HSSB :: Volume #4

#320: Goes forward I to win together

Since regarding Green Sea City, mortal enemy Great Sun Saint Sect, the strength promotion, without doubt has been the awful news. 对于碧海城而言,一直以来的死敌大日圣宗,实力提升,无疑是糟糕至极的消息。 But ally Broad Creed Mountain strength promotion, there is a profit, there is a pressure. 而盟友广乘山实力提升,既有益处,也有压力。 Regarding Heavenly Thunder Hall and Vast Mountain, has similar problem actually. 对于天雷殿苍茫山来说,其实也存在类似的问题。 Then has strictly adhered to the neutrality, follows the isolated island policy, status relatively aloof Turbid Wave Pavilion, facing rise situation that Broad Creed Mountain and Great Sun Saint Sect stand head and shoulders above others obviously, looks askance. 便是一直谨守中立,奉行孤岛政策,地位相对超然的浊浪阁,面对广乘山大日圣宗明显高出一头的上升态势,也为之侧目。 Wants throughout to maintain the neutral stand simultaneously, is completely independent, either not by the value that other people keep thinking about, either has to let the strength that other people do not dare to affront easily. 想要始终保持中立立场同时,完全独立自主,要么是没有被其他人惦记的价值,要么就是有让其他人不敢轻易冒犯的实力。 The Turbid Wave Pavilion first condition definitely is dissatisfied. 浊浪阁第一个条件肯定是不满足的。 If they have marked, Great Sun Saint Sect and Broad Creed Mountain actually upward, then sooner or later the second condition becomes is unable to satisfy. 而如果他们一直原地踏步,大日圣宗广乘山却一路向上,那么迟早第二个条件也会变得无法满足。 In addition neutral Turbid Wave Pavilion so, Green Sea City, Heavenly Thunder Hall and Vast Mountain Three Families say nothing. 中立的浊浪阁尚且如此,碧海城天雷殿苍茫山三家就更不用说了。 If cannot follow Broad Creed Mountain and Great Sun Saint Sect's footsteps, that can only fall behind gradually, in the Eight Extremities World's world situation, loses the initiative gradually, can only , but drifts with the current. 如果不能跟上广乘山大日圣宗的脚步,那就只能渐渐掉队,在八极大世界的天下大势中,渐渐失去主动权,只能无奈随波逐流。 Regarding Vast Mountain, the most urgent demand, is the same with previous Broad Creed Mountain, presents a Realm of Martial Saint powerhouse urgently needed. 对于苍茫山而言,最迫切的需求,和此前的广乘山一样,急需出现一位武圣之境的强者。 Then, wields Chopping the Heaven Axe, but proud Li present age. 如此一来,执掌斫天斧,可傲立当世。 But regarding Green Sea City and Heavenly Thunder Hall, can emerge Martial Saint to be certainly best again, otherwise must have own sacred armament! 而对于碧海城天雷殿来说,能再涌现武圣当然最好,否则就是要拥有属于自己的圣兵 On Broad Creed Mountain, Yan Zhaoge takes out Unfallen Ghost Rock from own miniature bag, while ponders over: Sacrifice refining up sacred armament is not a simple matter.” 广乘山上,燕赵歌一边从自己的缩影囊中取出不落鬼岩,一边琢磨:“祭炼圣兵可不是一件简单的事情。” „Before is Great Cataclysm, refines sacred armament and spirit armament to be easier than the present to be too many, thing that sacred armament is not easy to obtain.” “便是大破灭以前,炼制圣兵灵兵比现在容易太多,圣兵也不是那么容易得到的东西。” sacred armament rarely at 2 : 00 \; first, to refine the method, refines in the process difficulty gigantic, its two are the material is quite rare. 圣兵难得在两点,其一是炼制方法,炼制过程中难度巨大,其二就是材料极为难得。 Yan Zhaoge is looking at carefully Unfallen Ghost Rock: This gadget definitely is not the principal material, should be the quite essential supplementary material.” 燕赵歌端详着不落鬼岩:“这玩意肯定不是主材料,应该是比较关键的辅料。” Had the principal material, can decide on the refinement plan, after own sacred armament had the explicit plan and idea, is one's turn the collection supplementary material.” “有了主材料,才能确定炼制方案,对自己的圣兵有了明确规划和想法后,才轮到收集辅料。” Looked at this meaning, Green Sea City had expects principal, does not know that can be what kind of rare treasure?” “看这意思,碧海城已经有主材料了,不知会是怎样的异宝?” Yan Zhaoge feels own chin, in current Eight Extremities World, the sacred armament principal material, basically can be said as alone, the unique treasure is good. 