HSSB :: Volume #4

#318: Yong Town Broad Creed

Song Chao and Green Sea City have any idea, Yan Zhaoge suddenly some have not counted. 宋潮碧海城打什么主意,燕赵歌一时间也有些没数。 However, at least in a short time, Yan Zhaoge does not plan to continue to consider. 不过,至少短时间内,燕赵歌不打算继续考虑。 Sends regarding Broad Creed Mountain whole high and low, matter that now most pays attention , is the funeral. 对于广乘山阖派上下,现在最关注的事情,便是葬礼。 This Broad Creed great misfortune, experiences chaotic of Absolute Abyss first, is encountering Great Sun Saint Sect and Heavenly Thunder Hall attacks the mountain, falling from the sky Broad Creed martial artist, is not infrequent. 此次广乘大劫,先经历绝渊之乱,在遭遇大日圣宗天雷殿攻山,陨落的广乘武者,不在少数。 Shi Tie is one of them, except for this, had other same side dead, now the skeleton is restrained, together burial. 石铁是其中之一,除此以外,也还有其他同门遇难,如今尸骨都被收敛,一同安葬。 Everyone, more or less has the old friends relatives and friends, everyone means that a tragedy, means sorrowfully. 每个人,都或多或少有故旧亲朋,每个人都意味着一段悲剧,意味着哀痛。 But regarding the Broad Creed Mountain whole, influence is biggest, then falling from the sky of Shi Tie. 而对于广乘山整体而言,影响最大的,则还是石铁的陨落。 Is is not cleaned up Xin Dongping and Elder Wang of gateway, Shi Tie is in this disaster, Broad Creed Mountain topmost level powerhouse of falling from the sky. 不算被清理门户的辛东平王长老,石铁是此次劫难中,陨落的广乘山最高层强者。 Person who together with by Absolute Abyss corroded, Broad Creed Mountain this loss is not small, quite hurts the vitality. 连同被绝渊被侵蚀的人在内,广乘山这次损失不小,颇伤元气。 Fortunately, Yuan Zhengfeng and Yan Di's promote one after another, as well as Broad Creed Mountain defends mountain array formation, the enhancement of Grand Pure Great Array, making the Broad Creed Mountain overall strength not fall instead rises. 所幸,元正峰燕狄的接连晋升,以及广乘山守山阵法,太清大阵的增强,让广乘山整体实力不降反升。 Counter-attacks boundary that Fire Territory and Wind Territory Great Sun Saint Sect occupies, harvest huge resources, makes up for the Broad Creed Mountain's loss. 反攻火域风域大日圣宗占据的地界,收获大量资源,也弥补广乘山的损失。 But oneself enemy, Great Sun Saint Sect and Heavenly Thunder Hall, the loss is similarly serious, particularly Great Sun Saint Sect lost sacred armament Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler, owes to spit blood. 而自家敌人,大日圣宗天雷殿,同样损失惨重,尤其是大日圣宗丢了圣兵大日衡天尺,亏到吐血。 The funeral, by taking over the position's of Sect Master Yan Di management, the Yuan Zhengfeng and other Broad Creed high-level powerhouses, performs all the prospect, delivers the Shi Tie and the others last regulation together. 葬礼,由接任掌门之位的燕狄主持,元正峰广乘高层强者,尽皆出息,一起送石铁等人最后一程。 In the Yan Di double pupil the rune sparkle, stimulates to movement Grand Pure Great Array to rotate slowly. 燕狄双瞳之中符纹闪耀,催动太清大阵徐徐转动。 During the great array revolutions, the clear light projection distant place, forms light avatar illusion realm together, seems also the single layer world. 大阵运转间,一道清光投射远方,形成一个光影幻境,仿佛是又一重天地。 There is Foreign Dimension, is entirely different when with beforehand Yan Di and Yan Zhaoge fathers and sons and Xin Dongping, Yuan Tian fight Foreign Dimension. 那里是一个异域空间,同之前燕狄燕赵歌父子与辛东平袁天大战时的异域空间截然不同。 In this Space, flashing graceful water glare, as if a great lake. 这个空间中,闪动盈盈水光,仿佛一座巨湖。 Entire Foreign Dimension, the entire small microcosm, seems a lake. 整个异域空间,整个小小世界,似乎都是一座湖。 The Yan Zhaoge, Xu Fei, Feng Yunsheng, Sikong Qing, Ying Longtu and other numerous Broad Creed disciples look solemn. 燕赵歌徐飞封云笙司空晴应龙图一众广乘弟子神情肃穆。 Song Chao and the others that comes to attend the ceremony, is gazing in that lake the world. 前来观礼的宋潮等人,也都注视着那湖中世界。 Li Jingwan said in a soft voice: That is land of buried bones of Broad Creed Mountain all previous dynasties disciple, Heavenly Life Lake...” 李静晚轻声道:“那就是广乘山历代门人的埋骨之地,天生湖…” Song Chao nods: not bad.” 