的眼神交流都没有。 At this moment, on Trial of the Greater Yin, they each other, is match's relations. 此刻,在太阴之试上,她们彼此,就是对手的关系。 Instance that Trial of the Greater Yin carries on, is night, today Turbid Wave Pavilion here is the overcast weather, is cloudy, covers up star moon/month radiance, a nighttime sky darkness. 太阴之试进行的瞬间,是夜晚,今日浊浪阁这里是个阴雨天气,乌云密布,遮掩星月光辉,夜空一片黑暗。 Turbid Wave Pavilion Pavilion Lord An Qinglin personally manages Trial of the Greater Yin, she nodded to her Female of the Greater Yin Fan Qiu. 浊浪阁阁主安清霖亲自主持太阴之试,她冲着自家的太阴之女樊秋点了点头。 Fan Qiu does not smile at this moment, the pursing the lips lip, a pair of small rabbit tooth also vanishes does not see. 樊秋此刻不笑了,抿着嘴唇,一对儿小兔牙也消失不见。 Her has tied fist seal, received the waist, another hand five fingers gather, a palm promotes forward averagely. 她一手结了个拳印,收于腰间,另一只手五指并拢,一掌向前平平推出。 Along with Fan Qiu the movement, her top of the head has radiance to flash immediately. 随着樊秋的这个动作,她头顶顿时有光辉闪动。 A brightness, quiet cold silent. 一片皎洁,幽冷寂静。 But radiance is bright, makes nighttime sky no longer dark instantaneously. 光辉明亮,瞬间让夜空不再黑暗。 As if can with the moonlight of Hao date viing, appear on Fan Qiu, among the moonlight, nearly transparent ice crystal, the elegant fine pure white royal crown appears the shape. 仿佛能与昊日争辉的月光,出现在樊秋头上,月光之间,一顶近乎透明冰晶所化,典雅精致的纯白冠冕现出形来。 A bleak ancient aura spreads, Qingyuan is long, moving heart and soul. 一股荒凉古老的气息散布开来,清远悠长,动人心魄。 Light clear and bright light dispersing, the moonlight as if sprinkles the world at this moment. 淡淡清辉散开,月光这一刻仿佛洒满世界。 This pure white fine royal crown emergence, the formidable existence feeling, is not completely inferior in nearby Martial Saint An Qinglin. 这顶纯白色的精致冠冕一出现,强大的存在感,完全不逊色于一旁的武圣安清霖 The attention of all people were attracted at this moment, looks at that out of the ordinary sacred armament, Greater Yin Royal Crown. 所有人的注意力这一刻都被吸引,看着那与众不同的圣兵,太阴冠冕 Yan Zhaoge also in looks at Greater Yin Royal Crown, in his mind besides considering at present Trial of the Greater Yin, but also has remembered other matters. 燕赵歌也在看着太阴冠冕,他脑海中除了考虑眼前太阴之试外,还想起了别的一些事情。 Initially in Sand Region, after gathering Divine Palace Porch Pillar, carries on a deeper level refine, seeing light avatar that many Divine Palace Porch Pillar have engraved to keep the mark. 当初在沙洲,收取神宫廊柱后,进行更深层次的炼化,看见了许多神宫廊柱镌刻的光影留痕。 And mysterious females, early had found Divine Palace Porch Pillar compared with Yan Zhaoge, does not have carrying off. 其中有一个神秘的女子,比燕赵歌更早找到过神宫廊柱,却没有将之带走。 Now witnesses Greater Yin Royal Crown, the short distance feeling strength ideal condition, Yan Zhaoge can fully affirm that initially in Western Extremity Great Desert and Divine Palace Porch Pillar in the female who met, his head wore, making oneself feel the royal crown of looking familiar, front this world focused attention on, sacred armament that the people competed for! 如今亲眼目睹太阴冠冕,近距离感受其中力量意境,燕赵歌可以充分肯定,当初在西极大漠中与神宫廊柱相遇的女子,其头上佩戴,令自己感到眼熟的冠冕,正是面前这件天下瞩目,众人争夺的圣兵 Divine Palace Porch Pillar buried in Western Extremity Great Desert was too long, that mysterious female, does not know that was when person. 神宫廊柱西极大漠中埋藏了太久,那个神秘的女子,更不知是何年何月的人。 But the opposite party was likely related with past Divine Palace, making Yan Zhaoge pay attention. 但对方很可能同昔日神宫有关,让燕赵歌为之留心。 