HSSB :: Volume #4

#326: Two beautiful sisters

In order to avoid the both sides conflict, Turbid Wave Pavilion to Broad Creed Mountain and dwelling of Great Sun Saint Sect arrangement, separates on two islands. 为了避免双方冲突,浊浪阁广乘山大日圣宗安排的住处,是分开在两座岛上。 Has great array to cover, if among two families erupts the fight, Turbid Wave Pavilion can also interfere him to mediate promptly. 大阵笼罩,如果两家之间爆发战斗,浊浪阁也能及时干涉他调停。 The wave light is clear, on limitless the surface of the lake , the boat floats, is remote from the islands. 波光粼粼,无边无际的湖面上,有一艘小船漂浮,距离岛屿非常遥远。 Takes a broad view to look to all around on the ship, can only see the endless lake water. 在船上放眼向四周望去,只能看见无尽的湖水。 A female sits on the boat, before the body, chocks up bottles of cans, in the hand is grasping a skewer, puts on one to open up the stomach, the small birds that on the skewer sheds the clean feather. 一个女子坐在小船上,身前摆满瓶瓶罐罐,手中则握着一根铁签,在铁签上穿着一只开膛破肚,褪干净羽毛的雀鸟。 Side the female, in the cabin also puts several to put on to hang the skewer of small birds similarly. 在女子身边,船舱里还放着几根同样穿挂雀鸟的铁签。 The female five fingers open, the palm flies high toward front grasps, many fuels by her Astral Qi fetter package. 女子五指张开,手掌向着前方凌空一抓,许多柴火被她的罡气束缚包裹。 She lit the fire of high-piled firewood on the ship, but the fire of high-piled firewood was absorbed to take by her Astral Qi, such hangingly floats in the midair, does not affect the boat. 她就在船上点燃了火堆,但火堆被她罡气摄拿,就这么悬空浮于半空中,不影响小船。 The females the thing in the hand, put at the fire of high-piled firewood to roast at a moderate pace roast, and once for a while, skilled upward spreads to scatter the seasoning. 女子不紧不慢将手里东西,放到火堆上炙烤,并且时不时,熟练的向上涂撒调料。 At this time, some people approached. 这时,有人靠近。 The females have realized, but handle black long sabre calmly places there, has not taken the meaning of blade. 女子察觉了,但身旁一柄黑色长刀静静放在那里,并没有取刀的意思。 The opposite party jumping up boat, saw this female, then cheers one: Senior Apprentice Sister!” 对方跳上小船,见了这女子,便即欢呼一声:“师姐!” Comes person bright eyes friendly look around, tender and beautiful moving, impressively Great Sun Saint Sect direct disciple, Meng Wan. 来人明眸善睐,娇艳动人,赫然正是大日圣宗嫡传弟子,孟婉 But the person on ship, black hair throws over after behind, the corners of the mouth belt smiles, among the vision circulations, the heroic bearing thrives, is actually already pay respects to join Broad Creed Mountain disciple Feng Yunsheng. 而在船上的人,一头青丝披在身后,嘴角带笑,目光流转间,英姿勃发,却是已经拜入广乘山门下封云笙 Feng Yunsheng saw Meng Wan, said with a smile: Little Wan comes well quickly, my this first has not roasted.” 封云笙见了孟婉,笑道:“小婉来得好快,我这第一只还没有烤好呢。” Meng Wan in quiet and refined all did not see in those days, the jumping up ship, does not have squatting of image very much in front of Feng Yunsheng, eager looks at Feng Yunsheng is roasting the small birds that roasts: Senior Apprentice Sister, I like flavor heavy one point.” 