HSSB :: Volume #4

#322: Fifth Trial of the Greater Yin

Sikong Qing in Body Refining Realm, is the rare talent, core legacy seedling. 司空晴炼体境界的时候,也是难得的天才,核心嫡传苗子。 But that time she, talent returning to heaven talent, the present so is not shocking. 但那时的她,天才归天才,还不似现在这么骇人听闻。 In practicing breathing exercises astral, after being inferior to Martial Scholar Realm, her progressive speed, becomes extremely terrifying. 在练气成罡,不如宗师境界后,她的进步速度,就变得极为恐怖了。 In the Yan Zhaoge impression, completely not compared with inferior that Ye Jing and Zhao Hao flow. 燕赵歌印象中,完全不比叶景赵昊之流来的逊色。 Yan Zhaoge to the Sikong Qing present outstanding talent, somewhat sees not to be strange, just the feelings to this one point Song Chao and the others, were hard to be calm regarding it. 燕赵歌司空晴现在的卓绝天赋,有些见惯不怪,刚刚感触到这一点宋潮等人,就难以平静视之了。 To Song Chao them, again is the ally, again is calm, at this moment also feels the pressure. 宋潮他们来说,再是盟友,再是淡定,此刻也感觉到压力。 Yan Zhaoge is not startled certainly the colorful four characters can describe that but Broad Creed Mountain besides Yan Zhaoge, other younger generation also shows to dominate the level above contemporaries. 燕赵歌已经不是惊才绝艳四字可以形容,而广乘山除了燕赵歌以外,其他年轻一代也展现出凌驾于同龄人之上的水平。 The Broad Creed Mountain's talent character, as if must welcome a blowout. 广乘山的天才人物,似乎要迎来一次井喷。 Although the potential wants to transform as the true strength, the young talent wants to grow into the genuine giant, needs accumulation and confirmation of time. 虽然潜力想要转化为真正的实力,年轻天才想要成长为真正的巨头,需要时间的积淀和验证。 But, Song Chao has thought in years past Shaking the Heaven Venerable Zhan Dongge and Skyscraping Guest Zhan Xilou that generation. 但恍惚间,宋潮想到了昔年撼天尊展东阁摩天客展西楼那一代人。 Especially, in this moment field, fighting of Sikong Qing and Li Jingwan, starts to decide the victory and defeat gradually. 尤其是,此刻场中,司空晴李静晚的交手,也渐渐开始分出胜负。 They select to stop, hit not fire qi slightly, however the Sikong Qing superiority, is getting bigger and bigger. 两人点到即止,打得没有丝毫火气,但是司空晴的优势,越来越大。 But Li Jingwan is competitive, launches the Green Sea City legacy defensive absolute art motionless reef, defends own gateway, whatever as if the seashore the difficult situation whips, the reef that the still stands one's ground steadfastly, stands upright throughout, making Sikong Qing want the thorough superiority to win the potential, is not that easy. 只不过李静晚韧性十足,展开碧海城嫡传的防守绝学不动礁,稳守自身门户,仿佛海边任凭惊涛骇浪拍打,犹自岿然不动的礁石,始终挺立,让司空晴想要彻底化优势为胜势,也不是那么容易。 On Pure Hidden Lake Heavenly Connection Treaties of Alliance, Li Jingwan take action, Yan Zhaoge very much had not known about her. 清遮湖通天会盟上,李静晚没怎么出手,燕赵歌对她也不是很了解。 After that Li Jingwan is Liu Shengfeng and the others seizes, was lucky that Yan Zhaoge rescues just now gets out of trouble. 其后李静晚刘盛峰等人所擒,更是多亏燕赵歌解救方才脱困。 However that is because Liu Shengfeng and the others is the Earlier Heaven later stage realm Martial Scholar powerhouse, the both sides cultivation disparity is too big, has planted including Ruan Ping and Ye Zhongzhou, Li Jingwan is also hard to resist. 不过那是因为刘盛峰等人都是先天后期境界宗师强者,双方修为差距太大,连阮平叶重洲都栽了,李静晚也难以抵挡。 At this moment and with is External Astral Martial Scholar Sikong Qing fights, makes Yan Zhaoge see several points of way. 此刻和同为外罡宗师司空晴交手,就让燕赵歌看出几分门道。 This female martial arts talent, is not similarly low, although is inferior in Sikong Qing, but is also quite outstanding, does not fall the name of Green Sea City Sacred Ground legacy. 此女的武学天赋,同样不低,虽然逊色于司空晴,但也颇为出众,不坠碧海城圣地嫡传之名。 Motionless reef the potential of defence, defends strictly the gateway at the same time, but also mixed with the way of Green Sea City another absolute art dark ocean current. 一路不动礁的守御之势,紧守门户的同时,还夹杂了碧海城另一门绝学暗海流的路数。 