HSSB :: Volume #4

#325: Greater Yin Trial, formally starts

In Fan Qiu mouth Yao Yao, naturally is on Pure Hidden Lake Heavenly Connection Treaties of Alliance has reason Turbid Wave Pavilion core legacy with Yan Zhaoge, Zhang Yao. 樊秋口中的“瑶瑶”,自然便是清遮湖通天会盟上同燕赵歌有一面之缘的浊浪阁核心嫡传,张瑶 Pure Hidden Lake Demon Territory changes, Zhang Yao same is Liu Shengfeng and the others seizes with Li Jingwan, the good fortune was rescued by Yan Zhaoge. 清遮湖魔域之变,张瑶李静晚一样为刘盛峰等人所擒,幸被燕赵歌相救。 Fan Qiu and Zhang Yao their similar age, looks like the relations also is quite usually close. 樊秋张瑶两人年龄相近,平时看来关系也颇为密切。 Yan Zhaoge shows a faint smile, returns a courtesy to the Fan Qiu nod, similarly sound transmission said: Junior Apprentice Sister Fan was polite.” 燕赵歌微微一笑,冲樊秋点头回礼,同样传音说道:“樊师妹客气了。” Turns the head to look that sees Feng Yunsheng and Meng Wan is still dumbfounded there, Yan Zhaoge smiles, the line of sight falls on Meng Wan. 转头一看,就见封云笙孟婉还在那里大眼瞪小眼,燕赵歌不禁莞尔,视线重新落在孟婉身上。 Meng Wan puts aside from Feng Yunsheng the vision finally, welcomed calmly to Yan Zhaoge, smiled well-mannered, obviously was not disrespectful, obviously was not intimate with. 孟婉终于把目光从封云笙身上移开,平静迎向燕赵歌,彬彬有礼一笑,既不显失礼,也不显亲近。 Between Broad Creed Mountain and Great Sun Saint Sect have had no consideration for face thoroughly, she is having such response to Yan Zhaoge, is really normal. 广乘山大日圣宗之间已经彻底撕破脸,她对着燕赵歌有这样的反应,也实属正常。 However, could not see on her actually that in the dispute because of initially Icy Pond had the sentiment of angry indignation. 不过,在她身上倒是看不出,因为当初寒潭中的纠葛而产生恼怒怨愤之情。 Side Meng Wan, is responsible for Great Sun Saint Sect ancient elder that leads, is of Evening Glow Monarch Seven Sons of the Great Sun. 孟婉身旁,负责带队的大日圣宗宿老,乃是大日七子之一的夕照君 Evening Glow Monarch was calm at this time, does not see fluctuates slightly, but vision deep looks at Yan Zhaoge. 夕照君这时情绪平稳,不见丝毫波动,但目光深深看着燕赵歌 Before the Yan Zhaoge body, Elder Meng does not make concessions to stare at Evening Glow Monarch, their line of sight to the same place, in the air as if there is flame to ignite. 燕赵歌身前,孟长老则也毫不退让盯着夕照君,两人视线对在一起,空气中仿佛有火焰燃起。 In the garret, Broad Creed Mountain, Vast Mountain and a Green Sea City side, Great Sun Saint Sect and a Heavenly Thunder Hall side, the two sides distinguish right from wrong, forms the situation of confronting indistinctly, neither giving way to the other. 阁楼中,广乘山苍茫山碧海城一方,大日圣宗天雷殿一方,两边泾渭分明,隐约形成对峙的态势,互不相让 Turbid Wave Pavilion martial artist stands in middle, sees that is the secret sighs. 浊浪阁武者站在当中,见状都是暗暗叹息。 At this time, a form, suddenly appeared before the people, did not have the indication, actually appeared as it should be by rights, as if throughout existed there. 这时,一个身影,突然出现在众人面前,毫无征兆,却又显得理所当然,仿佛始终存在于那里。 That is a stature quite high middle age female, the look is ordinary, but actually such as the deep pool like the sea, gives the immeasurably deep feeling. 那是一个身材颇高的中年女子,相貌平凡,但却如渊如海,给人以深不可测之感。 The appearance atlas of this person, early has spread over Eight Extremities World, the people on the scene, nobody do not know. 此人的样貌图谱,早已经传遍八极大世界,在场众人,无人不识。 Turbid Wave Pavilion present age Pavilion Lord, Turning the Cloud Martial Saint, Turbid Wave Turning the Cloud An Qinglin. 浊浪阁当代阁主,翻云武圣,“浊浪翻云安清霖 Also is Eight Extremities World current only one by one position feminine Martial Saint, worthy of the reputation Number One Female Expert. 同时也是八极大世界当前唯一一位女性武圣,名副其实的女子第一高手 From the Elder Meng, Evening Glow Monarch and other Primordial Rune Great Martial Scholar powerhouses, to the Yan Zhaoge and other younger generation, goes forward with it saluting upon meeting: Pavilion Lord An.” 孟长老夕照君元符大宗师强者,到燕赵歌等年轻一代,都上前与之见礼:“安阁主。” exterior appearance is An Qinglin of middle-aged appearance, actually the age is not small, wields the Turbid Wave Pavilion many years. 