HSSB :: Volume #4

#316: Hits their unexpected places

The Shi Tie grandson, Shi Songtao son Shi Jun was born in the past, Yan Di also , the looks at kid's baby from swaddling clothes, long to learning oneself walks. 石铁的孙子,石松涛的儿子石钧当年降生的时候,燕狄也在,看着小家伙从襁褓中的婴儿,长到学会自己走路。 The name of kid, Yuan Zhengfeng gives. 小家伙的名字,还是元正峰给起的。 Loses the only bloodlines regarding Shi Tie, Broad Creed Mountain high and low extremely pays attention. 对于石铁所遗唯一的血脉,广乘山上下都非常关注。 Yan Di looks at Yan Zhaoge: What idea you have, what thing needs?” 燕狄看着燕赵歌:“你有什么想法,需要什么东西?” Yan Zhaoge replied earnestly: Now the idea is not mature, I prepare to go to Land of Extreme North, inspected to there on the spot, just now can have the conclusion.” 燕赵歌认真答道:“现在想法还不成熟,我准备前往极北之地一趟,到了那里实地考察一番,方才能有定论。” But, cannot be anxious at this time temporarily, Land of Extreme North is in the severely cold ice laying now, went also uselessly, I happen to again carefully make some preparations while these days, simultaneously deliberates own method.” “不过,此时暂时急不得,极北之地现在正处于严寒冰封期,去了也没用,我正好趁这段时间再仔细做些准备,同时推敲一下自己的法门。” Some things, need you and Sect help to assemble, involve beside the negotiations of other Heaven Territory and Sacred Ground, later I arrange in order a bill to give you.” “有些东西,需要您和宗门帮忙调集,牵扯到天域之外和其他圣地的交涉,稍后我列个单子给您。” Although Yan Zhaoge has the right to transfer the resources in Sect, but under foreign situation, is acted to be better by Yan Di and the others. 燕赵歌虽然有权利调用宗门内的资源,但涉外的情况下,由燕狄等人出面更好。 people fear getting famous like pigs fear fattening up, Yan Zhaoge also calculates that now won great reputation, his status looked for certain things, was paid attention by others very much easily. 人怕出名猪怕壮,燕赵歌现在也算名声在外了,他个人身份找某些东西,很容易被别人留意。 Yan Di nods: „After bill row comes out, gives me directly.” 燕狄点头:“单子列出来后,直接交给我。” This time goes to Land of Extreme North, I also planned that North Sea has a look.” Yan Zhaoge said. “这次前往极北之地,我也打算去北海看看。”燕赵歌言道。 Yan Di has thought of anything, eyes flash: „Can you look for ruins that Ice Dragon Martial Saint leaves behind?” 燕狄想到了什么,目光一闪:“你要去找冰龙武圣留下的遗迹?” Yan Zhaoge nods: The clue that „ before had, my some features, in the following day pondered over carefully, could have the harvest, if can obtain the multithreading depending on this, should be worth anticipating. 燕赵歌点头:“之前掌握的线索,我有些眉目了,接下来的日子里仔细琢磨一下,或许能有收获,如果能凭此获得更多线索的话,应该是值得期待的。 Saying, Yan Zhaoge and Yan Di's facial expression somewhat is low-spirited. 说着,燕赵歌燕狄的神情都有些黯然。 In the past obtained small iron plate from the Ye Jing hand, Shi Tie went to North Sea to search the clue that Ice Dragon Martial Saint left behind. 当年从叶景手中得到小铁牌,还是石铁前往北海寻觅冰龙武圣留下的线索。 After Shi Tie returns, brings back to some related Earth Territory and Nine Nether thing, as well as some clues about Ice Dragon Martial Saint ruins. 石铁返回后,带回些许有关地域九幽的东西,以及关于冰龙武圣遗迹的部分线索。 Yan Zhaoge estimates Absolute Abyss Demon Territory great array, fights besides times directly, the thing that Shi Tie brings back to played the suitable role similarly. 燕赵歌揣摩绝渊魔域大阵,除了一次次直接交手以外,石铁带回的东西同样起到了相当的作用。 However, Lord of Absolute Abyss Xin Dongping that at that time had not exposed, naturally also obtains the benefit. 不过,当时尚未暴露的绝渊之主辛东平,自然也从中获得裨益。 Yan Di said: Ice Dragon Martial Saint died was too long, although his in years past sacred armament along was missing, but whether still really had on the world, no one is able to affirm that you must seek, I did not oppose, but also not must lose the square inch.” 燕狄言道:“冰龙武圣陨落太久了,他昔年的随身圣兵虽然下落不明,但是否还真的存在于世上,谁也无法肯定,你要寻找,我不反对,但也莫要失了方寸。” Yan Zhaoge said: Father felt relieved that I understand.” 燕赵歌说道:“老爹放心,我明白。” , Yan Zhaoge in a soft voice said slightly: Ice Dragon Martial Saint ruins, truly is the indefinite matter, therefore I do not have to press the treasure completely on this.” 