HSSB :: Volume #4

#317: Great Sun Saint Sect critical place

Yan Di listened to the Yan Zhaoge's words, on face appears the color of thinking: „... You said that Ice Dragon Martial Saint ruins, is only while convenient, even conceals.” 燕狄听了燕赵歌的话,脸上现出思索之色:“…你方才说,冰龙武圣遗迹,只是顺带,甚至是掩饰。” Implied meaning, your true goal, in the north side? Or does your method, want whereabouts in north side?” “言下之意,你的真实目标,也在北边?或者说,你的手段,要着落在北边?” Yan Zhaoge nods: not bad.” 燕赵歌点头:“不错。” His line of sight looks to the north, then also then to south, in a soft voice said: My goal, is his Great Sun Saint Sect's South Desolate Underground Palace!” 他的视线看向北方,然后又转而向南,轻声说道:“我的目标,是他大日圣宗的南荒地宫!” Yan Di heard this, the vision concentrates slightly. 燕狄闻言,目光微微一凝。 South Desolate Underground Palace, situated in Fire Territory southern part, mountain range is continuous, including numerous volcanos. 南荒地宫,位于火域南部,山脉连绵,其中有众多火山。 Underground is gigantic lava sea of fire, does not know the boundary, does not know the depth. 地下则是巨大的熔岩火海,不知边际,不知深浅。 There is Wind Territory Western Extremity Great Desert joint name, big ominous place that since old times was well-known. 那里乃是和风域西极大漠并称,自古闻名的大凶之地。 However, is Great Sun Saint Sect occupies one of the Fire Territory important foundations. 不过,也是大日圣宗占据火域的重要根基之一。 Importantly to what degree? 重要到什么程度呢? Affects to Great Sun Saint Sect has, but only needs to lift one of them, fully explained the issue. 大日圣宗作用有很多,但只需要举其中之一,就足以说明问题。 Great Sun Saint Sect legacy paramount martial arts, Supreme Yang Fist Scripture above Great Sun Seven Arts, wants to practice to have, must benefit with the aid of the South Desolate Flaming Underground Palace place. 大日圣宗嫡传至高武学,更在大日七法之上的至阳拳经,想要修练有成,必须借助南荒火焰地宫的地利。 if this is not the case there environment is extremely really bad, Great Sun Saint Sect's Mountain Gate will not choose Shining Peak. 如果不是那里的环境实在太过恶劣,大日圣宗的山门也不会选择普照峰 Some significance, there is Great Sun Saint Sect's Sacred Ground, but Shining Peak, then looks like the place of daily being stationed. 某种意义上来说,那里才是大日圣宗的圣地,而普照峰,则更像日常驻扎之地。 Yan Di said: South Desolate Flaming Underground Palace, is with the Western Extremity Great Desert same place, although knows that there is very important to Great Sun Saint Sect, but is actually hard to destroy, is wants to attack and occupy thoroughly, is not realistic.” 燕狄言道:“南荒火焰地宫,乃是同西极大漠一样的地方,虽然都知道那里对大日圣宗很重要,可是却难以破坏,便是想要彻底攻占,也不现实。” If can destroy South Desolate Underground Palace, previous Battle of Eastern Tang, hits Great Sun Saint Sect contracts Shining Peak on all fronts the time, Broad Creed Mountain and Green Sea City began to South Desolate Underground Palace. 如果可以破坏南荒地宫的话,上次东唐之战,打得大日圣宗全线收缩普照峰的时候,广乘山碧海城就对南荒地宫动手了。 Yan Zhaoge said: not bad, the world good fortune, is boundless, the impersonal force can easily vacillate, at least present I definitely cannot achieve.” 燕赵歌说道:“不错,天地造化,何等磅礴,非人力可以轻易动摇,至少现在的我肯定做不到。” But, I do not want to destroy there forcefully.” “不过,我也并不是想要强行破坏那里。” The Yan Zhaoge's vision looks to the north: Now has not said that after needing me to arrive at Land of Extreme North, first after explore, can have the conclusion, currently also fuzzily has the one point mentality.” 燕赵歌的目光重新望向北方:“现在还不好说,需要我到了极北之地后,先勘察一番之后,才能有定论,现在也只是模模糊糊有一点思路。” Yan Di asked: „Does the source of your mentality come from where? Although you always some wonderful ideas, what this time was makes you have the inspiration, gave birth so indulges in fantasy?” 燕狄问道:“你思路的源头从何而来?虽然你总有些奇思妙想,但这次是什么让你有了灵感,生出如此异想天开?” Yan Zhaoge smiles: Father, the ancient text record, Pre-Great Cataclysm, had an unusual happening, was about at that time Martial Way thumb influence Snow Immortal Palace, does not know that you haven't listened?” 