HSSB :: Volume #4

#324: The beautiful and fragrant flowers gather together

Receives Xie Youchan Astral Qi sound transmission, the Yan Zhaoge expression eight winds are motionless, but the vision dodges gently. 接到谢悠蝉罡气传音,燕赵歌表情八风不动,但目光轻轻一闪。 Along with the unceasing passage of time, Six Great Sacred Grounds had own Female of the Greater Yin gradually. 随着时间的不断推移,六大圣地渐渐都有了自己的太阴之女 But based on training existing Female of the Greater Yin, no one has given up seeking newly. 但在培养现有太阴之女的基础上,谁也没放弃去寻找新的。 Truth everybody of double insurance understand. 双保险的道理人人都懂。 New and old, because of strength disparity reason, if the talent is similar, naturally trains earlier that to have the superiority. 新老之间,因为实力差距的缘故,如果天赋相若,自然培养更早的那个有优势。 But the new person does not have the opportunity, for example two established Female of the Greater Yin undergo an evenly matched fierce combat, the result is mutually wounded, consumes oversized. 但新人并非全无机会,例如两个老牌太阴之女经过一场势均力敌的激战,结果两败俱伤,都消耗过大。 Even if has come out the winner, in a short time also embarrassedly again fights, the new person then had the opportunity. 即便决出了胜者,短时间内也难堪再战,新人便有了机会。 Wearing down opposite party Female of the Greater Yin that also or, leaves no ground by the new person, thus for same side creation opportunity. 又或者,以新人不留余地的消磨对方的太阴之女,从而为同门创造机会。 The new person, the start is too after all late, wants to be potential achievement, is really not an easy matter. 只是新人,毕竟起步太晚,想要有所作为,着实不是一件容易的事情。 Although the Eight Extremities World population base is huge, but Female of the Greater Yin is unexpectedly scarce, some, possibly bury, throughout was not discovered that or has wasted the time passage, crossed study the military start gold age, discovered time, the vitality started to decline. 八极大世界人口基数虽然庞大,但太阴之女竟稀少,其中有些,更可能埋没,始终不被发现,或者浪费了年华,过了学武的起步黄金年龄,被发现的时候,气血已经开始衰落。 Female of the Greater Yin, in talent potential, often has very big difference. 太阴之女彼此之间,天赋潜力上,也往往有很大的差别。 Can make Xie Youchan remind specially, that explained that Great Sun Saint Sect's this new person, definitely has its forte. 能让谢悠蝉特意提醒,那说明大日圣宗的这个新人,肯定有其过人之处。 Said that Earth Territory, Heaven Territory was also cursed?” Yan Zhaoge curls the lip slightly. “说起来,地域就罢了,天域也被诅咒了吗?”燕赵歌微微撇嘴。 Own present also harvests two Female of the Greater Yin actually... Um, for the time being calculates that two were good, finally unexpectedly does not have one is to come Heaven Territory. 自家现在倒是也收获两个太阴之女…嗯,姑且算两个好了,结果居然没有一个是出身天域 In the Yan Zhaoge heart calculates: Great Sun Saint Sect this time puts her, has the confidence her strength at least to give Meng Wan, when empty carriage accompanying the emperor's sedan chair?” 燕赵歌心中盘算:“大日圣宗这次把她放出来,是有信心她的实力至少能给孟婉当副车吗?” Presses like Yan Zhaoge and Broad Creed Mountain has not been making Feng Yunsheng participate in fourth Trial of the Greater Yin, other Sacred Ground stemming from same or different reason, may make similar arrangement. 就像燕赵歌广乘山压着没让封云笙参加第四次太阴之试一样,其他圣地出于相同或不同的原因,也有可能做类似的安排。 The most typical example, is Turbid Wave Pavilion's Female of the Greater Yin, Fan Qiu. 最典型的例子,便是浊浪阁的太阴之女,樊秋 Fourth Trial of the Greater Yin time suddenly crops up, first one participates in Trial of the Greater Yin, successfully captures the laurel crown, won Greater Yin Royal Crown. 第四次太阴之试的时候突然冒头,头一回参加太阴之试,就成功斩获桂冠,赢得太阴冠冕 Although, has the biggest competitor, Great Sun Saint Sect's Meng Wan stemming from the long-term perspective, affected the reason of temporary display. 虽然,这其中有最大竞争对手,大日圣宗的孟婉出于长远考虑,影响了临时发挥的缘故。 But besides Meng Wan, Heavenly Thunder Hall, Vast Mountain and Green Sea City, has the disciple to participate, is already after three established Female of the Greater Yin. 