燕赵歌摸着自己的下巴,在目前的八极大世界,圣兵主材料,基本上可以说是独一份儿,绝无仅有的宝贝才行。 Because of the refinement the issue of technique and plan, the sacred armament majority that refines will compare the martial arts deep meaning of fitting refinement. 因为炼制手法和方案的问题,炼制出来的圣兵大多数都会比较贴合炼制者的武学奥义。 But generally speaking, principal material whether is in harmony, is very important. 但一般而言,主材料是否合拍,也很重要。 For example, if Green Sea City refines oneself sacred armament with Fire-type Supreme Treasure or soil series Supreme Treasure, is not good, will be refinement difficulty very gigantic. 比方说,碧海城如果用一件火系至宝或者土系至宝来炼制自家圣兵,那么不是不行,可是炼制难度就会非常巨大 Yan Di said: We in process of advance, other people also never will mark diligently, everyone diligently is promoting himself.” 燕狄说道:“我们在努力前进的过程中,其他人也从来不会原地踏步,每个人都在努力提升自己。” Vast Mountain Sect Master Chu Yan, hears the thought of then also having closes up once more, wants to dive to cultivate, launches the impact on Realm of Martial Saint.” 苍茫山掌门楚演,听闻便也有再次闭关的念头,想要潜修,向武圣之境发起冲击。” Heavenly Thunder Hall's martial artist , to promote own cultivation besides attentive practice, definitely has been planning the sacrifice to refine to belong to their sacred armament, moreover is not one day two days, one generation of two generations, but has been preparing diligently.” 天雷殿的武者,除了用心修练提升自身修为以外,也肯定一直都在谋划祭炼属于他们的圣兵,而且不是一天两天,一代两代,而是一直在努力准备。” Then is Turbid Wave Pavilion, wants to come not to relax seeks for the chance and material, refines own sacred armament, wants to maintain own independence and neutral, is firm, is then clearer own formidable importance.” Yan Di calmly said: humble sect and Great Sun Saint Sect are in the lead now one step, but if halts, will have superior that day no longer finally.” “便是浊浪阁,想来也不曾放松寻找机缘和材料,炼制自己的圣兵,想要保持自己的独立与中立,越是坚定,便也越清楚自身强大的重要性。”燕狄静静说道:“本门大日圣宗现在是领先一步,但如果止步不前,终将有优势不再的那一天。” Yan Zhaoge smiles suddenly: You said that this Unfallen Ghost Rock, we are return do not give?” 燕赵歌突然一笑:“那您说,这不落鬼岩,咱们是给还是不给?” Yan Di has smiled similarly, finger point Yan Zhaoge: „, Why doesn't give?” 燕狄同样笑了起来,手指点点燕赵歌:“给,为什么不给?” Yes, why doesn't give?” Yan Zhaoge said with a smile: Now eventually is the ally, has common enemy Great Sun Saint Sect as well as Heavenly Thunder Hall, not easy to be deal with, Green Sea City should also understand this one point, even if will have anything to change in the future, solved Great Sun Saint Sect they to say first again.” “是啊,为什么不给?”燕赵歌笑道:“现在终究是盟友,有共同的敌人大日圣宗以及天雷殿,都不是省油的灯,碧海城也该明白这一点,就算日后有什么变化,也是先解决大日圣宗他们再说。” Everybody runs together forward, we are also in the lead one step, has something afraid.” “大家一起向前跑,我们还领先一步,有什么可心虚的。” Yan Zhaoge has patted Unfallen Ghost Rock: Develops together, my Broad Creed Mountain's superiority will be only getting bigger and bigger.” 燕赵歌拍了拍不落鬼岩:“一起发展,我广乘山的优势只会越来越大。” Yan Di smiled: Humans affair difficult material, no one to dare to say one can smile forever, but, causes the method to the enemy, natural, to the ally enabled the method, humble sect that self-confident not to have continually?” 燕狄笑了笑:“世事难料,谁也不敢说自己能笑到永远,不过,对敌人使手段,理所应当,对盟友使手段,本门连那点自信也没有了吗?” The Yan Zhaoge booth lets go: Naturally, the premise is this ally leaves the crooked thoughts.” 燕赵歌摊摊手:“当然,前提是这个盟友自己别起歪心思。” Yan Di said: Song Wuliang as currently Eight Extremities World youngest Martial Saint, does not have is so stupid, let alone hatred between they and Great Sun Saint Sect, not in the least is slightly worse than the us and Great Sun Saint Sect contradictions between.” 