稍微顿了一下,燕赵歌轻声说道:“冰龙武圣遗迹,确实是不确定的事情,所以我也没有完全将宝压在这上面。” Mentioned accurately, this was only while convenient, even concealed.” “准确说来,这只是顺带的,甚至是掩饰。” The Yan Di eyebrow raises slightly: Oh? 燕狄眉毛微微扬起:“哦? Yan Zhaoge said: This time attacks the mountain by Great Sun Saint Sect and Heavenly Thunder Hall, the facial skin is tears to pieces thoroughly, now the situation is quiet, but is because the both sides power balance returns the power balance.” 燕赵歌说道:“这次被大日圣宗天雷殿攻山,脸皮算是彻底撕破,如今局势重新平静下来,不过是因为双方力量对比重新回到均势。” „The opposite party potential is big, once more is inevitably awkward with humble sect.” “对方势大,必然再次与本门为难。” From the past Huang Guanglie master, Purple Yang Martial Saint Zhang Chao and Black Nightmare Mountain last generation of Mountain Lord, attempted together when Shaking the Heaven Venerable Zhan Dongge closed up intruded on Broad Creed Mountain, both sides has become enemies. 从当年黄光烈的师父,紫阳武圣张焯黑魇山最后一代山主,一起试图在撼天尊展东阁闭关时进犯广乘山,双方就已经结下梁子。 Hereafter because Zhan Dongge falls from the sky with the Flame Demon war, the Broad Creed Mountain vitality damages severely, the Great Sun Saint Sect potential is gradually big, how the Broad Creed Mountain's day did not feel better. 此后展东阁因为与炎魔的大战陨落,广乘山元气大伤,大日圣宗渐渐势大,广乘山的日子一直不如何好过。 Luckily has Skyscraping Guest Zhan Xilou, leading Broad Creed Mountain to conceal one's abilities and bide one's time, crossed that darkest years. 幸亏有摩天客展西楼,带领广乘山韬光养晦,渡过那段最黑暗的岁月。 But after Zhan Xilou also falls from the sky, Broad Creed Mountain does not have Martial Saint, the day is once more sad. 但在展西楼也陨落后,广乘山没有武圣,日子再次难过起来。 Although Great Sun Saint Sect's Purple Yang Martial Saint Zhang Chao is also missing, but Huang Guanglie Transcending the Mortal World, has Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler in the hand, tip is too abundant. 大日圣宗的紫阳武圣张焯虽然也下落不明,但黄光烈超凡入圣,有大日衡天尺在手,锋芒太盛。 Although Yuan Zhengfeng is strong, Broad Creed Mountain also has the Grand Pure Robe suppression basis industry, actually also can only depend on Grand Pure Great Array, maintains the accomplishments of one's ancestors without cause for grief, enterprising insufficient, eye looks at Great Sun Saint Sect controls the forces of nature, embezzles the seepage step by step. 元正峰虽强,广乘山还有太清袍镇压基业,却也只能依托太清大阵,守成无忧,进取不足,眼看着大日圣宗呼风唤雨,一步步侵吞渗透。 At that time Green Sea City by Heavenly Thunder Hall and East Sea Flame Demon converging attack, Vast Mountain held to wait and see the situation, Broad Creed Mountain high and low pressure gigantic. 彼时碧海城天雷殿东海炎魔夹击,苍茫山持观望态势,广乘山上下都压力巨大 Otherwise Fang Zhun is also insufficient to project on Earth Territory to go the idea. 要不然方准也不至于把主意打到地域去。 Finally Fang Zhun reins at the brink of the precipice promptly, let Xin Dongping on that path. 结果方准及时悬崖勒马,却让辛东平在那条道路上走了下去。 Huang Guanglie has a mind to establish a capital city thoroughly Eight Extremities, therefore closes up seeks breaks through once more, Broad Creed Mountain had big activity Space 黄光烈有心彻底定鼎八极,于是闭关谋求再次突破,广乘山才有了较大的活动空间 But the people heart never relaxes, if Huang Guanglie goes out completely, the tendency is inevitably more abundant, Great Sun Saint Sect will be also more formidable. 但众人心头从来不曾放松,黄光烈如果圆满出关,势头必然更盛,大日圣宗也将更加强大。 However, now the both sides situation was entirely different. 不过,现在双方局势已经截然不同。 Yuan Zhengfeng Transcending the Mortal World, Huang Guanglie, although also goes a step further, actually lost Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler. 元正峰超凡入圣,黄光烈虽然也更进一步,却丢了大日衡天尺 Now has Yuan Zhengfeng and under Grand Pure Robe oversees situation, making Huang Guanglie step on Broad Creed Mountain again, he does not dare absolutely. 如今有元正峰太清袍坐镇情况下,让黄光烈再来踩广乘山,他是绝对不敢的。 