HSSB :: Volume #4

#321: Makes up a gift

After Broad Creed Mountain met with the great misfortune has a hundred things to do, and is not only the Mountain Gate construction, includes many personnel adjustments. 广乘山遭逢大劫之后百废待兴,并不仅仅是山门建筑,也包括诸多人事调整。 Other does not raise, Xin Dongping was cleaned up the gateway, Shi Tie falls from the sky, at least has vacated Martial Library Scripture Building Chief and Chief of Punishment Hall two play a critical role positions. 别的不提,辛东平被清理门户,石铁陨落,就至少空出了武库经楼首座掌刑殿首座两个举足轻重的位置。 These need the person to fill. 这些都需要人来填补。 Yan Zhaoge has not spoken, but his present status is not common, the Sect internal decision-making conference is qualified for participating. 燕赵歌对此没有发言,不过他现在地位不一般,宗门内部决策会议都有资格参加。 The Broad Creed Mountain final decision, adjusts external assignment East Sea and Earth Territory two high-level powerhouses. 广乘山最终的决定,是将外派东海地域的两位高层强者调回来。 In order to deal with the threat of East Sea Flame Demon Great World, present age Six Great Sacred Grounds in very much long time ago achieves the agreement, each must leave at least Great Martial Scholar Eighth Layer, the Primordial Rune intermediate stage realm Great Martial Scholar powerhouse, the resident East Sea sea, guards Flame Demon Great World to the Eight Extremities World's strategic place. 为了应对东海炎魔大世界的威胁,当世六大圣地在很早就达成约定,每一家都要出一个至少大宗师八重,元符中期境界大宗师强者,常驻东海海上,看守炎魔大世界通往八极大世界的要冲。 The candidates can take turns to adjust by various voluntarily, but each at least maintains top Great Martial Scholar resident sea, composes the first defense line together, monitors the Flame Demon Great World trend, and processes the conflict of daily small scale. 人选可以由各家自行轮换调整,但每家都至少保持一名顶尖大宗师常驻海上,共同组成第一道防线,监视炎魔大世界的动向,并且处理日常中小规模的冲突。 If Flame Demon has the big movement, then waterfront Heavenly Thunder Hall, Green Sea City and Turbid Wave Pavilion, will increase troops to deal immediately. 如果炎魔有大动作,那么临海天雷殿碧海城浊浪阁,将在第一时间增兵应对。 Regards situation to decide that is in Vast Mountain, Broad Creed Mountain and Great Sun Saint Sect inland, when necessary must dispatch expert to increase troops East Sea, but that generally was very serious matter, was similar to the past years all -out war with Flame Demon. 情况决定,处于内陆的苍茫山广乘山大日圣宗,必要时也要遣高手增兵东海,不过那一般是很严重的事情了,类似于当年同炎魔的全面战争。 Finally this situation, some years did not see, generally the big matter, before is likely, Pure Hidden Lake changes, is the same with this Broad Creed Mountain great misfortune, Green Sea City and other influences dealt. 最后这种情况,已经有些年头不见,一般较大的事情,就是像之前清遮湖之变,和这次广乘山大劫一样,碧海城等势力应对。 Has to do with Flame Demon daily, will intrude Eight Extremities World's Flame Demon to exterminate, is respectively leaves that six Great Martial Scholar to be responsible for by Six Great Sacred Grounds each. 日常与炎魔打交道,将闯入八极大世界的炎魔清剿,便都是由六大圣地每家各出一位的那六名大宗师负责。 In their subordinates, has same side martial artist respectively, or resident, temporary training. 在他们麾下,也各有同门武者,或是常驻,或是临时历练 Feng Yunsheng past in the Great Sun Saint Sect's kind teacher, was accredited East Sea the time, died with Flame Demon slaughters in the conflict. 封云笙昔日在大日圣宗的恩师,便是派驻东海的时候,陨落于同炎魔的冲突厮杀中。 Broad Creed Mountain accredits East Sea big shot, in custom is called East Sea Chief. 广乘山派驻东海大佬,习惯上被称为东海首座 Then, this is sticky business, defends the border similarly, does not have too many benefits to say, meanwhile must year to year fight with Flame Demon. 说起来,这是一个苦差事,类似戍边,又没有太多利益可言,同时还要常年与炎魔战斗。 Therefore Broad Creed Mountain's East Sea Chief, since establishment, has been the rotation system. 所以广乘山的东海首座,自设立以来,一直都是轮换制。 