HSSB :: Volume #4

#319: Urgent goal

The Yan Zhaoge entire journey participated in attending the ceremony, Xu Fei and Ying Longtu has stood side him. 燕赵歌全程参加了观礼,徐飞应龙图就站在他身旁。 Two Broad Creed legacy core disciple, take off the black edged blue robe that the past has worn, only remains a white clothing, on the forehead is the white turban. 两个广乘嫡传核心弟子,脱去了往日一直穿的黑边蓝袍,只剩一袭白衣,额头上系着白巾。 Han Long'er is keeping sobbing, is unable to suppress. 憨龙儿在不停抽噎,无法抑制。 Not like initially the parents passed away, he at this moment, has been able to understand that the death the meaning, understands own another family member, goes to oneself. 不像当初父母过世的时候,此刻的他,已经可以理解死亡的含义,明白自己又一位亲人,离自己而去。 The Xu Fei big body as if statue, is hugging the shoulder of Han Long'er. 徐飞高大的身躯仿佛石像,搂着憨龙儿的肩膀。 He unemotionally, tiger flood red, has not prevented the sob of Han Long'er, but closely is hugging own Junior Apprentice Brother, letting Han Long'er can have a backing. 他面无表情,虎目泛红,没有阻止憨龙儿的哭泣,只是紧紧搂着自己的师弟,让憨龙儿可以有一个依托。 Yan Zhaoge looks to Xu Fei: Senior Apprentice Brother Xu...” 燕赵歌看向徐飞:“徐师兄…” Xu Fei took a deep breath, shakes the head saying: Relax, I am all right.” 徐飞深吸一口气,摇头说道:“放心,我没事。” Yan Zhaoge no longer talks too much, static looks at his father, delivers the Eldest Uncle-Master Shi Tie last regulation. 燕赵歌不再多言,静静看着自己的父亲,送大师伯石铁最后一程。 The last act of entire funeral, under the Yan Di's operation, channel of Heavenly Life Spirit Lake to outside, closes. 整个葬礼的尾声,在燕狄的操纵下,天生灵湖通往外界的通道,重新关闭。 The Yan Zhaoge and other Broad Creed Mountain disciples, perform all look solemn, toward vanishes in the at present Heavenly Life Spirit Lake serious ritual gradually. 燕赵歌广乘山弟子,尽皆神情肃穆,向着渐渐消失在眼前天生灵湖郑重一礼。 Person who Song Chao and other influences come to attend the ceremony, left the casual greeting. 宋潮等其他势力前来观礼的人,也都一起行了半礼。 The funeral ended, Song Chao arrives in front of Yan Zhaoge and Xu Fei, sighed was saying: Several also please restrain grief.” 葬礼结束,宋潮来到燕赵歌徐飞面前,叹息着说道:“几位还请节哀。” Yan Zhaoge and Xu Fei nod, Yan Zhaoge looks at Song Chao, said in a soft voice: „Does City Lord Song have the words to hold the Senior Apprentice Brother Song belt to come?” 燕赵歌徐飞都点头,燕赵歌看着宋潮,轻声道:“宋城主可是有话托宋师兄带过来?” humble sect attended to funeral arrangements, Senior Apprentice Brother Song agree forgave, had not raised to the present, Yan zu felt the great kindness, although at present also some following heads and tails, but the funeral basically was ended, Senior Apprentice Brother Song had the words of matter, performed to speak frankly, if needs to see right in front of one my father and Grand Master, I can also convey your meaning.” 本门治丧,宋师兄肯体谅,一直到现在都没提,燕某足感盛情,眼下虽然还有些后续首尾,不过葬礼基本算是结束,宋师兄有事的话,尽可以直言,若是需要面见我爹和师祖,我也可以转达你的意思。” Sorrow in heart, that will quickly not dissipate, aims in the anger of enemy, constantly will accumulate the fermentation. 心中的哀痛,不会那么快消散,针对于敌人的怒火,更是会不断积累发酵。 But the dead is over, the living forwards, does not forget the deceased, does not mean that succumbed to is hard to extricate oneself constantly in the negative mood. 但死者已矣,生者向前,不遗忘逝者,不意味着一味沉湎于负面情绪中难以自拔。 Some arrived at the at present matter, wants calm prompt processing eventually. 有些已经到了眼前的事情,终究要冷静及时的处理。 Exerts oneself to forward, for does not lose. 奋发向前,为了不失去更多。 Song Chao heard that Yan Zhaoge said that also no longer hesitated, the confident nod acknowledged that but then shook the head: Is I personal, really has the matter to ask Junior Apprentice Brother Yan to help, but is not a critical important matter, but gets up at the funeral premise, is somewhat inopportune.” 宋潮闻听燕赵歌所言,也不再多犹豫,坦然点头承认,不过接着又摇了摇头:“是我私人,确实有事请燕师弟帮忙,不过并非紧要大事,只是在葬礼前提起,有些不合时宜。” Yan Zhaoge said: Such being the case, Senior Apprentice Brother Song might as well spoke frankly.” 