Dark ocean current, the seabed undercurrent seems to be common, contains the extremely strong dark vigor and diving vigor, an attack and defense body, not only melts the offensive of enemy, and wound enemy in invisible. 暗海流者,仿佛海底暗流一般,蕴含极强的暗劲与潜劲,攻防一体,既化解敌人的攻势,又伤敌于无形。 Green Sea City was arranged poisonously Green Sea City by one, second-class influences in secret, dark ocean current such martial arts, is the reason. 碧海城被一些一、二流势力私底下编排“最毒不过碧海城”,暗海流这样的武学,就是原因。 Besides the motionless reef and dark ocean current, Li Jingwan only does not defend does not attack, defends tightens own gateway at the same time, pulls out Spear's Line that hails, as if the ruthless character behind a gentle appearance, making Sikong Qing also probably guard carefully, does not dare to attack independently. 除了不动礁和暗海流以外,李静晚也并非只守不攻,守紧自身门户的同时,抽冷子的一下一线锋,仿佛绵里藏针,让司空晴也要提防小心,不敢放手进攻。 However, whole, Sikong Qing is in the upper hand. 不过,整体来说,还是司空晴更占上风。 But by understanding of Yan Zhaoge the Sikong Qing style, she is vast majestic that Martial Way way, is quite similar to Shi Tie and Xu Fei. 而以燕赵歌司空晴风格的了解,她是属于浩大堂皇的那种武道路数,同石铁徐飞比较相似。 Falls leeward, does not lose the square inch, fortifies at every step, the opportunity of not having dumped tray. 落入下风,不失方寸,步步为营,未尝没有翻盘的机会。 Gets the winning side, or few quick victories, but the superiority will be getting bigger and bigger, is getting more and more steady, does not give the hope that the opposite party dumps tray. 占据上风,或者很少速胜,但优势会越来越大,越来越稳,不给对方翻盘的希望。 Really, fights one again, although has not been defeated truly, but Li Jingwan sighed one lightly: „The Junior Apprentice Sister Sikong fine athlete, I grumbles was inferior.” 果然,再斗一阵,虽然还没有真正落败,但李静晚轻叹一声:“司空师妹好身手,我自叹不如。” The word, leaves retreat, jumps to go to battle with the circle, Sikong Qing does not pursue, receives the sword to stand, cups one hand in the other across the chest toward Li Jingwan: Senior Apprentice Sister Li, you let me win.” 言罢,抽身后退,跳出战圈,司空晴也不追击,收剑而立,向着李静晚拱手:“李师姐,承让。” The Yan Zhaoge smile said: I heard that you reported to Sect officially, can go out the long journey to travel, whets own Martial Way?” 燕赵歌微笑说道:“我听说你已经正式向宗门报备,要出门远行游历,磨砺自身武道?” Sikong Qing nods: Yes, the master also agreed.” 司空晴点头:“是,师父也已经同意了。” Yan Zhaoge asked: Route decided that where was the first station?” 燕赵歌问道:“路线定下来了吗,第一站是哪里?” Sikong Qing replied: East Sea.” 司空晴答道:“东海。” Above East Sea originally is not an uneventfulness, many rare beast, have numerously takes risks in the sea, drifting with the waves acting alone martial artist. 东海之上本就不是一片风平浪静,有诸多异兽,同时也有众多在海上铤而走险,随波漂流的独行武者 That is some ruthless roles, crosses the tool bit to lick the life of blood, lawless, a large number of people do not sell the Six Great Sacred Grounds face, rushed to the disaster, hid toward the sea deep place, can evade evades, does not evade accepts fate. 那都是些狠角色,过惯刀头舔血的生活,无法无天,相当一部分人都不卖六大圣地的面子,闯下了祸事,就往大海深处一躲,能躲过就躲过,躲不过就认命。 In the sea situation is complex, wants to find the person, with looking for a needle in a haystack has not distinguished. 海中情况复杂,想要找人,跟大海捞针没区别。 Also is similarly familiar marine situation Green Sea City powerhouse, can let these person of many several points dread. 也就是同样熟悉海上情况碧海城强者,能让这些人多几分忌惮。 Especially, entrance to Flame Demon Great World, on East Sea, frequently has Flame Demon to flee in all directions, made there be full of the danger. 尤其是,通往炎魔大世界入口,就在东海上,经常有炎魔流窜进来,更让那里充满了危险。 Sikong Qing goes to East Sea, naturally is not the plan time follows side Fu Enshu, therefore her security, is very difficult the guarantee. 司空晴东海,自然不是打算时刻跟在傅恩书身边,于是她的安全,便很难有保证。 But also for this reason in particular, Sikong Qing plans to go to East Sea. 