HSSB :: Volume #4

#323: Two Female of the Greater Yin

Trial of the Greater Yin is annual, now fifth time will soon arrive. 太阴之试一年一度,如今第五次即将到来。 Broad Creed Mountain that before this four years, have stood by, this time finally no longer are the observers, but dispatch Female of the Greater Yin, participate in this time Trial of the Greater Yin. 此前四年时间,一直作壁上观的广乘山,这次终于不再是旁观者,而是派遣出自家太阴之女,参加这一次的太阴之试 Suddenly, Broad Creed Mountain arouses the attention of everyone once again. 一时间,广乘山再次引起各方关注。 A short time ago at the war that Heaven Territory his Central Heaven Region ended, Broad Creed Mountain puts down Absolute Abyss, and overcame Great Sun Saint Sect and Heavenly Thunder Hall's allied armies, frustrated goes out completely, with overturning the Heaven's potential Huang Guanglie, made Great Sun Saint Sect lose Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler, caused the entire Eight Extremities World interior situation, had the great change. 前不久在天域天中洲结束的大战,广乘山扫平绝渊,并力克大日圣宗天雷殿的联军,挫败圆满出关,携倾天之势黄光烈,更让大日圣宗丢了大日衡天尺,使得整个八极大世界内部局势,发生巨变。 The Great Sun Saint Sect Number One Sacred Ground status, was vacillated thoroughly, in years past ruled Eight Extremities Broad Creed Mountain, rises officially. 大日圣宗第一圣地的地位,彻底被动摇,昔年君临八极广乘山,正式重新崛起。 Under such background, Broad Creed Mountain starts to visit before this continuously onlooking Trial of the Greater Yin, some imposing manners are really threatening. 在这样的背景下,广乘山更开始踏足此前一直旁观的太阴之试,着实有些气势逼人。 Although, because of the Lin Zhou's reason, several other big Sacred Ground, Great Sun Saint Sect, knew Feng Yunsheng approximate situation now particularly before this. 虽然,因为林舟的缘故,如今其他几大圣地,尤其是大日圣宗,此前已经知道了封云笙的大致情况 Suddenly, shows off wealth Great Sun Saint Sect, the major influences, are paying attention to this fifth Trial of the Greater Yin. 一时间,摆阔大日圣宗在内,各大势力,都在关注这第五次太阴之试 „Is pressure very big?” “压力很大?” Great Sun Saint Sect and Heavenly Thunder Hall, Broad Creed Mountain and Vast Mountain and Green Sea City, the two families alliance has torn to pieces the facial skin now thoroughly. 大日圣宗天雷殿,广乘山苍茫山碧海城,两家联盟如今已经彻底撕破脸皮。 The Trial of the Greater Yin place, this established in the Turbid Wave Pavilion's ground once more. 太阴之试的地点,这回再次设置到了浊浪阁的地面上。 Hears the Yan Zhaoge's issue, Feng Yunsheng replies: Has the pressure, must completely I fully.” 听到燕赵歌的问题,封云笙答道:“有没有压力,都是要尽我全力。” Yan Zhaoge looks that sees the Feng Yunsheng facial expression to be tranquil and firm. 燕赵歌看去,就见封云笙的神情平静而又坚定。 At other matters, Feng Yunsheng glib lips agile very much, teased with Yan Zhaoge frequently mutually, atmospheric refreshed at the same time, sometimes will make the person neglect her sex. 在其他事情,封云笙嘴皮子利索的很,经常跟燕赵歌互相调侃,大气爽快的同时,有时候会让人忽视她的性别。 Only has at Trial of the Greater Yin this matter, so long as mentioned, Feng Yunsheng will become earnest. 唯有太阴之试这件事情上,只要提起,封云笙都会变得认真起来。 The female who this life and death usually disregarded, in the bone also extremely tries to outdo others actually. 这个生死都素来置之度外的女子,其实骨子里也是极为好胜的。 Yan Zhaoge said: „The view of outside, does not need to pay attention, in some sounds as for Sect, does not need to pay attention.” 燕赵歌说道:“外界的看法,无需去理会,至于宗门内的一些声音,也无需理睬。” Feng Yunsheng heard this smiles: Actually not necessarily not groundless.” 封云笙闻言一笑:“其实未必全无道理。” Yan Zhaoge blinked. 燕赵歌眨了眨眼睛。 Broad Creed Mountain, to Feng Yunsheng, the view not completely is actually unified. 广乘山内部,对封云笙,其实看法并不完全统一。 Especially Feng Yunsheng takes Female of the Greater Yin, enjoys under massive Sect resources situation. 尤其是封云笙作为太阴之女,享有大量宗门资源的情况下。 The Female of the Greater Yin importance, known by everyone, won Trial of the Greater Yin and Greater Yin Royal Crown, is not the relaxed matter, this truth everyone understands. 太阴之女的重要性,人尽皆知,赢得太阴之试太阴冠冕,也不是轻松之事,这道理谁都懂。 