外观是中年模样的安清霖,其实岁数也不小了,执掌浊浪阁多年。 She and Yuan Zhengfeng, Huang Guanglie, Shen Li and the others is the same generation of person, the age is slightly lighter, becomes famous for many years, the name shakes Eight Extremities. 她和元正峰黄光烈沈雳等人是同一辈人,年龄稍微轻一些,成名多年,名震八极 The An Qinglin slight bow returns salute, then said: From Flame Demon of East Sea invasion, is the public enemies of my Eight Extremities World all people of same belief, Trial of the Greater Yin and Greater Yin Royal Crown, resists Flame Demon, the significance is great, Female of the Greater Yin of various factions, but also please completely unfold the manager, comes out most powerhouse, wields Greater Yin Royal Crown.” 安清霖微微点头还礼,然后说道:“自东海入侵的炎魔,乃是我八极大世界所有同道的公敌,太阴之试太阴冠冕,对抗炎魔,意义重大,各门各派的太阴之女,还请尽展所长,决出最强者,执掌太阴冠冕。” This pavilion shame is a landlord, when maintains Trial of the Greater Yin orderly, hopes that which obtains Greater Yin Royal Crown, sincerely records the danger of Flame Demon.” “本阁忝为地主,当维持太阴之试有序进行,也希望不论是哪家得到太阴冠冕,都谨记炎魔之危。” An Qinglin meaning indication clearness of, Elder Meng and Evening Glow Monarch and the others nods: So, Pavilion Lord An said by rights ought to is extremely.” 安清霖的意思表述的很明白,孟长老夕照君等人都点头:“理当如此,安阁主所言极是。” Yan Zhaoge looks at An Qinglin, Turbid Wave Pavilion's sets up body, is very straight. 燕赵歌看着安清霖,浊浪阁的立身,还是非常端正的。 Fourth Trial of the Greater Yin, Fan Qiu won Turbid Wave Pavilion Greater Yin Royal Crown, in this year, Turbid Wave Pavilion has held Greater Yin Royal Crown. 第四次太阴之试,樊秋太阴冠冕赢回了浊浪阁,这一年来,浊浪阁一直保有太阴冠冕 Flame Demon in several chaos that on East Sea brings, Turbid Wave Pavilion and Greater Yin Royal Crown top in the first line, renowned. 炎魔东海上带来的几次大乱,浊浪阁太阴冠冕都顶在第一线,令人称道。 This time before fifth Trial of the Greater Yin, the Eight Extremities World internal situation changes once more. 此番第五次太阴之试以前,八极大世界内部局势再次大变。 Broad Creed Mountain and Great Sun Saint Sect have Heavenly Thunder Hall to tear to pieces the facial skin thoroughly, has the dead enmity, both sides hits is heavily engaged. 广乘山大日圣宗还有天雷殿彻底撕破脸皮,结下死仇,双方打得不可开交。 Because although the temporary strength is close, no one how anyone, therefore reaches the impass temporarily, but atmosphere compared with Broad Creed one pre-war, wants anxious many. 虽然因为暂时实力相近,谁也奈何不得谁,于是暂时陷入僵局,但气氛远比广乘一战前,要紧张的多。 Under this situation, where no matter obtains Greater Yin Royal Crown, regarding another side, is the sad news. 在这种情况下,不管哪边得到太阴冠冕,对于另一方来说,都是噩耗。 Instead, if Turbid Wave Pavilion continuously coming to a stop neutral stand, then Turbid Wave Pavilion holds Greater Yin Royal Crown, instead is the result that both sides can compromise. 反而,如果浊浪阁一直站稳中立立场的话,那么浊浪阁保有太阴冠冕,反而是一个双方都能妥协的结局。 If the side intention is disadvantageous to Turbid Wave Pavilion, without doubt forces the camp that Turbid Wave Pavilion joins the match. 如果有一方意图对浊浪阁不利,无疑是迫使浊浪阁加入对手的阵营。 Moreover, if Turbid Wave Pavilion does not participate in Human Race fighting, meets head-on Flame Demon with single-hearted devotion, that intention is disadvantageous to Turbid Wave Pavilion, even may also cause the Painting Saint Old Man Mo disaffection, this never participates in the Human Race interior battle, but to Flame Demon Invasion such matter, has had the attention. 而且,浊浪阁如果不参与人族内斗,专心迎战炎魔的话,那意图对浊浪阁不利,甚至还有可能引起画圣墨老人的不满,此老不参与人族内部争斗,但对炎魔入侵这样的事情,一直都有关注。 Naturally, can strive, who willingly gives up Greater Yin Royal Crown such Supreme Treasure? 当然了,能够争取,谁又甘心放弃太阴冠冕这样的至宝 Under this situation, Turbid Wave Pavilion can also obey the custom, hands over Greater Yin Royal Crown, making Trial of the Greater Yin such as in the past same, the personal integrity was quite perfect. 