Fan Qiu received the left fist of waist, makes slowly forward. 樊秋收于腰间的左拳,徐徐向前打出。 Along with her movement, the Greater Yin Royal Crown strength suddenly becomes powerful, then leaves from the Fan Qiu top of the head float, in the midair toward the field flies. 随着她的这个动作,太阴冠冕力量猛然变得强盛,然后从樊秋头顶漂浮离开,向着场中半空飞去。 Fan Qiu starts to be darkly weak with the relation of sacred armament, tends to the interrupt. 樊秋圣兵的联系开始暗弱下来,趋向于中断。 Although the moonlight still covered the world spookily, but in royal crown that formidable strength feeling, dissipates gradually, is not the decline, but as if enters sinks the dormancy to be the same. 虽然月光幽幽仍然笼罩天地,但冠冕中那强大的力量感,也渐渐消散,并非衰落,而是仿佛进入沉眠一样。 An Qinglin said: Double-hour arrived, fifth Trial of the Greater Yin, starts.” 安清霖言道:“时辰已到,第五次太阴之试,正是开始。” Elder Meng and Evening Glow Monarch and the others heard this, they nods to Feng Yunsheng and Meng Wan. 孟长老夕照君等人闻言,都冲着封云笙孟婉她们点点头。 numerous Female of the Greater Yin on the scene, including just separated the relation with Greater Yin Royal Crown Fan Qiu, simultaneously forward steps one step, gathers under floating spatial Greater Yin Royal Crown. 在场的一众太阴之女,包括刚刚与太阴冠冕断开联系的樊秋,都齐齐向前踏上一步,聚集在浮空的太阴冠冕下方。 Several people drink with one voice tenderly, raise one's head visual Greater Yin Royal Crown. 几人齐声娇喝,抬头目视太阴冠冕 In their pupils, there is a gloss to emerge, as if light metallic luster. 在她们的瞳孔中,有光泽涌现,仿佛淡淡的金属光泽。 Was affected by these radiance, Greater Yin Royal Crown vibrates slightly, as if after just deep sleep, regains consciousness quickly, then the boundless strength feeling appears again. 受这些光辉影响,太阴冠冕微微震动,似乎刚刚沉睡后,又很快苏醒,然后磅礴的力量感再次出现。 Strength fluctuation that just, spreads at this moment, stems from Greater Yin Royal Crown itself, has not been clear about the directive property, is the stress sends. 只不过,此刻传出的力量波动,源于太阴冠冕本身,并没有明确指向性,是应激而发。 Is centered on Greater Yin Royal Crown, in the clear Cold Moon light, the light beams of seven flashing pale golden light splendors drop from the clouds similarly, covers Feng Yunsheng and the others. 太阴冠冕为中心,清冷月光中,有七道同样闪动淡金光辉的光柱从天而降,将封云笙等人笼罩。 Feng Yunsheng is feeling own thought and feeling, as if has established the relation with sacred armament in midair. 封云笙感受着自己的思维与感觉,仿佛同半空中的圣兵建立了联系。 Although is other people shares, although relates is very simple limitedly, but the Feng Yunsheng unavoidable heart ancient banner is also turbulent. 虽然是和其他人共享,虽然联系还很浅显有限,但封云笙也难免心旌动荡。 There, seems own hometown, seems the incomparably familiar friend, seems own home to return. 那里,仿佛是自己的故乡,仿佛是无比熟悉的朋友,仿佛是自己的归宿。 The Feng Yunsheng facial expression is not happy in not sad, static looks at sky Greater Yin Royal Crown. 封云笙神情无喜无悲,静静看着天空中的太阴冠冕 Once, there are many years, in midair that white royal crown, was she unceasingly goal and power diligently. 曾经,有很多年,半空中那顶白色冠冕,都是她不断努力的目标和动力。 Not only and is Great Sun Saint Sect's hopes with desire, is Feng Yunsheng is glad for the lifelong goal that it tries hard to strive for success. 并不仅仅是大日圣宗的期许和愿望,也是封云笙自己乐于为之努力拼搏的人生目标。 What a pity afterward, actually such as illusion bubble general Cataclysm. 可惜后来,却如梦幻泡影一般破灭了。 Fortunately Feng Yunsheng is strong-minded, quick had the new lifelong goal, believes that even if no Physique of the Greater Yin, oneself can also live splendidly. 所幸封云笙意志坚强,很快就有了新的人生目标,坚信即便没有太阴之体,自己也能活得精彩。 