But came Great Sun Saint Sect's Feng Yunsheng, unavoidably makes in some will of the people violate the whisper. 但原本出身大日圣宗的封云笙,难免让有些人心里犯嘀咕。 Now is good, if following long-term Feng Yunsheng does not have the achievements on Trial of the Greater Yin, that Sect gives her pressure, will be much more than outside Sect. 现在还好,如果接下来长时间封云笙太阴之试上都没有建树的话,那宗门内部给她的压力,会远远大于宗门以外。 Should cultivate our Female of the Greater Yin fully.” “更应该全力栽培我们自己的太阴之女。” Indistinct within, there is a such tune to spread. 隐约间,有这样的腔调传出。 The cause of matter, stems from predecessor East Sea Chief Elder Chang Zhen, a news that has. 事情的起因,源于之前任东海首座长老常震,带回来的一个消息。 In recently, Chang Zhen in East Sea, had found Female of the Greater Yin! 就在最近,常震东海,找到了一名太阴之女 This female transited the discipling from, but his teacher dies of the hand of Flame Demon, but she was saved by Broad Creed Mountain martial artist. 此女原先有师承,但是其师尊死于炎魔之手,而她则被广乘山武者救下。 Chang Zhen had not been serious, but accidentally was actually discovering that this female unexpectedly is in the world unusual Physique of the Greater Yin. 常震本来没当一回事,但却在无意中发现,此女竟然是世上少有的太阴之体 The news feeds, Broad Creed Mountain high and low is very pleasantly surprised, in experiencing the Broad Creed great misfortune, after Yuan Zhengfeng Transcending the Mortal World, Broad Creed Mountain harvests Female of the Greater Yin again, was Sect has increased many happy expression. 消息传回,广乘山上下都很惊喜,在经历过广乘大劫,元正峰超凡入圣后,广乘山再收获一名太阴之女,为宗门更增添了不少喜气。 Goes East Sea, takes over Fu Enshu of Chief Elder duty, has taken over this female disciple directly. 前去东海,接任首座长老一职的傅恩书,直接接手了这名女弟子 Although in name, this female is ordinary the entered the sect disciple, needs to experience layer on layer examination, can promote core legacy officially, does obeisance Fu Enshu for the master. 虽然名义上,此女还是普通入门弟子,需要经历重重考核,才能正式晋升核心嫡传,拜傅恩书为师。 But the Female of the Greater Yin particularity, making all people not suspect this one point. 太阴之女的特殊性,让所有人都不怀疑这一点 While envying, then also had the sound of difference to spread. 在羡慕的同时,便也有了异样的声音传出。 Some people look like, this background is relatively simple the new entered the sect disciple, meets the Broad Creed Mountain's need. 有的人看来,这位背景相对简单许多的新入门弟子,更符合广乘山的需要。 Naturally, this is views the issue from longer-term perspective. 当然,这是从长远角度来看待问题。 On current, needs to try hard to chase the pioneer including Feng Yunsheng, let alone this just started. 就当前而言,连封云笙都需要努力追赶领先者,更别说这个刚起步的。 Currently speaking, such sound extremely few people, completely do not make a name. 目前来说,这样的声音只是极个别人,完全不成气候。 But if consecutively for several Trial of the Greater Yin showed that Feng Yunsheng uses embarrassedly greatly, but opposite party talent potential stronger words, will make in more will of the people violate the whisper unavoidably. 但如果连续几次太阴之试证明封云笙难堪大用,而对方天赋潜力更强的话,免不了会让更多的人心里犯嘀咕。 This Broad Creed great misfortune, Feng Yunsheng does not fear rushes to Demon Territory great array hard and dangerously, has proven her actually to the Broad Creed Mountain's sense of belonging. 这次广乘大劫,封云笙不惧艰险闯魔域大阵,倒是证明了她对广乘山的归属感。 In the final analysis, the Feng Yunsheng also need further proves itself. 归根结底,封云笙还需要更进一步证明自己。 The Great Sun Saint Sect disciple revolutions throws Broad Creed Mountain disciple, will be carefully examined in a severer standard eventually. 大日圣宗弟子转投广乘山门下,终究会被人以更严苛的标准审视。 Feng Yunsheng looks to Yan Zhaoge, unfolds Yan to say with a smile: „Did Sect send the duty to you? After this Trial of the Greater Yin, must go to Master East Sea there, further examination that new entered the sect Junior Apprentice Sister, Physique of the Greater Yin talent potential how, if may endure to accomplish, like training me, trains her.” 封云笙看向燕赵歌,展颜笑道:“宗门给你派任务了吧?