燕赵歌一笑:“老爹,古籍记载,大破灭前,曾经有过一件奇事,乃是关于当时一个武道巨擘势力雪仙宫的,不知你没有听过?” What you said is in Snow Immortal Palace the Heavenly Frost Ice Spring withered matter?” After Yan Di thinks deeply about one next, asked. “你说的是雪仙宫天霜冰泉干枯的事情?”燕狄思索一下后问道。 Great Cataclysm, making many things exterminate, making a lot change into the legend, turns, only then odds and ends hearsay. 一场大破灭,让许多东西灭绝,让很多事情化为传说,变成只有一鳞半爪的传闻。 The lots cut off, but some things of disintegration spread, knows for nowadays Eight Extremities World people. 很多东西断绝了,而有些散碎的东西则流传下来,也为现如今的八极大世界中人所知。 However lots, was specious. 不过很多东西,也都已经似是而非了。 Yan Di looks at Yan Zhaoge: In hearsay, Snow Immortal Palace as if not experience Great Cataclysm, but was Pre-Great Cataclysm broke legacy.” 燕狄看着燕赵歌:“传闻中,雪仙宫似乎并非经历大破灭,而是大破灭之前就已经断了传承。” Yan Zhaoge said: Concrete situation, my not Grand Pure Chu, but regarding the matter of Heavenly Frost Ice Spring depletion, I spreads ancient text, some own ideas and guesses, but also needs field proven.” 燕赵歌言道:“具体情况,我也不太清楚,不过对于天霜冰泉枯竭之事,我遍查古籍,有了些自己的想法和猜测,但还需要实地验证一下。” „It is not the Snow Immortal Palace ruins, that early does not exist, I want to inspect the environment on the spot and initially Snow Immortal Palace occupied place similar Land of Extreme North.” “并不是雪仙宫的遗址,那早不存在了,我是想实地考察一下环境和当初雪仙宫占据之地相似的极北之地。” Yan Di knows is the hearsay, Yan Zhaoge actually knows, Snow Immortal Palace truly in Pre-Great Cataclysm on destruction. 燕狄所知是传闻,燕赵歌却知道,雪仙宫确实在大破灭之前就覆灭了。 However concrete situation, he truly did not understand. 不过具体情况,他也确实不了解。 The real reason that Heavenly Frost Ice Spring dries up, Yan Zhaoge has not inspected on the spot, at this moment is not good to determine, but some of he truly their suspicions, unify other aspects knows, estimates principle. 天霜冰泉枯竭的真实原因,燕赵歌没有实地考察过,此刻也不好确定,不过他确实有自己的猜想,结合其他方面的所知,揣摩出其中原理。 But actually whether really so, but also needs to experiment. 但究竟是否真的如此,还需要试验一下。 Yan Di said: You must go to Land of Extreme North, Ok, but must pay attention to the security, there is quite after all near from Heavenly Thunder Hall.” 燕狄言道:“你要前往极北之地,可以,不过还需注意安全,那里毕竟距离天雷殿比较近。” Master Transcending the Mortal World, I also step into Transcending, the humble sect strength grow, has been able thoroughly to get rid of the beforehand conservative situation, Great Sun Saint Sect and Heavenly Thunder Hall will also restrain some, but you, if goes to Land of Extreme North as well as North Sea, still needs to be careful.” “师父超凡入圣,我也踏入超凡,本门实力增长,已经可以彻底摆脱之前的保守态势,大日圣宗天雷殿也会收敛一些,但你如果前往极北之地以及北海,仍然需要小心。” Yan Zhaoge nods: Yes, I understand.” 燕赵歌点头:“是,我明白。” After Yan Di slightly one next , to continue saying: „The Jun'er mother and child's matter, you must care.” 燕狄稍微顿了一下后,继续说道:“钧儿母子的事情,你要多放在心上。” Yan Zhaoge facial expression with deep veneration: Please feel relieved that this is the Eldest Uncle-Master only bloodlines, I must preserve.” 燕赵歌神情肃然:“请您放心,这是大师伯唯一的血脉,我一定要保住。” Yan Di no longer said anything, shoulders both hands to arrive at the window, the vision goes to the distant place. 燕狄不再说什么,背负双手来到窗边,目光投向远方。 Dust-laden picture in memory floats the Yan Di mind. 很多尘封在记忆中的画面浮上燕狄脑海。 ...... …… My surnamed Shi, named Shi Tie, is the big disciple of master.” “我姓石,名叫石铁,是师父的大弟子。” ...... …… Junior Apprentice Brother Yan, your having god-given wisdom rare talent, wins my hundred times, in the future surely will become the Shaking the Heaven Venerable founder such legendary character.” 燕师弟,你天纵奇才,胜我百倍,日后定会成为撼天尊祖师那样的传奇人物。” ...... …… Big Apprentice Brother, can you withdraw from the competition of position of Sect Master really?” 大师兄,你真的要退出掌门之位的竞争?” not bad.” 