这种情况下,浊浪阁还能守规矩,交出太阴冠冕,让太阴之试如往常一样进行,操守算是相当过硬了。 Especially knows on Yan Zhaoge, although Turbid Wave Pavilion the neutrality is conservative, but not does not want not to strive. 尤其是就燕赵歌所知,浊浪阁虽然中立保守,但并非无欲无求。 Wants throughout to maintain independent and neutral, since without doubt has needed the formidable strength support, Turbid Wave Pavilion continuously, is devoting to promoting oneself, builds own sacred armament. 想要始终保持自主和中立,无疑需要强大的实力支撑,浊浪阁一直以来,也在致力于提升自身,打造属于自己的圣兵 But they always defend the Lake Territory development, does not expand outward, does not mix the battles between other Sacred Ground. 只不过他们始终稳守泽域发展,不向外扩张,也不掺乎其他圣地之间的争斗。 On the one hand, the personal integrity is strong, on the other hand , is very confident to Fan Qiu...” Yan Zhaoge looked at that rabbit tooth beautiful woman one eyes. “一方面,操守坚挺,另一方面,也是对樊秋很有信心啊…”燕赵歌看了那个兔牙美女一眼。 An Qinglin looks at Elder Meng and Evening Glow Monarch and the others continues saying: Such being the case, this Trial of the Greater Yin held after 3rd as scheduled, various direct disciple, went back to go to bed the preparation, one on the demand, may propose to this pavilion disciple.” 安清霖看着孟长老夕照君等人继续说道:“既然如此,本次太阴之试如期于三日后举行,各家门下弟子,都回去安歇准备吧,有一应需求,都可向本阁弟子提出。” Beforehand Trial of the Greater Yin, after is experiences the first round, eliminates to only remains them, then decides the final victory and defeat.” The line of sight of An Qinglin the Yun Xiuqing and the others face has swept in Meng Wan, Feng Yunsheng and on: This year the population increases to seven people, the old body proposed after the first round, retains four people, then two by two groups to fight out, under meaning how?” “之前的太阴之试,都是经历第一轮之后,淘汰至只剩两人,然后决出最后胜负。”安清霖的视线在孟婉封云笙云秀清等人脸上扫过:“今年人数增多至七人,老身提议第一轮之后,保留四人,然后两两分组决胜负,诸位意下如何?” Elder Meng and the others said: Pavilion Lord An stands to reason, I and others were unobjectionable.” 孟长老等人言道:“安阁主言之有理,我等无异议。” Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng look at each other one, has not said anything. 燕赵歌封云笙对视一眼,都没有说什么。 According to the convention, Trial of the Greater Yin was divided two rounds. 按照惯例,太阴之试被分为两轮。 The first round, is all people covers under Greater Yin Royal Crown radiance together, unfolds the manager respectively, communicates Greater Yin Royal Crown, stimulates Greater Yin Royal Crown radiance. 第一轮,是所有人一起笼罩在太阴冠冕光辉下,各展所长,沟通太阴冠冕,激发太阴冠冕光辉 This round appraisal is equal to Greater Yin Royal Crown itself. 这一轮的评审等于是太阴冠冕本身。 Because involves the factor of actual combat, therefore later will have the second round competition. 因为牵扯到实战的因素,所以之后会有第二轮比试。 First round eliminates other people, leaves behind most outstanding two, by no means pure martial arts contest technique, but still inspired fighting of Strength of Greater Yin, comes out the final winner, becomes following one year, Greater Yin Royal Crown master. 第一轮淘汰其他人,留下最优秀的两人,并非单纯比武较技,而是仍然引动太阴之力的交手,决出最后的胜者,成为接下来一年时间里,太阴冠冕的主人。 First three Trial of the Greater Yin, Broad Creed Mountain and Turbid Wave Pavilion do not participate, Great Sun Saint Sect also only then a Meng Wan person, therefore participates in Trial of the Greater Yin Female of the Greater Yin, altogether four people. 前三届太阴之试,广乘山浊浪阁都不参加,大日圣宗也只有孟婉一人,所以参加太阴之试太阴之女,一共四人。 Fourth Trial of the Greater Yin, Fan Qiu participates, turns into five people. 第四次太阴之试,樊秋参加,变成五人。 But this time, has joined Broad Creed Mountain's Feng Yunsheng and Great Sun Saint Sect's Yun Xiuqing, the total number of people turned into seven people. 而这一次,加入了广乘山的封云笙大日圣宗的云秀清,总人数变成了七人。 The competition is even more fierce, no one wants, when accompanies to run. 竞争愈发激烈,谁也不愿意当陪跑的。
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