但除了孟婉以外,天雷殿苍茫山碧海城,也都有门人参加,都是已经历经三届的老牌太阴之女 Green Sea City disciple Chen Suting is the second Trial of the Greater Yin victor, takes care of Greater Yin Royal Crown one year, the strength surpasses similar by much faintly, has taken the goal and imaginary enemy by Meng Wan. 碧海城弟子陈素婷更是第二次太阴之试的胜利者,保管太阴冠冕一年,实力隐隐超出同济,一直以孟婉作为目标和假想敌。 But finally, is actually Fan Qiu emerges, with a Meng Wan war, achieves the final success. 但最终,却是樊秋脱颖而出,同孟婉一战,更获得最后的胜利。 Yan Zhaoge looks at light avatar that the same side elder has passed on to keep the mark, Fan Qiu is Turbid Wave Pavilion legacy, entered the sect is not one year two years. 燕赵歌看过同门长辈传回来的光影留痕,樊秋浊浪阁嫡传,入门绝不是一年两年。 Turbid Wave Pavilion cultivates Fan Qiu, wanted to be earlier than first Trial of the Greater Yin absolutely, continuously has actually pressed her three, until had the confidence after her strength comparison, has put, finally amazed the world with a single brilliant feat. 浊浪阁培育樊秋,绝对比第一次太阴之试还要早许多,却连续压了她三届,直到对她的实力比较有信心之后,才放了出来,结果一鸣惊人。 Yan Zhaoge is walking, while wants saying: Has an early start, really has superiority, Great Sun Saint Sect earliest discovered that the Greater Yin Royal Crown secret, earliest plans, earliest seeks, earliest trains, in this regard, by the whole, truly leads other people.” 燕赵歌一边走着,一边想道:“起步早,确实有优势啊,大日圣宗最早发现太阴冠冕的秘密,最早谋划,最早寻找,最早培养,在这方面,以整体而言,确实领先其他人。” Was counted earliest Feng Yunsheng, Great Sun Saint Sect left three talented Female of the Greater Yin. 算上最早的封云笙,大日圣宗已经出了三个实力不俗的太阴之女了。 Turbid Wave Pavilion's Mountain Gate, on a center of the lake island. 浊浪阁的山门,也是在一座湖心岛上。 Above the islands, the scenery is elegant, is bringing the tranquility and refined of several points of region of rivers and lakes, cannot see the solemn Martial Way Sacred Ground appearance. 岛屿之上,风景秀美,带着几分水乡的宁静与雅致,看不出堂堂武道圣地的模样。 An exquisite garret stands on the island, there is rein Lake Territory Martial Way Sacred Ground, Turbid Wave Pavilion is then. 一片小巧的阁楼立在岛上,那里便是统御泽域武道圣地,浊浪阁之所在。 Yan Zhaoge looks over a wide area to look in all directions, in this main island is only the Turbid Wave Pavilion most core region. 燕赵歌游目四顾,这座主岛上只是浊浪阁最核心的区域。 Around this center of the lake island, many other islet, in the island have the construction respectively. 在这湖心岛周围,还有其他许多小岛,岛上各有建筑。 The Turbid Wave Pavilion disciple, in some facilities with the gate, spreads on these islet respectively. 浊浪阁弟子,和门中一些设施,分别散布在这些小岛上。 All look like tranquil and fine, making the person not endure to break here atmosphere. 一切看起来宁静而又精美,让人不忍打破这里的氛围。 However, if thinks that here is very frail, that has been completely mistaken, the surroundings entire great lake, is Turbid Wave Pavilion's Great Array of Mountain Defence covers. 不过,如果以为这里很脆弱,那就大错特错了,周围整个大湖,都为浊浪阁的守山大阵所笼罩。 Now seems like tranquil, but great array revolves thoroughly, with the aid of the world great strength, has the Heaven and Earth turning upside down astonishing power and influence. 现在看似宁静,但大阵彻底运转起来,借助天地巨力,有翻天覆地的惊人威势。 Under the influence of Xie Youchan and the others, Yan Zhaoge one line have reached the main island, before arriving at that garret, together. 谢悠蝉等人的引领下,燕赵歌一行人登上了主岛,一起来到那片阁楼前。 Exquisite fine garret from outside, the interior had Grotto-Heaven, Space seems developed, although many people entered, but did not think crowded narrow and small. 从外面看小巧精致的阁楼,内部却别有洞天,空间似乎被拓展了一些,虽然有多人进入其中,但却不觉得拥挤狭小。 The Yan Zhaoge vision has swept, sees Great Sun Saint Sect, Heavenly Thunder Hall, Vast Mountain and Green Sea City's person, arrived. 燕赵歌目光扫过,就见大日圣宗天雷殿苍茫山碧海城的人,都已经抵达。 