What is worth mentioning is, Yan Zhaoge father Yan Di, before taking over the position of Chief of Cultivation Guidance Hall , holds the post of East Sea Chief, kills Flame Demon to kill everywhere stream of fire in the sea, burns the day to boil the sea, the prestige illustrious. 值得一提的是,燕赵歌家老爹燕狄,在接掌传功殿首座之位以前,就是担任东海首座,在大海上杀炎魔杀得漫天流火,焚天煮海,威名赫赫。 But current Broad Creed Mountain East Sea Chief, is Broad Creed Mountain another Great Martial Scholar Ninth Layer, Primordial Rune later stage realm top powerhouse, Chang Zhen. 而目前的广乘山东海首座,则是广乘山另一位大宗师九重,元符后期境界的顶尖强者,常震 When Broad Creed Mountain great misfortune, Chang Zhen has a mind to return to Mountain Gate, finally on Flame Demon Invasion, a confusion. 广乘山大劫时,常震有心返回山门,结果恰逢炎魔入侵,一片混乱。 Great Sun Saint Sect resident East Sea ancient elder, with him happen to on, they fights with the Flame Demon powerhouse, while each other confronts, Chang Zhen was then towed in East Sea. 大日圣宗常驻东海宿老,与他正好对上,两人一边同炎魔强者交手,一边彼此对峙,常震便被拖在了东海 Now the Broad Creed great misfortune ends, East Sea Flame Demon subsides randomly gradually, Broad Creed Mountain then dispatches the person to replace Chang Zhen, adjusts Chang Zhen. 如今广乘大劫落幕,东海炎魔之乱渐渐平息,广乘山便遣人替换常震,将常震调回来。 New East Sea Chief person, Yan Zhaoge but actually also familiar, is Feng Yunsheng and Sikong Qing teacher, Fu Enshu. 新任东海首座的人,燕赵歌倒也熟悉,正是封云笙司空晴的师尊,傅恩书 Similar to East Sea situation, Earth Territory. 东海情况类似的,还有地域 Now Absolute Abyss was exterminated, but Earth Territory still existed, the person of guarding alert still needs, but Broad Creed Mountain also wants the doing personnel to adjust. 如今绝渊被剿灭,但地域仍然存在,看守戒备的人仍然需要有,不过广乘山也要做人员调整。 Song Chao transmits the Broad Creed Mountain's meaning to Green Sea City, that side Green Sea City also quickly had the echo, regarding the massive interflow of commodities of both sides, indicated to be happy, to thing that Broad Creed Mountain needed, will raise to satisfy as far as possible. 宋潮广乘山的意思传达给碧海城,碧海城那边也很快有了回音,对于双方的大量物资交流,表示乐见其成,对广乘山所需的东西,会尽量筹措予以满足。 both sides is the ally, common exchange, but this scale gigantic, two families needs to prepare especially correspondingly. 双方本来就是盟友,彼此之间常有交流,不过这次规模格外巨大,两家都需要相应的准备。 Might realize regarding Yan Zhaoge and Broad Creed Mountain an intention of oneself side, Song Chao also felt. 对于燕赵歌广乘山有可能察觉了自己一方的意图,宋潮也感觉到了。 However, Broad Creed Mountain has not acted bashful Green Sea City, the interflow of commodities of both sides, has not profited to raise prices specially. 不过,广乘山并没有拿捏碧海城,双方的物资交流,也没有特意占便宜抬价。 Although compared with it in the past, asked a price to be higher on the other hand, but to a Green Sea City side, obtains the harvest of Unfallen Ghost Rock, compared with it payout, is much bigger. 虽然比之以往,相对来说要价高一些,但对碧海城一方而言,得到不落鬼岩的收获,比之付出,要大得多。 The Song Chao manner is genial, says goodbye Yan Zhaoge, especially is grateful. 宋潮为人和善坦荡,再见燕赵歌,也就格外感激。 Senior Apprentice Brother Song this was too rather polite.” Yan Zhaoge is pinching in the hand jade talisman, looks at Song Chao: Was expensive my two schools usually goodwill, kept watch the cooperation, in the skill topic the inherent connotation.” 宋师兄这未免太客气了。”燕赵歌捏着手中一枚玉符,看着宋潮:“贵我两派素来亲善,守望互助,本事题中应有之义。” Song Chao said: Junior Apprentice Brother Yan does not need to decline, this valuable tinkling of jade tally perhaps is a chance, but the indistinct thing, takes this thing as the ritual, in the Song Chao actually heart has the shame, but the solid body does not have the surplus, other thing rather more insufficient components.” 宋潮言道:“燕师弟无需推辞,这珍珑玉符或许是一份机缘,但还是缥缈之物,以此物为礼,宋潮其实心中有愧,只是实在身无长物,其他东西未免更不够份量。” In the Yan Zhaoge hand stroked gently jade talisman, why the Song Chao replacement such a gift, both sides has been being well aware, therefore showed a faint smile: „The Senior Apprentice Brother Song great kindness, I decline again, was rather artificial, so, thanking Senior Apprentice Brother Song.” 