但也正因为这个原因,司空晴才打算前往东海 Yan Zhaoge turns the head to look to Song Chao and Li Jingwan: Junior Apprentice Sister Sikong, you might as well they travel together with Senior Apprentice Brother Song and Junior Apprentice Sister Li.” 燕赵歌转头看向宋潮李静晚:“司空师妹,那你不妨和宋师兄李师妹他们同行。” Does not seek the Green Sea City's asylum, but at least you can from Senior Apprentice Brother Song their here understand that Water Territory and East Sea situation, was insufficient that side to have no idea.” “并非寻求碧海城的庇护,但至少你可以从宋师兄他们这里了解水域东海情况,不至于去了那边两眼一抹黑。” Above sea, every so often, Heavenly Calamity wants ominously **.” “大海之上,很多时候,天灾是要凶过**的。” Of Water Territory Eight Extremities World eight territories, over more than 50% regions, are the sea. 八极大世界八域之一的水域,有超过一半以上的区域,乃是大海。 East mainland some lands, approach part of mainland with the sea, composes Water Territory together. 大陆东端的部分土地,和大海靠近大陆的一部分,共同组成水域 Green Sea City, is situated in East Sea gigantic islands. 碧海城,就坐落在东海一座巨大的岛屿上。 The marine numerous islands are spread like stars in the sky densely covered, is the Water Territory boundary. 海上众多岛屿星罗密布,也都是水域的地界。 In the sea custom was divided into North Sea, East Sea and South Sea three parts, approaches the mainland partially is called the North Sea inland sea, the East Sea inland sea and South Sea inland sea. 大海习惯上被分为北海东海南海三部分,靠近大陆的部分被称为北海内海、东海内海和南海内海。 The East Sea inland sea completely belongs to Water Territory, but the North Sea inland sea and South Sea inland sea besides were included in Water Territory, but also the part, belongs to Thunder Territory and Lake Territory respectively separately. 东海内海完全属于水域,而北海内海和南海内海除了被囊括在水域中以外,还各有一部分,分别属于雷域泽域 Beside Water Territory, is three big open seas, three big open seas again to east, then generally calls distant sea. 水域之外,便是三大外海,三大外海再向东去,一般则称之为远洋 Sikong Qing heard this, nods: Yes, I understand that later could trouble Senior Apprentice Brother Song and Senior Apprentice Sister Li.” 司空晴闻言,点点头:“是,我明白,之后可能要麻烦宋师兄李师姐。” Song Chao and Li Jingwan all said might as well. 宋潮李静晚皆说无妨。 Li Jingwan shows a faint smile, pulls the palm of Sikong Qing: „The Jing Wan no talent, is a guide to Junior Apprentice Sister Sikong, is.” 李静晚微微一笑,牵起司空晴的手掌:“静晚不才,给司空师妹做个向导,还是可以的。” Broad Creed Mountain and Green Sea City originally is friendly, Pure Hidden Lake Demon Territory changes, she hoodwinks Yan Zhaoge to rescue, therefore in the heart has the favorable impression to Broad Creed Mountain very much. 广乘山碧海城本就友善,清遮湖魔域之变,她又蒙燕赵歌相救,所以心中对广乘山很有好感。 Although the Sikong Qing temper is chilly, but to the military, the thoughts is wholeheartedly pure, makes Li Jingwan feel quite lovably. 司空晴性子虽然清冷,但一心向武,心思纯净澄澈,也让李静晚感到颇为可亲。 On the other hand, although Sikong Qing unhappy has to do with the person, but can also feel the Li Jingwan not distracting thoughts the good intentions, at this moment was pulled the palm by Li Jingwan, does not repel. 另一方面,司空晴虽然不喜与人打交道,但也能感受到李静晚并无杂念的善意,此刻被李静晚牵起手掌,并不排斥。 Yan Zhaoge said with a smile: So, had work Senior Apprentice Brother Song and Junior Apprentice Sister Li.” 燕赵歌笑道:“如此,有劳宋师兄李师妹了。” Sikong Qing prepares the luggage, then and Green Sea City and the others starts off together, goes to Water Territory. 司空晴准备好行装,便和碧海城等人一同上路,前往水域 Delivered Song Chao and Sikong Qing and the others to leave, Yan Zhaoge in Broad Creed Mountain, with single-hearted devotion at own matter. 送了宋潮司空晴等人离开,燕赵歌广乘山中,专心于自己的事情。 As the time passes day-by-day, in the Yan Zhaoge heart many tentative plans, gradually improve are also improving. 随着时间一天天推移,燕赵歌心中许多设想,也在逐渐完善。 Among time circulations, when Yan Zhaoge recovers, annual Trial of the Greater Yin, arrives finally once more. 时光流转之间,当燕赵歌回过神来,一年一次的太阴之试,终于再次到来。
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