Heavenly Thunder Hall's Nian Lei, Vast Mountain's Ling Hui, Green Sea City's Chen Suting, Great Sun Saint Sect's...” Yan Zhaoge identifications in the past, the vision stayed in Great Sun Saint Sect there slightly. 天雷殿的年蕾,苍茫山的凌慧,碧海城的陈素婷,大日圣宗的…”燕赵歌一个一个辨认过去,目光在大日圣宗那里稍稍停留。 Compares before more than two years, the Meng Wan appearance does not have the sweeping change, was still the perfect five senses, a pupil of pair of fawn, nimble and resourceful was bringing several points of intelligent and crafty, actually delicately annoyed the person to love tenderly. 相较于两年多以前,孟婉的模样没有多大变化,仍然是完美无瑕的五官,一对小鹿似的眸子,灵动中带着几分慧黠,却又柔弱惹人怜爱。 However, is by oneself clear with its Yan Zhaoge of having to do, this female certainly not easy to be deal with. 不过,亲身与其打过交道的燕赵歌可是清楚,此女绝不是省油的灯 Strict, previous time through the Ice Dragon Bone Soul test of strength, they do not have to meet truly. 严格算起来,上次通过冰龙骨魂的角力,两人没有真正相遇。 At present this face-to-face, is first time. 眼下这样面对面,还是头一次。 As Yan Zhaoge and the others comes , the line of sight of people also together looks that the Meng Wan line of sight passed over gently and swiftly on Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng, finally the vision stays on Feng Yunsheng, blinks the eye. 随着燕赵歌等人进来,众人的视线也一起看过来,孟婉视线在燕赵歌封云笙身上掠过,最后目光停留在封云笙身上,眨巴眨巴眼睛。 The Feng Yunsheng look is invariable, but after coming , the line of sight also looks to Meng Wan. 封云笙神色不变,但进来之后,视线也看向孟婉 Although this is Trial of the Greater Yin, but Broad Creed Mountain one line of arrive, the attention of people places on Yan Zhaoge but actually much. 虽然这是太阴之试,但广乘山一行人到来,众人的注意力倒更多放在燕赵歌身上。 Yan Zhaoge was surrounded by the people vision, is completely at ease , to continue to observe other people. 燕赵歌被众人目光围观,坦然自若,继续观察其他人。 His line of sight puts aside from Meng Wan, falls on her young girl. 他的视线从孟婉身上移开,落在她身旁一个少女身上。 The age of opposite party, must be smaller than Sikong Qing, although white clothing roller gold edged, shining as if sunlight, but made the person look, actually only understanding fresh chill in the air. 对方的年纪,比司空晴还要更小一些,虽然身上白衣辊金边,金灿灿仿佛阳光,但让人看了,却只会心生寒意。 If Sikong Qing is chilly, that this young girl is ice-cold. 如果说司空晴是清冷的话,那这个少女就是一片冰冷。 The appearance is actually straight pretty, but stands there, looks like an iceberg towers. 模样倒是端正靓丽,但站在那里,就像是一座冰山耸立。 Great Sun Saint Sect's third Female of the Greater Yin, Yun Xiuqing...” Comes on here road, Yan Zhaoge knew the name of opposite party from the Xie Youchan mouth. 大日圣宗的第三个太阴之女,云秀清…”来这里的路上,燕赵歌已经从谢悠蝉口中知道了对方的名字。 Although does not determine the concrete age and cultivation, but without doubt is another youth Martial Scholar. 虽然不确定具体年龄和修为,但无疑是又一位少年宗师 Yan Zhaoge sizes up Yun Xiuqing one, then the line of sight falls to a master side, there station a female, the age is similar to Meng Wan. 燕赵歌打量云秀清一眼,然后视线落向主人一方,在那里站着一个女子,年纪同孟婉相若。 This is Turbid Wave Pavilion's Female of the Greater Yin, Fan Qiu. 这就是浊浪阁的太阴之女,樊秋 Looks at the five senses purely, in Fan Qiu on posture, but the whole person appears spiritual qi overflows, sees the Yan Zhaoge line of sight to look that smiles. 单纯看五官,樊秋中上之姿,但是整个人显得灵气四溢,见燕赵歌视线看过来,不由一笑。 This smiles, Yan Zhaoge discovered that she is living a pair of not too obvious rabbit tooth, but does not appear ugly, instead makes her seem livelier nimble and resourceful. 这一笑,燕赵歌才发现,她生着一对儿不太明显的兔牙,但不显得难看,反而让她看上去更活泼灵动。 Senior Apprentice Brother Yan? Previous Pure Hidden Lake, many have thanks to you rescued Yao Yao and Senior Apprentice Brother Ruan.” 燕师兄吧?上次清遮湖,多亏你救了瑶瑶阮师兄。” The Yan Zhaoge ear resounds opposite party Astral Qi sound transmission. 燕赵歌耳边响起对方的罡气传音
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