孟婉往日里的娴静全都不见,跳上船来,很没形象的蹲在封云笙面前,眼巴巴看着封云笙正在炙烤的雀鸟:“师姐,我喜欢味道重一点的。” Feng Yunsheng said: Your taste, I know certainly.” 封云笙说道:“你的口味,我当然知道啦。” Meng Wan narrows the eyes to focus to smile, such looks at Feng Yunsheng, felt one as if returned to childhood just entered the sect that little while. 孟婉眯着眼笑,就这么看着封云笙,感觉自己仿佛回到了小时候刚入门那会儿。 Feng Yunsheng looks at Meng Wan, sighs with regret saying: Although sees some light avatar to keep the mark, but meets truly, more than four years have disappeared, Little Wan grew into big Miss.” 封云笙看着孟婉,慨叹说道:“虽然见过一些光影留痕,但是真正碰面,已经有四年多不见了,小婉长成大姑娘了呢。” Meng Wan said with a smile: Is female big 18 changes, changed more attractive?” 孟婉笑道:“是不是女大18变,越变越漂亮了?” Feng Yunsheng laughs in spite of trying not to: Naturally, I heard, has to ask young outstanding of meaning of phoenix to you, can line up to arrange from Shining Peak to East Sea goes, Lake Territory that we now are, Turbid Wave Pavilion core legacy Ruan Ping has worried about you.” 封云笙失笑:“当然,我可是听说了,对你有求凰之意的年轻俊杰,可以排队从普照峰排到东海去,就咱们现在所在的泽域,浊浪阁核心嫡传阮平就一直惦念你呢。” The Meng Wan expression is indifferent, but seems is actually a cocky self-satisfied appearance, as if a proud small peacock: That, I adorable attractive have certainly the talent, the beautiful appearance is not blows, naturally can be in the dreams of many person the sweetheart.” 孟婉表情淡然,但看上去却是一副嘚瑟得意的模样,仿佛一只骄傲的小孔雀:“那当然啦,我可爱漂亮又有才,美貌可不是吹的,自然会是很多人的梦中情人啦。” Feng Yunsheng shakes the head with a smile. 封云笙笑着摇头。 Also only then in her, with Meng Wan own master in front, can see Meng Wan this appearance. 也就只有在她,和孟婉自己的师父面前,才能看到孟婉这幅模样。 Except for this, appears in front of people, including Great Sun Saint Sect to Huang Guanglie, in the person to new entered the sect disciple eyes, forever can only be that quiet and refined elegantly simple, modest courteous, perfect, cannot pick up any problem, throughout makes people relieved safely, not Heaven's Chosen Female of good bad misstep. 除此以外,出现在世人面前,包括大日圣宗上至黄光烈,下至新入门弟子眼里的人,永远都只会是那个娴静淡雅,谦虚有礼,完美无缺,挑不出任何毛病,始终稳妥让人放心,不会行差踏错的天之骄女 Among the Meng Wan looks as if does not care, but the brow tip corner of the eye, on the face each trace, as if in silent spoke the same words. 孟婉神色间似乎并不在意,但眉梢眼角,脸上每一道纹路,似乎都在无声的说同一句话。 Comes quarts me quickly, comes quarts me quickly, comes quarts me quickly...” “快来夸夸我,快来夸夸我,快来夸夸我…” looks at Meng Wan that Feng Yunsheng interestings, the fields, Meng Wan and another person are somewhat similar 封云笙饶有兴趣的看着孟婉,某些方面,孟婉和另一个人有几分相似 Yan Zhaoge. 燕赵歌 That person, in the surface style is orderly, actually in the bone is also very cocky, makes widely known very much, before liking the person manifests a presence, is startled the person who the observer is dumb as a wooden chicken. 那个人,表面上风范井然,其实骨子里也是个很嘚瑟,很张扬,喜欢人前显圣,惊得旁观者呆若木鸡的人呢。 Similarly, knows on Feng Yunsheng, appraisal of Yan Zhaoge to Meng Wan is not low. 同样,就封云笙所知,燕赵歌孟婉的评价也不低。 In the past directed Yan Zhaoge to seek Feng Yunsheng ingeniously, helping Feng Yunsheng break through, prevents chasing down of Xiao Sheng. 