燕狄说道:“宋无量作为目前八极大世界最年轻的武圣,没那么蠢,更别说他们和大日圣宗之间的仇恨,丝毫不比我们和大日圣宗之间的矛盾稍差。” At present Eight Extremities World known several Saint Realm Martial Way powerhouses, including new promotion Yuan Zhengfeng, are counted with Demon Saint Yuan Tian that just died, altogether seven, Green Sea City City Lord, Green Sea Martial Saint Song Wuliang is youngest one. 目前八极大世界已知的几位圣境武道强者,包括新晋升的元正峰,和刚刚陨落的魔圣袁天都算上,一共七个,碧海城城主,碧海武圣宋无量是最年轻的一个。 Naturally, this young, is Yuan Zhengfeng and compared with Huang Guanglie and the others, the Song Wuliang physical age is not young, is bigger than many Shi Tie and Fang Zhun and the others. 当然,这个年轻,是和元正峰黄光烈等人相比,宋无量的实际年龄也不小了,比石铁方准等人大出许多。 However, calculates strictly the rank words, Song Wuliang they want short generation of compared with Yuan Zhengfeng actually, with Shi Tie and Yan Di and the others same rank. 但是,严格算辈分的话,宋无量其实比元正峰他们要矮一辈儿,和石铁燕狄等人同辈分。 On the other hand, Song Wuliang, Seven Seas Young Master Song Chao is actually not in old age old. 另一方面,宋无量老来得子,“七海公子宋潮的年纪倒是并不大。 Yan Zhaoge remembers the incident suddenly, looks to Yan Di: Was right, news that the father, that side family spreads...” 燕赵歌突然想起一事,看向燕狄:“对了,老爹,家族那边传来的消息…” He the matter of referring, initially had the rumor, Yan Di was not the true Central Heaven Region Yan bloodlines incident. 他所指之事,乃是当初有传言,燕狄并非真正的天中洲燕家血脉一事。 Although by Yan Zhaoge by thunder method suppression, but the truth, somewhat is how difficult to say. 虽然被燕赵歌以雷霆手段镇压,但是事情真相如何,却有些难讲。 The Yan Di grandfather keeps the letter paper, is the biggest problem. 燕狄祖父所留信笺,是最大的问题。 After the identification of Third Grand-Uncle Yan Wen Zhen, letter paper real, is by no means forge... 经过三叔祖燕文真的辨认,信笺是真的,并非伪造… At least, at the Yan Wen Zhen eyesight, cannot see fabricates. 至少,以燕文真的眼力,看不出是伪造。 As the matter stands, matter actually quite big strip. 这样一来,事情其实相当大条。 To be honest, Yan Zhaoge do not care actually specially, but Yan Di can be what kind of idea, was difficult to say. 说心里话,燕赵歌自己对此其实不是特别在意,但燕狄会是怎样的想法,就难说了。 Yan Di tranquil looks at Yan Zhaoge: I work as am the Yan Family person, in family some people, when I am a family member, this is enough.” 燕狄平静的看着燕赵歌:“我当自己是燕家人,家族里有人当我是家人,这就足够。” Yan Zhaoge heard this, silent nod. 燕赵歌闻言,无声的点点头。 Yan Di said: Fifth Trial of the Greater Yin is going to approach.” 燕狄说道:“第五次太阴之试将要来临了。” This time can make Junior Apprentice Sister Feng participate, she also needs to realize to draw support from Greater Yin Royal Crown by oneself, Trial of the Greater Yin that carries on, increases with the experience that other Female of the Greater Yin fight.” Yan Zhaoge has rubbed own temple: But, if no big accident, this time does not have what hope.” “这次可以让封师妹参加了,她也需要亲身体会借助太阴冠冕,进行的太阴之试,增加与其他太阴之女交手的经验。”燕赵歌揉了揉自己的太阳穴:“不过,如果没有大的意外,这次没有什么希望。” I estimated that sixth Trial of the Greater Yin time, is the opportunity that Junior Apprentice Sister Feng catches up, but Great Sun Saint Sect also uses Yin and Yang Mutual Aid Method to train their Female of the Greater Yin, making it strength further raise, although the Junior Apprentice Sister Feng effort is above ordinary person, but before must make up , the time of losing, but also needs several points of patience.” “我原先的预计,第六次太阴之试的时候,才是封师妹发力的机会,不过大日圣宗也采用阴阳相济之法培养他们的太阴之女,使之实力进一步拔高,虽然封师妹的努力超乎常人,但要弥补之前耽误的时间,还需要几分耐心。” Yan Di heard this nods: This matter the plenary powers payment to you, was already under the charge to you, since must participate in fifth Trial of the Greater Yin, this time you also travel together.” 燕狄闻言点头:“此事既已全权交付给你,便由你负责,既然要参加第五次太阴之试,这次你也同行吧。” Yan Zhaoge said: Is having this intent.” 燕赵歌说道:“正有此意。”
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