Huang Guanglie is living, wants to capture Shining Peak, does not have any possibility. 黄光烈活着,想要攻下普照峰,也没什么可能。 both sides in other place bitter experiences, Grand Pure Robe adds Yuan Zhengfeng of body, but also gets the advantage. 双方在其他地方遭遇,太清袍加身的元正峰,还更占优势。 The both sides ally, Green Sea City and Vast Mountain two pairs one, clamps Heavenly Thunder Hall in the middle. 双方盟友,碧海城苍茫山二对一,将天雷殿夹在中间。 reversal of the wheel of fortune, is one's turn Broad Creed Mountain to extrude Great Sun Saint Sect now in turn, criticizes the old debt time. 风水轮流转,现在轮到广乘山反过来挤压大日圣宗,清算旧账的时候了。 Along with Yuan Zhengfeng Transcending the Mortal World, the Broad Creed Mountain strength rises crazily, Green Sea City and Vast Mountain facing this obviously tall Guo ally, although must rely upon Yuan Zhengfeng to keep in balance Huang Guanglie, but actually in the heart to make what idea, is the unknown number. 只是随着元正峰超凡入圣,广乘山实力狂涨,碧海城苍茫山面对这个明显高过自己一头的盟友,虽然要仰仗元正峰制衡黄光烈,但心中究竟作何想法,也是未知之数。 The Great Sun Saint Sect foundation is similarly solid, the strength is vigorous, Broad Creed Mountain will want thoroughly crashing, a report will attack the enmity of mountain , was still not easy. 大日圣宗底蕴同样深厚,力量雄浑,广乘山想要彻底将之压垮,一报攻山之仇,也仍然不易。 The Eight Extremities World's situation, falls into a dangerous and frail balance. 八极大世界的局势,陷入一个危险而又脆弱的平衡。 Yan Zhaoge said: Must win in the competition, nothing else but in two directions diligently, either strengthens oneself, either weakens the enemy.” 燕赵歌言道:“要在竞争中取胜,不外乎朝两个方向努力,要么增强自身,要么削弱敌人。” If Ice Dragon Martial Saint ruins has the major discovery, can be the humble sect strength brings the large promotion, that naturally is good, but this matter was unable to determine after all.” “如果冰龙武圣遗迹有重大发现,能为本门实力带来大幅提升,那自然是好,不过这事儿毕竟还无法确定。” In Yan Zhaoge double pupil flashing cold light: Does not pay a return visit discourteously, I deliver Great Sun Saint Sect one to return a courtesy.” 燕赵歌双眸中闪动冷光:“来而不往非礼也,我就送大日圣宗一份儿回礼。” Yan Di said calmly: Must cope with Huang Guanglie not to be easy, even if he did not have Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler.” 燕狄平静说道:“要对付黄光烈可不容易,哪怕他没了大日衡天尺。” Huang Guanglie, without a doubt is the present Great Sun Saint Sect's pillar, he is damaged, the Great Sun Saint Sect's strength must sell at a discount immediately. 黄光烈,毫无疑问是现在大日圣宗的支柱,他受损,大日圣宗的力量立刻就要打折扣。 But similarly, even if just meeting broken blood stream of under Broad Creed Mountain, Huang Guanglie formidable was still also without a doubt. 但同样,哪怕刚刚在广乘山下碰了个头破血流,黄光烈的强大也仍然毋庸置疑。 By individual strength theory, this time goes out completely successful more further Huang Guanglie, basic could be the Eight Extremities World current first person. 以个人实力论,此次圆满出关成功更进一步的黄光烈,基本已经可以算是八极大世界目前的第一人。 Yuan Zhengfeng does not have Grand Pure Robe, in comparison is also inferior. 元正峰没有太清袍,与之相比也要逊色。 Battle of Broad Creed, has Yuan Zhengfeng's to divert, Yan Zhaoge's kills to play the role, making Huang Guanglie lose Great Sun Measuring Heaven Ruler. 广乘之战,也是有元正峰的牵制,燕赵歌的杀阵才发挥作用,让黄光烈丢了大日衡天尺 Yan Di asked: „Can you aim at their Female of the Greater Yin?” 燕狄问道:“你要针对他们的太阴之女?” Yan Zhaoge shakes the head: Huang Guanglie in person, in addition Meng Wan, is they strongest point, Meng Wan cultivation, although is low, but the superiority in Trial of the Greater Yin is too big, they now will regard as important, focus on protecting, even the plan kills our here Junior Apprentice Sister Feng, this present is they most focuses on the place.” 燕赵歌摇头:“黄光烈本人,加上孟婉,是他们最强的点,孟婉修为虽低,但在太阴之试中优势太大,他们现在会更加看重,重点保护,甚至筹谋狙杀我们这边的封师妹,这现在是他们最集中力量的地方。” Yan Zhaoge narrows the eye slightly: I must hit them to be weak, stem from the place that they expect.” 燕赵歌微微眯缝起眼睛:“我要打他们薄弱,出乎他们预料的地方。”
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