燕赵歌说道:“既然如此,宋师兄不妨直言。” Song Chao said: Is this, the your honourable school cleaning up gateway, exterminates Lord of Absolute Abyss Xin Dongping, does not know that harvest on what commodity can have?” 宋潮说道:“是这样的,贵派清理门户,剿灭绝渊之主辛东平,不知可有什么物资上的收获?” I finger , is usually very difficult to be acquired, stems from the Earth Territory special product.” “我是指,平时很难收集到的,源于地域的特产。” Yan Zhaoge somewhat curious asking: What thing does Senior Apprentice Brother Song want?” 燕赵歌有些好奇的问道:“宋师兄想要什么东西?” Song Chao explained: Is named Unfallen Ghost Rock, produces in Earth Territory special product spirit stone alone, other places do not have, before this only has the too few quantity to produce in Earth Territory.” 宋潮解释道:“是一种名为不落鬼岩,独产于地域的特产灵石,其他地方都没有,此前只在地域有过少量出产。” Yan Zhaoge raises head to think, in he remembers, in the Xin Dongping private property, as if also really has this thing. 燕赵歌仰头思索起来,在他记忆中,辛东平的私产里,似乎还真有这东西。 Nearby Song Chao continues saying: I hope by other commodities, purchases by barter Unfallen Ghost Rock, in the price, will make Junior Apprentice Brother Yan satisfy absolutely.” 一旁的宋潮继续说道:“我愿以其他物资,换购不落鬼岩,价格上,绝对会让燕师弟满意。” Yan Zhaoge in the Broad Creed Mountain's jurisdiction, processes the commodity that at this moment seizes from Xin Dongping there, absolutely does not have the issue. 燕赵歌此刻在广乘山的权限,处理从辛东平那里缴获的物资,完全没有问题。 Moreover that side Green Sea City and Water Territory, but also has the thing that he wants. 而且碧海城水域那边,还真有他想要的东西。 However, to avoid own goal exposes prematurely, Yan Zhaoge said: Because is important, the Xin Dongping private property, is reorganizes handling by my father at present personally, Senior Apprentice Brother Song may see right in front of one my father along with me, explained situation.” 不过,为了避免自己的目标过早暴露,燕赵歌说道:“因为事关重大,辛东平的私产,目前是由家父亲自整理处置,宋师兄可随我面见家父,说明情况。” Was expensive my two families to be usually on good terms, if really had Unfallen Ghost Rock, that should not any issue.” “贵我两家素来交好,如果确实有不落鬼岩,那应该没什么问题。” Song Chao nods: Wanted thank your for your hospitality Senior Yan.” 宋潮点头:“要叨扰燕前辈了。” previously he has also seen Yan Di, but has not mentioned the Unfallen Ghost Rock matter, at this moment said goodbye, immediately explained situation. 先前他也有见过燕狄,不过没有提起不落鬼岩的事情,此刻再见,当即说明情况 Yan Di has resulted in Yan Zhaoge Astral Qi sound transmission, then said: Really has Unfallen Ghost Rock right, but the quantity is quite limited, does not know how many Little Friend Song does need?” 燕狄得了燕赵歌罡气传音,然后说道:“确实有不落鬼岩没错,但是数量比较有限,不知道宋小友需要多少?” Song Chao replied: Can have three chi (0.33 m) square then.” 宋潮答道:“能有三尺见方即可。” Yan Di nods: That humble sect has critical mass actually, can give Little Friend Song.” 燕狄点头:“那本门倒是有足够数量,可以给宋小友。” humble sect experience great misfortune, has a hundred things to do, the urgently needed many commodities, want to make exchanges on some commodities with your honourable school actually, my this also intends to give the information through Little Friend Song to your father.” 本门经历大劫,百废待兴,急需很多物资,其实是想要跟贵派多做一些物资上的交流,我本也有意通过宋小友给令尊传递信息。” Exchanges between two schools, that was not the equally different thing, but was the great variety, demand quantity also gigantic. 两派之间的交流,那就不是一样两样东西了,而是种类繁多,需求数量也巨大 Song Chao said hastily: Younger generation meets first feeds in Green Sea City the news.” 宋潮连忙言道:“晚辈会第一时间将消息传回碧海城。” Yan Di said: So should better.” 燕狄说道:“如此最好不过。” Delivered Song Chao to return to the rest the place to settle temporarily, Yan Zhaoge and Yan Di father and son sat facing each other. 送了宋潮暂时返回休息的地方安顿下来,燕赵歌燕狄父子二人相对而坐。 Yan Zhaoge rubs own temple, while said: „The thing that I want, clamps in the Sect manifest good.” 