燕赵歌手中摩挲着玉符,宋潮为什么后补了这么一份礼物,双方都心知肚明,于是微微一笑:“宋师兄盛情,我再推辞,未免矫情了,既如此,谢过宋师兄。” Song Chao shakes the head: Was Junior Apprentice Brother Yan you are too polite.” 宋潮摇头:“是燕师弟你太客气了。” After Yan Zhaoge hesitates slightly one next, asked: „Did Senior Apprentice Brother Song soon return to Water Territory?” 燕赵歌稍微沉吟一下后问道:“宋师兄快要返回水域了吧?” Song Chao said: Over the two days left.” 宋潮说道:“这两天就离开。” Yan Zhaoge sets out: I delivered you to be good.” 燕赵歌起身:“我送送你们好了。” They exit together, Yan Zhaoge Astral Qi sound transmission, told that Ah Hu several, the Ah Hu nod draws back. 两人一起出去,燕赵歌罡气传音,吩咐阿虎几句,阿虎点头退下。 Yan Zhaoge returns to their dwellings with Song Chao together, enters the courtyard, sees two forms, is shuttling back and forth, martial arts contest technique. 燕赵歌宋潮一起回到他们的住处,一进院落,就见两道身影,正不停穿梭,比武较技。 Two daoist shades, separately are Sikong Qing and Li Jingwan, their comparing notes, are quite friendly, on the one hand is the close the door competition, does not know for the outside, on the one hand also selects to stops. 道人影,分别是司空晴李静晚,两人的切磋,比较友好,一方面是关门比试,不为外界所知,一方面也点到即止。 They have not gone to under Parting Fire Peak, supplies the big school ground that Broad Creed Mountain direct disciple compares notes specially, or goes to Cultivation Guidance Hall, is only in Song Chao one line of dwelling, close the door compares notes. 她们没有去离火峰下,专门供广乘山门下弟子切磋的大校场,又或者前往传功殿,只是在宋潮一行人的住处,关门切磋。 Two female cultivation are not low now, unshackles to fight, the destructive power was also very astonishing, empties the surrounding construction to be a cinch. 二女修为如今都不低,放开手脚大战一场,破坏力也已经很惊人,清空周围建筑不在话下。 Therefore they compete with the method at this moment, mostly is fights the style change and martial arts understood that does not stimulate to movement Astral Qi large scale, some similar Yan Zhaoge competed with Seven Stars Sword in Martial Library Scripture Building with Lu Wen in the past. 所以她们此刻的比试方法,大多是斗招式变化和武学理解,不大幅度催动罡气,有些类似燕赵歌当年在武库经楼中同陆问比试七星剑 But the bonus is so, two beautiful figures flutter, felt to the person dazzlingly. 但饶是如此,两道倩影翻飞间,也给人眼花缭乱的感觉。 The Song Chao looks at Sikong Qing form, sighed was saying: „When previous Heavenly Connection Treaties of Alliance has the feeling, but had not discovered at that time that this Junior Apprentice Sister Sikong talent shocks everybody seriously.” 宋潮看着司空晴的身影,叹息着说道:“上次通天会盟时就有感觉,但那时也不曾发现,这位司空师妹的天赋当真惊世骇俗。” Yan Zhaoge nods. 燕赵歌点点头。 In the field their cultivation, is External Astral Later Stage Martial Scholar Realm. 场中两人的修为,都是外罡后期宗师境界 Regarding Li Jingwan, this is very normal, her age and Yan Zhaoge are close, regarding Six Great Sacred Grounds core legacy, about 20 years old promotes External Astral, about 25 years old step into Earlier Heaven, about 30 years old enter Heavenly Connection, this is the average velocities. 对于李静晚来说,这很正常,她年龄与燕赵歌相近,对于六大圣地的核心嫡传而言,20岁左右晋升外罡,25岁左右踏入先天,30岁左右入通天,这是平均速度。 But Sikong Qing somewhat was scary, present she, but also is less than 20 years old. 司空晴就有些吓人了,现在的她,还不到20岁。 Yan Zhaoge said: „The Junior Apprentice Sister Sikong natural talent is truly outstanding, making one acclaim.” 燕赵歌言道:“司空师妹确实天资卓绝,令人赞叹。” He spoke this saying expression, some similar elder review younger generations, but Song Chao had not thought that has any issue. 他说这话的语气,有些类似长辈点评晚辈,但是宋潮却没有觉得有任何问题。 Person, is similar to the Li Jingwan age, is actually Great Martial Scholar. 身旁的这个人,与李静晚年龄相若,却已经是大宗师了。
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