当年巧妙引燕赵歌去寻封云笙,帮助封云笙解围,阻挡萧升的追杀。 Not only has helped Feng Yunsheng, and has interrupted tracing of Yan Zhaoge to her in person, simultaneously she has not needed to conflict with the Xiao Sheng same side directly, kills three birds with one stone. 既帮助了封云笙,又中断了燕赵歌对她本人的追踪,同时她还不用直接与萧升同门冲突,一举三得。 Also from that time, Yan Zhaoge clearly realized that this seemed harmless, instead also very much can arouse the young girl who other people protected to want, was really not a lamp of province oil. 也就是从那个时候起,燕赵歌清楚认识到,这个看上去无害,反而还很能激起他人保护欲的少女,着实不是一盏省油的灯。 But Feng Yunsheng from small grows up with Meng Wan, regarding this cannot understand again. 封云笙从小和孟婉一起长大,对此更是再了解不过。 Also only then in oneself and in front of her master, Meng Wan appears really one side. 也就只有在自己和她的师父面前,孟婉才显现出真实一面。 Yes, in the dreams of countless person the sweetheart, does not know that many men, um, possibly also has the woman, wants to press you under the body...” A Feng Yunsheng face is calm, toward roasting on the string scatters some seasonings, then flipped at the fire of high-piled firewood: „... Presses under the body, then high and low tumbles, shrugs.” “是啊,无数人的梦中情人,不知有多少男人,嗯,可能还有女人,想把你压在身下…”封云笙一脸淡定,往烤串上撒一些调料,然后在火堆上翻了翻:“…压在身下,接着上下翻滚,前后耸动。” Meng Wan cannot bring one's strength to bear immediately: „... This, is should not be quite good.” 孟婉顿时吃不住劲:“呃…这个,还是不要比较好。” looks at that Feng Yunsheng smiles she, Meng Wan some are not convinced, snort|hum: In brief Senior Apprentice Sister do not despise me, I now was also become slimly and gracefully!” 封云笙笑眯眯的看着她,孟婉有些不服气,哼了一声:“总之师姐你不要小看我,我现在也算是出落得亭亭玉立了!” Um, it is a pity that you eat the thing, anything Cataclysm.” The Feng Yunsheng expression is leisure. “嗯,遗憾的是,你一吃东西,就什么都破灭了。”封云笙语气慢慢悠悠。 Meng Wan suffering from injustice calling out: Senior Apprentice Sister!” 孟婉委屈的叫道:“师姐啊!” Feng Yunsheng raised hand the skewer: Roasted, you ate, didn't eat?” 封云笙扬了扬手中的铁签:“烤好了,你是吃,还是不吃呢?” Before Meng Wan gathers immediately her body, the appearance also flattered compared with Rourou and Pan Pan: Naturally ate!” 孟婉立刻就凑到她身前,模样比肉肉盼盼还谄媚:“当然吃了!” Feng Yunsheng gives Meng Wan the skewer with a smile, Meng Wan immediately happy made chewing motions greatly quickly. 封云笙笑着把铁签递给孟婉,孟婉顿时高兴的大快朵颐。 This is actually the matter that only then Feng Yunsheng and Meng Wan two talented people know, the Meng Wan masters do not know that own apprentice, is a super glutton. 这却是只有封云笙孟婉两人才知道的事情了,连孟婉的师父都不知道,自己的徒弟,是个超级吃货。 But said like Feng Yunsheng, the Meng Wan table manners, truly were make her usually that years static, faint smile goddess example safely quite vanished. 而诚如封云笙所言,孟婉的吃相,确实是让她平时那岁月静好,浅笑安然的女神范儿颇为幻灭。 Said is actually vulgar, but some large bowls drink , the bulk eats the meat the man air/Qi. 倒不是说多么粗鄙,但着实有些大碗喝酒,大块吃肉的汉子气。 Feng Yunsheng such is smiling, looks at Meng Wan, then takes out a skewer, is selecting the above small birds, starts to cook once more. 