燕赵歌一边揉动自己的太阳穴,一边说道:“把我想要的东西,夹在宗门的货单里就好。” This naturally.” Yan Di asked: You thought that this is the thing that Song Chao personal wants?” “这个自然。”燕狄问道:“你觉得,这是宋潮私人想要的东西吗?” Yan Zhaoge replied: I thought that is not the Song Chao individual, but is Green Sea City wants the thing possibly is bigger.” 燕赵歌答道:“我觉得不是宋潮个人,而是碧海城想要东西的可能更大。” Yan Di said: Song Chao is not conspicuous like you, he must seek for any thing, the most people are not necessarily able to pay attention, instead exhibiting the carriages and horses trade exchange must be more secret.” 燕狄说道:“宋潮不像你那么显眼,他要寻找什么东西,多数人未必会留心,反而比摆开车马贸易交流来得要隐秘。” „The world people know that you can transfer humble sect most resources at will, he asks you to help, personal contact, appears the flat angle is ordinary.” “天下人都知道你可以随意调用本门的大多数资源,他找你帮忙,私人联络,也显得平角平常。” Yan Zhaoge feels the chin saying: I do not have to promise him directly, leading him to look for you, he should also know that the idea possibly exposes, was seen the actual situation by us?” 燕赵歌摸着下巴说道:“我没有直接答应他,带着他来找您,他应该也知道想法可能暴露,被我们看出虚实了吧?” Yan Di said: naturally can think.” 燕狄言道:“自然可以想到。” The Yan Zhaoge finger raps on nearby tabletop gently: Unfallen Ghost Rock, Unfallen Ghost Rock... Does Green Sea City want this thing to do?” 燕赵歌手指在一旁的桌面上轻轻敲击:“不落鬼岩,不落鬼岩碧海城要这东西干什么呢?” If cannot think for a short time the opposite party wants anything, how wants to do, that might as well thinks that the opposite party lacks anything, urgently needed anything...” The finger of Yan Zhaoge rap tabletop stopped, turns the head to look to own father, the father and son also opens the mouth, emits two characters together. “如果一时半刻想不到对方想要什么,想要怎么做,那不妨想想对方缺什么,急需什么…”燕赵歌敲击桌面的手指停了下来,转头看向自家老爹,父子二人同时开口,一起冒出两个字。 sacred armament!” 圣兵!” Although Great Sun Saint Sect lost Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler, but the Huang Guanglie in person cultivation strength actually succeeds goes a step further. 大日圣宗虽然丢了大日衡天尺,但是黄光烈本人修为实力却成功更进一步。 The Broad Creed Mountain aspect, Yuan Zhengfeng is successful Transcending the Mortal World, becomes Eight Extremities World nowadays another Martial Saint powerhouse, simultaneously has sacred armament Grand Pure Robe in the hand. 广乘山方面,元正峰更是成功超凡入圣,成为八极大世界现如今又一位武圣强者,同时更有圣兵太清袍在手。 Present Broad Creed Mountain, has substituted for Great Sun Saint Sect, becomes present age Eight Extremities World only one by one not only has Martial Saint oversees, and has sacred armament town mountain Sacred Ground. 眼下的广乘山,已经取代大日圣宗,成为当世八极大世界一一个既有武圣坐镇,又有圣兵镇山的圣地 With is Six Great Sacred Grounds, Broad Creed Mountain and Great Sun Saint Sect, obviously has actually been higher than other Four Great Sacred Grounds to plan. 同为六大圣地,广乘山大日圣宗,却已经明显高出其他四大圣地一筹。 Has Broad Creed Mountain to restrict Great Sun Saint Sect, Green Sea City naturally relaxes, otherwise makes the mortal enemy Great Sun Saint Sect lid press the world, series Eight Extremities words, the Green Sea City rather collective jumps into the sea. 广乘山制约大日圣宗,碧海城自然松一口气,否则让死敌大日圣宗盖压天下,一统八极的话,碧海城宁肯集体去跳海。 But before this original brothers, mutually for the day, mountain and water three territory alliances corner, a side, suddenly has from the ally turns into the trend of hegemon, this unavoidably made other two families suspects whisper. 但此前本来同气连枝,互为犄角的天、山、水三域联盟,其中一方,突然有从盟友变成盟主的趋势,这就难免让其他两家犯嘀咕了。 At least, definitely more urgent wants to promote own strength. 至少,肯定更迫切的想要提升自身实力。 Yan Zhaoge raises head slightly: On East Sea the Flame Demon calamity, completely has not solved, runs to seek for Unfallen Ghost Rock, Green Sea City at this matter, is quite anxious.” 燕赵歌微微仰头:“东海炎魔的乱子,都还没彻底解决,就跑来寻找不落鬼岩,碧海城在这件事情,相当急切啊。”
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