After this, had the hope again. 这之后,却再一次有了希望。 But duplicate loses, regains. 得而复失,失而复得。 Gets out of trouble, does not have person of same experience, is very difficult to understand felt. 兜兜转转,没有相同经历的人,很难理解其中感觉。 for Broad Creed Mountain, Feng Yunsheng must spell one time. 为了自己,为了广乘山,封云笙都要拼一次。 Although is first time participates officially, but the flow of Feng Yunsheng to Trial of the Greater Yin, already thoroughly cooked in the heart. 虽然是第一次正式参加,但封云笙太阴之试的流程,早已烂熟于心 In the pale golden light beam, Feng Yunsheng drinks one lightly, black long sabre comes out of the sheath, toward chops void. 淡金色的光柱里,封云笙轻喝一声,黑色长刀出鞘,向着虚空劈出。 In other six ray of light columns, Meng Wan and the others is also the same movement, unfolds the manager respectively. 其他六道光柱内,孟婉等人也都是相同的动作,各展所长。 Style that they stimulate to movement at this moment, actually by no means pure legacy from various Sect Martial Way absolute art, but unifies after Strength of Greater Yin own Martial Way Greater Yin Unique Skill! 她们此刻催动的招式,却并非单纯传承自各宗门武道绝学,而是将自身武道太阴之力结合后的太阴绝技 Through Greater Yin Unique Skill, they and Greater Yin Royal Crown further establish the relation, arouses the resonance. 通过太阴绝技,她们与太阴冠冕进一步建立联系,引发共鸣。 After some people obtain Greater Yin Royal Crown, takes Greater Yin Royal Crown as saying that Greater Yin Unique Skill is, thus depending on Martial Scholar Realm cultivation, stimulates to movement this formidable sacred armament. 当有人获得太阴冠冕之后,以太阴冠冕为道,太阴绝技为器,从而凭宗师境界修为,催动这件强大的圣兵 Heavenly Thunder Hall Female of the Greater Yin Nian Lei, holds series, the shape with bolt of lightning, covers in her light beam, light avatar appears, condenses obviously turns into at the same time the big drum, thump thump keeps sounding, as if thunder crack. 天雷殿太阴之女年蕾,掌出连环,形同奔雷,笼罩她的光柱里,光影浮现,凝聚显化成一面大鼓,“咚咚咚咚”不停敲响,仿佛一个又一个雷霆炸响。 Vast Mountain Female of the Greater Yin Ling Hui, Greater Yin Unique Skill and sacred armament resonance, obviously melts is actually seems like the common chisel, as if can bore a hole through the mountain. 苍茫山太阴之女凌慧,太阴绝技圣兵共鸣,显化却是一根看似不起眼的凿子,仿佛能将山岳凿穿。 Green Sea City's Chen Suting, obviously melts a great boat, braving the wind and the billows. 碧海城的陈素婷,显化一艘巨舟,乘风破浪 Turbid Wave Pavilion's Fan Qiu, is actually a paper umbrella, in the rain flutters. 浊浪阁的樊秋,却是一顶纸伞,雨中飘荡。 This is makes the first round competition of judgment by Greater Yin Royal Crown this sacred armament, no one is able to counterfeit. 这是由太阴冠冕这件圣兵来做评判的第一轮比试,谁也无法作假。 Whose who is weak, clear. 孰强孰弱,一目了然。 Vast Mountain Ling Hui is weakest, Heavenly Thunder Hall Nian Lei is strong, Green Sea City Chen Suting exceeds Nian Lei to plan. 苍茫山凌慧最弱,天雷殿年蕾较强,碧海城陈素婷又胜过年蕾一筹。 In four females youngest Turbid Wave Pavilion Fan Qiu, is in four people are strongest. 四女中年龄最轻的浊浪阁樊秋,却是四人中最强的。 But at this moment, in the Meng Wan mouth sends out clear and melodious sounding of young phoenix, then covers in her pale golden light column, then fire phoenix light avatar become formed, spreads the wings to soar. 但就在这时,孟婉口中发出一声雏凤似的清越鸣叫,然后笼罩她的淡金光柱内,便有一头火凤凰光影成型,展翅飞腾。 Fire Phoenix spreads the wings, depresses the momenta of other people instantaneously completely, official's cap beautiful and fragrant flowers 火凤展翅,瞬间将其他人的声势全部压下,冠盖群芳
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