封云笙就这么微笑着,看着孟婉,然后重新取出一根铁签,挑着上面的雀鸟,再次开始烹制。 She tightens Meng Wan to eat first, oneself also eat, they chatted, was some separated individual amusing things. 她先紧着孟婉吃,自己也吃,两人说说笑笑,都是一些分离后的个人趣事。 But regarding at present Trial of the Greater Yin, regarding the battle between Broad Creed Mountain and Great Sun Saint Sect, they keeps silent. 但对于眼前太阴之试,对于广乘山大日圣宗之间的争斗,两人都绝口不提。 After the thing all finished eating, two females sit on the boat shoulder to shoulder, the lake light scenery of looks at distant place. 东西全都吃完后,二女并肩坐在小船上,看着远方的湖光景色。 Meng Wan leans in the Feng Yunsheng shoulder, in a low voice twittering: I, if can have Greater Yin Royal Crown throughout, if I am Great Martial Scholar have the ability the Greater Yin Royal Crown stimulation of movement to a higher level, even if spoke in front of old Sect Master also has the component, can be Senior Apprentice Sister you obtain the justice, can help your return to the mountain.” 孟婉斜倚在封云笙肩头,低声呢喃:“我如果能始终拥有太阴冠冕,我如果是大宗师有能力将太阴冠冕催动至更高层次,那即使是在老宗主面前说话也有份量,可以为师姐你求得公道,可以帮你回山。” Now Xiao Sheng actually died, Elder Pan also died, initially in Sacred Sect persecuted your person all not, but all did not have the significance.” “现在萧升倒是死了,潘长老也死了,当初圣宗里迫害你的人全不在了,可是一切也都没意义了。” Feng Yunsheng holds in the arms Meng Wan gently, has not spoken. 封云笙轻轻搂住孟婉,没有说话。 Initially, first Trial of the Greater Yin, among one year to second Trial of the Greater Yin, chased down her effort to weaken large scale, the reason was Meng Wan won Greater Yin Royal Crown actually, took care for her in Great Sun Saint Sect. 当初,第一次太阴之试,到第二次太阴之试间的一年时间里,追杀她的力度大幅度减弱,原因其实便是孟婉赢得太阴冠冕,在大日圣宗为她张罗。 Perhaps certain dispositions and Yan Zhaoge have the partial similarity, but is eventually different. 或许某些性格和燕赵歌有部分相似,但终究不同。 Facing Sect upper-level tacitly consenting to and retired elder Panbo Tai pressure, the Meng Wan disposition had decided she will not refute, but is circuitous throughout is attempting is Feng Yunsheng reduces the pressure. 面对宗门上层的默许和太上长老潘伯泰的压力,孟婉的性格决定了她不会硬顶,但始终在迂回着试图为封云笙减轻压力。 Meng Wan by in the Feng Yunsheng shoulder, vision is somewhat hazy. 孟婉靠在封云笙肩头,目光有些迷蒙。 To her, side is Feng Yunsheng, another side is raises her to cultivate her, graciousness is heavy such as mountain Master Sect. 对她而言,一边是封云笙,另一边是养育她栽培她,恩重如山的师门 But regarding Feng Yunsheng, Broad Creed Mountain also has the graciousness of restoration. 而对于封云笙来说,广乘山也有再造之恩。 Meets again after a long separation no doubt joyfully, but Trial of the Greater Yin, competition of Greater Yin Royal Crown, they actually cannot make concessions. 久别重逢固然喜悦,但太阴之试,太阴冠冕的争夺,两人却都退让不得。 Although after knowing Feng Yunsheng restores Physique of the Greater Yin, then the expectation attended the meeting such for day, but Meng Wan or the heart are disappointed. 虽然在得知封云笙恢复太阴之体后,便预料到会有这么一天,但孟婉还是心头怅然。
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