宋潮点头:“不错。” The Broad Creed Mountain's custom, the disciple disciple falls from the sky, has the peculiar requirement except for the bereaved, for example brings back to the family burial outside wait / etc., every corpse can restrain the burial, performs to bury into Heavenly Life Spirit Lake. 广乘山的习俗,门人弟子陨落,除了死者家属有特殊要求,例如带回家族安葬等等以外,凡尸首可以收敛安葬的,尽皆葬入天生灵湖 After having buried other people, splendid attire Shi Tie transparent ice coffin, was being held by Yan Di personally, arrives in the lake the world. 安葬了其他人之后,盛装石铁透明冰棺,被燕狄亲自托着,来到湖中世界。 Is built on the great lake place above midair, the ice coffin keep flat in the front, the looks at Shi Tie serene facial features, Yan Di is silent, for a very long time did not speak. 立于巨湖上方半空中,将冰棺平放于面前,看着其中石铁安详的面容,燕狄沉默,久久不语。 On face of Shi Tie, even is also having one point of light happy expression, several points comfort, several points of delight. 石铁的脸上,甚至还带着一分淡淡的笑意,几分安慰,几分欢欣。 The Yan Di surface sinks like the water, palm has delimited on ice coffin coffin lid. 燕狄面沉如水,手掌在冰棺棺盖上划过。 At this time, a person's shadow arrived at side Yan Di, the Yan Di body has not moved, he knows that who the person was. 这时,一个人影来到燕狄身旁,燕狄身体没有动,他知道来人是谁。 Fang Zhun appearance thin as before, mild-mannered and cultivated, was only on the past face regularly smile this moment disappearing trace, the vision sinks to congeal. 方准面目清癯依旧,温文尔雅,只是往日脸上惯常的微笑此刻不见了踪影,目光沉凝。 He extends take action, as if wants like Yan Di, places on the palm coffin lid. 他伸出手,似乎想要像燕狄一样,将手掌放在棺盖上。 But when the finger also has less than one inch distance from ice coffin, Fang Zhun's stops in the midair is motionless, as if some do not dare to move. 但当手指距离冰棺还有不到一寸距离时,方准的手停在半空不动,似乎有些不敢触碰。 Yan Di said in a soft voice: Big Apprentice Brother will not blame you, Master, I, other people do not have such idea.” 燕狄轻声说道:“大师兄不会怪你,师父,我,其他人也都没有那样的想法。” The Fang Zhun look is invariable, but statue seems to be same, concentrates to be built on the midair, did not say a word, motionless. 方准神色不变,但仿佛雕像一样,凝立于半空中,一言不发,一动不动。 Although Absolute Abyss was subsided randomly, Xin Dongping and the others also already executed, but from some perspective, Fang Zhun thought that oneself is this great misfortune true source. 虽然绝渊之乱被平息,辛东平等人已经伏诛,但从某个角度来说,方准觉得,自己才是这场大劫真正的源头。 Is his first, has shoved open gate of that leaf of taboo. 是他第一个,推开了那扇禁忌的大门 Although he, to the strong will, close gate certainly, making Nine Nether first time try to reach the Eight Extremities World's shadow to shrink. 虽然他自己,以绝强的毅力,将大门重新关闭,让九幽第一次试图伸向八极大世界的暗影重新缩了回去。 But Xin Dongping actually steps in his shoulder, along path that he once passed through, just now took that nightmarish one step. 辛东平却是踩在他的肩膀上,沿着他曾经走过的轨迹,方才迈出了那噩梦般的一步。 He and Xin Dongping, actually who is the Absolute Abyss founder, is very sometimes difficult to talk clearly. 他与辛东平,究竟谁才是绝渊的缔造者,有时候,真的很难说清。 In front of Fang Zhun looks at Shi Tie in ice coffin, looks at fell into below Heavenly Life Spirit Lake Broad Creed disciple, at present as if has many person's shadows to reappear. 方准看着面前冰棺中的石铁,看着已经落入下方天生灵湖广乘门人,眼前仿佛有更多的人影浮现。 From Pure Hidden Lake, changes to Sand Region Cloud Martial County, arrives at the tribulation of this Broad Creed again. 清遮湖起,到沙洲云武郡之变,再到这次广乘之劫。 The Shi Songtao matter, Fang Zhun also knows that at this time only has the silence. 石松涛的事情,方准也已经知道,此时更是唯有沉默。 Yan Di said: Do not drill cow horn to be sharp, what Big Apprentice Brother wants to see is Broad Creed without cause for grief.” 燕狄言道:“不要钻牛角尖,大师兄更想看到的是广乘无忧。” Fang Zhun has taken back the hand, nod, turns around to depart slowly. 方准收回了手,徐徐点头,转身离去。 Yan Di took a deep breath, holds the hand on ice coffin to loosen, ice coffin falls to under. 