不错。” „If you takes over Sect Master, I am willing to follow somebody's lead, if Second Senior Apprentice Brother, I want to fight over a struggle.” “如果是你接任掌门,我愿附骥尾,如果是二师兄,我要争一争。” ...... …… Big Apprentice Brother, a Songtao matter, restrains grief...” 大师兄,松涛一家的事情,节哀…” „... I am all right, relax. Right, Junior Apprentice Brother Yan, I know that you are also very busy, but there is words of time, cares about Zhaoge.” “…我没事,放心。对了,燕师弟啊,我知道你也很忙,不过有时间的话,多关心一下赵歌吧。” ...... …… Yan Di consistent overbearing sharp line of sight, this moment hard to see losing focal point. 燕狄一贯霸道锐利的视线,此刻少见的失去焦点。 Yan Zhaoge can realize that approximately Yan Di's mood, in his heart similarly is also low-spirited, out silent withdraws, takes the door. 燕赵歌大致能体会到燕狄的心情,他心中也同样黯然,无声退出门外,带上房门。 Besides the Vast Mountain's person, Green Sea City and some Turbid Wave Pavilion also people come visiting, congratulate Yuan Zhengfeng Transcending the Mortal World, congratulates Yan Di officially to become the position of Sect Master. 除了苍茫山的人以外,碧海城浊浪阁也都有人来访,祝贺元正峰超凡入圣,祝贺燕狄正式就任掌门之位。 Person of Yan Zhaoge understanding Green Sea City, comes. 碧海城这边儿,来的还是燕赵歌认识的人。 Although is only Gathering Spirit Great Martial Scholar cultivation, but as Green Sea City City Lord Song Wuliang heir, Seven Seas Young Master Song Chao arrives, shows good faith sufficiently. 虽然只是蕴灵大宗师修为,但作为碧海城城主宋无量嫡子,七海公子宋潮到来,也足以表明诚意。 Senior Apprentice Brother Song came from far away, humble sect welcome utmost.” Yan Zhaoge received Song Chao one line of: humble sect just experienced the great misfortune, although crossed, actually many same side died, therefore my father this time takes over the position of Sect Master, my Grand Master treads near Saint Realm, humble sect does not plan to hold the ceremony.” 宋师兄远道而来,本门欢迎之至。”燕赵歌接待了宋潮一行人:“不过本门刚经历大劫,虽然渡过,却有不少同门罹难,所以家父这次接任掌门之位,还有我师祖踏临圣境,本门都不打算举办典礼。” Now the entire mountain has a hundred things to do up and down, the place of neglecting, but also asked Senior Apprentice Brother Song not to blame.” “如今全山上下百废待兴,怠慢之处,还请宋师兄勿怪。” Song Chao said: This is naturally, our mountaineering, hopes that can burn incense before the your honourable school senior spirit of death.” 宋潮说道:“这是自然,我们登山,也希望能在罹难的贵派前辈灵前上柱香。” Yan Zhaoge nods: Thank Green Sea City's everybody.” 燕赵歌点头:“感谢碧海城的各位了。” Side Song Chao, in the numerous Green Sea City disciple of colleague, a female said: Senior Apprentice Brother Yan, please restrain grief.” 宋潮身旁,同行的一众碧海城弟子中,一个女子说道:“燕师兄,请节哀。” Actually before is, on Heavenly Connection Treaties of Alliance has seen Li Jingwan. 却是之前通天会盟上见过的李静晚 Yan Zhaoge said: Junior Apprentice Sister Li had a mind.” 燕赵歌说道:“李师妹有心了。” He to the vanguard, leading Song Chao and Li Jingwan and the others to climb mountains. 他向前行,领宋潮李静晚等人上山。 After burning incense, Yan Zhaoge said: Later some, humble sect met the same side of elaborate funeral death, if stayed behind attended the ceremony, may all.” 待上香之后,燕赵歌说道:“稍晚一些,本门会厚葬此次罹难的同门,诸位若是留下观礼,也无不可。” Song Chao as if somewhat starts to speak but hesitates, but complexion is tranquil as usual, the nod said: Such being the case, thank your for your hospitality.” 宋潮似乎有些欲言又止,不过脸色平静如常,点头说道:“既然如此,叨扰了。” Although Yan Zhaoge the mood is somewhat low, but the most minimum calmness has not lost, sees that knows that Song Chao this time comes, perhaps also has other mission. 燕赵歌虽然心情有些低落,但最起码的冷静没有失去,见状就知道宋潮此次过来,恐怕还有别的使命。 Now proposed that unavoidably somewhat is disrespectful, therefore looks at the meaning of Song Chao, after is prepares the funeral, said again. 只是现在提出,难免有些失礼,所以看宋潮的意思,是准备葬礼之后再说。 In the Yan Zhaoge heart pays attention, the look is invariable. 燕赵歌心中留意,神色不变。
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