这次太阴之试过后,也要去东海师父那里一趟,进一步检查那位新入门师妹,太阴之体的天赋潜力如何,如果可堪造就,就像培养我一样,去培养她。” Yan Zhaoge shrugs the shoulders: Can have the double insurance, is a good deed, simultaneously trained you and Meng Wan like in years past Great Sun Saint Sect.” 燕赵歌耸耸肩膀:“能有双保险,是一件好事,就像昔年大日圣宗同时培养你和孟婉一样。” But, you delay for two years, must pursue, in addition is not so easy, she delays, only if talent crush you and Meng Wan, otherwise hopes not in a big way.” “不过,你耽误两年时间,要追赶尚且如此不易,她耽误更多,除非天赋碾压你和孟婉,否则希望不大。” Yan Zhaoge said: I will treat impartially, but in Sect the ideas of few people, were too rather naive.” 燕赵歌言道:“我会一视同仁,但宗门里个别人的想法,未免太幼稚了。” Feng Yunsheng said with a smile: Participates in Trial of the Greater Yin, is not the pure exchange compares notes, for final giving birth, to win Greater Yin Royal Crown, if that Junior Apprentice Sister is really stronger than me, Sect inclines the resources to her, should be.” 封云笙笑道:“参加太阴之试,不是单纯的交流切磋,是为了最终的生出,为了赢得太阴冠冕,如果那位师妹真的比我更强,宗门向她倾斜资源,也是应该的。” Her eyebrow raises gently: But, do not think me too weakly.” 她眉毛轻轻扬起:“不过,也别把我想得太弱啊。” Feng Yunsheng this raises the eyebrow, as if long sabre comes out of the sheath, became such as the general spirit was threatening in the past. 封云笙这一扬眉,仿佛长刀出鞘,重新变得如往常一般锐气逼人。 Yan Zhaoge said with a smile intentionally: This time Trial of the Greater Yin, you do not set the base, I am well satisfied.” 燕赵歌故意笑道:“这次的太阴之试,你不垫底,我就心满意足。” Feng Yunsheng did not argue, but has smiled: According to your consistent view, this Trial of the Greater Yin, we are not heavy in participating?” 封云笙也不争辩,而是笑了起来:“按照你一贯的说法,这次太阴之试,咱们不是重在参与吗?” Yan Zhaoge is long-drawn-out nod: Right, therefore the mentality puts with ease.” 燕赵歌悠哉的点头:“没错,所以心态放轻松。” Immediately must go to the place, Zhaoge your this time, many attentive, appraises other Female of the Greater Yin.” This time is bringing Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng participates in Trial of the Greater Yin Sect big shot, is previously Earth Territory Chief Elder Elder Meng, resigns later returns to Mountain Gate. “马上要到地方了,赵歌你这次来,多多用心,评估一下其他各家的太阴之女。”这次带着燕赵歌封云笙来参加太阴之试宗门大佬,乃是先前地域首座长老孟长老,卸任之后返回山门 Yan Zhaoge said: Elder Meng felt relieved that I understand.” 燕赵歌言道:“孟长老放心,我明白。” Is being brought by Elder Meng, the group arrive at Lake Territory. 孟长老带着,一行人来到泽域 If Pure Hidden Lake did not experience initially a big cataclysm, was same as initial Heavenly Connection Treaties of Alliance, fifth Trial of the Greater Yin also likely here held. 如果清遮湖不经历当初一场大灾变,那么和当初的通天会盟一样,第五次太阴之试也很可能在这里举行。 However now, the place is changes to Turbid Wave Pavilion's Mountain Gate to be. 不过现在,地点则是改为浊浪阁的山门所在。 Looks from afar, a flooded land, appears in Yan Zhaoge and the others at present, continuous lake broad like sea, wanted gigantic compared with it initial Pure Hidden Lake, the Heaven Territory Central Heaven Region Linked Lake County Large expanse of lake, compared with here, felt dwarfed obviously. 远远望去,一片泽国,出现在燕赵歌等人眼前,连绵湖泊广阔如海,比之当初的清遮湖还要巨大,天域天中洲连湖郡的成片湖泊,跟这里比起来,明显小巫见大巫。 Enters the Lake Territory boundary, approaches Turbid Wave Pavilion Mountain Gate, has the Turbid Wave Pavilion's powerhouse to welcome. 进入泽域地界,靠近浊浪阁山门,自有浊浪阁的强者迎候。 Meanwhile, there are Turbid Wave Pavilion disciple to greet, pours is also the Yan Zhaoge's acquaintance, Turbid Wave Pavilion core legacy Xie Youchan. 同时,也有浊浪阁弟子迎接,倒也是燕赵歌的熟人,浊浪阁核心嫡传谢悠蝉 After saluting upon meeting mutually, Yan Zhaoge and the others they walks toward in along with Xie Youchan. 相互见礼之后,燕赵歌等人谢悠蝉他们往里走。 Yan Zhaoge is walking, actually listens to Xie Youchan sound transmission to say on the quiet: Great Sun Saint Sect, this time has sent out two Female of the Greater Yin, simultaneously participates in Trial of the Greater Yin.” 燕赵歌走着,却听谢悠蝉悄悄传音说道:“大日圣宗,这次派出了两名太阴之女,同时参加太阴之试。”
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