燕狄深吸一口气,扶在冰棺上的手松开,冰棺向下方落去。 The Shi Tie form changes changes is gradually small, ice coffin sinks to the lake, the mighty waves ripple. 石铁的身影渐渐变远变小,冰棺沉入湖中,波澜荡漾。 Yan Di gazes at Shi Tie to submerge the facial features that in water vanishes gradually, the vision flickers does not transfer. 燕狄注视着石铁渐渐没入水中消失的面容,目光一瞬不转。 The Heavenly Celestial Peak top, Yuan Zhengfeng looks sad appearance, looks at Yan Di and Fang Zhun's form, with that transparent ice coffin. 乾天峰顶,元正峰面露悲色,看着燕狄方准的身影,和那具透明冰棺 The person in ice coffin, is his big disciple, since birth the first apprentice. 冰棺中的人,是他的大弟子,有生以来第一个徒弟。 Many year of repeated difficulties walk together, a lot, as if also yesterday. 多少年风风雨雨一起走过来,很多事情,仿佛还在昨日。 Lion, for the injury of master, is clear for master, if closes up, can live coming out, is very difficult saying that I intend to select you for new Sect Master, can you be willing to shoulder this responsibility?” “狮子,为师的伤势,为师自己清楚,如果闭关,能不能活着出来,很难讲,我有意择你为新任掌门,你可愿意挑起这幅担子?” Master, Junior Apprentice Brother Fang and Junior Apprentice Brother Yan, they are more outstanding than the disciple.” “师父,方师弟燕师弟,他们都比弟子更为优秀。” „The former is extremely radical, the latter extremely makes widely known, although grows along with the age, gradually is steadier, but if wields the Broad Creed gateway, needs to whet, what a pity, Great Sun Saint Sect and other foreign enemies, are not necessarily able to our that many time.” “前者太过激进,后者太过张扬,虽然随着年龄增长,都渐渐稳重许多,但若要执掌广乘门户,都还需要磨砺,可惜,大日圣宗等外敌,未必会给我们那么多时间。” „The disposition of disciple, is excessively stubborn, feared that is not the Sect Master material, the disciple believes that Junior Apprentice Brother Fang, is Junior Apprentice Brother Yan, finally will become the mainstay of humble sect. The disciples are stupid, but is also willing to be Sect dies the cruelest death, no matter load any duty, when where, so long as Sect needs the disciple, the disciple certainly will stand, bounden.” “弟子的性格,过分迂执,怕也不是掌门的材料,弟子相信,不论是方师弟,还是燕师弟,都终将成为本门的中流砥柱。弟子愚鲁,但也愿为宗门肝脑涂地,不管担任何职,何时何地,只要宗门需要弟子,弟子就一定会站出来,义不容辞。” Said is also, your temper is extremely rigid, feared that will be is planned by Old Barbarian Huang and Baldy Shen these old foxes, since you will insist on not being willing, that will have a look at Hidden Dragon and Invincible, who can one step surface first, acting heavy responsibility...” “说的也是,你的性子太过刚直,怕是会被黄老蛮沈秃子那些老滑头算计,罢了,既然你执意不肯,那就看看‘潜龙’与‘无敌’,谁能先一步脱颖而出,担当重任吧…” Looked back on the past, the Yuan Zhengfeng somewhat painful closing eye. 回首前尘,元正峰有些痛苦的闭上眼睛。 The frontage touches Huang Guanglie hardly, supports the Broad Creed Mountain many years to stand erect not but actually, the name shakes Eight Extremities World's Saint Equal of Heaven Yuan Zhengfeng, has stepped into longs for even in dreams many years of Realm of Martial Saint Yuan Zhengfeng, at this moment actually appears extremely weak. 正面硬碰黄光烈,支撑广乘山多年屹立不倒,名震八极大世界的齐天圣元正峰,已经踏入梦寐以求多年的武圣之境元正峰,此刻却显得极为虚弱。 His behind retired elder Zhang Kun and He Ning see that is a sigh. 他身后的太上长老张昆何宁见状,都是一声叹息。 Such Senior Apprentice Brother Yuan, they have seen only before this one time, that is the Yuan Zhengfeng's teacher, after Skyscraping Guest Zhan Xilou falls from the sky. 这样的元师兄,他们此前只见过一次,那便是元正峰的师尊,摩天客展西楼陨落之后。 Today, said goodbye. 今天,却又重新再见。 Needs you to stand, you said that you will certainly stand, you truly live up to one's words.” Yuan Zhengfeng with the sound that only then can hear muttered: „... But, the dumb kid, you stood, after the mighty waves subsided, you also gave to stand actually for the master!” “需要你站出来的时候,你说你一定会站出来,你确实说到做到。”元正峰用只有自己才能听见的声音喃喃自语:“…可是,傻小子,你站出来了,波澜平息之后,你倒是也给为师站回去啊!”
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